Judge Dismisses Jury, Because Not Enuff Blacks (video)

In this country there should never be an all-white jury, never...
^^^^2nd pot smoking hippie finally coming to.

It's funny how these racist Leftists demand there never be an all white jury, but they have no problem with an all black jury. A non racist would have said, "There should never be a jury of all one race," but PMH won't say that because he's a racist and only wants that standard to be applied to one race.

They just can't help their racist, bigoted hearts.
"Jury of peers" means nothing to you guys?
They were just as angry back in the good old days when blacks were tried by all white juries. Ya think? :)
^^^^^ First pot addled hippie to notice this thread.

you really should stay away from that stuff.

and most "hippies" are on wall street now and way smarter and richer than you are.

Wrong. Pot smoking hippies are losers with no jobs, no money, and nothing to show for themselves. I'm glad you identify with them.
In this country there should never be an all-white jury, never...
^^^^2nd pot smoking hippie finally coming to.

It's funny how these racist Leftists demand there never be an all white jury, but they have no problem with an all black jury. A non racist would have said, "There should never be a jury of all one race," but PMH won't say that because he's a racist and only wants that standard to be applied to one race.

They just can't help their racist, bigoted hearts.
There should never be an all-black jury either. Happy now?
judges dismiss juries if there was an INTENTIONAL EFFORT TO EXCLUDE BLACKS....
Nothing in the story about "an intentional effort to exclude blacks".

It's just another story of how racist blacks are
In this country there should never be an all-white jury, never...
^^^^2nd pot smoking hippie finally coming to.

It's funny how these racist Leftists demand there never be an all white jury, but they have no problem with an all black jury. A non racist would have said, "There should never be a jury of all one race," but PMH won't say that because he's a racist and only wants that standard to be applied to one race.

They just can't help their racist, bigoted hearts.
There should never be an all-black jury either. Happy now?
I believe your first post that reflects your natural inclinations.
He's an idiot. Both the defense and prosecution have to approve jurors. If the defense sees no issue then there should be no issue.
But if there aren't enough black jurors available because too many are defendants then that's a dilemma.
So now perps are "not guilty cuz da jury gots no brothaz".

They probably can't even get the blacks to show up for jury duty.
This is the same Judge that called a little 3 Yr old white girl a racist


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