Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

This reminds me of when Jesse Jackson said:

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved..."
LOL!!! Cowardly bigots get big money from FOX news! Juan is just their man.

I love it when the libtards make someone from Fox prosper! It makes my day. Go suck a donkey appendage whydonchya? Asshole.

You love it when bigots and cowards are rewarded by your favorite "news" channel, yes, we are aware.

No I love it when racists and bigots such as your fat self are reduced to sucking on donkey appendages. We mock your stupid azz.
LOL!!! Cowardly bigots get big money from FOX news! Juan is just their man.

I love it when the libtards make someone from Fox prosper! It makes my day. Go suck a donkey appendage whydonchya? Asshole.

You love it when bigots and cowards are rewarded by your favorite "news" channel, yes, we are aware.

awww wassa madder? Don't like it when lib black men get out of line, huh? :rolleyes:
This reminds me of when Jesse Jackson said:

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved..."

Isn't he the same wise soul who wanted to rip obie wan's nutz off? :lol::lol::lol:
You people are honestly about as dishonest, or stupid, as it is possible to be. If he had made the same comments about any other group, including whites, Christians, Jews, Latinos, women, etc...he'd still have exposed himself as a stupid bigot and been fired.

That's bullshit and you know it. People say whatever they want to about Christians, Jews, and women in this country and most of the absurd bigoted hateful shit comes from the left.
Really? Show me one NPR employee that has made similar comments about another group and kept their job.

well lets not confine this debate shall we, unless of course you have to to keep the lid on-

Totenberg on Gen. Boykin: “I Hope He’s
Not Long for This World”

Eight years after NPR’s Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington, wished death upon Senator Jesse Helms (“If there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it"), on the same show over the weekend she seemingly desired to hasten the death of Army General Jerry Boykin for having supposedly expressed the view that the war on terrorism “is a Christian crusade against Muslims.” Totenberg hatefully advocated: “I hope he’s not long for this world.”

When the other panelists were taken aback by her wish (“You putting a hit out on this guy or what?” and, “What is this, the Sopranos?”), she quickly backtracked: “In his job, in his job, in his job, please, please, in his job.”

The relevant portion of the October 18 Inside Washington, a show produced at Washington, DC’s Gannett-owned WUSA-TV and shown nationally on PBS stations.

Totenberg on Gen. Boykin: “I Hope He’s Not Long for This World” --10/20/2003-- Media Research Center

of course she backtracked, so its all cool...:eusa_shhh:

juan qualified his statement in the same segment too, saying basically what Obama said about his grandmother, vis a vis whites looking over their shoulder at blacks, and of course jesse Hijackson made exactly the same case too as Missourian noted, ... no nasty grams from NPR and Totenberg never got called on the carpet....just sayin', NPR appears to be selective in their outrage, but then you appear to be the only one surprised they would be .
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NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

So then, NPR which gets Public Funding is basically admitting they are liberally biased.

Strange thing is that he's being RF-ed for saying essentially the same thing Shirley Sherrod said....Well, there is the little matter that Juan works for Fox, too.

Double standard, anyone?
Any doubt that Mara Liasson is next?

shes a dually too fox and npr so yea, maybe we should start a pool.

She may be a female but black trumps female in the wacky world of Identity politics so yea, her sands are running out of the glass too.

If CAIR ( via a vis Juan) or some such pressure grp. squeezes their balls hard enough, saynora Mara....
The backlsh against this recent round of libtard stupidity is going to be enormous. Right at election time too. :lol:

No it won't.

Liberals will go on praising NPR and conservatives will go on praising Fox. Fox will continue using Juan Williams as a "reasonable" liberal voice and in a week no one will remember that NPR displayed classic liberal tolerance at its finest.


I think you sell the people short Immie. It took a LONG time for the public consciousness to finally provoke the people to action in the 9/12er, tax protest, and Tea Party movements. That is because mainstream America, where most of us live, is out making a living and living our lives and just don't want to take the time for a lot of activism. But push us hard enough or far enough and we will push back.

YES the liberals, those NOT in the mainstream, will quickly sweep this under the rug and will dismiss it as inconsequential water long under the bridge, and we in mainstream America will move on to something else. But we will remember. And it will add to glowing embers that hopefully, sooner or later, will become a hot enough fire to provoke us to some activism to clean up the media as well as government.

Not likely to happen in our lifetimes or the lives of our great-grandchildren for that matter.

NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

So then, NPR which gets Public Funding is basically admitting they are liberally biased.

What NPR is, is a news station that gives you the news without stupid fear mongering cowardly opinions like Juan Williams opines. They don't want to be associated with that kind of biggoted rhetoric. So if you call that liberally biased, then yeah, I've heard it said, truth has a liberal bias.

That kind of remark should remain between you and your psychiatrist.
That's bullshit and you know it. People say whatever they want to about Christians, Jews, and women in this country and most of the absurd bigoted hateful shit comes from the left.
Really? Show me one NPR employee that has made similar comments about another group and kept their job.

well lets not confine this debate shall we, unless of course you have to to keep the lid on-

Totenberg on Gen. Boykin: “I Hope He’s
Not Long for This World”

Eight years after NPR’s Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington, wished death upon Senator Jesse Helms (“If there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it"), on the same show over the weekend she seemingly desired to hasten the death of Army General Jerry Boykin for having supposedly expressed the view that the war on terrorism “is a Christian crusade against Muslims.” Totenberg hatefully advocated: “I hope he’s not long for this world.”

When the other panelists were taken aback by her wish (“You putting a hit out on this guy or what?” and, “What is this, the Sopranos?”), she quickly backtracked: “In his job, in his job, in his job, please, please, in his job.”

The relevant portion of the October 18 Inside Washington, a show produced at Washington, DC’s Gannett-owned WUSA-TV and shown nationally on PBS stations.

Totenberg on Gen. Boykin: “I Hope He’s Not Long for This World” --10/20/2003-- Media Research Center

of course she backtracked, so its all cool...:eusa_shhh:

juan qualified his statement in the same segment too, saying basically what Obama said about his grandmother, vis a vis whites looking over their shoulder at blacks, and of course jesse Hijackson made exactly the same case too as Missourian noted, ... no nasty grams from NPR and Totenberg never got called on the carpet....just sayin', NPR appears to be selective in their outrage, but then you appear to be the only one surprised they would be .

Excellent research and I'm outta rep. :(
This uber selectivity in Public Broadcasting venue is old news anyway, really.

Example- who remembers the fight a Bush appointee over at PBS had trying to keep the wall Street Journal Report on PBS? They made it so hard for him to do his job he got he died the death of a thousand cuts....all over a fight over one half hour show and poof.
Really? Show me one NPR employee that has made similar comments about another group and kept their job.

well lets not confine this debate shall we, unless of course you have to to keep the lid on-

Totenberg on Gen. Boykin: “I Hope He’s
Not Long for This World”

Eight years after NPR’s Nina Totenberg, on Inside Washington, wished death upon Senator Jesse Helms (“If there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it"), on the same show over the weekend she seemingly desired to hasten the death of Army General Jerry Boykin for having supposedly expressed the view that the war on terrorism “is a Christian crusade against Muslims.” Totenberg hatefully advocated: “I hope he’s not long for this world.”

When the other panelists were taken aback by her wish (“You putting a hit out on this guy or what?” and, “What is this, the Sopranos?”), she quickly backtracked: “In his job, in his job, in his job, please, please, in his job.”

The relevant portion of the October 18 Inside Washington, a show produced at Washington, DC’s Gannett-owned WUSA-TV and shown nationally on PBS stations.

Totenberg on Gen. Boykin: “I Hope He’s Not Long for This World” --10/20/2003-- Media Research Center

of course she backtracked, so its all cool...:eusa_shhh:

juan qualified his statement in the same segment too, saying basically what Obama said about his grandmother, vis a vis whites looking over their shoulder at blacks, and of course jesse Hijackson made exactly the same case too as Missourian noted, ... no nasty grams from NPR and Totenberg never got called on the carpet....just sayin', NPR appears to be selective in their outrage, but then you appear to be the only one surprised they would be .

Excellent research and I'm outta rep. :(

:lol:thx FF..hey, you can owe me...;):lol:
Whenever i read right wing angst over this topic my hypocrisy bell rings extra loud. The wingnuts would be the first to claim a corporation had the right to do whatever was necessary for the business image. Williams' statement was downright idiotic and doubly amazing from a Black man. He should go in the corner and write 100 stereotypes that include him as topic due to the way he looks and sounds, and then come back after a bit of soul searching. That is if a soul or a brain is present.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

I don't think anyone on the right has said that NPR did not have the right to do this. I sure as heck know I have not. Of course they have the right to do this, but that does not make it right.

Whenever i read right wing angst over this topic my hypocrisy bell rings extra loud. The wingnuts would be the first to claim a corporation had the right to do whatever was necessary for the business image. Williams' statement was downright idiotic and doubly amazing from a Black man. He should go in the corner and write 100 stereotypes that include him as topic due to the way he looks and sounds, and then come back after a bit of soul searching. That is if a soul or a brain is present.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

I don't think anyone on the right has said that NPR did not have the right to do this. I sure as heck know I have not. Of course they have the right to do this, but that does not make it right.

Well...except those that claim his first amendment rights were violated.
Whenever i read right wing angst over this topic my hypocrisy bell rings extra loud. The wingnuts would be the first to claim a corporation had the right to do whatever was necessary for the business image. Williams' statement was downright idiotic and doubly amazing from a Black man. He should go in the corner and write 100 stereotypes that include him as topic due to the way he looks and sounds, and then come back after a bit of soul searching. That is if a soul or a brain is present.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

I don't think anyone on the right has said that NPR did not have the right to do this. I sure as heck know I have not. Of course they have the right to do this, but that does not make it right.

Well...except those that claim his first amendment rights were violated.

If the Federal government was complicit in the firing, his First Amendment rights WERE violated.
Do you honestly characterize a guy admitting his fears and qualifying that with his conviction that we should not act on irrational fears as 'rightwingnut hatred'? Do you honestly believe that a guy that is the liberal voice on every panel he appears on and who wrote a brilliant biography of Thurgood Marshall from a liberal perspective is a 'rightwingnut'?

Do you honestly believe that if he had made the same observation about Catholics or Mormons or Presbyterians that there would have been a surge of outrage demanding his head on a platter?

Juan is not a liberal but a centrist most of the time, and very occasionally to the right of center, which is OK. I have always admired his honesty, even when his topic or conversation may have taken a position I did not like. On this one, he should not have been terminated for giving one's opinion honestly and openly on a sensitive topic, particularly with his track record, disturbs me.
Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.

Impartial? Has Juan Williams ever been impartial?

I don't think the problem here is that he was not impartial but rather that he was not PC. Liberals and non-PC do not mix.


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