Jr just destroyed a key part of Muellers case

The Clinton campaign was attacking Trump by proxy, thus the Access Hollywood tapes. Do you not think they were also seeking dirt on Trump,his history, making false accusations via women who accused him of sexual assault, had a lawyer and were all set to go to court, then Trump won and they disappeared.

This meeting with the Russian lawyer is lightweight stuff to be honest, I agree it still isn't honourable, but it appears to be the nature of politics since the dawn of time.

Correct me if I am wrong......but.......didn't the DNC hire a former spy, that then talked to the RUSSIANS, who then insisted Trump gave golden showers? And didn't that then become the infamous DOSSIER!

So let me see, if that is correct, the DNC got the information CLANDESTINELY from the Russians. And wasn't this INFORMATION turned over to our intelligence agencies by the DNC, or would somebody like to explain how it migrated from the DNC to our intelligence agencies, lol.

You want to know the only COLLUSION that I have seen FACTUALLY proven so far!

ANSWER--------->The COLLUSION between Hillary and her team with Debbie (I know NOTHING, NOTHING) Shultz to screw Bernie out of the Democratic nomination, lol. Man, they stuck it to that old Marxist good, didn't they! And then, there was Donna BRAZILLE, giving Hillary the questions for the CNN debate. Talk about COLLUSION, lol! Or maybe it was Lorreta Lynch INSISTING Comey call the Hilly INVESTIGATION something else.

I need know the logic of something--------------> With no evidence that Trump did anything.........I would like to proclaim for the sake of debate, he did!

Taking that into consideration..........exactly what is the difference between Russian MARXISTS, or American MARXISTS like far left Democrats, attempting to put the fix in on our election? Aren't all MARXISTS bad, and as long as we are relatively free Americans, shouldn't they be? I mean, which side ACTUALLY TRIED to fix the election by using COLLUSION! Were it not for Shultz and the Hillary team, Bernie would probably have been the nominee. And then, guess what, lolol! If you think Russia helped Trump, who do you think they would have helped if BERNIE was the Democratic nominee, heheheheheheeheheheehehehee. An old MARXIST, or a Capitalist!

Just think lefties, were it not for Shultz and Hillary, if the Russians really did anything worthwhile as you claim, BERNIE would today be President as the full might of the hammer and sickle would have been behind a like minded individual, such as the old Marxist!

Yes you are wrong. Steele was originally hired by a Jeb Bush donor.

Really? Really! http://nypost.com/2017/06/24/inside-the-shadowy-intelligence-firm-behind-the-trump-dossier/

So now you are quoting the NY Post? :lmao:

"Steele was initially hired by FusionGPS, a Washington-based political research firm, to investigate Trump on behalf of unidentified Republicans who wanted to stop Trump's bid for the party's nomination. The BBC said on Wednesday, "He (Steele) was compiling this report on behalf of initially Trump's opponent Jeb Bush," referring to one of Trump's 16 opponents in the 2016 Republican primary."

BBC: Jeb Bush Supporters Hired Former MI6 Spy to Create Trump Dossier
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

Gathering opposition research on your opponent is very much common in politics. This has been going on for over 200 years. To pretend that there is suddenly something "unethical" about it is a joke.

I don't know if the left realizes this but the whole entire incident completely buries the "Russian collusion" narrative. If Trump was colluding with the Russian government, why would his son need to meet with this lawyer to get dirt on Hillary?

What is coming out now is, this woman is tied to the same group who orchestrated the Trump Dossier.
No disagreement here. We are still left with the fact that the administration's ham handed way of handling this has hurt our agenda. We have to live with that result until some legislation of some kind that actually changes things is passed.
Dim can I ask why you figured Trump would be a good president? I'm left wing but I can't honestly say this surprised me. Trump's messaging was inconsistent, reactionary and amateuristic from the beginning, not to mention abhorrent to me. Why does this surprise you?
Thanks for the civility. I thought he could grow into the position just as you probably thought Obama (with very limited experience) could grow into the presidency. This argument that "I voted for him to shake things up" makes sense only if he is substantively shaking things up through policy not knuckleheaded tweets. He is a smart guy. If he can stop trying to run through hurdles rather than jumping over a few of them this could still work out.
I always TRY to be civil. Doesn't always work but I try. I think there is a big mentality difference between Obama and Trump. Trump throughout the campaign came across as a bully. A type of person that has an innate inability to question himself coupled with the fact that he probably never had to deal with the consequences of being wrong because of his wealth. This to me is the one type of person that should never be president. Trump can never grow because growing depends on the ability to learn from mistakes. Obama is a politician. Politicians have drawbacks but it also implies that they know the rules of the game. We can argue about what kind of president Obama was but Obama didn't willy nilly offend and he listened to his staff.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.

Gathering opposition research on your opponent is very much common in politics. This has been going on for over 200 years. To pretend that there is suddenly something "unethical" about it is a joke.

I don't know if the left realizes this but the whole entire incident completely buries the "Russian collusion" narrative. If Trump was colluding with the Russian government, why would his son need to meet with this lawyer to get dirt on Hillary?

What is coming out now is, this woman is tied to the same group who orchestrated the Trump Dossier.
No disagreement here. We are still left with the fact that the administration's ham handed way of handling this has hurt our agenda. We have to live with that result until some legislation of some kind that actually changes things is passed.
Dim can I ask why you figured Trump would be a good president? I'm left wing but I can't honestly say this surprised me. Trump's messaging was inconsistent, reactionary and amateuristic from the beginning, not to mention abhorrent to me. Why does this surprise you?
Thanks for the civility. I thought he could grow into the position just as you probably thought Obama (with very limited experience) could grow into the presidency. This argument that "I voted for him to shake things up" makes sense only if he is substantively shaking things up through policy not knuckleheaded tweets. He is a smart guy. If he can stop trying to run through hurdles rather than jumping over a few of them this could still work out.
I always TRY to be civil. Doesn't always work but I try. I think there is a big mentality difference between Obama and Trump. Trump throughout the campaign came across as a bully. A type of person that has an innate inability to question himself coupled with the fact that he probably never had to deal with the consequences of being wrong because of his wealth. This to me is the one type of person that should never be president. Trump can never grow because growing depends on the ability to learn from mistakes. Obama is a politician. Politicians have drawbacks but it also implies that they know the rules of the game. We can argue about what kind of president Obama was but Obama didn't willy nilly offend and he listened to his staff.
Most politicians are megalomaniacs. Some just hide it better than others. LBJ and Nixon were wayyyyyyyy more bullying than Trump on his best day. Trump blusters while LBJ and Nixon would be silently killing their opponents entire families.
The Clinton campaign was attacking Trump by proxy, thus the Access Hollywood tapes. Do you not think they were also seeking dirt on Trump,his history, making false accusations via women who accused him of sexual assault, had a lawyer and were all set to go to court, then Trump won and they disappeared.

This meeting with the Russian lawyer is lightweight stuff to be honest, I agree it still isn't honourable, but it appears to be the nature of politics since the dawn of time.

Correct me if I am wrong......but.......didn't the DNC hire a former spy, that then talked to the RUSSIANS, who then insisted Trump gave golden showers? And didn't that then become the infamous DOSSIER!

So let me see, if that is correct, the DNC got the information CLANDESTINELY from the Russians. And wasn't this INFORMATION turned over to our intelligence agencies by the DNC, or would somebody like to explain how it migrated from the DNC to our intelligence agencies, lol.

You want to know the only COLLUSION that I have seen FACTUALLY proven so far!

ANSWER--------->The COLLUSION between Hillary and her team with Debbie (I know NOTHING, NOTHING) Shultz to screw Bernie out of the Democratic nomination, lol. Man, they stuck it to that old Marxist good, didn't they! And then, there was Donna BRAZILLE, giving Hillary the questions for the CNN debate. Talk about COLLUSION, lol! Or maybe it was Lorreta Lynch INSISTING Comey call the Hilly INVESTIGATION something else.

I need know the logic of something--------------> With no evidence that Trump did anything.........I would like to proclaim for the sake of debate, he did!

Taking that into consideration..........exactly what is the difference between Russian MARXISTS, or American MARXISTS like far left Democrats, attempting to put the fix in on our election? Aren't all MARXISTS bad, and as long as we are relatively free Americans, shouldn't they be? I mean, which side ACTUALLY TRIED to fix the election by using COLLUSION! Were it not for Shultz and the Hillary team, Bernie would probably have been the nominee. And then, guess what, lolol! If you think Russia helped Trump, who do you think they would have helped if BERNIE was the Democratic nominee, heheheheheheeheheheehehehee. An old MARXIST, or a Capitalist!

Just think lefties, were it not for Shultz and Hillary, if the Russians really did anything worthwhile as you claim, BERNIE would today be President as the full might of the hammer and sickle would have been behind a like minded individual, such as the old Marxist!

Yes you are wrong. Steele was originally hired by a Jeb Bush donor.

Really? Really! http://nypost.com/2017/06/24/inside-the-shadowy-intelligence-firm-behind-the-trump-dossier/

So now you are quoting the NY Post? :lmao:

"Steele was initially hired by FusionGPS, a Washington-based political research firm, to investigate Trump on behalf of unidentified Republicans who wanted to stop Trump's bid for the party's nomination. The BBC said on Wednesday, "He (Steele) was compiling this report on behalf of initially Trump's opponent Jeb Bush," referring to one of Trump's 16 opponents in the 2016 Republican primary."

BBC: Jeb Bush Supporters Hired Former MI6 Spy to Create Trump Dossier

OK, lets say you are correct. Who then continued on AFTER it was found out the Russians were involved? Don't know? Well, let me put YOUR paper of record on the spot.

Now notice who CONTINUED on with the investigation, AFTER it was discovered that the ex spy got his info from the Russians.

Sounds like COLLUSION TO ME-)

How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
"I have nothing to do with Russia." January 10, 2017. President Trump. Tweeted again on Jan 11. Many more examples. You can be an ostrich on this issue that is your right.
The Clinton campaign was attacking Trump by proxy, thus the Access Hollywood tapes. Do you not think they were also seeking dirt on Trump,his history, making false accusations via women who accused him of sexual assault, had a lawyer and were all set to go to court, then Trump won and they disappeared.

This meeting with the Russian lawyer is lightweight stuff to be honest, I agree it still isn't honourable, but it appears to be the nature of politics since the dawn of time.

Correct me if I am wrong......but.......didn't the DNC hire a former spy, that then talked to the RUSSIANS, who then insisted Trump gave golden showers? And didn't that then become the infamous DOSSIER!

So let me see, if that is correct, the DNC got the information CLANDESTINELY from the Russians. And wasn't this INFORMATION turned over to our intelligence agencies by the DNC, or would somebody like to explain how it migrated from the DNC to our intelligence agencies, lol.

You want to know the only COLLUSION that I have seen FACTUALLY proven so far!

ANSWER--------->The COLLUSION between Hillary and her team with Debbie (I know NOTHING, NOTHING) Shultz to screw Bernie out of the Democratic nomination, lol. Man, they stuck it to that old Marxist good, didn't they! And then, there was Donna BRAZILLE, giving Hillary the questions for the CNN debate. Talk about COLLUSION, lol! Or maybe it was Lorreta Lynch INSISTING Comey call the Hilly INVESTIGATION something else.

I need know the logic of something--------------> With no evidence that Trump did anything.........I would like to proclaim for the sake of debate, he did!

Taking that into consideration..........exactly what is the difference between Russian MARXISTS, or American MARXISTS like far left Democrats, attempting to put the fix in on our election? Aren't all MARXISTS bad, and as long as we are relatively free Americans, shouldn't they be? I mean, which side ACTUALLY TRIED to fix the election by using COLLUSION! Were it not for Shultz and the Hillary team, Bernie would probably have been the nominee. And then, guess what, lolol! If you think Russia helped Trump, who do you think they would have helped if BERNIE was the Democratic nominee, heheheheheheeheheheehehehee. An old MARXIST, or a Capitalist!

Just think lefties, were it not for Shultz and Hillary, if the Russians really did anything worthwhile as you claim, BERNIE would today be President as the full might of the hammer and sickle would have been behind a like minded individual, such as the old Marxist!

Yes you are wrong. Steele was originally hired by a Jeb Bush donor.

I knew it was a Never Trumper. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was the Bush family considering they are so tight with the Clintons. But the D's took over paying Steele when the Never Trumper gave up.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
Jr. lied and showed in his email that he, Kush, and Manafart, all knew that the Russians were trying to help them with the election contrary to what they and the admin have been saying for months.... NO RUSSIAN MEETINGS OR CONTACTS... ITS BS. Thats the issue I have with this whole thing... its the lying. Does that not concern you at all? Its like every week there is a new falsehood getting pushed out by the white house.

I know the spin that is about to come... She was using the dirty oppo info to get a meeting to talk about adoption. Im sure a bunch of yall will take the bait, but at some point enough is going to be enough, and Trump is going to keep the BS coming until his base starts to shame him and demanding that he shape up and start telling the truth about things.
On the bright side Senator Grassley is going after Fusion GPS and the people who paid them to pay Steele to pay Russian informants. AND now even John McCain is going to have to testify over his involvement in all of this during the trial the Russian businessman has brought against the lot of them.
Gathering opposition research on your opponent is very much common in politics. This has been going on for over 200 years. To pretend that there is suddenly something "unethical" about it is a joke.

I don't know if the left realizes this but the whole entire incident completely buries the "Russian collusion" narrative. If Trump was colluding with the Russian government, why would his son need to meet with this lawyer to get dirt on Hillary?

What is coming out now is, this woman is tied to the same group who orchestrated the Trump Dossier.
No disagreement here. We are still left with the fact that the administration's ham handed way of handling this has hurt our agenda. We have to live with that result until some legislation of some kind that actually changes things is passed.
Dim can I ask why you figured Trump would be a good president? I'm left wing but I can't honestly say this surprised me. Trump's messaging was inconsistent, reactionary and amateuristic from the beginning, not to mention abhorrent to me. Why does this surprise you?
Thanks for the civility. I thought he could grow into the position just as you probably thought Obama (with very limited experience) could grow into the presidency. This argument that "I voted for him to shake things up" makes sense only if he is substantively shaking things up through policy not knuckleheaded tweets. He is a smart guy. If he can stop trying to run through hurdles rather than jumping over a few of them this could still work out.
I always TRY to be civil. Doesn't always work but I try. I think there is a big mentality difference between Obama and Trump. Trump throughout the campaign came across as a bully. A type of person that has an innate inability to question himself coupled with the fact that he probably never had to deal with the consequences of being wrong because of his wealth. This to me is the one type of person that should never be president. Trump can never grow because growing depends on the ability to learn from mistakes. Obama is a politician. Politicians have drawbacks but it also implies that they know the rules of the game. We can argue about what kind of president Obama was but Obama didn't willy nilly offend and he listened to his staff.
Most politicians are megalomaniacs. Some just hide it better than others. LBJ and Nixon were wayyyyyyyy more bullying than Trump on his best day. Trump blusters while LBJ and Nixon would be silently killing their opponents entire families.
LBJ was a bully, but bigger than Trump is big statement.I don't think LBJ would have publicly gone after a fallen veterans family for instance. Nixon was more of a conniving bastard than an actual bully I think. Neither of those examples are Obama. My point is that Republicans, and I assume you too, choose to elect a man who did this and dozens of other things that point to not just a failed politician but a failed man. Someone who had the Russia thing hanging over him even during the campaign. You come over as a reasonable person and there are undoubtedly a lot of Republicans like you out there, so I'm baffled by the willingness of so many reasonable people to elect someone who shows the exact same faults now as during the campaign.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
Jr. lied and showed in his email that he, Kush, and Manafart, all knew that the Russians were trying to help them with the election contrary to what they and the admin have been saying for months.... NO RUSSIAN MEETINGS OR CONTACTS... ITS BS. Thats the issue I have with this whole thing... its the lying. Does that not concern you at all? Its like every week there is a new falsehood getting pushed out by the white house.

I know the spin that is about to come... She was using the dirty oppo info to get a meeting to talk about adoption. Im sure a bunch of yall will take the bait, but at some point enough is going to be enough, and Trump is going to keep the BS coming until his base starts to shame him and demanding that he shape up and start telling the truth about things.

That time will NEVER come. As was said before, Trump could literally kill an innocent person in the middle of the street in front of people and his people would still support him. And I believe it. His supporters would defend him and say it isn't his fault Democrats drove him to do it.
No disagreement here. We are still left with the fact that the administration's ham handed way of handling this has hurt our agenda. We have to live with that result until some legislation of some kind that actually changes things is passed.
Dim can I ask why you figured Trump would be a good president? I'm left wing but I can't honestly say this surprised me. Trump's messaging was inconsistent, reactionary and amateuristic from the beginning, not to mention abhorrent to me. Why does this surprise you?
Thanks for the civility. I thought he could grow into the position just as you probably thought Obama (with very limited experience) could grow into the presidency. This argument that "I voted for him to shake things up" makes sense only if he is substantively shaking things up through policy not knuckleheaded tweets. He is a smart guy. If he can stop trying to run through hurdles rather than jumping over a few of them this could still work out.
I always TRY to be civil. Doesn't always work but I try. I think there is a big mentality difference between Obama and Trump. Trump throughout the campaign came across as a bully. A type of person that has an innate inability to question himself coupled with the fact that he probably never had to deal with the consequences of being wrong because of his wealth. This to me is the one type of person that should never be president. Trump can never grow because growing depends on the ability to learn from mistakes. Obama is a politician. Politicians have drawbacks but it also implies that they know the rules of the game. We can argue about what kind of president Obama was but Obama didn't willy nilly offend and he listened to his staff.
Most politicians are megalomaniacs. Some just hide it better than others. LBJ and Nixon were wayyyyyyyy more bullying than Trump on his best day. Trump blusters while LBJ and Nixon would be silently killing their opponents entire families.
LBJ was a bully, but bigger than Trump is big statement.I don't think LBJ would have publicly gone after a fallen veterans family for instance. Nixon was more of a conniving bastard than an actual bully I think. Neither of those examples are Obama. My point is that Republicans, and I assume you too, choose to elect a man who did this and dozens of other things that point to not just a failed politician but a failed man. Someone who had the Russia thing hanging over him even during the campaign. You come over as a reasonable person and there are undoubtedly a lot of Republicans like you out there, so I'm baffled by the willingness of so many reasonable people to elect someone who shows the exact same faults now as during the campaign.
Didn't like Hillary honestly. But I'm not one of these "burn the witch" types. She's done. Toast. Forget her. I voted for Ross Perot years ago and he might've been crazier than President Trump. So it's pretty much consistent for me.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
Jr. lied and showed in his email that he, Kush, and Manafart, all knew that the Russians were trying to help them with the election contrary to what they and the admin have been saying for months.... NO RUSSIAN MEETINGS OR CONTACTS... ITS BS. Thats the issue I have with this whole thing... its the lying. Does that not concern you at all? Its like every week there is a new falsehood getting pushed out by the white house.

I know the spin that is about to come... She was using the dirty oppo info to get a meeting to talk about adoption. Im sure a bunch of yall will take the bait, but at some point enough is going to be enough, and Trump is going to keep the BS coming until his base starts to shame him and demanding that he shape up and start telling the truth about things.

That time will NEVER come. As was said before, Trump could literally kill an innocent person in the middle of the street in front of people and his people would still support him. And I believe it. His supporters would defend him and say it isn't his fault Democrats drove him to do it.
There is a sliver of Trump nuts that are like that but I also think a large part of his "base" are good hearted republicans that just don't vote democrat and support conservative policies. They want smaller government, less regulation and lower taxes. They support Trump because he promotes that agenda. I think a big part of that 40% base is comprised of these type of people and I think/hope many of them get fed up with the lies and start to demand better.
Obviously I don't know the details but when Jr released the emails he took away an important perjury trap that Mueller could've used against Jr. how? Because Mueller could have asked him under oath whether he had any interest in obtaining information from Russians and if Jr had said "no" he would've committed a crime. So releasing this email chain is actually quite smart.

Having said that the sickening defense I keep hearing from my side is "if it isn't illegal it isn't a problem." My goodness if we raised our children that way we'd have a generation of ethically abhorrent children.

In short it isn't illegal and Jr has a good lawyer. But it still stinks.
But the fact remains, there are no more repugnant people than the Clintons... the loopy kunt deserves to be a failure.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
"I have nothing to do with Russia." January 10, 2017. President Trump. Tweeted again on Jan 11. Many more examples. You can be an ostrich on this issue that is your right.

I thought we were talking about Don Jr.? So what if Trump tweeted "I have nothing to do with Russia"? What would you expect such an open statement to mean? Are you saying Jr. reported the incident to daddy, and daddy conveniently forgot and therefore broke something by tweeting "I have nothing to do with Russia"?

Say, if someone accused me of Russian conspiracy, I suppose I could conspire to say "I have nothing to do with Russia". Then someone would remind me my great-grandfather was Russian, a flaming conspiracy.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
"I have nothing to do with Russia." January 10, 2017. President Trump. Tweeted again on Jan 11. Many more examples. You can be an ostrich on this issue that is your right.

I thought we were talking about Don Jr.? So what if Trump tweeted "I have nothing to do with Russia"? What would you expect such an open statement to mean? Are you saying Jr. reported the incident to daddy, and daddy conveniently forgot and therefore broke something by tweeting "I have nothing to do with Russia"?

Say, if someone accused me of Russian conspiracy, I suppose I could conspire to say "I have nothing to do with Russia". Then someone would remind me my great-grandfather was Russian, a flaming conspiracy.
You go girl.
OP, are you suggesting Trump Jr. is the first to meet with foreign citizens over politics? That and if you were running for POUS, someone said they had dirt on your opponent, are you suggesting they should have refused to listen? If yes, why would that be?

If anything, sounds like Jr. was had.
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
"I have nothing to do with Russia." January 10, 2017. President Trump. Tweeted again on Jan 11. Many more examples. You can be an ostrich on this issue that is your right.

I thought we were talking about Don Jr.? So what if Trump tweeted "I have nothing to do with Russia"? What would you expect such an open statement to mean? Are you saying Jr. reported the incident to daddy, and daddy conveniently forgot and therefore broke something by tweeting "I have nothing to do with Russia"?

Say, if someone accused me of Russian conspiracy, I suppose I could conspire to say "I have nothing to do with Russia". Then someone would remind me my great-grandfather was Russian, a flaming conspiracy.
Do you really think Jr set up a meeting with a Rep from the Russian government that claimed to have damning info on Clinton, called in Manafort and Kushy and Trump had no Idea?? Do you REALLY think that?

Furthermore, do you really think Flynn took it upon himself to call the Russians and tell them not to react to Obamas sanctions without Trumps knowledge. Do you REALLY think that happened?
No. I'm suggesting they shouldn't have freaking denied meetings like this repeatedly before this came out. At least they could've said "I don't recall any such contacts " to leave themselves some wiggle room. But nooooooo they had to be definitive about having nothing to do with the Russians. Amateur hour that makes them look sleazy which impacts our agenda. Stupid.

First they didn't deny it. Second, even if they had neglected to mention it, I believe the question concerned government officials, not lawyers & those involved in the entertainment industry. OPINION | Forget Don Jr.'s email — it's Hillary Clinton who 'colluded' with Russia
"I have nothing to do with Russia." January 10, 2017. President Trump. Tweeted again on Jan 11. Many more examples. You can be an ostrich on this issue that is your right.

I thought we were talking about Don Jr.? So what if Trump tweeted "I have nothing to do with Russia"? What would you expect such an open statement to mean? Are you saying Jr. reported the incident to daddy, and daddy conveniently forgot and therefore broke something by tweeting "I have nothing to do with Russia"?

Say, if someone accused me of Russian conspiracy, I suppose I could conspire to say "I have nothing to do with Russia". Then someone would remind me my great-grandfather was Russian, a flaming conspiracy.
Do you really think Jr set up a meeting with a Rep from the Russian government that claimed to have damning info on Clinton, called in Manafort and Kushy and Trump had no Idea?? Do you REALLY think that?

Trump apparently had business dealings with a Russian Business Woman and again an anonymous source states it was a Money Laundering Operation for The Russian Mob.

From: “Mrs. Olga Patarkatsishvili”
Subject: Re: Greetings From Mrs. Olga PatarkatsishviliGreetings from Georgia,

Greetings in the name of the lord, I am Mrs. Olga Patarkatsishvili, the widow of late Georgian business tycoon Mr. Badri Patarkatsishvili, I have a business proposal which will be of great benefit for you and myself. I will send you further details once I receive your response back. Please for security reason, I will strongly recommend that you write me through my private email account only.

I can be reach on this Email: ([email protected]), for more information’s on this project.

Thanks for your understanding.

Yours truly,
Mrs. Olga Patarkatsishvili.
So what?? Are you ever going to make a point or are you just trying to post random articles to distract from the subject?

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