Judge Dismisses Jury, Because Not Enuff Blacks (video)

Wow. So he's saying whites simply are racist and can't treat blacks fairly. And he's the judge....over cases involving white cops making charges...and white men facing charges.

How can a man with such inherent racial bias...be a judge?
That judge should lose his law license.
Wonder what would have happened if a white judge had said there were to many blacks on a jury?

Well.....imagine of the judge for the Baltimore cops said "This jury doesn't have enough whites. You're all dismissed."

The city would burn over it.
The hippies are all smoking pot and won't be available to respond to this thread for several hours. But spoiler alert! They will say the judge is right, whites are intrinsically racist, and the judge certainly is not racist for exercising racial discrimination in the jury selection.

Oh, oh, and they'll call us racist for posting this thread.
To me...the action isn't anywhere close to as outrageous as the double standard. Is this judge an idiot and a racist himself? Yes. Obviously.

But the double standard is far worse...of what a white judge would face if a white defendant was on trial...and he said there are too many blacks on the jury and dismissed them to get a whiter jury. The left would go into convulsions.
"Jury of peers" means nothing to you guys?
Should blacks only have black juries and judges?

There's an interesting story about the OJ Simpson jury deliberations. Jury members reported that during the process, black jurors began to congregate on their own, excluding whites from their own deliberations. The forensic evidence and the facts of the case were not important to them, only finding OJ not guilty because he's black. They didn't want to discuss the case, they wanted to set a murderer free because of the color of his skin. This is known as jury nullification, the blacks on OJ's trial ignoring the evidence and turning the trial into a fight for racial justice.

The OJ Simpson jury consisted of 9 blacks, 1 hispanic, and 2 whites.

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