Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

LOL! Time will show me correct. Enjoy knowing that!

Not without a better argument than what has been presented so far. Gibbs damage control should be amusing. Maybe Obama can give a national speech on NPR to clear it all up. :lol:

I just realized something.

Obama is likely to announce that because NPR has proven its intention to remain impartial at all costs and fight against "far right pundits" such as Juan Williams, he will work to increase NPR's grant by something like a hundred-fold and raise taxes on everyone making less than $250,000 to do so.

She would NEVER go out in public without it. :cool:
Do people freak out in fear when they see her in public? How about on a plane?[/QUOTE]
Really can't say how people feel internally. But I never saw anyone "freak out" in public.

But I have notice two basic reactions from sales people toward her.

They are either very, very friendly and almost over accomodating in their help.

Or they are very short and snippy if asked a question. And will many times just walk away without really assisting her.
Muslims are now the new protected and inviolate class among the extreme left. We are not allowed to treat Muslims as anybody else is treated. We cannot note or acknowledge that a person committing or attempting or plotting a crime is Muslim even if the crime is an expression of his faith. We cannot discuss that there are Muslims who are admirable and decent and distinguished citizens, neighbors, friends and there are Muslims who are dangerous and to be treated with great caution.
True, Juan got the shaft big time and I say it was wrong.

As a personal note:

I attend the largest Mosque in New England. And am involved in many of the leadership decisions and activities.

Everyday we are dealing with all kinds of cyber attacks to our web site, property damage and defacement, members being harrassed out in public, job discrimination, hate mail, etc.

As a Muslims, we feel that we are fair game with little recourse.

The ones who bare the brunt of this abuse in public are the muslim women who wear hijab.

I hear stories from them all the time. Cars swerving to hit them as they try to cross the street. People cussing and throwing things at them as they drive by. And public transportation buss drivers not stoping to pick them up when they are the only ones at the buss stop. They just drive past out of spite.

So even though Juan's firing wasn't right. It does show Muslims that at least someone is on their side. :cool:

I don't know about your area so I will accept what you are describing as the truth about your area. Such is not the case in our area. My Muslim neighbor, who sometimes does wear hijab, says she does not feel animosity, most especially on the coasts where such is pretty commonplace along with East Indian women in their saris, the Sikh turbans, the Orthodox Jews in their ominous black robes, and various other ethnic dress.

But welcome to the world of the Christian who has been experiencing such irrational hate for decades now. I can honestly say that I have taken more pure spiteful and hateful comments directed at me because of my Christian beliefs than for all other reasons put together. I was neg repped three times in a single thread for refusing to admit that I was a crazy wild eyed radical Christian fundamentalist.

It does bother me that you would see the mistreatment of another human being who bears no apparent hateful feelings toward anybody or any group as evidence of 'being on your side'.

I don't believe two wrongs make a right. I think hatefulness and unjust treatment purely because others are different should not be acceptable or applauded for ANY reason.
I heard the Soros Sock puppet at NPR say that Juan Williams called Michelle Obama Stokley Carmichael in Jan 2009 and he was warned then not to think outside the Collective.
Muslims are now the new protected and inviolate class among the extreme left. We are not allowed to treat Muslims as anybody else is treated. We cannot note or acknowledge that a person committing or attempting or plotting a crime is Muslim even if the crime is an expression of his faith. We cannot discuss that there are Muslims who are admirable and decent and distinguished citizens, neighbors, friends and there are Muslims who are dangerous and to be treated with great caution.
True, Juan got the shaft big time and I say it was wrong.

As a personal note:

I attend the largest Mosque in New England. And am involved in many of the leadership decisions and activities.

Everyday we are dealing with all kinds of cyber attacks to our web site, property damage and defacement, members being harrassed out in public, job discrimination, hate mail, etc.

As a Muslims, we feel that we are fair game with little recourse.

The ones who bare the brunt of this abuse in public are the muslim women who wear hijab.

I hear stories from them all the time. Cars swerving to hit them as they try to cross the street. People cussing and throwing things at them as they drive by. And public transportation buss drivers not stoping to pick them up when they are the only ones at the buss stop. They just drive past out of spite.

So even though Juan's firing wasn't right. It does show Muslims that at least someone is on their side. :cool:

I don't know about your area so I will accept what you are describing as the truth about your area. Such is not the case in our area. My Muslim neighbor, who sometimes does wear hijab, says she does not feel animosity, most especially on the coasts where such is pretty commonplace along with East Indian women in their saris, the Sikh turbans, the Orthodox Jews in their ominous black robes, and various other ethnic dress.

But welcome to the world of the Christian who has been experiencing such irrational hate for decades now. I can honestly say that I have taken more pure spiteful and hateful comments directed at me because of my Christian beliefs than for all other reasons put together. I was neg repped three times in a single thread for refusing to admit that I was a crazy wild eyed radical Christian fundamentalist.

It does bother me that you would see the mistreatment of another human being who bears no apparent hateful feelings toward anybody or any group as evidence of 'being on your side'.

I don't believe two wrongs make a right. I think hatefulness and unjust treatment purely because others are different should not be acceptable or applauded for ANY reason.

:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Best Post of the Day.
Really can't say how people feel internally. But I never saw anyone "freak out" in public.

But I have notice two basic reactions from sales people toward her.

They are either very, very friendly and almost over accomodating in their help.

Or they are very short and snippy if asked a question. And will many times just walk away without really assisting her.
So why is it, exactly, that you applaud Juan Williams in continuing the stereotypical viewpoint that Muslims in Muslim garb are to be feared?
Really can't say how people feel internally. But I never saw anyone "freak out" in public.

But I have notice two basic reactions from sales people toward her.

They are either very, very friendly and almost over accomodating in their help.

Or they are very short and snippy if asked a question. And will many times just walk away without really assisting her.
they would do that even if she wasnt wearing a burka
thats called poor customer service, and your wife wearing the burka likely had very little to do with it
Really can't say how people feel internally. But I never saw anyone "freak out" in public.

But I have notice two basic reactions from sales people toward her.

They are either very, very friendly and almost over accomodating in their help.

Or they are very short and snippy if asked a question. And will many times just walk away without really assisting her.
So why is it, exactly, that you applaud Juan Williams in continuing the stereotypical viewpoint that Muslims in Muslim garb are to be feared?

Juan never stated that Muslims in Muslim garb ARE TO BE FEARED.
Really can't say how people feel internally. But I never saw anyone "freak out" in public.

But I have notice two basic reactions from sales people toward her.

They are either very, very friendly and almost over accomodating in their help.

Or they are very short and snippy if asked a question. And will many times just walk away without really assisting her.
So why is it, exactly, that you applaud Juan Williams in continuing the stereotypical viewpoint that Muslims in Muslim garb are to be feared?

Juan never stated that Muslims in Muslim garb ARE TO BE FEARED.
No, he just implied it.
Ravi, Williams said nothing of the sort. I heard it. He said he admitted HE got apprehensive when he saw Muslims in full garb on planes on which he was flying. That's not racist, simply an honest statement.
As far as I can tell, he's never made any public, bigoted remarks in the past. So, no, there is no waiver granted as you are trying to describe.

Well the implications that they are making on air and in that memo suggest that there was. Also that he is mentally unstable.

What they have done to Juan Williams is despicable. And I don't see how anybody can defend that.
I can't see how anyone can deny an employer a right to boot a bigoted employee.

It seems the truth is not respected in the halls of NPR. A man truthfully confesses that he is concerned for his safety when flying with people who are openly displaying their allegiance to a faith that declared war on America on Sept. 11, 2001 and that man is summarily court martial-ed for his honesty.

Truth... something that can not be tolerated amongst the media elite.

Really can't say how people feel internally. But I never saw anyone "freak out" in public.

But I have notice two basic reactions from sales people toward her.

They are either very, very friendly and almost over accomodating in their help.

Or they are very short and snippy if asked a question. And will many times just walk away without really assisting her.
they would do that even if she wasnt wearing a burka
thats called poor customer service, and your wife wearing the burka likely had very little to do with it

This is true. I think all of us who have ever gone shopping have at times been almost annoyed by a hovering sales clerk and more annoyed by the one who is obviously avoiding making eye contact or is rude and unpleasant. And that seems to be true no matter WHAT I wear to the store. :)

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