Judge dismisses Covington HS lawsuit, saying news is actually opinion

CNN & their socialist Democrat-supporting Fake News media have successfully 'fundamentally Changed' journalism.

Because of YEARS of fake news, THE COURTS now believe 'NEWS' is NOT reporting FACTS but is now EDITORIAL OPINION.



Since that's not what the judge decided and that Fox and right wing media are the man providers of fake news...
Wapo is far worse and this story proves it even if the judge was correct

They were slick not to name names in their story it allowed them to avoid a libel case.
They were very cautious to avoid printing outright lies they simply lied by ommission instead

They are far more fake in that they outright manufactured this story damaging the safety and reputation of innocent people along the way

Unlike fox which openly admits to bring biased they claim to be unbiased

They are as credible as a comic book
All left wingers on this site enjoy murdering dolphins in their spare time.

Ugh, they are so bad, Dolphin murderers!

that is a good rightie...

Invent something out of your ass and then accused liberals....

Now lets look into your allegations? Could you provide proof...
Now is is where you will
  1. Provide a story from a discredited source like Brietbart, Gateway Pundit, infowars or worse
  2. Provide nothing
  3. Just insult the person asking
So that is the way the right is operating...
HE approached them yes I made a typo

They did display good manners

You proved that you are a liar

The "I" key is nowhere near the "h" or "e' keys.

He was a smirking little punk. He needs some manners slapped into him.
Doesn't matter where they are typos happen.

He was a peacefully smiling boy who was approached and confronted by a shit head stolen valor fraud and those are facts proven by video.

You sir are a coward and out right liar

The smile that I added to your post above reflects a peaceful smiling man, meant in the most friendly and respectful manner!

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