Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

I can't wait to see all the moonbats start attacking Juan for being a rightwing pundit now.
NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

NPR Tells Fox News: Please Don't Associate Juan Williams With Us

I concur.....over the years Juan Williams was becoming sort of 'Alan Colmes light' when he'd comment on Fox News Sunday morning show. So it's no surprise that NPR would pounce on any excuse to dump him.....and giving ANY type of credence on any level to one of the neocon punditry's biggest blowhards was that excuse.

And THAT was NPR's big mistake....because essentially they've handed a major win on the talking points wars to the neocon punditry for the next few months. What Williams said was NOTHING that hasn't gone through the minds of the majority of non-muslim Americans regardless of race creed or color. That he said it while O'Reilly was blowing the foghorn about the NY mosque construction controversy just rubbed the NPR management (and a large number of their audience, I'll wager) the wrong way.

I say, give it a rest NPR. Next time, just have the stones to say flat out WHY you're firing someone, and don't wait to do it on some superfluous point.
I don't think anyone on the right has said that NPR did not have the right to do this. I sure as heck know I have not. Of course they have the right to do this, but that does not make it right.

Well...except those that claim his first amendment rights were violated.

If the Federal government was complicit in the firing, his First Amendment rights WERE violated.
:lol: That's pretty retarded. Are you seriously that paranoid?
Juan is not a liberal but a centrist most of the time, and very occasionally to the right of center, which is OK. I have always admired his honesty, even when his topic or conversation may have taken a position I did not like. On this one, he should not have been terminated for giving one's opinion honestly and openly on a sensitive topic, particularly with his track record, disturbs me.
Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.

Impartial? Has Juan Williams ever been impartial?

I don't think the problem here is that he was not impartial but rather that he was not PC. Liberals and non-PC do not mix.


He should have said that he felt uneasy when "Teabaggers" get on the jet, that's still OK on NPR.
Juan is not a liberal but a centrist most of the time, and very occasionally to the right of center, which is OK. I have always admired his honesty, even when his topic or conversation may have taken a position I did not like. On this one, he should not have been terminated for giving one's opinion honestly and openly on a sensitive topic, particularly with his track record, disturbs me.
Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.

Impartial? Has Juan Williams ever been impartial?

I don't think the problem here is that he was not impartial but rather that he was not PC. Liberals and non-PC do not mix.

One thing I've learned from this thread...it is okay to be pc when Christians are being targeted but not so much when other groups are targeted.

I find that sad.
NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

NPR Tells Fox News: Please Don't Associate Juan Williams With Us

I concur.....over the years Juan Williams was becoming sort of 'Alan Colmes light' when he'd comment on Fox News Sunday morning show. So it's no surprise that NPR would pounce on any excuse to dump him.....and giving ANY type of credence on any level to one of the neocon punditry's biggest blowhards was that excuse.

And THAT was NPR's big mistake....because essentially they've handed a major win on the talking points wars to the neocon punditry for the next few months. What Williams said was NOTHING that hasn't gone through the minds of the majority of non-muslim Americans regardless of race creed or color. That he said it while O'Reilly was blowing the foghorn about the NY mosque construction controversy just rubbed the NPR management (and a large number of their audience, I'll wager) the wrong way.

yes, sadly.

I say, give it a rest NPR. Next time, just have the stones to say flat out WHY you're firing someone, and don't wait to do it on some superfluous point.

Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.

Impartial? Has Juan Williams ever been impartial?

I don't think the problem here is that he was not impartial but rather that he was not PC. Liberals and non-PC do not mix.

One thing I've learned from this thread...it is okay to be pc when Christians are being targeted but not so much when other groups are targeted.

I find that sad.

how so? I am not sure of your point here? :eusa_eh:
awww wassa madder? Don't like it when lib black men get out of line, huh? :rolleyes:

she'd rather he go "sit on da porch"

What? :slap: No way he got fired because he's black.

It was ''tongue in cheek''.

But, I do NOT get the outrage, and the name calling toward Juan. Now all of a sudden he is not a liberal...he's a bigot...etc etc.

What he is is an individual. and he thinks for himself.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King

Please explain why a black man should be expected to perceive or behave differently than any other man. And then explain why we should not consider it racist when you suggest that black people are different from any other people. Or should be.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Because empathy too often sadly grows out of experience. And if you can excuse Williams' bigotry you need to excuse my pointing it out to hypocrites such as yourself who can excuse his bigotry because it agrees with your bigotry.

I could even write my reply simpler but I doubt you would understand either.
she'd rather he go "sit on da porch"

What? :slap: No way he got fired because he's black.

It was ''tongue in cheek''.

But, I do NOT get the outrage, and the name calling toward Juan. Now all of a sudden he is not a liberal...he's a bigot...etc etc.

What he is is an individual. and he thinks for himself.
:eusa_shhh: Liberals can be bigots...He made a bigoted remark.

I'm not convinced he is a liberal, anyway. He's always had some off the wall beliefs.

Regardless, he has shown that he fears people that dress a certain way.
What? :slap: No way he got fired because he's black.

It was ''tongue in cheek''.

But, I do NOT get the outrage, and the name calling toward Juan. Now all of a sudden he is not a liberal...he's a bigot...etc etc.

What he is is an individual. and he thinks for himself.
:eusa_shhh: Liberals can be bigots...He made a bigoted remark.

I'm not convinced he is a liberal, anyway. He's always had some off the wall beliefs.

Regardless, he has shown that he fears people that dress a certain way.

so you are saying he has "zero grounds" for that fear? areyahuh?
It's crazy for a liberal to think he can get away with free speech while on the public dole.
NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

So then, NPR which gets Public Funding is basically admitting they are liberally biased.

What NPR is, is a news station that gives you the news without stupid fear mongering cowardly opinions like Juan Williams opines. They don't want to be associated with that kind of biggoted rhetoric. So if you call that liberally biased, then yeah, I've heard it said, truth has a liberal bias.

So admitting that when you are at an airport and see Muslims you have a moment of anxiety is Bigoted in your view?

Please. He stated the truth, and the Far left Liberal Ideologues who run the publicly funded NPR fired him for it.

Never mind that he then said that we must be careful not to blame all Muslims for the actions of Radicals.

You Libs are unbelievable.
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NPR wasn't overly fond of Williams' NPR ties being identified on Fox. They've been looking for a reason to cut Williams loose.

That's what I've read anyway...

NPR Tells Fox News: Please Don't Associate Juan Williams With Us

I concur.....over the years Juan Williams was becoming sort of 'Alan Colmes light' when he'd comment on Fox News Sunday morning show. So it's no surprise that NPR would pounce on any excuse to dump him.....and giving ANY type of credence on any level to one of the neocon punditry's biggest blowhards was that excuse.

And THAT was NPR's big mistake....because essentially they've handed a major win on the talking points wars to the neocon punditry for the next few months. What Williams said was NOTHING that hasn't gone through the minds of the majority of non-muslim Americans regardless of race creed or color. That he said it while O'Reilly was blowing the foghorn about the NY mosque construction controversy just rubbed the NPR management (and a large number of their audience, I'll wager) the wrong way.

I say, give it a rest NPR. Next time, just have the stones to say flat out WHY you're firing someone, and don't wait to do it on some superfluous point.

"What Williams said was NOTHING that hasn't gone through the minds of the majority of non-muslim Americans regardless of race creed or color."

NPR is low to have done what they have, and in the manner in which they executed the fatal delivery of this man's job, who has worked for them for ten years. On the frigging phone!!!!!

And here is what Juan also said, after the remark that is being touted: ( remark included )

"But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they're identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." ( Juan explaining his honest feelings )

Williams also commented on remarks by Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad warning Americans that the fight is coming to the U.S."He said the war with Muslims, America's war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don't think there's any way to get away from these facts," Williams said.

FoxNews.com - NPR Fires Juan Williams; Fox News Expands His Role
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I don't think anyone on the right has said that NPR did not have the right to do this. I sure as heck know I have not. Of course they have the right to do this, but that does not make it right.

Well...except those that claim his first amendment rights were violated.

If the Federal government was complicit in the firing, his First Amendment rights WERE violated.

Exactly. They are a partially federally funded entity. Our money is a representation of us. He was punished for voicing a fear.
So then, NPR which gets Public Funding is basically admitting they are liberally biased.

What NPR is, is a news station that gives you the news without stupid fear mongering cowardly opinions like Juan Williams opines. They don't want to be associated with that kind of biggoted rhetoric. So if you call that liberally biased, then yeah, I've heard it said, truth has a liberal bias.

So admitting that when you are at an airport and see Muslims you have a moment of anxiety is Bigoted in your view?

Please. He stated the truth, and the Far left Liberal Ideologues who run the publicly funded NPR fired him for it.

He said something that the government doesn't approve of, so Government Radio fires him? This might be an actual case of censorship.
Well...except those that claim his first amendment rights were violated.

If the Federal government was complicit in the firing, his First Amendment rights WERE violated.
:lol: That's pretty retarded. Are you seriously that paranoid?

NPR is publicly funded RAVI, I think that is what he is eluding to.

But then why am I arguing with you, You actually had the balls to say you never really thought he was a liberal anyways.

To funny. If you actually think that you are more lost than I thought. He is a liberal though and through.
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What NPR is, is a news station that gives you the news without stupid fear mongering cowardly opinions like Juan Williams opines. They don't want to be associated with that kind of biggoted rhetoric. So if you call that liberally biased, then yeah, I've heard it said, truth has a liberal bias.

So admitting that when you are at an airport and see Muslims you have a moment of anxiety is Bigoted in your view?

Please. He stated the truth, and the Far left Liberal Ideologues who run the publicly funded NPR fired him for it.

He said something that the government doesn't approve of, so Government Radio fires him? This might be an actual case of censorship.

It's what happens in a government owned entity or state. Look out!
Aside from Juan Williams being a coward, fearful of Muslims on airplanes, he has no idea what the constitution is all about.

From the OP link:

Free speech is protected from being infringed upon by the US government, not by our employers. The constitution protects us from being arrested for speaking our minds. Not from being fired from our jobs.

Juan Williams is an idiot.

Juan is an idiot for giving his honest opinion? Why is it so ludicrous to think that a large portion of this population might get a little nervous if a group of Muslim people in full garb sit next to them on a plane?

Was it not radicals of the Muslim faith that crashed planes back in 2001?

Unfortunately, his point wasn't even taken in as it was even though he was man enough to admit he gets nervous, that it is wrong even on his part and that him and the rest of this country needs to move forward from those negative emotions.

NPR had this guy on the chopping block for a while and was waiting for the perfect moment to strike and they got it.

OK maybe you're an idiot too? You think what I wrote means Juan is an idiot for giving his honest opinion? Either you're an idiot or dishonest.

My point is clear. Juan is a coward and a bigot for being afraid of muslims.

Juan is an idiot for thinking the US constitution protects him from being fired for saying stupid shit.

So tell us which you are then, idiotic or dishonest with your strawman argument? Because I'm not going to defend a position you decide I made. You'll have to argue my actual point instead of making one up for me.

Thank you, come again.

I have to wonder if you understand that the concept of free speech exists outside the rights protected by our Constitution.

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