Judge: Detroit bankruptcy dishonors Obama

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
When I first read the headline that led me to this story I couldn't believe it was true, no one who actually graduated from law school could actually says something that stupid.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant state Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored.

Ingham County judge rules Detroit bankruptcy be withdrawn; Schuette appeals | The Detroit News

Not only is Obama god, but he has magic money to use to make sure pensions survive despite reality.
This is why Liberals are known as ZOMBIES.. No brain material, no functioning thought process..
She's appealing to obama in the same way a minor noble would appeal to the king.

A county judge does not get to tell a federal bankruptcy court what to do. She will have to be sanctioned.
When I first read the headline that led me to this story I couldn't believe it was true, no one who actually graduated from law school could actually says something that stupid.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant state Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored.

Ingham County judge rules Detroit bankruptcy be withdrawn; Schuette appeals | The Detroit News

Not only is Obama god, but he has magic money to use to make sure pensions survive despite reality.

That city has been run by democrats for YEARS. It used to be great....now I try hard not to have to go there for anythings, it's really scary driving through some of those streets! And very sad!!
I didn't know that honoring a president was written into the bankruptcy laws. Gee, learn something new every day from these liberal judges. So, no bankruptcy and they have to magically come up with money to pay the promised pensions. Does this mean the American tax payers are going to bail them out again, then keep bailing them out year after year?

Obama bashed Romney, claiming he would allow Detroit to go bankrupt. I don't see where Obama, or decades of liberal policies have done a damn thing for Detroit or any other city or state. California must be near bankruptcy, too.

I guess when liberals rule unchecked, it tends to scare away tax payers. The population of Detroit went from over 2 million down to 600,000. They have at least 20,000 public sector retirees who were promised cushy pensions and benefits, as well as the current public employees. The city is billions in debt. I thought we bailed them out, but looks like all that TARP money was just a temporary fix. What a surprise. Now, Detroit needs billions to get caught up and then they need more to keep up payments to retirees, current employees and a growing welfare population. They seem desperately short on tax payers to steal from, so time to turn to Obama and see if he can't confiscate some cash on their behalf. Shame that none of Obama's policies created more jobs considering the country is in dire need of more people to steal from. Quite the dilemma, for sure. All that talk of saving Detroit and it turns out they are in worse shape than ever. How will the media spin this failure?
When I first read the headline that led me to this story I couldn't believe it was true, no one who actually graduated from law school could actually says something that stupid.

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant state Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

Aquilina said she would make sure President Obama got a copy of her order.

“I know he’s watching this,” she said, predicting the president ultimately will have to take action to make sure existing pension commitments are honored.

Ingham County judge rules Detroit bankruptcy be withdrawn; Schuette appeals | The Detroit News

Not only is Obama god, but he has magic money to use to make sure pensions survive despite reality.
So we have Judges whom are not impartial and purely political? Who knew?
This is going to travel like wildfire, it is America's Greece.
The next to collapse will be the State of California.

Geezzz.....one can only hope that you're right.....
And the rest of us shouldn't be straddled with the bailouts of ANY of them that fail. They made their mess...they think they have the answers? Then they can figure it out. I refuse to continue to pay for Statist failures.
Thanks for ruining the non rich, then a depression, and now mindless obstruction, GOP and silly dupes. Well, done Reaganists- kiss your azz goodbye in 2014-16...
Thanks for ruining the non rich, then a depression, and now mindless obstruction, GOP and silly dupes. Well, done Reaganists- kiss your azz goodbye in 2014-16...

Wow that's more mindless than your usual mindless rants especially given the fact the Democrats have been in charge in Detroit for most of my life.

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