Joy Behar and Bill Maher Laugh About Dick Cheney's Heart Attack

I think what they were laughing about is actually true. People do hear the news that he's had another heart attack and they really don't care.

First off, he's so damn hateful, he's brought it to an art form. He's proud of it though. Secondly, he's had so many of them and survived, maybe people feel that he is being artificially kept alive and that in and of itself is quite creepy.

If they're going to use expensive resources and manpower to keep someone alive, I wish it could be someone who appreciates and celebrates life.

Not this torture loving criminal.


He's hateful? you said he's hateful? Is that what you said? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I think what they were laughing about is actually true. People do hear the news that he's had another heart attack and they really don't care.

First off, he's so damn hateful, he's brought it to an art form. He's proud of it though. Secondly, he's had so many of them and survived, maybe people feel that he is being artificially kept alive and that in and of itself is quite creepy.

If they're going to use expensive resources and manpower to keep someone alive, I wish it could be someone who appreciates and celebrates life.

Not this torture loving criminal.


He's hateful? you said he's hateful? Is that what you said?

I think what they were laughing about is actually true. People do hear the news that he's had another heart attack and they really don't care.

First off, he's so damn hateful, he's brought it to an art form. He's proud of it though. Secondly, he's had so many of them and survived, maybe people feel that he is being artificially kept alive and that in and of itself is quite creepy.

If they're going to use expensive resources and manpower to keep someone alive, I wish it could be someone who appreciates and celebrates life.

Not this torture loving criminal.


He's hateful? you said he's hateful? Is that what you said?


Yup the same old claim with no basis in fact. Liberals are always all about " do as I say, not as I do."
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.


Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Your premises are incorrect.

Cheney supported waterboarding 3 terrorists who information as a result stopped two major terrorist attacks.

What is loving is keeping thousands of american citizens from dying very painful deaths?

What is loving by allowing these terrorist attacks to successfully proceed because libs think giving arch terrorists lawyers, rights, and tea and croissants is going to stop terrorist attacks?
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.


Yup, Cheney hates terrorists.

The bastard!
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.

Cheney has always been America's enemy. It is why he hid like a coward **** when he saw fellow Americans getting drafted and why he didn't care about sending more American soldiers into more optional occupations.

You have to be a special kind of stoopid to believe cheney has ever cared about anyone other than Dick.
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.

Cheney has always been America's enemy. It is why he hid like a coward **** when he saw fellow Americans getting drafted and why he didn't care about sending more American soldiers into more optional occupations.

You have to be a special kind of stoopid to believe cheney has ever cared about anyone other than Dick.

Good thing that Biden is nothing like Cheney!!
Waterboarding is becoming an accepted medical procedure for restarting the hearts of heart attack victims.
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.

Cheney has always been America's enemy. It is why he hid like a coward **** when he saw fellow Americans getting drafted and why he didn't care about sending more American soldiers into more optional occupations.

You have to be a special kind of stoopid to believe cheney has ever cared about anyone other than Dick.

Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.

Cheney has always been America's enemy. It is why he hid like a coward **** when he saw fellow Americans getting drafted and why he didn't care about sending more American soldiers into more optional occupations.

You have to be a special kind of stoopid to believe cheney has ever cared about anyone other than Dick.

Well for someone you consider an enemy of America, Cheney and Bush did a pretty damned good job of protecting this country for seven years.

A hell of a lot better than the current posse is doing. What, 3 attacks since OL'BO became the Prez?

Yeah. Cheney really hates America. Jeeze.
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Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.

Cheney has always been America's enemy. It is why he hid like a coward **** when he saw fellow Americans getting drafted and why he didn't care about sending more American soldiers into more optional occupations.

You have to be a special kind of stoopid to believe cheney has ever cared about anyone other than Dick.

Well for someone you consider an enemy of America, Cheney and Bush did a pretty damned good job of protecting this country for seven years.

A hell of a lot better than the current posse is doing. What, 3 attacks since OL'BO became the Prez?

Yeah. Cheney really hates America. Jeeze.

Yeah right they protected us right into a bad recession.
Did you hear the one about the former Vice President that had five heart attacks?

If you watched "The Joy Behar Show" on HLN Tuesday, you would think this was hysterical as the host and her guest Bill Maher actually laughed when Dick Cheney's hospitalization was brought up.

"It's a funny thing about him," Behar said after a chuckle.

"I mean, the most reasonable people are like, really? They don't even care"

Joy Behar and Bill Maher Laugh About Dick Cheney's Heart Attack |

Quite a knee-slapper, don't you think?

I've known for a long time that both of these individuals have no class. This has not changed that opinion at all.
Let's examine the word "hate."

The opposite is "love"...right?

So if Cheney is not he loving?

What about Cheney is loving?

What is he constantly preaching? He JUST went on air, on record for the umpteenth fortyeleventh time talking about how much he supports TORTURE and how he can't seem to get enough of it.

Now tell me...WHAT about TORTURE is loving? Does TORTURE not go hand-in-hand with hate?

What, RWers, is Cheney all about?

Please answer this question. As I see some of you are so quick to laugh at Cheney being labelled as hateful.

Please argue how he's not.



Love is one extreme while hate is the opposite. So you feel we can't be somewhere in between?

And he supports Torture if it means saving our asses not because he likes pulling the legs off of terrorists.

Besides...I like a guy that hates our enemies....not some idiot that wants to coddle them and give them more rights then our own troops have and wants to apologize for stopping them from murdering us.

Cheney has always been America's enemy. It is why he hid like a coward **** when he saw fellow Americans getting drafted and why he didn't care about sending more American soldiers into more optional occupations.

You have to be a special kind of stoopid to believe cheney has ever cared about anyone other than Dick.

Want to talk about hating America??

[ame=]YouTube - GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama[/ame]

I have to say... it's pretty rich to see a bunch of conservatives react to THIS while they were totally silent back when ole Rushie was mimicking Michael J Fox.

how selective.

Obama apologizes to the world about America.

Obama apologizes to the world

The president chose Arab television, Al Arabiya, to give his first sit-down interview. He took the opportunity to confirm the long-held Arab view that the real problem is America, and President Obama apologized on our behalf.

"… America was not born as a colonial power," he told the Arab viewing audience – implying we are now. And he regretfully confessed, "We sometimes make mistakes. We are not perfect."

Sorry, but weren't we the ones that were attacked? Do we not stand in long lines and disrobe in airports because of them? Does anyone recall anywhere, anytime hearing apologies from any Arab or Muslim leader?

At the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the president's confidant and adviser Valerie Jarrett continued with apologies. This time to the world's business and political movers and shakers.

Ms. Jarrett told the crowd that this economic crisis did not occur by "happenstance" but is the result of our "profound irresponsibility."
Obama and his terrorist connections.

Barack Obama and Bill Ayers: Stanley Kurtz Makes the Connection |

of Ayers’ continuing radicalism, the New York Times profiled the 1960s radical back on September 11, 2001, the same day as the al-Qaeda attack that killed thousands of New Yorkers at the World Trade Center. The piece by Dinitia Smith began: “‘I don’t regret setting bombs,’ Bill Ayers said. ‘I feel we didn’t do enough.’”

A short excerpt from that piece:

Mr. Ayers, who in 1970 was said to have summed up the Weatherman philosophy as: ''Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at,'' is today distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago. And he says he doesn't actually remember suggesting that rich people be killed or that people kill their parents, but ''it's been quoted so many times I'm beginning to think I did,'' he said. ''It was a joke about the distribution of wealth.''

He went underground in 1970, after his girlfriend, Diana Oughton, and two other people were killed when bombs they were making exploded in a Greenwich Village town house. With him in the Weather Underground was Bernardine Dohrn, who was put on the F.B.I.'s 10 Most Wanted List. J. Edgar Hoover called her ''the most dangerous woman in America'' and ''la Pasionara of the Lunatic Left.'' Mr. Ayers and Ms. Dohrn later married. ...

In 1969, after the Manson family murders in Beverly Hills, Ms. Dohrn told an S.D.S. audience: ''Dig it! Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim's stomach.''

A month earlier, a profile of Ayers in Chicago Magazine included a picture of Ayers stomping on the American flag. Marcia Froelke Coburn wrote the accompanying article: “Talk to him for any length of time and some rhetoric of the past slips into the conversation. ‘I think there will be another mass political movement,’ he predicts, ‘because I believe that the kind of injustice that is built into our world will not go quietly into the night.’”

In the mid-1990s, Obama was hired to be the chairman of Ayers’ “brainchild,” the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Here are the key excerpts from Kurtz's op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal; the entire must-read article can be found here.

Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.

The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his cohorts bombed the Pentagon, and he has never expressed regret for his actions. Barack Obama's first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers's home.

The Obama campaign has struggled to downplay that association. Last April, Sen. Obama dismissed Mr. Ayers as just "a guy who lives in my neighborhood," and "not somebody who I exchange ideas with on a regular basis." Yet documents in the CAC archives make clear that Mr. Ayers and Mr. Obama were partners in the CAC. Those archives are housed in the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago and I've recently spent days looking through them....

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