Judge Dismisses former CIA Operative Valerie Plame's Lawsuit Against

Evidence please.

Pro-Choice: “I’m pro-choice. I’m pro-gay rights,” Giuliani said. He was then asked whether he supports a ban on what critics call partial-birth abortions. “No, I have not supported that, and I don’t see my position on that changing,” he responded.

Pro-Gun Control: In 1993, before even being sworn in as mayor, Giuliani met with then-President Clinton at the White House to discuss national gun registration. Giuliani supported the Brady bill, which had recently passed, but argued that it didn't go far enough.
The President, largely crediting Giuliani for the idea, enthusiastically sent Attorney General Janet Reno off to develop a gun licensing and registration system.


Pro-Gay Marriage: "Giuliani in turn pushed the city's Democratic-controlled City Council, which had avoided the issue for years, to finally pass legislation providing broad protection for same-sex partners. In 1998, he codified local law by granting all city employees equal benefits for their domestic partners"

Anti-Family Values: First he married his second cousin, then divorced her to marry Donna Hanover, then cheated on Hanover, divorced her, and married his third wife, all the while alienating his kids, who now reportedly hate his guts.

Crossdressed: See pic below.

How's that for evidence? Maybe you'll support a REAL conservative and not pseudo-liberals like Giuliani and Bush.


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Pro-Choice: “I’m pro-choice. I’m pro-gay rights,” Giuliani said. He was then asked whether he supports a ban on what critics call partial-birth abortions. “No, I have not supported that, and I don’t see my position on that changing,” he responded.

Pro-Gun Control: In 1993, before even being sworn in as mayor, Giuliani met with then-President Clinton at the White House to discuss national gun registration. Giuliani supported the Brady bill, which had recently passed, but argued that it didn't go far enough.
The President, largely crediting Giuliani for the idea, enthusiastically sent Attorney General Janet Reno off to develop a gun licensing and registration system.


Pro-Gay Marriage: "Giuliani in turn pushed the city's Democratic-controlled City Council, which had avoided the issue for years, to finally pass legislation providing broad protection for same-sex partners. In 1998, he codified local law by granting all city employees equal benefits for their domestic partners"

Anti-Family Values: First he married his second cousin, then divorced her to marry Donna Hanover, then cheated on Hanover, divorced her, and married his third wife, all the while alienating his kids, who now reportedly hate his guts.

Crossdressed: See pic below.

How's that for evidence? Maybe you'll support a REAL conservative and not pseudo-liberals like Giuliani and Bush.

I wont vote for him unless he is the only choice between Obama or Clinton or some other flaming liberal. As for the picture, so what, I bet that was some kind of party or gag and family values are also simply your opinion. He also does not appear to have supported gay "marriage" but rather domestic partner laws, which in fact I support.

Hopefully he won't be our nominee, but your bullshit claims are just that BULLSHIT.
I wont vote for him unless he is the only choice between Obama or Clinton or some other flaming liberal. As for the picture, so what, I bet that was some kind of party or gag and family values are also simply your opinion. He also does not appear to have supported gay "marriage" but rather domestic partner laws, which in fact I support.

Hopefully he won't be our nominee, but your bullshit claims are just that BULLSHIT.

They are not even close to bullshit. I gave you evidence, and you now just dismiss it. Typical of your intellectual incapacity.
I'd say the only thing here that is "typical" is the response of the left.

Sad indeed, but expected.............:eusa_boohoo:
They are not even close to bullshit. I gave you evidence, and you now just dismiss it. Typical of your intellectual incapacity.

Provide evidence his picture is something other than a stunt or a party. That it is in fact him chosing to dress that way cause he "likes" it, as you claimed ( you claimed he is a cross dresser and in that context my question becomes valid) Provide a quote where he supports "marriage" of gays. Your quote does no such thing.

As to Family values, divorce is and has been legal in this country for quite some time now. Divorces can be messy indeed. Does not prove anything about his family values other than he decided he did not love nor want to remain married to those spouses. Provide some evidence other than he got divorced, as that is a none starter. And no the claim his kids do not like him is not proof either.

Like I said, I do not want him to be the Nominee, BUT he is a lot better then the current crop of leftwing nuts running on the Democratic side.
Provide evidence his picture is something other than a stunt or a party. That it is in fact him chosing to dress that way cause he "likes" it, as you claimed ( you claimed he is a cross dresser and in that context my question becomes valid)

No, it is not valid. I claimed he crossdressed. He did. Intent is irrelevant.

As to Family values, divorce is and has been legal in this country for quite some time now. Divorces can be messy indeed. Does not prove anything about his family values other than he decided he did not love nor want to remain married to those spouses.

I know a lot of family values conservatives, and nothing about the way Rudy acted would be in accordance with the values of family values conservatives. Adultery, alienation, divorce.
Provide some evidence other than he got divorced, as that is a none starter. And no the claim his kids do not like him is not proof either.

NY Magazine says that Rudy's daughter now uses her mother's maiden name as her own last name due to her shame towards her father and also did not inform him when she got accepted to Harvard. But I guess that's part of the "liberal" media.
In other words you have nothing on those issues. You made a bullshit claim about crossdressing as a blatant attempt to imply something you can not prove. You have nothing other than he divorced a couple times and his daughter doesn't like him for family values. Got ya. I notice you did not even mention the supposed support of Gay "marriages" Giving up on that one?
I bet that you went through its not the grammer as much. It was your spelling there were alot of errors but I only get on here while I am at work. I am much to busy to be on much at home. So you probably edited your spelling. But regaurdless you are a liberal and as far as I am concerned you are just a maggot, and an oxygen thief.

Here is a link to my post and as you can see it was not edited. So take your opinion and shove it up your ass.
In other words you have nothing on those issues. You made a bullshit claim about crossdressing as a blatant attempt to imply something you can not prove. You have nothing other than he divorced a couple times and his daughter doesn't like him for family values. Got ya. I notice you did not even mention the supposed support of Gay "marriages" Giving up on that one?

1) I never said ANYTHING about his crossdressing other than it OCCURRED. Get it?

2) If you think adultery, alienating your kids to the point where they won't talk to you and multiple divorces are the characteristics of someone who supports real family values, you have no clue what people in red state America believe about family values

3) You think his support for gays is a conservative trait? :lol:
1) I never said ANYTHING about his crossdressing other than it OCCURRED. Get it?

2) If you think adultery, alienating your kids to the point where they won't talk to you and multiple divorces are the characteristics of someone who supports real family values, you have no clue what people in red state America believe about family values

3) You think his support for gays is a conservative trait? :lol:

Your transparent claim now that you did not imply anything by claiming he was a cross dresser is hilarious. And your insistance that Divorce somehow rules out family values means most people in this country have none since the Divorce rate is through the roof.

As for "gay" rights. Last I checked almost every politician of any real standing supports civil Unions and the right of anyone to have civil protection the same as a married couple if they are a couple and so wish it. Which is the extent of his " gay" rights position.

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