Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

The backlsh against this recent round of libtard stupidity is going to be enormous. Right at election time too. :lol:

No it won't.

Liberals will go on praising NPR and conservatives will go on praising Fox. Fox will continue using Juan Williams as a "reasonable" liberal voice and in a week no one will remember that NPR displayed classic liberal tolerance at its finest.


I think you sell the people short Immie. It took a LONG time for the public consciousness to finally provoke the people to action in the 9/12er, tax protest, and Tea Party movements. That is because mainstream America, where most of us live, is out making a living and living our lives and just don't want to take the time for a lot of activism. But push us hard enough or far enough and we will push back.

YES the liberals, those NOT in the mainstream, will quickly sweep this under the rug and will dismiss it as inconsequential water long under the bridge, and we in mainstream America will move on to something else. But we will remember. And it will add to glowing embers that hopefully, sooner or later, will become a hot enough fire to provoke us to some activism to clean up the media as well as government.
Aside from Juan Williams being a coward, fearful of Muslims on airplanes, he has no idea what the constitution is all about.

From the OP link:

Juan Williams said:
To say the least this is a chilling assault on free speech.

Free speech is protected from being infringed upon by the US government, not by our employers. The constitution protects us from being arrested for speaking our minds. Not from being fired from our jobs.

Juan Williams is an idiot.

Too bad we cannot ask all those dead AMericans who got onto airplanes with muslims innit?
See, this is what happens when you wander off the NPR reservation and voice an independent thought:


NPR has terminated its contract with Juan Williams, one of its senior news analysts, after he made comments about Muslims on the Fox News Channel.
On the show, the host,Bill O'Reilly asked him to respond to the notion that the United States was facing a “Muslim dilemma.” Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad, aided and abetted by some Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet
Mr. Williams said he concurred with Mr. O’Reilly.
He continued: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous

We need to let down our guard and be nice......till they do it again.
Juan Williams really wasn't giving commentary. He was giving his own personal feelings about how he feels when a muslim with the garb is on an airplane with him.
Beware liberal pundits. Your task masters are watching. I hear they have a dress code and dietary restrictions coming too.
Whenever i read right wing angst over this topic my hypocrisy bell rings extra loud. The wingnuts would be the first to claim a corporation had the right to do whatever was necessary for the business image. Williams' statement was downright idiotic and doubly amazing from a Black man. He should go in the corner and write 100 stereotypes that include him as topic due to the way he looks and sounds, and then come back after a bit of soul searching. That is if a soul or a brain is present.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King
Williams' statement was downright idiotic and doubly amazing from a Black man. He should go in the corner and write 100 stereotypes that include him as topic due to the way he looks and sounds, and then come back after a bit of soul searching. That is if a soul or a brain is present.
Good thing Fabian/progressive know-it-all jackasses like you know what all "right thinking" black folks should be thinking and saying.

ROFLMAO! Big Bad Right Wing Fox News has offered Juan a 3 year contract valued at $2M, a big increase over his previous income.

Reporting from Washington —
As NPR weathered a storm of criticism Thursday for its decision to fire news analyst Juan Williams for his comments about Muslims, Fox News moved aggressively to turn the controversy to its advantage by signing Williams to an expanded role at the cable news network.

Fox News Chief Executive Roger Ailes handed Williams a new three-year contract Thursday morning, in a deal that amounts to nearly $2 million, a considerable bump up from his previous salary, the Tribune Washington Bureau has learned. The Fox News contributor will now appear exclusively and more frequently on the cable news network and have a regular column on FoxNews.com.

"Juan has been a staunch defender of liberal viewpoints since his tenure began at Fox News in 1997," Ailes said in a statement, adding a jab at NPR: “He’s an honest man whose freedom of speech is protected by Fox News on a daily basis.”...

Juan Williams: Fox News gives Juan Williams an expanded role - latimes.com
Whenever i read right wing angst over this topic my hypocrisy bell rings extra loud. The wingnuts would be the first to claim a corporation had the right to do whatever was necessary for the business image. Williams' statement was downright idiotic and doubly amazing from a Black man. He should go in the corner and write 100 stereotypes that include him as topic due to the way he looks and sounds, and then come back after a bit of soul searching. That is if a soul or a brain is present.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

Please explain why a black man should be expected to perceive or behave differently than any other man. And then explain why we should not consider it racist when you suggest that black people are different from any other people. Or should be.

Inquiring minds want to know.
LOL!!! Cowardly bigots get big money from FOX news! Juan is just their man.
Aside from Juan Williams being a coward, fearful of Muslims on airplanes, he has no idea what the constitution is all about.

From the OP link:

Juan Williams said:
To say the least this is a chilling assault on free speech.

Free speech is protected from being infringed upon by the US government, not by our employers. The constitution protects us from being arrested for speaking our minds. Not from being fired from our jobs.

Juan Williams is an idiot.

Juan is an idiot for giving his honest opinion? Why is it so ludicrous to think that a large portion of this population might get a little nervous if a group of Muslim people in full garb sit next to them on a plane?

Was it not radicals of the Muslim faith that crashed planes back in 2001?

Unfortunately, his point wasn't even taken in as it was even though he was man enough to admit he gets nervous, that it is wrong even on his part and that him and the rest of this country needs to move forward from those negative emotions.

NPR had this guy on the chopping block for a while and was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and they got it.
why should anyone be tolerant of rightwingnut hatred?

racism and homophobia should NEVER be tolerated.

Do you honestly characterize a guy admitting his fears and qualifying that with his conviction that we should not act on irrational fears as 'rightwingnut hatred'? Do you honestly believe that a guy that is the liberal voice on every panel he appears on and who wrote a brilliant biography of Thurgood Marshall from a liberal perspective is a 'rightwingnut'?

Do you honestly believe that if he had made the same observation about Catholics or Mormons or Presbyterians that there would have been a surge of outrage demanding his head on a platter?

Juan is not a liberal but a centrist most of the time, and very occasionally to the right of center, which is OK. I have always admired his honesty, even when his topic or conversation may have taken a position I did not like. On this one, he should not have been terminated for giving one's opinion honestly and openly on a sensitive topic, particularly with his track record, disturbs me.
Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.
Aside from Juan Williams being a coward, fearful of Muslims on airplanes, he has no idea what the constitution is all about.

From the OP link:

Juan Williams said:
To say the least this is a chilling assault on free speech.

Free speech is protected from being infringed upon by the US government, not by our employers. The constitution protects us from being arrested for speaking our minds. Not from being fired from our jobs.

Juan Williams is an idiot.
Yep...prolly just a knee jerk reaction, though.
Aside from Juan Williams being a coward, fearful of Muslims on airplanes, he has no idea what the constitution is all about.

From the OP link:

Juan Williams said:
To say the least this is a chilling assault on free speech.

Free speech is protected from being infringed upon by the US government, not by our employers. The constitution protects us from being arrested for speaking our minds. Not from being fired from our jobs.

Juan Williams is an idiot.

Juan is an idiot for giving his honest opinion? Why is it so ludicrous to think that a large portion of this population might get a little nervous if a group of Muslim people in full garb sit next to them on a plane?

Was it not radicals of the Muslim faith that crashed planes back in 2001?

Unfortunately, his point wasn't even taken in as it was even though he was man enough to admit he gets nervous, that it is wrong even on his part and that him and the rest of this country needs to move forward from those negative emotions.

NPR had this guy on the chopping block for a while and was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and they got it.

OK maybe you're an idiot too? You think what I wrote means Juan is an idiot for giving his honest opinion? Either you're an idiot or dishonest.

My point is clear. Juan is a coward and a bigot for being afraid of muslims.

Juan is an idiot for thinking the US constitution protects him from being fired for saying stupid shit.

So tell us which you are then, idiotic or dishonest with your strawman argument? Because I'm not going to defend a position you decide I made. You'll have to argue my actual point instead of making one up for me.

Thank you, come again.
NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

So then, NPR which gets Public Funding is basically admitting they are liberally biased.

What NPR is, is a news station that gives you the news without stupid fear mongering cowardly opinions like Juan Williams opines. They don't want to be associated with that kind of biggoted rhetoric. So if you call that liberally biased, then yeah, I've heard it said, truth has a liberal bias.
They're saying it's not the first time he's crossed the line...

NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller sent an internal memo Thursday seeking to clarify why Williams' contract was terminated, claiming that the remarks he made on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" weren't the problem, he was canned because he's become a pundit rather than an analyst.

"Juan's comments on Fox violated our standards as well as our values and offended many in doing so," Schiller wrote in the memo obtained by Fox News.

"This isn't the first time we have had serious concerns about some of Juan's public comments," she wrote. "Despite many conversations and warnings over the years, Juan continued to violate this principle.

FoxNews.com - NPR Under Fire After Canning Juan Williams

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