Obviously there is a disagreement in the jury, says Attorney Jonathan Turley


I couldn't Reply so here's my reply without your (stupid) words

I have never heard of Trump and the cancer victims.

But I have read your posts before and you are morally insane.

You claim to be pro life. What a LIE

If you were pro life, you would vote pro life.

You need HELP

I couldn't Reply so here's my reply without your (stupid) words

I have never heard of Trump and the cancer victims.

But I have read your posts before and you are morally insane.

You claim to be pro life. What a LIE

If you were pro life, you would vote pro life.

You need HELP
I do vote pro-life. I do not vote for thoroughly corrupt people.

Every politician is crooked to one degree or another. But Trump is the worst corrupt politician we have ever had.

Of course you don't know about Trump stealing from cancer kids. Your propagandists work very hard to keep you ignorant of the truth about Trump.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

Now you know deep down at the bottom of your black soul that if any other person in the world had stolen from cancer kids, you'd want them dead.

Just the mere accusation against another politician would cause all of you to be out for their blood.

But you will excuse, defend, deny for Trump.

You know what happened to Trump?

He had to pay the money back.

That's. It.

No jail time. Nothing.

Trump had some powerful friends in the New York favor bank. He had a friend in Alvin Bragg's predecessor. Trump donated to his favorite charities to keep him on his good side.

And then of course he had Rudy Giuliani in his corner.

Then there are the senior citizens Trump robbed at his fake university.
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I do vote pro-life. I do not vote for thoroughly corrupt people.

Every politician is crooked to one degree or another. But Trump is the worst corrupt politician we have ever had.
heads up

I'm not responding to your weird, illogical posts anymore. Someone who really loves the unborn would vote for the candidate who also cares about them and got 3 Justices on the Supreme Court to overturn the legalized murder.

You are a liar, saying you are pro life.. and yet you expect people to accept all the BS you (a liar) say about Trump and the cancer kids and everything else.

If I ever investigate that story, it will not be YOU who informs me. Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me again....

and with that I am putting you on Ignore.. Now you don't have to waste your time
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Jonathan Turley is a hack. A total hack.

I would not trust Turley to tell me what time it is.
He's getting big bucks to run his garbage mouth on Fox for the willfully ignorant who watch that garbage of a network.

That whole crew is concerned with one thing & one thing only. Getting Trump back into power so they can suck down another tax cut.
heads up

I'm not responding to your weird, illogical posts anymore. Someone who really loves the unborn would vote for the president who also cares about them and got 3 Justices on the Supreme Court to overturn the legalized murder.

You are a liar, saying you are pro life.. and yet you expect people to accept all the BS you (a liar) say about Trump and the cancer kids and everything else.

If I ever investigate that story, it will not be YOU who informs me. Lie to me once, shame on you. Lie to me again....

and with that I am putting you on Ignore.. Now you don't have to waste your time
I see you are a newcomer to this forum. You are speaking from ignorance. I have been defending the right to life on this forum since I came here in 2011.

So fuck off, loser.
I am hoping the two "attorney jurists" do the right thing. They KNOW the right thing. Lets see if they follow up with it :)
While I don't think the jury will convict, I wouldn't count on the attorneys. Hell, we've got totally biased judges all over the place so there are plenty of biased attorneys to go around. Anyone can justify their beliefs, even attorneys and judges. Whatever your bias is, you can mold the law around to suit your beliefs. That's why even the Supreme Court is filled with liberals vs conservatives.
I’m imagine by now the jury is advised that the judge is making threats towards them if they don’t return the verdict he wants,
While I don't think the jury will convict, I wouldn't count on the attorneys. Hell, we've got totally biased judges all over the place so there are plenty of biased attorneys to go around. Anyone can justify their beliefs, even attorneys and judges. Whatever your bias is, you can mold the law around to suit your beliefs. That's why even the Supreme Court is filled with liberals vs conservatives.
yes, but they do have to live w/ themselves

of course leftists don't appear to have a conscience, which is required for one to have guilt
yes, but they do have to live w/ themselves

of course leftists don't appear to have a conscience, which is required for one to have guilt
Exactly. Totally biased people don't have a conscience. They have already justified their decision and will not change their mind because no matter what you throw at them, they already justified that decision.
If Cohen and Weisselberg totally managed the Stormy NDA, including payment with Trump's money, that does not implicate Trump.
The fact that the prosecution didn't call Weisselberg or Shiller proves that Trump knew nothing how the payment was being managed, including the theft of $60,000 by Cohen.
Cohen said Shiller handed the phone to Trump...but the hack judge didn't allow the defense to call Shiller to confirm he handed the phone to Trump. So Cohen lied, the call was only about the 14-year old prank caller. There is no connection to Trump.

Bragg's case is nonsense.
I invite all readers to go back and actually read the press reports on any issue remotely close to Trump. They will read such reports about Weisselberg that do not focus on him, but focus on Trump. They will hardly discuss for example what Weisselberg lied about. They skip back to Trump as if he was the party on trial. The media clearly is not honest. I recall when reporting was honest.

If President Truman fired General MacArthur, the article stuck to that. It did not move to Truman's wife or those he did business with. It was an article that talked about the actual topic.
Exactly. Totally biased people don't have a conscience. They have already justified their decision and will not change their mind because no matter what you throw at them, they already justified that decision.
well, in all fairness, you could say the same thing about committed Trump folks. The difference is.. as biased on most conservatives are in favor of Trump.. they DO have a conscience... Exhibit A: they are pro life and vote acccordingly
Jonathan Turley is a hack. A total hack.

I would not trust Turley to tell me what time it is.

So you claim, but many other lawyers and prosecutors agree with him. Hell even Bragg declined to bring a case until people in his office revolted and wrote a book. So in the beginning there was a unanimous opinion, among prosecutors, that there was no there there.

So you claim, but many other lawyers and prosecutors agree with him. Hell even Bragg declined to bring a case until people in his office revolted and wrote a book. So in the beginning there was a unanimous opinion, among prosecutors, that there was no there there.

when g5000 says something

it is TRUE

just because she said it

didn't u know that?

It strikes me that the jury is not just handing the crooked judge a verdict

So that's good...
Are you starting to realize that Turley is a fraud, yet?
when g5000 says something

it is TRUE

just because she said it

didn't u know that?

At one time he and I agreed on a lot of things, now his TDS has just made him a hater, and he does what haters do.


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