Joy Behar Says All Republicans Should Be In Jail

Just like watching a right leaning show they do the same..But yous guys like them..
What right leaning show?
There are none.
That's why I rarely watch television anymore.
There are several on Fox-Greg Gutfeld show, Watters World, Mark Levin, hannity, Tucker Carlson.
I don't watch them anymore.
Tucker Carlson is the only one on primetime.
It matters not if you watch them or not. Meanwhile, they are all right leaning and you're an idiot for claiming there are no right-leaning talk shows.

There's nothing inherently wrong with a radio or tv show leaning right or left. The problem comes in when they use their power and influence to sow discord instead of being responsible. The truth of the matter is reasonable and intelligent people are vastly outnumbered by dumb, sheep-like individuals who are easily programmed.
My guess is his point was outside of Fox, which is Right leaning because no one else is. He is not wrong. Can you even name a moderate TV show?
Nope, his point is there are none. Period. When Fox was mentioned, he even tried passing that off as moving too far to the left to be considered.

Nice dodge. Outside of Fox can you even name one moderate TV show? Roseanne the comedy was going to be that until the Leftists threw her out.
Again, no one cares you are trying to divert the conversation. That idiot claimed there are no right-leaning TV shows. "None."

Either that's true or it's not.

It's not.
What you consider right-leaning, I consider in the middle. There are no shows on TV that only allows one side to be heard. No show that is far right. Even FOX allows leftists on their panels.
You switching from "right" to "far right" is noted.

That aside, you can't get much more to the right than Hannity.
Unfortunately Hannity has guests on that are not rightwingers. On CNN and MSNBC even the rightwingers are liberals.
Just like watching a right leaning show they do the same..But yous guys like them..
What right leaning show?
There are none.
That's why I rarely watch television anymore.
There are several on Fox-Greg Gutfeld show, Watters World, Mark Levin, hannity, Tucker Carlson.
I don't watch them anymore.
Tucker Carlson is the only one on primetime.
What does primetime have to do with anything? The View isn't on during primetime.
If you don't know the difference between prime time, a daytime show for folks that are home during the day, and a Sunday evening talk show nobody watches, then I can't help you.
She immediately walked it back after first saying on the View that all Republicans in office should be jailed.

This has become normal on network television.....liberal pundits spewing venom and irrationalities in hopes of ginning up hatred:


Joy Behar Says All Republicans In Office Need To Be Thrown In Jail — Backpedals Immediately

Referencing former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on orders from President Donald Trump.........

“I think he’s in contempt of the subpoena and I think that there will certainly be repercussions,” Hostin said. “I think he can be fined and hauled into jail for it.”

Behar suggested that perhaps former President Richard Nixon was born in the wrong era, arguing that in today’s climate he might have “gotten away with everything.”

“Nixon would be — he would say I was in the wrong period of history because he would have gotten away with everything just like this corrupt president is getting away with,” Behar claimed. “This is an unbelievably corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”

“If you’re going to say that all Republicans should be in jail, all of them, that —” Meghan McCain fired back. (RELATED: Meghan McCain: Barr Is Not A ‘Trump Lackey’)

“Every one of them,” Behar repeated.

“You should say Pelosi as well because she’s not forcing impeachment either —” McCain continued.

“Not yet,” Behar said.

“But if all Republicans should go to jail for not doing impeachment, Democrats should be held to the same standard as well,” McCain argued.

“They should go to jail for not impeaching him?” Behar asked.

“Well, isn’t that what you want?” McCain pressed.


McCain pointed out that most Americans have said they’d like to move on from the Russia investigation now that the Mueller report turned out not to be the “smoking gun” some expected it to be. “If you want to impeach the president,” she concluded, “you’re going to have to do a lot better than McGahn not showing up to testify in Congress.”

Turning back to Behar once more, McCain added, “You’re saying that all Republicans holding office should be in jail so I want to know —”

“Well, you know, it’s what you call hyperbole,” Behar shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth,” McCain fired back. “It sounds a little aggressive.”​

I watched this. Joy was making a joke. She even said it was hyperbole. Now Miss McCain on the other hand,


Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.
McCain was a RINO, and so is his daughter.
She immediately walked it back after first saying on the View that all Republicans in office should be jailed.

This has become normal on network television.....liberal pundits spewing venom and irrationalities in hopes of ginning up hatred:


Joy Behar Says All Republicans In Office Need To Be Thrown In Jail — Backpedals Immediately

Referencing former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on orders from President Donald Trump.........

“I think he’s in contempt of the subpoena and I think that there will certainly be repercussions,” Hostin said. “I think he can be fined and hauled into jail for it.”

Behar suggested that perhaps former President Richard Nixon was born in the wrong era, arguing that in today’s climate he might have “gotten away with everything.”

“Nixon would be — he would say I was in the wrong period of history because he would have gotten away with everything just like this corrupt president is getting away with,” Behar claimed. “This is an unbelievably corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”

“If you’re going to say that all Republicans should be in jail, all of them, that —” Meghan McCain fired back. (RELATED: Meghan McCain: Barr Is Not A ‘Trump Lackey’)

“Every one of them,” Behar repeated.

“You should say Pelosi as well because she’s not forcing impeachment either —” McCain continued.

“Not yet,” Behar said.

“But if all Republicans should go to jail for not doing impeachment, Democrats should be held to the same standard as well,” McCain argued.

“They should go to jail for not impeaching him?” Behar asked.

“Well, isn’t that what you want?” McCain pressed.


McCain pointed out that most Americans have said they’d like to move on from the Russia investigation now that the Mueller report turned out not to be the “smoking gun” some expected it to be. “If you want to impeach the president,” she concluded, “you’re going to have to do a lot better than McGahn not showing up to testify in Congress.”

Turning back to Behar once more, McCain added, “You’re saying that all Republicans holding office should be in jail so I want to know —”

“Well, you know, it’s what you call hyperbole,” Behar shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth,” McCain fired back. “It sounds a little aggressive.”​

I watched this. Joy was making a joke. She even said it was hyperbole. Now Miss McCain on the other hand,


Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.
She immediately walked it back after first saying on the View that all Republicans in office should be jailed.

This has become normal on network television.....liberal pundits spewing venom and irrationalities in hopes of ginning up hatred:


Joy Behar Says All Republicans In Office Need To Be Thrown In Jail — Backpedals Immediately

Referencing former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on orders from President Donald Trump.........

“I think he’s in contempt of the subpoena and I think that there will certainly be repercussions,” Hostin said. “I think he can be fined and hauled into jail for it.”

Behar suggested that perhaps former President Richard Nixon was born in the wrong era, arguing that in today’s climate he might have “gotten away with everything.”

“Nixon would be — he would say I was in the wrong period of history because he would have gotten away with everything just like this corrupt president is getting away with,” Behar claimed. “This is an unbelievably corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”

“If you’re going to say that all Republicans should be in jail, all of them, that —” Meghan McCain fired back. (RELATED: Meghan McCain: Barr Is Not A ‘Trump Lackey’)

“Every one of them,” Behar repeated.

“You should say Pelosi as well because she’s not forcing impeachment either —” McCain continued.

“Not yet,” Behar said.

“But if all Republicans should go to jail for not doing impeachment, Democrats should be held to the same standard as well,” McCain argued.

“They should go to jail for not impeaching him?” Behar asked.

“Well, isn’t that what you want?” McCain pressed.


McCain pointed out that most Americans have said they’d like to move on from the Russia investigation now that the Mueller report turned out not to be the “smoking gun” some expected it to be. “If you want to impeach the president,” she concluded, “you’re going to have to do a lot better than McGahn not showing up to testify in Congress.”

Turning back to Behar once more, McCain added, “You’re saying that all Republicans holding office should be in jail so I want to know —”

“Well, you know, it’s what you call hyperbole,” Behar shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth,” McCain fired back. “It sounds a little aggressive.”​

I watched this. Joy was making a joke. She even said it was hyperbole. Now Miss McCain on the other hand,


Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.

You're the one that chose to play the race card, deantard.
Just like watching a right leaning show they do the same..But yous guys like them..
What right leaning show?
There are none.
That's why I rarely watch television anymore.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Link to Hannity saying all Democrats should be jailed?
Who cares? After Trump said Democrats are treasonous. He never said just “some”.

He Dares Call It Treason
Just like watching a right leaning show they do the same..But yous guys like them..
What right leaning show?
There are none.
That's why I rarely watch television anymore.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Link to Hannity saying all Democrats should be jailed?
Who cares? After Trump said Democrats are treasonous. He never said just “some”.

He Dares Call It Treason

Link to Trump jailing people for treason?
She immediately walked it back after first saying on the View that all Republicans in office should be jailed.

This has become normal on network television.....liberal pundits spewing venom and irrationalities in hopes of ginning up hatred:


Joy Behar Says All Republicans In Office Need To Be Thrown In Jail — Backpedals Immediately

Referencing former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on orders from President Donald Trump.........

“I think he’s in contempt of the subpoena and I think that there will certainly be repercussions,” Hostin said. “I think he can be fined and hauled into jail for it.”

Behar suggested that perhaps former President Richard Nixon was born in the wrong era, arguing that in today’s climate he might have “gotten away with everything.”

“Nixon would be — he would say I was in the wrong period of history because he would have gotten away with everything just like this corrupt president is getting away with,” Behar claimed. “This is an unbelievably corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”

“If you’re going to say that all Republicans should be in jail, all of them, that —” Meghan McCain fired back. (RELATED: Meghan McCain: Barr Is Not A ‘Trump Lackey’)

“Every one of them,” Behar repeated.

“You should say Pelosi as well because she’s not forcing impeachment either —” McCain continued.

“Not yet,” Behar said.

“But if all Republicans should go to jail for not doing impeachment, Democrats should be held to the same standard as well,” McCain argued.

“They should go to jail for not impeaching him?” Behar asked.

“Well, isn’t that what you want?” McCain pressed.


McCain pointed out that most Americans have said they’d like to move on from the Russia investigation now that the Mueller report turned out not to be the “smoking gun” some expected it to be. “If you want to impeach the president,” she concluded, “you’re going to have to do a lot better than McGahn not showing up to testify in Congress.”

Turning back to Behar once more, McCain added, “You’re saying that all Republicans holding office should be in jail so I want to know —”

“Well, you know, it’s what you call hyperbole,” Behar shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth,” McCain fired back. “It sounds a little aggressive.”​

I watched this. Joy was making a joke. She even said it was hyperbole. Now Miss McCain on the other hand,


Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.

You're the one that chose to play the race card, deantard.
Because Miss McCain accused Obama of committing felonies when he did the same exact thing her father did.
Want to bet she didn’t know her father did the same thing? That’s because Obama is black. As soon as she saw that Obama had been fined for some campaign violations she screamed he broke the law. He never broke the law. Read what I wrote. It spells it out perfectly and even gives a link.
Just like watching a right leaning show they do the same..But yous guys like them..
What right leaning show?
There are none.
That's why I rarely watch television anymore.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Link to Hannity saying all Democrats should be jailed?
Who cares? After Trump said Democrats are treasonous. He never said just “some”.

He Dares Call It Treason

Link to Trump jailing people for treason?
You know he wishes he could. That’s why he keeps chanting lock her up.

Don’t play dumb. It’s neither funny nor clever.
She immediately walked it back after first saying on the View that all Republicans in office should be jailed.

This has become normal on network television.....liberal pundits spewing venom and irrationalities in hopes of ginning up hatred:


Joy Behar Says All Republicans In Office Need To Be Thrown In Jail — Backpedals Immediately

Referencing former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on orders from President Donald Trump.........

“I think he’s in contempt of the subpoena and I think that there will certainly be repercussions,” Hostin said. “I think he can be fined and hauled into jail for it.”

Behar suggested that perhaps former President Richard Nixon was born in the wrong era, arguing that in today’s climate he might have “gotten away with everything.”

“Nixon would be — he would say I was in the wrong period of history because he would have gotten away with everything just like this corrupt president is getting away with,” Behar claimed. “This is an unbelievably corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”

“If you’re going to say that all Republicans should be in jail, all of them, that —” Meghan McCain fired back. (RELATED: Meghan McCain: Barr Is Not A ‘Trump Lackey’)

“Every one of them,” Behar repeated.

“You should say Pelosi as well because she’s not forcing impeachment either —” McCain continued.

“Not yet,” Behar said.

“But if all Republicans should go to jail for not doing impeachment, Democrats should be held to the same standard as well,” McCain argued.

“They should go to jail for not impeaching him?” Behar asked.

“Well, isn’t that what you want?” McCain pressed.


McCain pointed out that most Americans have said they’d like to move on from the Russia investigation now that the Mueller report turned out not to be the “smoking gun” some expected it to be. “If you want to impeach the president,” she concluded, “you’re going to have to do a lot better than McGahn not showing up to testify in Congress.”

Turning back to Behar once more, McCain added, “You’re saying that all Republicans holding office should be in jail so I want to know —”

“Well, you know, it’s what you call hyperbole,” Behar shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth,” McCain fired back. “It sounds a little aggressive.”​

I watched this. Joy was making a joke. She even said it was hyperbole. Now Miss McCain on the other hand,


Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.

You're the one that chose to play the race card, deantard.
Because Miss McCain accused Obama of committing felonies when he did the same exact thing her father did.
Want to bet she didn’t know her father did the same thing? That’s because Obama is black. As soon as she saw that Obama had been fined for some campaign violations she screamed he broke the law. He never broke the law. Read what I wrote. It spells it out perfectly and even gives a link.
It was because Obama was President. You dumbass. You Leftists always play the race card until it comes to Jews then you’re overly racist.
I watched this. Joy was making a joke. She even said it was hyperbole. Now Miss McCain on the other hand,


Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.

You're the one that chose to play the race card, deantard.
Because Miss McCain accused Obama of committing felonies when he did the same exact thing her father did.
Want to bet she didn’t know her father did the same thing? That’s because Obama is black. As soon as she saw that Obama had been fined for some campaign violations she screamed he broke the law. He never broke the law. Read what I wrote. It spells it out perfectly and even gives a link.
It was because Obama was President. You dumbass. You Leftists always play the race card until it comes to Jews then you’re overly racist.
Judaism is not a "race".
She immediately walked it back after first saying on the View that all Republicans in office should be jailed.

This has become normal on network television.....liberal pundits spewing venom and irrationalities in hopes of ginning up hatred:


Joy Behar Says All Republicans In Office Need To Be Thrown In Jail — Backpedals Immediately

Referencing former White House counsel Don McGahn’s refusal to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on orders from President Donald Trump.........

“I think he’s in contempt of the subpoena and I think that there will certainly be repercussions,” Hostin said. “I think he can be fined and hauled into jail for it.”

Behar suggested that perhaps former President Richard Nixon was born in the wrong era, arguing that in today’s climate he might have “gotten away with everything.”

“Nixon would be — he would say I was in the wrong period of history because he would have gotten away with everything just like this corrupt president is getting away with,” Behar claimed. “This is an unbelievably corrupt president, corrupt administration, and the Republican Party is right behind him and they all should be thrown into jail as far as I’m concerned.”

“If you’re going to say that all Republicans should be in jail, all of them, that —” Meghan McCain fired back. (RELATED: Meghan McCain: Barr Is Not A ‘Trump Lackey’)

“Every one of them,” Behar repeated.

“You should say Pelosi as well because she’s not forcing impeachment either —” McCain continued.

“Not yet,” Behar said.

“But if all Republicans should go to jail for not doing impeachment, Democrats should be held to the same standard as well,” McCain argued.

“They should go to jail for not impeaching him?” Behar asked.

“Well, isn’t that what you want?” McCain pressed.


McCain pointed out that most Americans have said they’d like to move on from the Russia investigation now that the Mueller report turned out not to be the “smoking gun” some expected it to be. “If you want to impeach the president,” she concluded, “you’re going to have to do a lot better than McGahn not showing up to testify in Congress.”

Turning back to Behar once more, McCain added, “You’re saying that all Republicans holding office should be in jail so I want to know —”

“Well, you know, it’s what you call hyperbole,” Behar shrugged it off.

“It doesn’t sound that way to the Republican at the table for what it’s worth,” McCain fired back. “It sounds a little aggressive.”​

And that idiot belongs in an insane asylum.
Who cares? I'm responding to the idiot claiming there are no right-leaning TV shows.

My guess is his point was outside of Fox, which is Right leaning because no one else is. He is not wrong. Can you even name a moderate TV show?
Nope, his point is there are none. Period. When Fox was mentioned, he even tried passing that off as moving too far to the left to be considered.

Nice dodge. Outside of Fox can you even name one moderate TV show? Roseanne the comedy was going to be that until the Leftists threw her out.
Again, no one cares you are trying to divert the conversation. That idiot claimed there are no right-leaning TV shows. "None."

Either that's true or it's not.

It's not.

Another dodge. Wow. At least you're consistent. Sans Fox you cannot name one even moderate TV show. Forget what Spock said. If you don't see an issue with that then you have special problems.

There's nothing to dodge. I am under no obligation to follow your diversion.
Nope, his point is there are none. Period. When Fox was mentioned, he even tried passing that off as moving too far to the left to be considered.

Nice dodge. Outside of Fox can you even name one moderate TV show? Roseanne the comedy was going to be that until the Leftists threw her out.
Again, no one cares you are trying to divert the conversation. That idiot claimed there are no right-leaning TV shows. "None."

Either that's true or it's not.

It's not.
What you consider right-leaning, I consider in the middle. There are no shows on TV that only allows one side to be heard. No show that is far right. Even FOX allows leftists on their panels.
You switching from "right" to "far right" is noted.

That aside, you can't get much more to the right than Hannity.
Unfortunately Hannity has guests on that are not rightwingers. On CNN and MSNBC even the rightwingers are liberals.
So what if he sometimes brings on a guest who's not a rightwinger? That doesn't make his show "too far to the left."

Meanwhile, you just destroyed your own thread. According to you, Hannity sometimes bringing on a non-rightwing guest means his show is not right-leaning. Well The View has a rightwing cohost. So using your logic, The View isn't left-leaning.
Just like watching a right leaning show they do the same..But yous guys like them..
What right leaning show?
There are none.
That's why I rarely watch television anymore.
There are several on Fox-Greg Gutfeld show, Watters World, Mark Levin, hannity, Tucker Carlson.
I don't watch them anymore.
Tucker Carlson is the only one on primetime.
What does primetime have to do with anything? The View isn't on during primetime.
If you don't know the difference between prime time, a daytime show for folks that are home during the day, and a Sunday evening talk show nobody watches, then I can't help you.
You're the one who made this about primetime. I asked you why you did and apparently, you have coherent answer.
Obama is a Democrat and McCain was Republican.

You're the one that chose to play the race card, deantard.
Because Miss McCain accused Obama of committing felonies when he did the same exact thing her father did.
Want to bet she didn’t know her father did the same thing? That’s because Obama is black. As soon as she saw that Obama had been fined for some campaign violations she screamed he broke the law. He never broke the law. Read what I wrote. It spells it out perfectly and even gives a link.
It was because Obama was President. You dumbass. You Leftists always play the race card until it comes to Jews then you’re overly racist.
Judaism is not a "race".

Face it. Antisemitism is racism. The rest is semantics. I used to make your argument as technically it’s not but for all intents and purposes antisemites are racists so I have changed my tune on that topic. You do as you wish.
My guess is his point was outside of Fox, which is Right leaning because no one else is. He is not wrong. Can you even name a moderate TV show?
Nope, his point is there are none. Period. When Fox was mentioned, he even tried passing that off as moving too far to the left to be considered.

Nice dodge. Outside of Fox can you even name one moderate TV show? Roseanne the comedy was going to be that until the Leftists threw her out.
Again, no one cares you are trying to divert the conversation. That idiot claimed there are no right-leaning TV shows. "None."

Either that's true or it's not.

It's not.

Another dodge. Wow. At least you're consistent. Sans Fox you cannot name one even moderate TV show. Forget what Spock said. If you don't see an issue with that then you have special problems.

There's nothing to dodge. I am under no obligation to follow your diversion.

Then oblige me. What do you have to lose?

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