JPL intends to get a GRASP on accurate sea level and ice measurements


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Finally: JPL intends to get a GRASP on accurate sea level and ice measurements | Watts Up With That?

A climate science bombshell: New proposal from NASA JPL admits to “spurious” errors in current satellite based sea level and ice altimetry, calls for new space platform to fix the problem.

People send me stuff. Today it is a PowerPoint presentation from NASA JPL that touts the new GRASP (Geodetic Reference Antenna in Space) satellite project. I’d say it is more than a bit of a bombshell because the whole purpose of this new mission is to “fix” other mission data that apparently never had a stable enough reference for the measurements being made. This promises to rewrite what we know about sea level rise and acceleration, ice extent and ice volume loss measured from space.

now it could just be that JPL wants some more funding but it certainly is in line with how the 'uncertainty' is altimetry has been publically acknowledged lately.

of course even better data wont stop some of the climate scientists from making any speculative conclusion that they want.
More WUWT conspiracy theories?

Skeptics will look at the Watts crap skeptically. You don't. Your "skepticism" is conveniently only reserved for one side. Meaning you're a true believer, not a skeptic.

Let's discuss your conspiracy theory some more. Is it your contention the altimetry measurements of sea level are all wrong? What do you base that on?

If the altimetry is wrong, why does it agree with earth-based measurements? Are those wrong too? Are the errors intentional, part of a vast global conspiracy to falsify the sea level data?

Why are you insinuating the scientists are just in it for money? Do you have any evidence to justify that huge whopper of a lie, or are you just projecting the way you think and act on to moral people?
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More WUWT conspiracy theories?

Skeptics will look at the Watts crap skeptically. You don't. Your "skepticism" is conveniently only reserved for one side. Meaning you're a true believer, not a skeptic.

Let's discuss your conspiracy theory some more. Is it your contention the altimetry measurements of sea level are all wrong? What do you base that on?

If the altimetry is wrong, why does it agree with earth-based measurements? Are those wrong too? Are the errors intentional, part of a vast global conspiracy to falsify the sea level data?

Why are you insinuating the scientists are just in it for money? Do you have any evidence to justify that huge whopper of a lie, or are you just projecting the way you think and act on to moral people?


JPL's presentation! It just confirms what I have been saying for years. When tide gauges have been saying 2mm/yr for 100 years and altimetry says 3mm/yr since the exact moment that the satellites went up then yes I think there might be s problem with the calibration and calculations.

I think maybe it is you who is projecting and creating conspiracy theories.
New paper in GRL shows that a 60-year oscillation in the global tide gauge sea level record has been discovered | Watts Up With That?

Hot off the heels of an admission by NASA JPL that the satellite derived sea level data is “spurious” due to a lack of a stable reference frame and needs fixing, comes this new paper that suggests we may see a drop in sea level soon.


Key Points

  • The research reveals that there is a 60-year oscillation in the majority of long tide gauge records
  • The signal is consistent in phase and amplitude in many ocean basins
  • This has important implications for quantifying sea level acceleration



We examine long tide gauge records in every ocean basin to examine whether a quasi 60-year oscillation observed in global mean sea level (GMSL) reconstructions reflects a true global oscillation, or an artifact associated with a small number of gauges. We find that there is a significant oscillation with a period around 60-years in the majority of the tide gauges examined during the 20th Century, and that it appears in every ocean basin. Averaging of tide gauges over regions shows that the phase and amplitude of the fluctuations are similar in the North Atlantic, western North Pacific, and Indian Oceans, while the signal is shifted by 10 years in the western South Pacific. The only sampled region with no apparent 60-year fluctuation is the Central/Eastern North Pacific. The phase of the 60-year oscillation found in the tide gauge records is such that sea level in the North Atlantic, western North Pacific, Indian Ocean, and western South Pacific has been increasing since 1985–1990. Although the tide gauge data are still too limited, both in time and space, to determine conclusively that there is a 60-year oscillation in GMSL, the possibility should be considered when attempting to interpret the acceleration in the rate of global and regional mean sea level rise.

The AGW cult just can't get anything right, can they?

they may not get things correct but they see emphasizing any evidence that seems to support their case (and ignoring any evidence that is counter) as the right thing to do. Noble Cause, and all that.
they may not get things correct but they see emphasizing any evidence that seems to support their case (and ignoring any evidence that is counter) as the right thing to do. Noble Cause, and all that.

Ends justify the means and all that.

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