Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

I'm afraid of 30 year old white males in black trench coats with sun glasses. I think we can all agree that there are some "looks" that people have that might make others uncomfortable, that's probably natural.

Juan made the point however (if you watch the tape fully) that we shouldn't let these natural feelings get the best of us and make us start treating people differently. Because that's what America is about acknowledging and respecting our differences and working together despite them. If we have more discussions with the tone that Juan Williams was using on O'Reilly's show America would be so much better off.

I don't think that the "NPR" types and the majroity of the corporate media (FOX included) are interested in the realities that the majority of Americans face. They're pompous college types who believe we all operate like tools and can be controlled using manuals and text books. There theories soon enough going to come crashing down before there eyes. However, hopefully those theories come crashing down, before this nation does.

I don't agree with you re the Fox corporate media as I think that is perhaps the only major media outlet who does have respect for its audience, doesn't try to dishonestly indoctrinate them, and does give good information for anybody who wants good information in order to have an informed opinion. I never accept a single source or 'parrot sources' for information and then believe I have an informed opinion, however.

But otherwise, you've made an excellent point here that I don't believe anybody else has made re how truly honest Juan was in that segment and how non racist and non bigoted he actually was.
Why do Muslims get to express their religion (since their dress is their religion) in public places while Christians do not?
You're an idiot. Christians certainly can express their religion in public places.

Really? Try having a prayer in a public school. Before a city council meeting. Put a scene of Christ's birth in a public place. Are you living in America now?
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Well I've been on a one-woman anti-PC campaign for some time now. Wanna make it a two-woman campaign? I shouldn't have all this fun getting into all the trouble I do because of it. :)

Mind if I watch? ;)


BTW? Mara Liasson had better watch her back too since she holds jobs at NPR...and FOX...:eek:
mediamatters is already trying to get her fired

As is Huffpo. They are Livid.
Mind if I watch? ;)


BTW? Mara Liasson had better watch her back too since she holds jobs at NPR...and FOX...:eek:
mediamatters is already trying to get her fired

As is Huffpo. They are Livid.

This would be the same Media Matters that recently admitted a $1 million dollar donation from George Soros who has been indirectly funding them through other organizations for some time. The same George Soros who controlled Moveon.org and several other influential groups throughout the last election.

Yep, we're dealing with maybe some of the least wholesome and least honest forces on the American scene and anybody with a brain should be able to see that 'free speech' to such people means that liberals can say whatever they want about anybody or anything. But conservatives or liberals who stray off the reservation will be intentionally targeted and destroyed.

And I suppose there are some even here on USMB who see that as a good thing.
I'm afraid of 30 year old white males in black trench coats with sun glasses. I think we can all agree that there are some "looks" that people have that might make others uncomfortable, that's probably natural.

Juan made the point however (if you watch the tape fully) that we shouldn't let these natural feelings get the best of us and make us start treating people differently. Because that's what America is about acknowledging and respecting our differences and working together despite them. If we have more discussions with the tone that Juan Williams was using on O'Reilly's show America would be so much better off.

I don't think that the "NPR" types and the majroity of the corporate media (FOX included) are interested in the realities that the majority of Americans face. They're pompous college types who believe we all operate like tools and can be controlled using manuals and text books. There theories soon enough going to come crashing down before there eyes. However, hopefully those theories come crashing down, before this nation does.

I don't agree with you re the Fox corporate media as I think that is perhaps the only major media outlet who does have respect for its audience, doesn't try to dishonestly indoctrinate them, and does give good information for anybody who wants good information in order to have an informed opinion. I never accept a single source or 'parrot sources' for information and then believe I have an informed opinion, however.

But otherwise, you've made an excellent point here that I don't believe anybody else has made re how truly honest Juan was in that segment and how non racist and non bigoted he actually was.

He does come clean often, which makes him very likable. It is strange funny how that virtue gets him into trouble with the Left. The leadership is way too controlling and just will not allow deviation from platform. How many of their own have they eaten?
Take your head out of your azz. Colmes still appears on Fox. God damn son but you are dumb. :lol::lol::lol:

Really??? A search of the FOX website lists his bio, but if you search the site, you can't find diddley squat on anything he has contributed to on air. Juan on the other hand has become the replacement "go to" guy for the liberal view on many of the evening shows.

I watch Fox. I see Colmes on there regularly. Usually O'Reilly is handing him his ass. He usually sits and debates with Monica Crowley. You should watch.. and learn.. stop drinking kool aid all the time. It simply isn't grown up.

Hey dumb ass, I don't drink kool aid like the talk radio partisan hack you are. I sip at the fount of libertarian knowledge. I watch Fox when I'm not busy having a real life and I see Juan all over the place. Couldn't tell you the last time I saw Colmes.
John Boehner wants taxpayer funded monies pulled from NPR!

If public radio and television were our biggest expenditures, I'd be happy. Screw giving them the coverage, hold their feet to the fire on bias though.
Who listens to NPR anyway? I've heard them only in passing. It takes about three seconds of their annoying English accents and I'm changing the channel. Still, this man is NOT a racist. He was merely expressing his gut reaction the way anybody else might. Maybe they need to use robots instead, where they could program exactly what they wanted said. Hope he latches on to Fox News.
Who listens to NPR anyway? I've heard them only in passing. It takes about three seconds of their annoying English accents and I'm changing the channel. Still, this man is NOT a racist. He was merely expressing his gut reaction the way anybody else might. Maybe they need to use robots instead, where they could program exactly what they wanted said. Hope he latches on to Fox News.
Islam isn't a race, moron.

He's just a bigot.
Media Matters and George Soros were behind this firing. Make no mistake about it. He gives NPR a $1 Million contribution and a Fox News commentator is immediately fired. Our Government should investigate this. If it ever does get investigated,i'm sure they will find that Media Matters and George Soros were behind this. Personally i feel they should pull the Taxpayer plug on both NPR & PBS. They are not unbiased or neutral. It's time to end Tax funding for them.
Really??? A search of the FOX website lists his bio, but if you search the site, you can't find diddley squat on anything he has contributed to on air. Juan on the other hand has become the replacement "go to" guy for the liberal view on many of the evening shows.

I watch Fox. I see Colmes on there regularly. Usually O'Reilly is handing him his ass. He usually sits and debates with Monica Crowley. You should watch.. and learn.. stop drinking kool aid all the time. It simply isn't grown up.

Hey dumb ass, I don't drink kool aid like the talk radio partisan hack you are. I sip at the fount of libertarian knowledge. I watch Fox when I'm not busy having a real life and I see Juan all over the place. Couldn't tell you the last time I saw Colmes.

Boo hoo fucktard. Just cause you izz too blind to see him doesn't mean he isn't there.
Who listens to NPR anyway? I've heard them only in passing. It takes about three seconds of their annoying English accents and I'm changing the channel. Still, this man is NOT a racist. He was merely expressing his gut reaction the way anybody else might. Maybe they need to use robots instead, where they could program exactly what they wanted said. Hope he latches on to Fox News.
Islam isn't a race, moron.

He's just a bigot.

Right, Ravi. You and NYT via NPR nail it. 398 viewers last year agree! Fox=dump.

The New York Times > Log In

The New York Times > Log In

...Alicia C. Shepard, the NPR ombudswoman, said at the time that Mr. Williams was a “lightning rod” for the public radio organization in part because he “tends to speak one way on NPR and another on Fox.”

Ms. Shepard said she had received 378 listener e-mails in 2008 listing complaints and frustrations about Mr. Williams.

Liberals do NOT equal tolerance.
Media Matters and George Soros were behind this firing. Make no mistake about it. He gives NPR a $1 Million contribution and a Fox News commentator is immediately fired. Our Government should investigate this. If it ever does get investigated,i'm sure they will find that Media Matters and George Soros were behind this. Personally i feel they should pull the Taxpayer plug on both NPR & PBS. They are not unbiased or neutral. It's time to end Tax funding for them.

Really??? A search of the FOX website lists his bio, but if you search the site, you can't find diddley squat on anything he has contributed to on air. Juan on the other hand has become the replacement "go to" guy for the liberal view on many of the evening shows.

I watch Fox. I see Colmes on there regularly. Usually O'Reilly is handing him his ass. He usually sits and debates with Monica Crowley. You should watch.. and learn.. stop drinking kool aid all the time. It simply isn't grown up.

Hey dumb ass, I don't drink kool aid like the talk radio partisan hack you are. I sip at the fount of libertarian knowledge. I watch Fox when I'm not busy having a real life and I see Juan all over the place. Couldn't tell you the last time I saw Colmes.
i think hes on a segment of O'Reilly's show every week
kinda like Dennis Miller does
Media Matters and George Soros were behind this firing. Make no mistake about it. He gives NPR a $1 Million contribution and a Fox News commentator is immediately fired. Our Government should investigate this. If it ever does get investigated,i'm sure they will find that Media Matters and George Soros were behind this. Personally i feel they should pull the Taxpayer plug on both NPR & PBS. They are not unbiased or neutral. It's time to end Tax funding for them.

Republicans had 12 years to cut off funding for public broadcasting.
Media Matters and George Soros were behind this firing. Make no mistake about it. He gives NPR a $1 Million contribution and a Fox News commentator is immediately fired. Our Government should investigate this. If it ever does get investigated,i'm sure they will find that Media Matters and George Soros were behind this. Personally i feel they should pull the Taxpayer plug on both NPR & PBS. They are not unbiased or neutral. It's time to end Tax funding for them.

Republicans had 12 years to cut off funding for public broadcasting.

We're fixing to have eight more.

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