Joy Reid tells America that "Republicans are dangerous!"

We are not communists and why should we be scared of you, because you are violent and vicious.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The DSA support communist views and Cortez is a member of the DSA along with some other Democrats, so you would embrace it as long as Republicans are against it…
It's time to start scaring the public so you can herd them in the direction you want I suppose.

I'd like to see examples of how they are dangerous compared to what Democrats have done in the past year. And no opinions either, I'd like to see facts.

She's not only female, she's black!
otis does she have a prostate gland?....
It's amazing that a network could employ such a kook.
(I hope the use of the term kook doesn't upset the mods. Hopefully this doesn't violate the "clean start" rules)

MSNBC host Joy Reid says 'Republicans are dangerous'​

Her viewers (all six of them) share her views. MSDNC and CNN are leftist news entertainment echo chambers.
I think it’s safe to say that actual Corpo-fascists that love Marxist ideas still qualify as Commies.
There is no such thing. :cuckoo:
There are only your fellow Americans that you happen to disagree with.
I would say the attempts by the right to control women’s bodies, undermine elections and overturn electoral results is very real, smacks of fascism and is indeed dangerous to our democratic institutions.
There is no such thing. :cuckoo:
There are only your fellow Americans that you happen to disagree with.
I would say the attempts by the right to control women’s bodies, undermine elections and overturn electoral results is very real, smacks of fascism and is indeed dangerous to our democratic institutions.
No moron, actual fascism is corporate enforced government mandates, and controlling people’s medical decisions. Every major corporation is in bed with the Washington Establishment, especially Dems. Big Tech, Big Pharma, all own the Democrats and push the Democrat Agenda.
No moron, actual fascism is corporate enforced government mandates, and controlling people’s medical decisions. Every major corporation is in bed with the Washington Establishment, especially Dems. Big Tech, Big Pharma, all own the Democrats and push the Democrat Agenda.
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Spent my career working for a large family-owned company. Their political contributions were equally distributed to both parties--they really didn't care who was in power as long as they got favorable treatment.
One day vs an entire summer of burning looting and murder and forming autonomous zones. You’re so dishonest it’s hilarious.
Sure. :uhoh3:
One focused on violently disrupting our electoral process and the institutions needed to oversee their completion. (Over a lie), and the deliberate concentration of authority in the states to one party to decide future elections.

Attacks on our very democracy.

The other an ongoing quest for equity and fairness against actual systemic tyranny that has never ceased in this nation’s history in an effort to effect positive change.

Attacks on continuing social injustice.

Not the same in any universe.
No moron, actual fascism is corporate enforced government mandates, and controlling people’s medical decisions. Every major corporation is in bed with the Washington Establishment, especially Dems. Big Tech, Big Pharma, all own the Democrats and push the Democrat Agenda.
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No one is controlling anything. Everyone has a choice. Some of you just aren’t very good at “adulting”. That’s adolescent butthurt. Not fascism.

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