Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

There's also the fact that the guy from the store TOLD Floyd the bill was fake, and asked him to either give him real money or give the cigarettes back. He did this TWICE, and Floyd refused both times. So yeah, even if he didn't know the money was fake at the beginning, he did by the time the cops got there.

On the other hand, he could have just as easily driven off before the cops got there...
The racists are hoping this killer gets away will killing a black man. They best hope that doesn't happen.

We hope he doesn't get away if he actually killed him. But given the fact the loser had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his body, it's likely he would have dropped dead no matter what the cops did.
That's a lie and you will be shown that it is. The facct is that the racist white cop with 19 civil rights complaints against his ass he got away with, committed murder. What happened was what was likely. The punk ass racist cop kept getting excused for breaking the motherfucking law until he committed murder.
Floyd died of drug overdose and you still won't admit the truth.
You're the one who can't admit thr truth. And you will learn that.
Passing a counterfeit $20 in Minnesota is a misdemeanor...IF they can prove intent.

And you're wrong. Well you left out a huge part.

Under federal law, the use or attempted use of counterfeit currency is illegal if the person has the intent to defraud the recipient. A conviction for the offense carries up to 20 years in prison and a fine.
I'm not sure if that 20 year penalty refers to the under $1,000 or only over that amount but INTENT needs to proven for even the misdemeanor (under $1,000) and that's a high bar
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.
I didn't watch the circus. It wasn't fitting to give homage to a wild-eyed addict to not only illegal drugs but the addiction spread to the destruction of local businesses whose marginal status was brought on by a wave of losses due to theft by counterfeit. I was thoroughly aggravated they brought their lying, cheating and unrepentant thoughtless slobovian to a bed of fake roses.
Passing a counterfeit $20 in Minnesota is a misdemeanor...IF they can prove intent.

To my knowledge it's a federal crime.
You are correct.

Using or manufacturing counterfeit money is a violation of the United States Code and can be considered criminal fraud. Counterfeiting of currency is not a minor offense, but is actually considered a federal felony handled by the U.S. Secret Service Office.
The denomination does not matter.

Here is the Minnesota Law:

Whether a felony or misdemeanor depends on the penalty.

  • Felony: A crime carrying a penalty of more than a year in prison.
  • Misdemeanor: Usually a petty offense, a less serious crime than a felony, punishable by less than a year of confinement.
As that shows and as I said...passing a counterfeit note less than $1,000 is a misdemeanor in Minnesota, IF they can prove intent.

He was being arrested by a STATE LEO so Federal law was not the issue
Thinking about this some more, he stole a pack of cigarettes along with passing a counterfeit bill.
Blacks getting killed by cops could stop today. Listen to all orders by a police officer, and nobody gets hurt or killed. Of course this is very simple to us on the right, but the left would rather people get killed by the cops, and then riot from coast to coast causing tens of millions of dollars damage.

Then why did this white motherfucker get to live you ignorant racist ass son of a bitch?

White Guy Beats Up The Police

he didn't take a lethal dose of fentanyl?
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.
I didn't watch the circus. It wasn't fitting to give homage to a wild-eyed addict to not only illegal drugs but the addiction spread to the destruction of local businesses whose marginal status was brought on by a wave of losses due to theft by counterfeit. I was thoroughly aggravated they brought their lying, cheating and unrepentant thoughtless slobovian to a bed of fake roses.
what's hilarious to watch is a 6 foot 2 inch 220 lb man 40 years old crying for his mommy in the front seat of his car while they ask him to get out.

Then after removal from the driver seat of his car complain he was Closter phobic to get into the squad car, still screaming for his mommy. Kicking his legs like a fish out of water. I'm still waiting for some demofk do gooder to explain what the cops were supposed to do?
Passing a counterfeit $20 in Minnesota is a misdemeanor...IF they can prove intent.

To my knowledge it's a federal crime.
You are correct.

Using or manufacturing counterfeit money is a violation of the United States Code and can be considered criminal fraud. Counterfeiting of currency is not a minor offense, but is actually considered a federal felony handled by the U.S. Secret Service Office.
The denomination does not matter.

Here is the Minnesota Law:

Whether a felony or misdemeanor depends on the penalty.

  • Felony: A crime carrying a penalty of more than a year in prison.
  • Misdemeanor: Usually a petty offense, a less serious crime than a felony, punishable by less than a year of confinement.
As that shows and as I said...passing a counterfeit note less than $1,000 is a misdemeanor in Minnesota, IF they can prove intent.

He was being arrested by a STATE LEO so Federal law was not the issue
That depends on how many fake $20 bills he had access to.

...but I'll give you that point.
he also stole a pack of cigarettes from the store. And the store called.
The racists are hoping this killer gets away will killing a black man. They best hope that doesn't happen.

We hope he doesn't get away if he actually killed him. But given the fact the loser had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his body, it's likely he would have dropped dead no matter what the cops did.
That's a lie and you will be shown that it is. The facct is that the racist white cop with 19 civil rights complaints against his ass he got away with, committed murder. What happened was what was likely. The punk ass racist cop kept getting excused for breaking the motherfucking law until he committed murder.
did you watch the video play of the cops camera video. What were the cops supposed to do? please enlighten me.

Hey, why didn't Floyd just give the pack of cigarettes to the store clerks when they asked?
That would make sense if only people with a criminal past tried to spend counterfeit money.

Years ago, I was working in a guitar store in San Diego. This mom and grandma came in with little Jimmy who wanted his first guitar.They picked out a $129 beginner set-up. When they went to pay for it, the $100 bill was fake. I couldn't give it back to them, but it's not like they were wanted by the FBI, either. The police showed up, took my statement and theirs, collected the phony bill and everyone went about their business...

That might have taken place here if the suspect wasn't so uncooperative with police. Sure, any one of us can be given counterfeit money we didn't realize, and then we try to spend it, but police call in a suspect upon first encounter, and dispatch reads the officer the suspects record so they know who they are dealing with.

This guy had a long criminal history, and he was obviously tanked up on something other than beer or wine. He was paranoid, calling out for his mother, just totally freaking out unlike your cooperative guitar customer. Given the guy didn't even have a job, it gave police every reason to believe he knew the money was phony.

There's also the fact that the guy from the store TOLD Floyd the bill was fake, and asked him to either give him real money or give the cigarettes back. He did this TWICE, and Floyd refused both times. So yeah, even if he didn't know the money was fake at the beginning, he did by the time the cops got there.
From what I've noticed on the videos, the guy in the red pants is the one passing out the counterfeit bills.

...and from the third bodycam video played during the testimony of James Rugal, the water dripping out under the car is shown just seconds after Floyd exits the right passenger door and is laid on the pavement. It was there before he was. It is NOT his urine.

I don't know exactly where it came from but it was hitting the pavement a few inches from the inside of the right rear tire of the car.

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yep exactly. his unit would have had to have been over a foot long on the street to get there.
what's hilarious to watch is a 6 foot 2 inch 220 lb man 40 years old crying for his mommy in the front seat of his car while they ask him to get out.

Then after removal from the driver seat of his car complain he was Closter phobic to get into the squad car, still screaming for his mommy. Kicking his legs like a fish out of water. I'm still waiting for some demofk do gooder to explain what the cops were supposed to do?

Watching him cry for his mother was sad, not funny. It would have been funny had he not been so tanked up. I don't know what fentanyl does to a person as I never had it myself, and don't know anybody who has, but apparently it puts you in that state of mind.

Police restrain subjects who are tanked up and out of control so they don't hurt themselves. The officers in Baltimore didn't do that, the idiot decided to walk around in that police van while it was moving, and the officers were charged for his death, which of course because he was black, led to the second riot under DumBama.
Then why did this white motherfucker get to live you ignorant racist ass son of a bitch?

White Guy Beats Up The Police

Because the officers didn't feel their lives were being jeopardized nor a threat of serious bodily harm. Plus you don't know what happened in the end when or if they caught up with him.

There are only two possible ways for anybody to endure that amount of tasing: one of course is he was so tanked up on dope it didn't bother him, and two, he was severely mentally ill so he didn't feel the pain. Police officers are aware of this because supposedly, the pain is so severe you wish you were dead. Seemingly it didn't even phase this guy.
That's a lie and you will be shown that it is. The facct is that the racist white cop with 19 civil rights complaints against his ass he got away with, committed murder. What happened was what was likely. The punk ass racist cop kept getting excused for breaking the motherfucking law until he committed murder.

Bullshit. Out of the 18 complaints filed against him, only two were legit that led to disciplinary actions and I can't find what the complaints were for. What I did find is that officer Chauvin received the medal of valor in 2006 and another one in 2008. Also in 2008, he received a commendation medal, and another one in 2009.
Bullshit. Out of the 18 complaints filed against him, only two were legit that led to disciplinary actions and I can't find what the complaints were for. What I did find is that officer Chauvin received the medal of valor in 2006 and another one in 2008. Also in 2008, he received a commendation medal, and another one in 2009.
That was more than a decade ago.

A lot happens in 10 years. Including looking toward retirement instead of looking to serve the community.
Sorry, man, the recording is damning, and really nothing else Chauvin's sleazy lawyers say is going to change that. (In fact, their attempts to demonize Floyd are largely failing, because most of the Witnesses have expressed sorrow over the event.)

So we should judge a person innocent or guilty based on the sorrow witnesses express?

Wow, Ray comparing people of color to animals again. Tell us again how you aren't racist, Ray, that shit never gets old.

Right, because there were no white people in those riots, was there?

People aren't rioting because they are getting treats. They rioted because they are sick and tired of this shit. (The fact they had been locked up in their houses for months due to TRUMP PLAGUE probably didn't help their anxiety levels.

Bullshit. They are looking for any excuse to riot, break into buildings and steal things, and hopefully get away with it. Why do lowlifes in Oregon riot over something that happened 1,300 miles away in Minnesota that had zero to do with them, their cities, or their state?

Make rioting a 20 year minimum prison sentence, and you'd see how fast we could stop riots.

Yes, because they were making matters worse.

No, because the commie cities wanted to create as much chaos as possible to help them to win the next election.

It isn't their money, that's the problem. I'm paying for the value of the product received, and that money should go to the people who did the work. Not the investors or the rich.

Yes, it should go to the workers, and not the people who erected the building to produce that product, the people who pay the bills, the taxes, the utilities, the maintenance, the employee insurances and benefits, the equipment they had to purchase.

Next time you need something, go to where the product is manufactured and pay the workers yourself.

Except we have a lot of cases where people were shot and killed when they presented no threat. Like Tamir Rice. No one gave him an order, Officer Weepy just shot the kid.

What did I tell you about trying to debate using lies Joe? You never seem to learn anything. Well........I guess that's why you're a liberal.

The 5'9" 190 pound "kid" pulled a realistic gun on a police officer and was shot dead.
what's hilarious to watch is a 6 foot 2 inch 220 lb man 40 years old crying for his mommy in the front seat of his car while they ask him to get out.

Then after removal from the driver seat of his car complain he was Closter phobic to get into the squad car, still screaming for his mommy. Kicking his legs like a fish out of water. I'm still waiting for some demofk do gooder to explain what the cops were supposed to do?

Watching him cry for his mother was sad, not funny. It would have been funny had he not been so tanked up. I don't know what fentanyl does to a person as I never had it myself, and don't know anybody who has, but apparently it puts you in that state of mind.

Police restrain subjects who are tanked up and out of control so they don't hurt themselves. The officers in Baltimore didn't do that, the idiot decided to walk around in that police van while it was moving, and the officers were charged for his death, which of course because he was black, led to the second riot under DumBama.
I disagree, I found it funny that his attempt to make himself a victim rather than the criminal he was putting many peoples lives at risk. Following orders is a society matter, and to simply reject them because Floyd was a crying asshole is unacceptable in my world view. One doesn't maintain respect by being a fking dick. And that was what he was. All he actually had to do was to hand the pack of cigarettes back to the two clerks that asked him for it. Naw, pushing an agenda isn't cool with me.

Then crying like a baby for his mommy. Wow.
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Bullshit. Out of the 18 complaints filed against him, only two were legit that led to disciplinary actions and I can't find what the complaints were for. What I did find is that officer Chauvin received the medal of valor in 2006 and another one in 2008. Also in 2008, he received a commendation medal, and another one in 2009.
That was more than a decade ago.

A lot happens in 10 years. Including looking toward retirement instead of looking to serve the community.
did you watch the videos of the police cameras yesterday? what would you have done differently?
I disagree, I found it funny that his attempt to make himself a victim rather than the criminal he was put many peoples lives at risk. Following orders is a society matter, and to simply reject them because Floyd was an crying asshole is unacceptable in my world view. One doesn't maintain respect by being a fking dick. At that was what he was. All he actually had to do was to hand the pack of cigarettes back to the two clerks that asked him for it. Naw, pushing an agenda isn't cool with me.

Then crying like a baby for his mommy. Wow.

Drunks do the same thing. Conscious altering substances get people to behave in a way they otherwise never would sober. It's like a magical force that takes over your body that you can't stop. Don't get me wrong, it was his fault for putting himself in that mental state, but that's what I find sad about it. You are not looking at the real person, more like a person who's been possessed.
I disagree, I found it funny that his attempt to make himself a victim rather than the criminal he was put many peoples lives at risk. Following orders is a society matter, and to simply reject them because Floyd was an crying asshole is unacceptable in my world view. One doesn't maintain respect by being a fking dick. At that was what he was. All he actually had to do was to hand the pack of cigarettes back to the two clerks that asked him for it. Naw, pushing an agenda isn't cool with me.

Then crying like a baby for his mommy. Wow.

Drunks do the same thing. Conscious altering substances get people to behave in a way they otherwise never would sober. It's like a magical force that takes over your body that you can't stop. Don't get me wrong, it was his fault for putting himself in that mental state, but that's what I find sad about it. You are not looking at the real person, more like a person who's been possessed.
sure, in fact they don't remember even doing what they do. We're a society, and we have rules. They knew the rules before getting high or drunk. They volunteer themselves to self incrimination. What was the choice of the cops on the scene? I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what they would have done. everyone is avoiding it, for good reason. There isn't a win win situation for anyone in the incident. Not even the bystanders. And it was all due to stealing a pack of cigarettes that Floyd could have simply handed back to the clerks. I'm done with punks like him.

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