Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Unless his contract specifies that he cannot work for any other media entity, in which case he would be an employee, he is NOT representing NPR anywhere other than when he is working for NPR. IF he had been violating certain terms of his contract with NPR for, as they say, for years and they had concerns for years, they should have enforced it at the time the terms of the contract were violated. They didn't. In almost ALL states, that would automatically be a waiver of those terms of the contract. Without letters of warning or written reminders of the provisions of the contract, they cannot waive them for a length of time and then arbitrarily use them as an excuse for punative measures.

If he was an Independent Contractor, they had every right to not renew his contract for any reason. They most likely did not have legal justification to terminate it for the reasons they did.
As far as I can tell, he's never made any public, bigoted remarks in the past. So, no, there is no waiver granted as you are trying to describe.

Well the implications that they are making on air and in that memo suggest that there was. Also that he is mentally unstable.

What they have done to Juan Williams is despicable. And I don't see how anybody can defend that.
I can't see how anyone can deny an employer a right to boot a bigoted employee.
As far as I can tell, he's never made any public, bigoted remarks in the past. So, no, there is no waiver granted as you are trying to describe.

Well the implications that they are making on air and in that memo suggest that there was. Also that he is mentally unstable.

What they have done to Juan Williams is despicable. And I don't see how anybody can defend that.
I can't see how anyone can deny an employer a right to boot a bigoted employee.

There was nothing Bigoted about what Juan said...


He contracts to do a job...and if he doesn't do it to their specifications they are within their rights to void the contract.

It's pretty basic.

Yup but they can't tell him how to do it or how to supervise his employees, if any, or direct his work in any way other than specify when the job has to be done and completed and what will constitute an acceptable end product. They certainly cannot specify how he conducts himself or what speech is acceptable off the job.
Sure they can...he is a public figure and represents NPR even when on another network. His comments on FOX caused him to lose credibility as an analyst on NPR. No one is required to pay a person that makes them look less credulous.

Did Juan represent FOX when on NPR? He either is an independent contractor, which means he can work for multiple companies, or he is exclusive to NPR, in which case he really is an employee.
lol, I'm remembering the Shirley Sherrod firing and the lefties howls and screams about...HOW UNFAIR.

but hey, no such sympathies for poor ole Liberal Juan..you have to wonder why..
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Yup but they can't tell him how to do it or how to supervise his employees, if any, or direct his work in any way other than specify when the job has to be done and completed and what will constitute an acceptable end product. They certainly cannot specify how he conducts himself or what speech is acceptable off the job.
Sure they can...he is a public figure and represents NPR even when on another network. His comments on FOX caused him to lose credibility as an analyst on NPR. No one is required to pay a person that makes them look less credulous.

Did Juan represent FOX when on NPR? He either is an independent contractor, which means he can work for multiple companies, or he is exclusive to NPR, in which case he really is an employee.
He violated NPR's code of ethics. I seriously doubt FAUX has a code of ethics to violate.
NPR's Code of Ethics? You must have missed this posted earlier:

NPR has a "code of eithics"

don't make me laugh..

And notice the lefties aren't SCREAMING RACISM for the firing of the Liberal Black man...

you have to wonder why...I think we all know..

Juan strayed off the Liberal PLANTATION..so off with him..:eusa_whistle:
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Sure they can...he is a public figure and represents NPR even when on another network. His comments on FOX caused him to lose credibility as an analyst on NPR. No one is required to pay a person that makes them look less credulous.

Did Juan represent FOX when on NPR? He either is an independent contractor, which means he can work for multiple companies, or he is exclusive to NPR, in which case he really is an employee.
He violated NPR's code of ethics. I seriously doubt FAUX has a code of ethics to violate.

If he did, they have a damn weird and offensive code of ethics. But even if we go with your (now irrational and monotonous) diatribe that he made a bigoted statement, THEY are implying it isn't the first time. And because THEY didn't deal with it before, never said a word about it before, didn't make an issue of it before, they are out of line making an issue of it now.

From all appearances, they have been coerced and bought by CAIR, Media Matters, and George Soros who is funding the whole rat's nest.

And that is despicable.
This is building momentum as I suspected it would. The White House is silent on this so far. Who gets thrown under the Obama bus? I think Vivian Shiller will be the first sacrifice, but it won't stop there. No funding for NPR before its done.
NPR made an incredible political and PR faux pas.

The radio program has been the necessary fulcrum of the center to balance the inanities of Fox and the growing shrillness of the cable lib stations. Any lefty who defends Vivian Schiller and the firing is flatly wrong, period. His comments were not racist, they were honest about his apprehensions, and in no way shape or form were they mean spirited. Now the faux right swarms like demons from Lords of the Ring to make hay while the sun shines.

This issue stands perfectly as the metaphor for the disconnect in American political life.

A pox on both your houses.
I wonder how Whoopie and Joyless feel now? Their assinine behavior led to the conversation that got a black man fired from a libturd organization funded by we the people. Wonder how that shit sits in their craws? :lol::lol: oh the irony! :lol::lol::lol:
I wonder how liberals @ NPR feel, now when they know what will happen to them if they go of the track, or try to think for themselves.
oh it's building momentum alright. all in the right direction..come on people, contact your congresscritter and tell them to get BEHIND THIS..

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, October 22, 2010, 12:07 PM
Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) submitted legislation today to stop taxpayer subsidies of public radio and television.
From Senator DeMint’s website:

Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a member of the Senate Commerce Committee which oversees the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), announced he will introduce legislation to stop taxpayer subsidies of public radio and television. CPB-funded television and radio programs are distributed through National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

“Once again we find the only free speech liberals support is the speech with which they agree. The incident with Mr. Williams shows that NPR is not concerned about providing the listening public with an honest debate of today’s issues, but rather with promoting a one-sided liberal agenda,” said Senator DeMint.

“Since 2001, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds programming for National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service, has received nearly $4 billion in taxpayer money,” said DeMint. “The country is over $13 trillion in debt and Congress must find ways to start trimming the federal budget to cut spending. NPR and PBS get about 15 percent of their total budget through federal funding, so these programs should be able to find a way to stand on their own. With record debt and unemployment, there’s simply no reason to force taxpayers to subsidize a liberal programming they disagree with.”

“We can’t keep borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars from China each year to fund public radio and public TV when there are so many choices already in the market for news and entertainment. If CPB is defunded taxpayers will save billions. This is just one of the many cuts Congress should make next year.

“I plan to introduce legislation to defund CPB and force a vote on it as well as other measures to start getting our fiscal house in order,” said Senator DeMint.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting was incorporated in 1967 as a private nonprofit corporation under the authority of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting receives virtually all of its funding through federal appropriations. For fiscal year 2010 the CPB received $420 million and for fiscal year 2011 it will be $430 million. Funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has grown considerably over the years. In 2001, it received $340 million. In 2011, it will be getting $90 million more than that, $430 million.

List of federal funding for CPB over the years, provided by the Congressional Research Service:

•2001: $340 million
•2002: $350 million
•2003: $362.8 million
•2004: $377.8 million
•2005: $386.8 million
•2006: $396 million
•2007: $400 million
•2008: $393 million
•2009: $400 million
•2010: $420 million
•2011: $430 million

from with comments.
Gateway Pundit
So, unfolding information since earlier.

We already posted that George Soros gave $1 million to Media Matters this past week and apparently it was to scrutinize anybody on Fox News and do whatever is necessary to destroy those people.

And apparently George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR this past week or at least recently and you don't give that kind of donation without some strings being attached.

Coincidence you think?

You need to look into how Soros has made his Billions sir.

There is good reason to not like that man.
Did Juan represent FOX when on NPR? He either is an independent contractor, which means he can work for multiple companies, or he is exclusive to NPR, in which case he really is an employee.
He violated NPR's code of ethics. I seriously doubt FAUX has a code of ethics to violate.

If he did, they have a damn weird and offensive code of ethics. But even if we go with your (now irrational and monotonous) diatribe that he made a bigoted statement, THEY are implying it isn't the first time. And because THEY didn't deal with it before, never said a word about it before, didn't make an issue of it before, they are out of line making an issue of it now.

From all appearances, they have been coerced and bought by CAIR, Media Matters, and George Soros who is funding the whole rat's nest.

And that is despicable.
I have not seen them imply he has made bigoted remarks before. In fact, I believe you are totally wrong on that point.

There is nothing irrational about considering the remark bigoted. It would be bigoted no matter what group it was directed at. Perhaps you can't see that because it is a group you either fear or look down on.
Ame®icano;2876750 said:
Liberals do NOT equal tolerance.

why should anyone be tolerant of rightwingnut hatred?

racism and homophobia should NEVER be tolerated.

Are you saying that Juan is racist?

I'd rather say stupidity shouldn't be tolerated... :eusa_whistle:

Racism and Homaphobia?

You do know Islam is not a race or a sexual orientation right.

All Juan did was admit to a personal Feeling when he is on a plane. So if that should not be tolerated then what you are saying is any personal Feeling you do not like should not be tolerated.

There goes the freedom of expression. Killed by the PC police.
Any doubt that Mara Liasson is next?

I think with all that smoke around Juan, Mara just got more leverage and will feel safer there.

What I find funny from comments here is that, most of lefties on this board support NPR decision, they knew all along that Juan was bad for NPR since he is also contributor at FOX. I can't resist to ask, how many of them actually bitch about Juan before he was fired?

What NPR did was probably ordered from above, no doubt about it. I think Juan was wrongly dismissed for being honest. How many of you can be honest as Juan was? After 9/11, what do you think about when you see person in muslim garm boarding a plane? How sexy is he?

When I was watching a show, I didn't even pay attention what he said at first, but now after all this circus I applaud Juan for being real and honest. All those who attack him for that can return to their PC fairy tale.

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