Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Media Matters and George Soros were behind this firing. Make no mistake about it. He gives NPR a $1 Million contribution and a Fox News commentator is immediately fired. Our Government should investigate this. If it ever does get investigated,i'm sure they will find that Media Matters and George Soros were behind this. Personally i feel they should pull the Taxpayer plug on both NPR & PBS. They are not unbiased or neutral. It's time to end Tax funding for them.

Republicans had 12 years to cut off funding for public broadcasting.

No. They only had six years. We had a Democrat President or a Democrat controlled Congress the rest of that time. But yeah, they could have done it in those six years except I'm pretty sure President Bush would have vetoed closing down funding for a media organization just because some didn't like what they said.

During that six years they didn't fire somebody just for saying something that didn't fit on the liberal plantation PC list.
Media Matters and George Soros were behind this firing. Make no mistake about it. He gives NPR a $1 Million contribution and a Fox News commentator is immediately fired. Our Government should investigate this. If it ever does get investigated,i'm sure they will find that Media Matters and George Soros were behind this. Personally i feel they should pull the Taxpayer plug on both NPR & PBS. They are not unbiased or neutral. It's time to end Tax funding for them.

Republicans had 12 years to cut off funding for public broadcasting.

No. They only had six years. We had a Democrat President or a Democrat controlled Congress the rest of that time. But yeah, they could have done it in those six years except I'm pretty sure President Bush would have vetoed closing down funding for a media organization just because some didn't like what they said.

During that six years they didn't fire somebody just for saying something that didn't fit on the liberal plantation PC list.
in all honesty, the GOP didnt do a very good job for conservatism in those 6 years either
and they could have defunded it since they took the house in jan of 95
they had the house for those 12 years
Liberals do NOT equal tolerance.

why should anyone be tolerant of rightwingnut hatred?

racism and homophobia should NEVER be tolerated.

Do you honestly characterize a guy admitting his fears and qualifying that with his conviction that we should not act on irrational fears as 'rightwingnut hatred'? Do you honestly believe that a guy that is the liberal voice on every panel he appears on and who wrote a brilliant biography of Thurgood Marshall from a liberal perspective is a 'rightwingnut'?

Do you honestly believe that if he had made the same observation about Catholics or Mormons or Presbyterians that there would have been a surge of outrage demanding his head on a platter?
Republicans had 12 years to cut off funding for public broadcasting.

No. They only had six years. We had a Democrat President or a Democrat controlled Congress the rest of that time. But yeah, they could have done it in those six years except I'm pretty sure President Bush would have vetoed closing down funding for a media organization just because some didn't like what they said.

During that six years they didn't fire somebody just for saying something that didn't fit on the liberal plantation PC list.
in all honesty, the GOP didnt do a very good job for conservatism in those 6 years either
and they could have defunded it since they took the house in jan of 95
they had the house for those 12 years

No they didn't. And they are being called to task...or move out of the way.
Liberals do NOT equal tolerance.

why should anyone be tolerant of rightwingnut hatred?

racism and homophobia should NEVER be tolerated.

Do you honestly characterize a guy admitting his fears and qualifying that with his conviction that we should not act on irrational fears as 'rightwingnut hatred'? Do you honestly believe that a guy that is the liberal voice on every panel he appears on and who wrote a brilliant biography of Thurgood Marshall from a liberal perspective is a 'rightwingnut'?

Do you honestly believe that if he had made the same observation about Catholics or Mormons or Presbyterians that there would have been a surge of outrage demanding his head on a platter?
Oh come on now! Do you honestly believe that if he said "when I see a group of catholic priests wearing their collars I fear for all the little boys on the plane" there would be no outrage?????
I watch Fox. I see Colmes on there regularly. Usually O'Reilly is handing him his ass. He usually sits and debates with Monica Crowley. You should watch.. and learn.. stop drinking kool aid all the time. It simply isn't grown up.

Hey dumb ass, I don't drink kool aid like the talk radio partisan hack you are. I sip at the fount of libertarian knowledge. I watch Fox when I'm not busy having a real life and I see Juan all over the place. Couldn't tell you the last time I saw Colmes.
i think hes on a segment of O'Reilly's show every week
kinda like Dennis Miller does

Yeah, that's the bone theu throw him for kicking him off of Hannity while he is still under contract. As I said, Juan replaced him as the network go to token liberal for everything else. Since Willow sits around watching Fox and posting on USMB all day, perhaps she can log a weeks worth of air time between Juan and Colmes for us.......nah, she wouldn't want to prove my point for me.
why should anyone be tolerant of rightwingnut hatred?

racism and homophobia should NEVER be tolerated.

Do you honestly characterize a guy admitting his fears and qualifying that with his conviction that we should not act on irrational fears as 'rightwingnut hatred'? Do you honestly believe that a guy that is the liberal voice on every panel he appears on and who wrote a brilliant biography of Thurgood Marshall from a liberal perspective is a 'rightwingnut'?

Do you honestly believe that if he had made the same observation about Catholics or Mormons or Presbyterians that there would have been a surge of outrage demanding his head on a platter?
Oh come on now! Do you honestly believe that if he said "when I see a group of catholic priests wearing their collars I fear for all the little boys on the plane" there would be no outrage?????

Funny that it is again left up to Conservatives to defend against Injustice. Here we are again putting aside our differences with Juan, defending his position, because it is the right thing to do in the service of justice and fair play.
Liberals do NOT equal tolerance.

why should anyone be tolerant of rightwingnut hatred?

racism and homophobia should NEVER be tolerated.

Do you honestly characterize a guy admitting his fears and qualifying that with his conviction that we should not act on irrational fears as 'rightwingnut hatred'? Do you honestly believe that a guy that is the liberal voice on every panel he appears on and who wrote a brilliant biography of Thurgood Marshall from a liberal perspective is a 'rightwingnut'?

Do you honestly believe that if he had made the same observation about Catholics or Mormons or Presbyterians that there would have been a surge of outrage demanding his head on a platter?

Juan is not a liberal but a centrist most of the time, and very occasionally to the right of center, which is OK. I have always admired his honesty, even when his topic or conversation may have taken a position I did not like. On this one, he should not have been terminated for giving one's opinion honestly and openly on a sensitive topic, particularly with his track record, disturbs me.
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CaféAuLait;2872427 said:
:rolleyes: What a drama queen.

Drama queen? You've not read rdean or Starkey?

In any case, Juan Williams is the exception to the rule from right or left, he thinks. He just got canned for that.

And now that Juan is gone next up? Mara Liasson:

Liberal group zeros in on next target: NPR correspondent and Fox News contributor, Mara Liasson

Now that Fox News contributor Juan Williams has been dropped from National Public Radio, the liberal website Media Matters for America is now targeting Mara Liasson, the last remaining NPR correspondent who works with Fox News.

Liberal group zeros in on next target: NPR correspondent and Fox News contributor Mara Liasson - Yahoo! News

This sentence was interesting.
Media Matters and NPR both announced this week they were receiving million-dollar grants from left-wing billionaire George Soros.
From her Facebook Page:
At a time when our country is dangerously in debt and looking for areas of federal spending to cut, I think we’ve found a good candidate for defunding. National Public Radio is a public institution that directly or indirectly exists because the taxpayers fund it. And what do we, the taxpayers, get for this? We get to witness Juan Williams being fired from NPR for merely speaking frankly about the very real threat this country faces from radical Islam.
We have to have an honest discussion about the jihadist threat. Are we not allowed to say that Muslim terrorists have killed thousands of Americans and continue to plot the deaths of thousands more? Are we not allowed to say that there are Muslim states that aid and abet these fanatics? Are we not allowed to even debate the role that radical Islam plays in inciting this violence?
I don’t expect Juan Williams to support me (he’s said some tough things about me in the past) – but I will always support his right and the right of all Americans to speak honestly about the threats this country faces. And for Juan, speaking honestly about these issues isn’t just his right, it’s his job. Up until yesterday, he was doing that job at NPR. Firing him is their loss.
If NPR is unable to tolerate an honest debate about an issue as important as Islamic terrorism, then it’s time for “National Public Radio” to become “National Private Radio.” It’s time for Congress to defund this organization.
NPR says its mission is “to create a more informed public,” but by stifling debate on these issues, NPR is doing exactly the opposite. President Obama should make clear his commitment to free and honest discussion of the jihadist threat in our public debates – and Congress should make clear that unless NPR provides that public service, not one more dime.
Mr. President, what say you?
Lefties like to say they don't tolerate the intolerant, but Islam is the most intolerant culture on the planet.

Juan Williams got stabbed in the back by the political ideology he defends, for merely speaking.
Rodney Ho at the Atlanta-Journal Constitution was the first reporter to interview NPR CEO Vivian Schiller on Juan Williams’ firing.

She claims it was not the first time Juan Williams stepped over the line.
Q: So did Juan really get fired over just those Muslim comments? [He said he was uncomfortable with Muslims dressed in traditional garb on airplanes during a Fox News telecast yesterday.]
A: There have been several instances over the last couple of years where we have felt Juan has stepped over the line. He famously said last year something about Michelle Obama and Stokely Carmichael. [The quote on Fox News last year: Obama "has this Stokely-Carmichael-in-a-designer-dress thing going" and that she'll be an "albatross" for President Obama.]. This isn’t a case of one strike and you’re out.
Q: So this is obviously not an isolated incident.
A: There’s so much misinformation on the blogosphere, it’s nuts. This has been an on-going issue. When he does that, when anybody does that, it undermines their credibility as a journalist or in Juan’s case, a news analyst for NPR. Those two things cannot go together…
Q: Mike Huckabee is now saying NPR has discredited itself and should have federal funding revoked.
A: Yes, I heard that. This has become a political issue. My God, I’m shocked!
Q: Could NPR live without federal funding?
A: Let’s go on a sidebar. There’s a misperception about federal funding and public radio. There’s the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. They receive $90 million a year and a vast majority goes to member public radio stations. Those stations pull in more than $1 billion collectively a year. It’s significant and important but not even close to the lion’s share of revenues for public radio. NPR gets no allocation from CPB. Zero. We are a private 501(c)3. We’ve had journalists call up and ask what department of the government we report to. That’s laughable. Have you listened to our shows? We do apply for competitive grants from the likes of the Ford Foundation and the Knight Foundation. As a result, some money from CPB does come to us when we win grants. Depending on the year, it represents just one to three percent of our total budget.
Q: What is your annual budget?
A: $160 million a year from station fees and dues, corporate underwriting, philanthropic contributions from individuals and corporation and earned income and earnings from our endowment.
Lefties like to say they don't tolerate the intolerant, but Islam is the most intolerant culture on the planet.

Juan Williams got stabbed in the back by the political ideology he defends, for merely speaking.

Your are talking out of both sides of your mouth, son, for you would have happily nailed somebody from the left for doing this but yet protect one from the right. Dry your crocodile tears.
The backlsh against this recent round of libtard stupidity is going to be enormous. Right at election time too. :lol:

No it won't.

Liberals will go on praising NPR and conservatives will go on praising Fox. Fox will continue using Juan Williams as a "reasonable" liberal voice and in a week no one will remember that NPR displayed classic liberal tolerance at its finest.

Aside from Juan Williams being a coward, fearful of Muslims on airplanes, he has no idea what the constitution is all about.

From the OP link:

Juan Williams said:
To say the least this is a chilling assault on free speech.

Free speech is protected from being infringed upon by the US government, not by our employers. The constitution protects us from being arrested for speaking our minds. Not from being fired from our jobs.

Juan Williams is an idiot.

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