Journalists fired! Time to learn to code.

What do American patriots call the events?

A good start.

When American steel workers were getting fired as these journalists advanced globalism and the manufacturing industry being shipped to elsewhere, their response was to "cry more" and "learn to code".

Well that's it. Time to pick up the computers HuffPo feminists. I for one would seriously, seriously like to see these clueless morons attempt any logical activity - their brains will probably explode.

Here's the thing.. steelworkers lost their jobs because the processes became more automated.

I'm not sure i want "automated" journalism, even though we are there. One person writes the story and everyone else just copies his work verbatim? How does that advance the flow of information.

But you probably can't see beyond , "Journalists are better educated than I am, and they say mein Trumpenfuhrer bad! MAGA!!!!"

That's pretty much what happens now, moron.
you new here? i bash this version of "journalism" constantly. i follow sharyl attkisson closely with her battle in courts with our DOJ.

my point is NOT defending the people who SAY they're journalists. my point IS that if their sensationalism is wrong, don't do it in return. that's just as wrong.

I have been here a lot longer than you

If you had paid proper attention to the facts before reporting your story, you would have noticed that.

The lack of journalistic ethics in our leftist media goes well beyond sensationalism. It has to do with framing techniques, selective use of information presented with a corresponding omission of other, the selection and slant of the stories it does report, the choice of words used to describe people and events -- all sorts of techniques used to shape opinion.

Good grief, the media is very quick to use the label "far right" to describe just about any movement that values country over globalism, but do they routinely use the term "far left" do describe groups even as extreme as Antifa? The answer is no, and this is not a plague that affects just SOME so-called journalists but is the actual status quo.
you new here? i bash this version of "journalism" constantly. i follow sharyl attkisson closely with her battle in courts with our DOJ.

my point is NOT defending the people who SAY they're journalists. my point IS that if their sensationalism is wrong, don't do it in return. that's just as wrong.

I have been here a lot longer than you

If you had paid proper attention to the facts before reporting your story, you would have noticed that.

The lack of journalistic ethics in our leftist media goes well beyond sensationalism. It has to do with framing techniques, selective use of information presented with a corresponding omission of other, the selection and slant of the stories it does report, the choice of words used to describe people and events -- all sorts of techniques used to shape opinion.

Good grief, the media is very quick to use the label "far right" to describe just about any movement that values country over globalism, but do they routinely use the term "far left" do describe groups even as extreme as Antifa? The answer is no, and this is not a plague that affects just SOME so-called journalists but is the actual status quo.
yes, i'm aware of your time here, which illustrates my surprise in your asking me about my own background in journalism and what i don't like or like. i'm glad you caught my "rhetorical" question.

there are "media" sites out there abusing journalism by name to push their agenda. there are also honest journalists out there who are trying to keep the name of the profession above water but it's not easy cause most people bash them for not bashing others; as is far to common anymore.

in short, i hate "writers" who pull the YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS PERSON DID crap cause that's just click bait. my point to norman he is gets just as sensational with is "hate" as they do with their own, so what's the difference?
Twitter is banning people who are telling laid-off "journalist" to "learn to code".

The hypocrites are treating it as "abusive behavior" and is a violation of Twitter's Terms of Service.

It wasn't abusive when workers in other industries were losing their jobs and were getting the same advice from said journalists.

Twitter is banning people who are telling laid-off "journalist" to "learn to code".

The hypocrites are treating it as "abusive behavior" and is a violation of Twitter's Terms of Service.

It wasn't abusive when workers in other industries were losing their jobs and were getting the same advice from said journalists.

Well, no, in those cases it was good advice. There's really no future in working in a coal mine or steel mill, those jobs are increasingly automated.

In 2016, I visited a bunch of corrugated plants in Texas. Every last one them was fully automated.

Now, the fact that we are losing our journalistic outlets is kind of a bad thing. Democracy can only function with an informed populace, and when you replace professional journalists with guys living in their mothers basements retweeting whatever they are making up in the Russian Troll farms, we really do have a problem.
Twitter is banning people who are telling laid-off "journalist" to "learn to code".

The hypocrites are treating it as "abusive behavior" and is a violation of Twitter's Terms of Service.

It wasn't abusive when workers in other industries were losing their jobs and were getting the same advice from said journalists.

Well, no, in those cases it was good advice. There's really no future in working in a coal mine or steel mill, those jobs are increasingly automated.

In 2016, I visited a bunch of corrugated plants in Texas. Every last one them was fully automated.

Now, the fact that we are losing our journalistic outlets is kind of a bad thing. Democracy can only function with an informed populace, and when you replace professional journalists with guys living in their mothers basements retweeting whatever they are making up in the Russian Troll farms, we really do have a problem.

It wasn't advice, it was mockery, insult to old generation whose jobs were vanishing.

I am one of those guys who design, program and start up "fully" automated factories and in direct contact with people that are being replaced with robots and automation. Not all lose jobs, many got trained for new jobs, some retire, and some unfortunately are too old and incapable to learn new trade, even less capable to learn programming.

Well, if you think that is OK to tell "learn to code" to these oldtimers, than it's perfectly OK to tell the same thing to everyone else, including bloggers and quasi journalists.
It wasn't advice, it was mockery, insult to old generation whose jobs were vanishing.

I am one of those guys who design, program and start up "fully" automated factories and in direct contact with people that are being replaced with robots and automation. Not all lose jobs, many got trained for new jobs, some retire, and some unfortunately are too old and incapable to learn new trade, even less capable to learn programming.

Well, if you think that is OK to tell "learn to code" to these oldtimers, than it's perfectly OK to tell the same thing to everyone else, including bloggers and quasi journalists.

Except we still need journalists.

We don't need coal miners.
It wasn't advice, it was mockery, insult to old generation whose jobs were vanishing.

I am one of those guys who design, program and start up "fully" automated factories and in direct contact with people that are being replaced with robots and automation. Not all lose jobs, many got trained for new jobs, some retire, and some unfortunately are too old and incapable to learn new trade, even less capable to learn programming.

Well, if you think that is OK to tell "learn to code" to these oldtimers, than it's perfectly OK to tell the same thing to everyone else, including bloggers and quasi journalists.

Except we still need journalists.

We don't need coal miners.

HuffPost and BuzzFeed are yellow press that in between fake stories, spam the internet with rumors and "who said what" on Twitter.

Even if we eliminate coal from producing energy, which we wont for another decade or two, nearly all new steel globally is produced using iron oxide and coking coal. If we want to produce our own steel, we need coal and coal miners.
Sorry not pressing your click bait...

But lets point out that you are proposing InfoWars over actual real Journalism... So you prefer to be lied and fed your ego rather than actually face the truth..

Pretty sad life you lead...

Where did I propose infowars? To think of it yes, they seem to be more credible than these professional liars.

Stick with the topic or get out of here.

I always laugh when Trump supporters complain about anyone lying or not being believabel.

What part of what the MSM says about Trump isn't true? He is a liar. He's incompetent. He has surrounded himself with other crooks and liars. He ignores the people who are sworn to protect the country and believes those who want to destroy it.
HuffPost and BuzzFeed are yellow press that in between fake stories, spam the internet with rumors and "who said what" on Twitter.

Um, yeah.. What Trump says on Twitter is news.. Sorry.

Even if we eliminate coal from producing energy, which we wont for another decade or two, nearly all new steel globally is produced using iron oxide and coking coal. If we want to produce our own steel, we need coal and coal miners.

Actually, we could eliminate coal usage in a year or two... it's pretty much eliminating itself. But even when coal usage hit it's peak, the number of coal miners was still declining long before because they automated the process to the point where they just didn't need to send guys to dig for it.

What you are proposing is the worst kind of socialism... continuing to do something just to make work for people.
What do American patriots call the events?

A good start.

When American steel workers were getting fired as these journalists advanced globalism and the manufacturing industry being shipped to elsewhere, their response was to "cry more" and "learn to code".

Well that's it. Time to pick up the computers HuffPo feminists. I for one would seriously, seriously like to see these clueless morons attempt any logical activity - their brains will probably explode.

Here's the thing.. steelworkers lost their jobs because the processes became more automated.

I'm not sure i want "automated" journalism, even though we are there. One person writes the story and everyone else just copies his work verbatim? How does that advance the flow of information.

But you probably can't see beyond , "Journalists are better educated than I am, and they say mein Trumpenfuhrer bad! MAGA!!!!"

The motherfuckers don't even spell correctly or proofread, it drives me batty reading their crap! :102:

They might be better educated than your retarded ass, watch this..

1st CNN article I clicked on, ok?

"The three people in custody had not given comment at time of publishing. All were charged "conspiracy to commit immigration fraud, international money laundering and identity theft," according to the DOJ statement."

^ What's missing here?

It's "with" you stupid assholes, GRAH!! :102:

US arrests 'birth tourism' operators linked to China - CNN

I don't even want to continue, it's painful when you've seen less mistakes in a Stephen King novel.
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What do American patriots call the events?

A good start.

When American steel workers were getting fired as these journalists advanced globalism and the manufacturing industry being shipped to elsewhere, their response was to "cry more" and "learn to code".

Well that's it. Time to pick up the computers HuffPo feminists. I for one would seriously, seriously like to see these clueless morons attempt any logical activity - their brains will probably explode.

Here's the thing.. steelworkers lost their jobs because the processes became more automated.

I'm not sure i want "automated" journalism, even though we are there. One person writes the story and everyone else just copies his work verbatim? How does that advance the flow of information.

But you probably can't see beyond , "Journalists are better educated than I am, and they say mein Trumpenfuhrer bad! MAGA!!!!"

The motherfuckers don't even spell correctly or proofread, it drives me batty reading their crap! :102:

They might be better educated than your retarded ass, watch this..

1st CNN article I clicked on, ok?

"The three people in custody had not given comment at time of publishing. All were charged "conspiracy to commit immigration fraud, international money laundering and identity theft," according to the DOJ statement."

^ What's missing here?

It's "with" you stupid assholes, GRAH!! :102:

US arrests 'birth tourism' operators linked to China - CNN

I don't even want to continue, it's painful when you've seen less mistakes in a Stephen King novel.

Honestly, if this is what you are worked up about, that some low-level editor missed a word, you probably have too much time on your hands.
What do American patriots call the events?

A good start.

When American steel workers were getting fired as these journalists advanced globalism and the manufacturing industry being shipped to elsewhere, their response was to "cry more" and "learn to code".

Well that's it. Time to pick up the computers HuffPo feminists. I for one would seriously, seriously like to see these clueless morons attempt any logical activity - their brains will probably explode.

Here's the thing.. steelworkers lost their jobs because the processes became more automated.

I'm not sure i want "automated" journalism, even though we are there. One person writes the story and everyone else just copies his work verbatim? How does that advance the flow of information.

But you probably can't see beyond , "Journalists are better educated than I am, and they say mein Trumpenfuhrer bad! MAGA!!!!"

The motherfuckers don't even spell correctly or proofread, it drives me batty reading their crap! :102:

They might be better educated than your retarded ass, watch this..

1st CNN article I clicked on, ok?

"The three people in custody had not given comment at time of publishing. All were charged "conspiracy to commit immigration fraud, international money laundering and identity theft," according to the DOJ statement."

^ What's missing here?

It's "with" you stupid assholes, GRAH!! :102:

US arrests 'birth tourism' operators linked to China - CNN

I don't even want to continue, it's painful when you've seen less mistakes in a Stephen King novel.

Honestly, if this is what you are worked up about, that some low-level editor missed a word, you probably have too much time on your hands.

Probably. That doesn't make their gaffs or your stupidity any less annoying.
What do American patriots call the events?

A good start.

When American steel workers were getting fired as these journalists advanced globalism and the manufacturing industry being shipped to elsewhere, their response was to "cry more" and "learn to code".

Well that's it. Time to pick up the computers HuffPo feminists. I for one would seriously, seriously like to see these clueless morons attempt any logical activity - their brains will probably explode.

Here's the thing.. steelworkers lost their jobs because the processes became more automated.

I'm not sure i want "automated" journalism, even though we are there. One person writes the story and everyone else just copies his work verbatim? How does that advance the flow of information.

But you probably can't see beyond , "Journalists are better educated than I am, and they say mein Trumpenfuhrer bad! MAGA!!!!"

The motherfuckers don't even spell correctly or proofread, it drives me batty reading their crap! :102:

They might be better educated than your retarded ass, watch this..

1st CNN article I clicked on, ok?

"The three people in custody had not given comment at time of publishing. All were charged "conspiracy to commit immigration fraud, international money laundering and identity theft," according to the DOJ statement."

^ What's missing here?

It's "with" you stupid assholes, GRAH!! :102:

US arrests 'birth tourism' operators linked to China - CNN

I don't even want to continue, it's painful when you've seen less mistakes in a Stephen King novel.

Honestly, if this is what you are worked up about, that some low-level editor missed a word, you probably have too much time on your hands.

And yet these fake news organizations obsess about Trump having two sips of water. Even worse, two cones of ice cream.

Too much time on their hands. This can only mean, it's time to learn to code.
And yet these fake news organizations obsess about Trump having two sips of water. Even worse, two cones of ice cream.

Too much time on their hands. This can only mean, it's time to learn to code.

Okay, I know you guys need to pretend that Trump's craziness isn't a thing, and he's the victim. Whatever.

You keep pretending that your parasitism and anti-Americanism isn't a thing. Unfortunately, this can't be skirted with a simple "whatever".
And yet these fake news organizations obsess about Trump having two sips of water. Even worse, two cones of ice cream.

Too much time on their hands. This can only mean, it's time to learn to code.

Okay, I know you guys need to pretend that Trump's craziness isn't a thing, and he's the victim. Whatever.

Oh! Look in the back left row! All the way to the left! :rolleyes:


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