Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

This could have been the tipping point with funding NPR. It's my understanding that there are a lot of upset democrats over this too.

There's no reason to defund NPR here. IF any wrongdoing occurred, the person responsible can be removed.

I see no reason to continue to pour taxpayer money into an organization that allows liberal viewpoints only. De-fund them Write some letters.

Odd you would think that. It took me about 2 minutes to go to npr.org and find this piece on the opinion page:

Justice And The Justice's Wife : NPR

by Kathryn Jean Lopez, editor-at-large of National Review Online,

National Review, as in one of the most prominent conservative publications.

It's really not that difficult to overcome ignorance, you should try it.
Well the implications that they are making on air and in that memo suggest that there was. Also that he is mentally unstable.

What they have done to Juan Williams is despicable. And I don't see how anybody can defend that.
I can't see how anyone can deny an employer a right to boot a bigoted employee.

It seems the truth is not respected in the halls of NPR. A man truthfully confesses that he is concerned for his safety when flying with people who are openly displaying their allegiance to a faith that declared war on America on Sept. 11, 2001 and that man is summarily court martial-ed for his honesty.

Truth... something that can not be tolerated amongst the media elite.

Except, it wasn't a FAITH that declared war...it was a faction of a faith made up of fuckheads that declared war. You are using the same broad brush.
there's no reason to defund npr here. If any wrongdoing occurred, the person responsible can be removed.

i see no reason to continue to pour taxpayer money into an organization that allows liberal viewpoints only. de-fund them write some letters.

odd you would think that. It took me about 2 minutes to go to npr.org and find this piece on the opinion page:

justice and the justice's wife : Npr

by kathryn jean lopez, editor-at-large of national review online,

national review, as in one of the most prominent conservative publications.

It's really not that difficult to overcome ignorance, you should try it.


Indeed little guy..........this is a spectacular PR blunder exposing the left as collassal phonies with their politically correct BS........oh, and a major victory for FOX. Yet the liberal k00ks are still thinking this issue is about the rights of NPR!!!! And nobody out there gives a rats ass!!!
See, this is what happens when you wander off the NPR reservation and voice an independent thought:


NPR has terminated its contract with Juan Williams, one of its senior news analysts, after he made comments about Muslims on the Fox News Channel.
On the show, the host,Bill O'Reilly asked him to respond to the notion that the United States was facing a “Muslim dilemma.” Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad, aided and abetted by some Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet
Mr. Williams said he concurred with Mr. O’Reilly.
He continued: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous

I love how american idiots pass on fear based on myth.
I am very glad that our public schools here clearly make sure inane propaganda like that above and from such like Capitalist are put in proper perspective.
i see no reason to continue to pour taxpayer money into an organization that allows liberal viewpoints only. de-fund them write some letters.

odd you would think that. It took me about 2 minutes to go to npr.org and find this piece on the opinion page:

justice and the justice's wife : Npr

by kathryn jean lopez, editor-at-large of national review online,

national review, as in one of the most prominent conservative publications.

It's really not that difficult to overcome ignorance, you should try it.


You said they only allowed liberal viewpoints. I proved you wrong in 2 minutes. Go pull your head out of your useless fanny and trying acting like something other than an abysmally stupid, tediously annoying airhead for once in your wretched existence.
Lets face it,Socialists/Progressives suck hard. Anyone with common sense understands this. George Soros now owns NPR just like he owns the Democratic Party. There is no reason for them to receive Taxpayer funding. Btw,look at the Socialist/Progressive nutters on this thread calling Juan Williams a "Conservative" and "Right Winger." Juan Williams is a lifelong Liberal Democrat for God's sake. He is a true Liberal in the classic sense and there aren't very many of them left in the Democratic Party. People just need to stop thinking that today's Democrats are real Liberals. Most Democrats are now Socialists/Progressives. There is a difference. Calling Juan Williams a "Conservative" and "Right Winger" just shows you how far Left and deranged most Democrats are at this point. They're just miserable loons in the end. Juan Williams can and will do better. Watch and see.
Lets face it,Socialists/Progressives suck hard. Anyone with common sense understands this. George Soros now owns NPR just like he owns the Democratic Party. There is no reason for them to receive Taxpayer funding. Btw,look at the Socialist/Progressive nutters on this thread calling Juan Williams a "Conservative" and "Right Winger." Juan Williams is a lifelong Liberal Democrat for God's sake. He is a true Liberal in the classic sense and there aren't very many of them left in the Democratic Party. People just need to stop thinking that today's Democrats are real Liberals. Most Democrats are now Socialists/Progressives. There is a difference. Calling Juan Williams a "Conservative" and "Right Winger" just shows you how far Left and deranged most Democrats are at this point. They're just miserable loons in the end. Juan Williams can and will do better. Watch and see.

This is true. Juan Williams is a true liberal in that he can articulate a rationale for his convictions and will do so when asked--this is something almost no socialist progressive can or will do.

In my book that puts him in the ranks with Thurgood Marshall (who Juan immortalized in a wonderful biography), with William Raspberry RIP whom I still miss terribly, with Michael Kinsley, Molly Ivans (RIP), Camille Paglia, and even sometimes, when she is in a lucid moment, Maureen Dowd. These are people who know why they hold the convictions that they do and who provide a brilliant rationale for a liberal point of view. Disagree with all of them? Sure I often do. But I admire their integrity and intellectual honesty very much.
I can't see how anyone can deny an employer a right to boot a bigoted employee.

It seems the truth is not respected in the halls of NPR. A man truthfully confesses that he is concerned for his safety when flying with people who are openly displaying their allegiance to a faith that declared war on America on Sept. 11, 2001 and that man is summarily court martial-ed for his honesty.

Truth... something that can not be tolerated amongst the media elite.

Except, it wasn't a FAITH that declared war...it was a faction of a faith made up of fuckheads that declared war. You are using the same broad brush.

It was people of the faith that declared war on America and most of us Americans cannot tell the difference between a peaceful Muslim and one that is at war with us. I know I can't. I suppose we are all to assume that every Muslim that gets on a plane is a peaceful Muslim... a fair assumption, but one that can prove fatal at times.

Juan Williams a "Right Winger?" Man,Socialists/Progressives really are miserable dummies. I guess if you're not an Ultra-Left Marxist like them,that makes you an "Evil Right Winger." Juan Williams is a lifelong Liberal Democrat. He's a real Liberal and not a shameful Socialist/Progressive. GEESH!
I don't think a terrorist with bad intentions is going to board a plane in his "traditional muslim garb".

Maybe he will, though. And maybe he'll also be carrying a black ball with a lit fuse hanging from it. No one would even notice! :rolleyes:
Juan Williams a "Right Winger?" Man,Socialists/Progressives really are miserable dummies. I guess if you're not an Ultra-Left Marxist like them,that makes you an "Evil Right Winger." Juan Williams is a lifelong Liberal Democrat. He's a real Liberal and not a shameful Socialist/Progressive. GEESH!

Let's be honest here, the right wing is no different. How many of us have said that George W. Bush was a liberal? I know I have read it dozens of times on this site and even typed it a few times myself. It is true, Bush acted like a liberal. But, Liberals who are saying that Williams is not liberal are no different than conservatives speaking the truth about Bush.

I don't think a terrorist with bad intentions is going to board a plane in his "traditional muslim garb".

Maybe he will, though. And maybe he'll also be carrying a black ball with a lit fuse hanging from it. No one would even notice! :rolleyes:
true, the 9/11 terrorists did not wear traditional muslim garb
but he was only stating his irrational fear, and he admitted that it was not only irrational, but WRONG
i see nothing wrong in what he said or how he said it

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