Judeo/Christian Morals and Values

It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.
Off the top of your head, are you aware of any written laws before the Ten Commandments? Seems to me all subsequent laws are 6 degrees separated from the Ten Commandments.
There were many laws prior to the Ten Commandments. Hammurabi comes to mind, and the ancient kingdom of Mari. Sumerians had laws for trade and weights and measures and were the first to write.

Most of the commandments are social mores, like honoring father and mother, or envy or honoring God only. All other communities had laws against murder, lying, theft..although monarchies and empires were subject to whim.
Those actually came to your mind off the top of your head?

I never said there weren’t any. People just don’t know about them. They don’t know about them because their people were not successful in passing them down like the Jews did.

But they all originated from Mesopotamia.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.
Off the top of your head, are you aware of any written laws before the Ten Commandments? Seems to me all subsequent laws are 6 degrees separated from the Ten Commandments.
Which one of the commandments says thou shalt not be gay?
Why does that matter to you?

You believe they are fairytales, right?
So god never said that. Got it.
I don’t believe it is addressed in the Ten Commandments.

Do you know how Adam and Eve knew they did wrong?

They hid.

Maybe that’s your answer. We can know right from wrong for everything not restricted by the Ten Commandments.
So if gay people don't hide, it's all good. Thanks for clearing that up.
Off the top of your head, are you aware of any written laws before the Ten Commandments? Seems to me all subsequent laws are 6 degrees separated from the Ten Commandments.
Which one of the commandments says thou shalt not be gay?
Why does that matter to you?

You believe they are fairytales, right?
So god never said that. Got it.
I don’t believe it is addressed in the Ten Commandments.

Do you know how Adam and Eve knew they did wrong?

They hid.

Maybe that’s your answer. We can know right from wrong for everything not restricted by the Ten Commandments.
So if gay people don't hide, it's all good. Thanks for clearing that up.
You missed the point.
Which one of the commandments says thou shalt not be gay?
Why does that matter to you?

You believe they are fairytales, right?
So god never said that. Got it.
I don’t believe it is addressed in the Ten Commandments.

Do you know how Adam and Eve knew they did wrong?

They hid.

Maybe that’s your answer. We can know right from wrong for everything not restricted by the Ten Commandments.
So if gay people don't hide, it's all good. Thanks for clearing that up.
You missed the point.
C'mon, be serious, you had a point?
Why does that matter to you?

You believe they are fairytales, right?
So god never said that. Got it.
I don’t believe it is addressed in the Ten Commandments.

Do you know how Adam and Eve knew they did wrong?

They hid.

Maybe that’s your answer. We can know right from wrong for everything not restricted by the Ten Commandments.
So if gay people don't hide, it's all good. Thanks for clearing that up.
You missed the point.
C'mon, be serious, you had a point?
Yes. 100%.

This is just going to end with you becoming bored again. Play out the dominoes.
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.

What is the USA's core values??

What is it about 'Judeo/Christian morals and values that has you so confused to the point you have to ask what you have already been told?
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.

What is the USA's core values??

What is it about 'Judeo/Christian morals and values that has you so confused to the point you have to ask what you have already been told?

Please list the imp. ones?? I want to know what the zealots have in mind.
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.
Off the top of your head, are you aware of any written laws before the Ten Commandments? Seems to me all subsequent laws are 6 degrees separated from the Ten Commandments.
There were many laws prior to the Ten Commandments. Hammurabi comes to mind, and the ancient kingdom of Mari. Sumerians had laws for trade and weights and measures and were the first to write.

Most of the commandments are social mores, like honoring father and mother, or envy or honoring God only. All other communities had laws against murder, lying, theft..although monarchies and empires were subject to whim.

People also forget that there were human beings living all over the world, not only in the Middle East. Didn't the ancients among the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, the Native Americans, the Southeast Asians, the Africans also have laws and morals?
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.
Off the top of your head, are you aware of any written laws before the Ten Commandments? Seems to me all subsequent laws are 6 degrees separated from the Ten Commandments.
Which one of the commandments says thou shalt not be gay?
Why does that matter to you?

You believe they are fairytales, right?
So god never said that. Got it.
I don’t believe it is addressed in the Ten Commandments.

Do you know how Adam and Eve knew they did wrong?

They hid.

Maybe that’s your answer. We can know right from wrong for everything not restricted by the Ten Commandments.
When they heard God’s voice prior to violating His request, they weren’t afraid.
People also forget that there were human beings living all over the world, not only in the Middle East. Didn't the ancients among the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, the Native Americans, the Southeast Asians, the Africans also have laws and morals?

Yes and those 'laws and morals' included keeping slaves...They were the 'pioneers' in slavery. Judeo/Christian morals and values eventually put an end to it in the U.S. after a bloody Civil War. Unfortunately the institution of slavery is alive and well "all over the world" today.
People also forget that there were human beings living all over the world, not only in the Middle East. Didn't the ancients among the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, the Native Americans, the Southeast Asians, the Africans also have laws and morals?

Yes and those 'laws and morals' included keeping slaves...They were the 'pioneers' in slavery. Judeo/Christian morals and values eventually put an end to it in the U.S. after a bloody Civil War. Unfortunately the institution of slavery is alive and well "all over the world" today.
Leo, you should read up on when the western 'Christian' nations abolished slavery. America was close to dead last, and off the top of my head, no other western country went to war within itself to preserve slavery. We can be proud of the fact slavery was abolished in America, but lets not pretend we led the charge. And lets not pretend it didn't take another 100 years to gain minimal equal rights thru legislation. Not to mention we are still short of equality in some pockets of current society.
People also forget that there were human beings living all over the world, not only in the Middle East. Didn't the ancients among the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, the Native Americans, the Southeast Asians, the Africans also have laws and morals?

Yes and those 'laws and morals' included keeping slaves...They were the 'pioneers' in slavery. Judeo/Christian morals and values eventually put an end to it in the U.S. after a bloody Civil War. Unfortunately the institution of slavery is alive and well "all over the world" today.
Yes and those 'laws and morals' included keeping slaves...They were the 'pioneers' in slavery. Judeo/Christian morals and values eventually put an end to it in the U.S. after a bloody Civil War. Unfortunately the institution of slavery is alive and well "all over the world" today.

liar ...

the civil war was started and fought by the bible belt embedded in the southern states - the same bible belt that began the slave trade and were their owners.
Off the top of your head, are you aware of any written laws before the Ten Commandments? Seems to me all subsequent laws are 6 degrees separated from the Ten Commandments.
Which one of the commandments says thou shalt not be gay?
Why does that matter to you?

You believe they are fairytales, right?
So god never said that. Got it.
I don’t believe it is addressed in the Ten Commandments.

Do you know how Adam and Eve knew they did wrong?

They hid.

Maybe that’s your answer. We can know right from wrong for everything not restricted by the Ten Commandments.
When they heard God’s voice prior to violating His request, they weren’t afraid.
Exactly. Only after they had done wrong.
liar ...

the civil war was started and fought by the bible belt embedded in the southern states - the same bible belt that began the slave trade and were their owners.

Hey 'Breezy'.....There were many causes of the Civil War. In fact the subject has been debated ad-nausea throughout American History. You also lie about the 'bible belt' and use that moniker to try to racially smear a whole portion of the U.S. I know you are anti-Christian because you try to conflate slavery with Judeo/Christian morals and values. You seem oblivious to the fact that the North was also very religious. In fact all of America is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. I don't know where you went to school but, get your money back. Google could have taught you better.
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.
Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them?
Yet, somehow this doesn’t apply to all
Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them?
But getting your dick sucked isn’t
Leo, you should read up on when the western 'Christian' nations abolished slavery. America was close to dead last, and off the top of my head, no other western country went to war within itself to preserve slavery. We can be proud of the fact slavery was abolished in America, but lets not pretend we led the charge. And lets not pretend it didn't take another 100 years to gain minimal equal rights thru legislation. Not to mention we are still short of equality in some pockets of current society.

I never said America 'led the charge' in the abolition of slavery. Nor am I pretending there wasn't post abolition discrimination. My point is that American was built on Judeo/Christian morals and values and that we shed blood and treasure of our own offspring to bring an end to it. That's all. You know, if it were not for Judeo/Christian values, would we have even recognized what an inhumane practice slavery is? I mean, even today, some godless assholes still keep slaves and rape little girls.

Human beings are what they are and those with any intelligence know that a set of strong morals is a good goal for which to reach. Some do not want to even try and live their lives like narcissists.
People also forget that there were human beings living all over the world, not only in the Middle East. Didn't the ancients among the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indians, the Native Americans, the Southeast Asians, the Africans also have laws and morals?

Yes and those 'laws and morals' included keeping slaves...They were the 'pioneers' in slavery. Judeo/Christian morals and values eventually put an end to it in the U.S. after a bloody Civil War. Unfortunately the institution of slavery is alive and well "all over the world" today.
No it is not, but why tell someone that is delusional to what is reality.
Leo, you should read up on when the western 'Christian' nations abolished slavery. America was close to dead last, and off the top of my head, no other western country went to war within itself to preserve slavery. We can be proud of the fact slavery was abolished in America, but lets not pretend we led the charge. And lets not pretend it didn't take another 100 years to gain minimal equal rights thru legislation. Not to mention we are still short of equality in some pockets of current society.

I never said America 'led the charge' in the abolition of slavery. Nor am I pretending there wasn't post abolition discrimination. My point is that American was built on Judeo/Christian morals and values and that we shed blood and treasure of our own offspring to bring an end to it. That's all. You know, if it were not for Judeo/Christian values, would we have even recognized what an inhumane practice slavery is? I mean, even today, some godless assholes still keep slaves and rape little girls.

Human beings are what they are and those with any intelligence know that a set of strong morals is a good goal for which to reach. Some do not want to even try and live their lives like narcissists.
Where as before it was Judean/Christians raping little girls and having slaves..So they didn't practice any morals yet are considered Judean/Christians, that is a hell of a situation to be proud of...I love contradiction..

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