Joy Reid tells America that "Republicans are dangerous!"

She doesn't think democrats are dangerous? Oh, that's right, they were doing 'peaceful protests', weren't they?

Shit like this doesn't help solve the problems we have with divisiveness, and in fact contributes to it.
Democrats are not dangerous.
Most of them are the anti Christ. You degrade Soros, but Adelson is A OK and as long as they are republican donors they are A OK.

Yeah, that's all this Flint guy does, go on and on and on about some guy named Adelson. We were sitting around complaining about that the other day, the same day we were sewing wings on our pigs and sent them south for the winter.
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Well the bright side is MSNBC's ratings are dismal... she's a big part of the reason why
MSNBC's ratings are just fine thank you.

Sure. :uhoh3:
One focused on violently disrupting our electoral process and the institutions needed to oversee their completion. (Over a lie), and the deliberate concentration of authority in the states to one party to decide future elections.

Attacks on our very democracy.

The other an ongoing quest for equity and fairness against actual systemic tyranny that has never ceased in this nation’s history in an effort to effect positive change.

Attacks on continuing social injustice.

Not the same in any universe.
Quest for equity? So burning small businesses, killing people, creating autonomous zones is a quest for equity? You’re a fucking idiot. Both can be bad. Jan 6th and the “summer of love”.
Sure. :uhoh3:
One focused on violently disrupting our electoral process and the institutions needed to oversee their completion. (Over a lie), and the deliberate concentration of authority in the states to one party to decide future elections.

Attacks on our very democracy.

The other an ongoing quest for equity and fairness against actual systemic tyranny that has never ceased in this nation’s history in an effort to effect positive change.

Attacks on continuing social injustice.

Not the same in any universe.
the other was a bunch of violence that destroyed peoples businesses and cost the tax payers money and physically hurt a lot of people......yea not the same....
Most of them are the anti Christ. You degrade Soros, but Adelson is A OK and as long as they are republican donors they are A OK.
No one is controlling anything. Everyone has a choice. Some of you just aren’t very good at “adulting”. That’s adolescent butthurt. Not fascism.
LOL, “everyone has a choice”.

Yea, putting a gun to people’s heads and telling them they must take an experimental vaccine or lose their job and healthcare is a real “choice”.


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