Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.

Impartial? Has Juan Williams ever been impartial?

I don't think the problem here is that he was not impartial but rather that he was not PC. Liberals and non-PC do not mix.


He should have said that he felt uneasy when "Teabaggers" get on the jet, that's still OK on NPR.

And earned him a hell of a large Christmas Bonus too.

What? :slap: No way he got fired because he's black.

It was ''tongue in cheek''.

But, I do NOT get the outrage, and the name calling toward Juan. Now all of a sudden he is not a liberal...he's a bigot...etc etc.

What he is is an individual. and he thinks for himself.
:eusa_shhh: Liberals can be bigots...He made a bigoted remark.

I'm not convinced he is a liberal, anyway. He's always had some off the wall beliefs.

Regardless, he has shown that he fears people that dress a certain way.

so did obamas grandmother and Jesse Jackson, so what the angst meter reading on that? selectivity is not honest right?
Apparently he violated his contract...which was to be impartial. Kind of hard to consider him impartial if he's freaking out on tv about Muslims, no?

Whatever...he has a nice, fat FAUX contract now. Maybe he planned the entire thing.

Impartial? Has Juan Williams ever been impartial?

I don't think the problem here is that he was not impartial but rather that he was not PC. Liberals and non-PC do not mix.

One thing I've learned from this thread...it is okay to be pc when Christians are being targeted but not so much when other groups are targeted.

I find that sad.

Actually, you are so far off it is really, really sad. It is okay not to be PC when you are targeting Christians, but the moment you cross the line and say something negative in reference to a protected class you have in effect cut your own throat.

If the Federal government was complicit in the firing, his First Amendment rights WERE violated.
:lol: That's pretty retarded. Are you seriously that paranoid?

NPR is publicly funded RAVI, I think that is what he is eluding to.

But then why am I arguing with you, You actually had the balls to say you never really thought he was a liberal anyways.

To funny. If you actually think that you are more lost than I thought. He is a liberal though and through.

If you think Juan is a liberal, then you think Hannitty is somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan.

Juan had every right to voice a fear without thinking of reprisal form Vivian Schiller. She acted incredibly poorly. However, since we all believe that the working man has every right to be terminated from a job for any reason, including none, this should be no big deal.
So admitting that when you are at an airport and see Muslims you have a moment of anxiety is Bigoted in your view?

Please. He stated the truth, and the Far left Liberal Ideologues who run the publicly funded NPR fired him for it.

He said something that the government doesn't approve of, so Government Radio fires him? This might be an actual case of censorship.

It's what happens in a government owned entity or state. Look out!
I watch NPR every evening for the correct government approved news analysis.
I know I'm supporting the taxpayer-extorted fantasy-land against my will, but I'm trying to be a good citizen and enjoy the

Never mind.
:lol: That's pretty retarded. Are you seriously that paranoid?

NPR is publicly funded RAVI, I think that is what he is eluding to.

But then why am I arguing with you, You actually had the balls to say you never really thought he was a liberal anyways.

To funny. If you actually think that you are more lost than I thought. He is a liberal though and through.

If you think Juan is a liberal, then you think Hannitty is somewhere to the right of Ghengis Khan.

Juan had every right to voice a fear without thinking of reprisal form Vivian Schiller. She acted incredibly poorly. However, since we all believe that the working man has every right to be terminated from a job for any reason, including none, this should be no big deal.

Have to agree with you here.

NPR had the right to fire him. No question about it. That does not make it a good decision and it definitely makes the double standard of liberal PC-ness stand out like a sore thumb, but NPR had every right to do what they did.

I have to admit. The one time I have flown since 9/11 I was a bit apprehensive when I saw a muslim get on board as well. Of course he had every right to get on board, but that made me think for a moment.

And I will admit to walking down public streets and seeing teen-aged boys in certain gang style clothing and wishing I could just melt into the side of a nearby building to get out of their way.

I suppose that makes me a bigot too and I suspect that most of you who will deny those feelings yourselves are liars.

check out this schlock, they didn't want him to identify himself as a NPR operative when he went on fox etc. etc...... childish. Hummm so Obama and NPR appear to be one the same page, ala fox as a source, debate platform etc.....I don't think this is honest and rankly no, they should not be allocated public funds if their objectivity is so myopic.

Years ago NPR tried to stop me from going on “The Factor.” When I refused they insisted that I not identify myself as an NPR journalist. I asked them if they thought people did not know where I appeared on the air as a daily talk show host, national correspondent and news analyst. They refused to budge…

Later on the 50th anniversary of the Little Rock crisis President Bush offered to do an NPR interview with me about race relations in America. NPR management refused to take the interview on the grounds that the White House offered it to me and not their other correspondents and hosts. One NPR executive implied I was in the administration’s pocket, which is a joke, and there was no other reason to offer me the interview. Gee, I guess NPR news executives never read my bestselling history of the civil rights movement “Eyes on the Prize – America’s Civil Rights Years,” or my highly acclaimed biography “Thurgood Marshall –American Revolutionary.” I guess they never noticed that “ENOUGH,” my last book on the state of black leadership in America, found a place on the New York Times bestseller list.

This all led to NPR demanding that I either agree to let them control my appearances on Fox News and my writings or sign a new contract that removed me from their staff but allowed me to continue working as a news analyst with an office at NPR. The idea was that they would be insulated against anything I said or wrote outside of NPR because they could say that I was not a staff member. What happened is that they immediately began to cut my salary and diminish my on-air role. This week when I pointed out that they had forced me to sign a contract that gave them distance from my commentary outside of NPR I was cut off, ignored and fired.

rest at-
FoxNews.com - JUAN WILLIAMS: I Was Fired for Telling the Truth

Vivian Schiller the npr CEO should just give it a rest.....

"NPR chief executive Vivian Schiller is defending the firing of news analyst Juan Williams after his comments on the Fox News Channel, saying his feelings about Muslims are between him and “his psychiatrist or his publicist.”

NPR fires news analyst after remarks about Muslims | San Francisco Examiner
What's odd is that, in my opinion, Juan Williams' and Mara Liasson's appearances on Fox gave NPR more credibility with a wider audience than they would have likely had. I think both Williams and Liasson have garnered a lot of respect from people that might otherwise not get to hear their views, and they always handled themselves professionally. This just seems like NPR cutting off its nose to spite its face.
So...anybody want to step up and claim NPR is more fair and balanced than Fox?

This is clearly a form of censorship and meant to be a warning to all other liberal journalists.

Obama wants a dialogue? Seriously? This should be investigated and if it leads back to the White House. Impeach!
So...anybody want to step up and claim NPR is more fair and balanced than Fox?

This is clearly a form of censorship and meant to be a warning to all other liberal journalists.

Obama wants a dialogue? Seriously? This should be investigated and if it leads back to the White House. Impeach!

Wouldn't be surprised, but we do know it leads back to CAIR, which demonstrates where NPR is influenced.
It isn't the crime but the cover up that gets politicans. Get all of the White House's emails and text messages ASAP.
So...anybody want to step up and claim NPR is more fair and balanced than Fox?

This is clearly a form of censorship and meant to be a warning to all other liberal journalists.

Obama wants a dialogue? Seriously? This should be investigated and if it leads back to the White House. Impeach!

I have listened to both regularly for a long time, and undoubtedly as Fox slid down the ethical hill as a voice of propaganda masquerading as a "fair and balanced" alternative (my aching ass) to "mainstrem media", I normally could count on NPR to the one that would generally give a fair shake to both sides. I am not so sure now.

saveliberty, I see a nonsequitur in your attempt to link Obamian deviousness in this scenario to a plot to "warn" journalists. Seriously now.
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The problem is that NPR, the radical left wing radio station, is being funded with taxpayers' money.

That's what needs to stop.:eusa_hand:
I told ya'll Bill O'Reilly wasn't gonna take kindly to this here bullshit. he pointed his finger at the nutbar Schiller tonight and said "NPR is gonna rue the day." :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
NPR is not in any way shape, form, or fashion "a radical left wing radio station." You, however, sound like a far right wing kook on a bent. Go for it.
I told ya'll Bill O'Reilly wasn't gonna take kindly to this here bullshit. he pointed his finger at the nutbar Schiller tonight and said "NPR is gonna rue the day." :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

He's probably right. It can join Fox in looking absolutely stupid on this one. Vivian Schiller needs to resign, like four hours ago.
So...anybody want to step up and claim NPR is more fair and balanced than Fox?

This is clearly a form of censorship and meant to be a warning to all other liberal journalists.

Obama wants a dialogue? Seriously? This should be investigated and if it leads back to the White House. Impeach!

I have listened to both regularly for a long time, and undoubtedly as Fox slid down the ethical hill as a voice of propaganda masquerading as a "fair and balanced" alternative (my aching ass) to "mainstrem media", I normally could count on NPR to the one that would generally give a fair shake to both sides. I am not so sure now.

saveliberty, I see a nonsequitur in your attempt to link Obamian deviousness in this scenario to a plot to "warn" journalists. Seriously now.

Gibbs has started down this road before. It is an established pattern now. In this case, it was a twofer. Get to hit Fox and Juan all in one. It needs to be investigated. WOnder who gets thrown under the bus to save the President this time?
So...anybody want to step up and claim NPR is more fair and balanced than Fox?

This is clearly a form of censorship and meant to be a warning to all other liberal journalists.

Obama wants a dialogue? Seriously? This should be investigated and if it leads back to the White House. Impeach!

I have listened to both regularly for a long time, and undoubtedly as Fox slid down the ethical hill as a voice of propaganda masquerading as a "fair and balanced" alternative (my aching ass) to "mainstrem media", I normally could count on NPR to the one that would generally give a fair shake to both sides. I am not so sure now.

saveliberty, I see a nonsequitur in your attempt to link Obamian deviousness in this scenario to a plot to "warn" journalists. Seriously now.

Gibbs has started down this road before. It is an established pattern now. In this case, it was a twofer. Get to hit Fox and Juan all in one. It needs to be investigated. WOnder who gets thrown under the bus to save the President this time?

Fox whines when it gets hit by the other side? Who would have thought? You are stretching on this. That's like someone trying to link Ayres as an Obamian speech writer. Nonsense.

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