Josh Hawley is not going anywhere.

White 6

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Nov 10, 2019

Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
View attachment 465399
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
Josh Hawley should be in jail with the other seditionists
View attachment 465399
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?

Herpaderpity derp.

Herr White, election fraud isn't "free elections."

Quite the opposite.

Nazi to English Dictionary:

Free Election - One in which the Reich gains power through any an all means.
From the link:

When Mr. Hawley arrived in Washington in January 2019 as Missouri’s junior senator, he positioned himself as the intellectual heir of Trumpism — the politician who could integrate the president’s populist instincts into a comprehensive ideology for the G.O.P. In his maiden speech, he summoned the lamentation of cultural erosion he’d been refining since high school, arguing that the “great American middle” had been overlooked by a “new, arrogant aristocracy.”

The Trumpian heir apparent...
Perhaps Missourians will Show him the door........

Perhaps decent people will elect him POTUS in 24.

Well his odds are even with "Cruz'in to Cancun" (+2000) but ahead of "Cottonelle", "Pompie", and "Little Marco".

From the link:

When Mr. Hawley arrived in Washington in January 2019 as Missouri’s junior senator, he positioned himself as the intellectual heir of Trumpism — the politician who could integrate the president’s populist instincts into a comprehensive ideology for the G.O.P. In his maiden speech, he summoned the lamentation of cultural erosion he’d been refining since high school, arguing that the “great American middle” had been overlooked by a “new, arrogant aristocracy.”

The Trumpian heir apparent...

Hawley 2024!

He's got my vote.

If we can tamp town the election fraud by the Reich, he can win.
View attachment 465399
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
Josh Hawley should be in jail with the other seditionists
Then why doesn’t Xiden put him in jail? Is Xiden too weak?
From the link:

When Mr. Hawley arrived in Washington in January 2019 as Missouri’s junior senator, he positioned himself as the intellectual heir of Trumpism — the politician who could integrate the president’s populist instincts into a comprehensive ideology for the G.O.P. In his maiden speech, he summoned the lamentation of cultural erosion he’d been refining since high school, arguing that the “great American middle” had been overlooked by a “new, arrogant aristocracy.”

The Trumpian heir apparent...

Hawley 2024!

He's got my vote.

If we can tamp town the election fraud by the Reich, he can win.

Plop down a grand now and if that's true, you'll make a small fortune.
You probably won't win in Missouri when John Danforth says his endorsement of you was a mistake. Hawley will probably face a primary and then a democrat thats going to cut him to pieces. His best hope is thay Cleaver chooses to stay in the house because if not, Hawley might be gone after 1 term.
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View attachment 465399
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
The senator’s objection to the election results surprised some supporters. But interviews with dozens of people close to him show his growing comfort with doing what it takes to hold on to power.

There you have it straight from his anit-free election mouth. He is not going anywhere. Oh, they might be able to hold on to what little power he has, but face it. He opposes free elections and actively worked to overthrow free elections. Upward political mobility ended that day he chose to go against the United States, free elections, the constitution and rule of law. After all, he is of the minority party and the majority party along with independents will never vote a politician that supports overthrowing free elections or insurrection, to higher office. His aspirations are effectively terminated by the "Peter Principle". I see the same for other ring leaders in the Senate or house.
Josh Hawley Is ‘Not Going Anywhere.’ How Did He Get Here?
Josh Hawley should be in jail with the other seditionists
We have due process in this country. If he should be in jail then he needs to be prosecuted and convicted first.
From the link:

When Mr. Hawley arrived in Washington in January 2019 as Missouri’s junior senator, he positioned himself as the intellectual heir of Trumpism — the politician who could integrate the president’s populist instincts into a comprehensive ideology for the G.O.P. In his maiden speech, he summoned the lamentation of cultural erosion he’d been refining since high school, arguing that the “great American middle” had been overlooked by a “new, arrogant aristocracy.”

The Trumpian heir apparent...
What is a "Trumpian", Mr. Jets fan?

I own my own business, I pay taxes, I am a husband and a father of two girls. I have never broken the law. I believe in small government, free markets economy, strong borders, strong military and support for Israel as I am Jewish. I am a second generation American. No one in my ancestral tree has owned slaves.

So why am I not allowed to vote for the candidate I prefer?

Please explain. Thank you.
We have due process in this country. If he should be in jail then he needs to be prosecuted and convicted first.

Has Quid Pro signed an EO making "enemy of the Reich" a federal crime? What would the Nazis charge Hawley WITH?
They would charge him with hurting their feelings, which these days seems to be a federal offense.

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