Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

sure, in fact they don't remember even doing what they do. We're a society, and we have rules. They knew the rules before getting high or drunk. They volunteer themselves to self incrimination. What was the choice of the cops on the scene? I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what they would have done. everyone is avoiding it, for good reason. There isn't a win win situation for anyone in the incident. Not even the bystanders. And it was all due to stealing a pack of cigarettes that Floyd could have simply handed back to the clerks. I'm done with punks like him.

That's what I'm talking about. He is responsible for putting himself in that state of mind, but like you said, wouldn't have even remembered it the next day if he lived. It's not the same person.

It's kind of like those TV comedy skits where a good looking guy wakes up with a severe hangover only to roll over and realize there is some strange heavy set ugly woman next to him and can't remember how she got there.
did you watch the videos of the police cameras yesterday? what would you have done differently?

No, and Everything.
so you don't even know what happened. useless poster you are in here. bye.

The simplest thing Floyd himself could have done was just hand the pack of cigarettes he stole back to the two clerks that asked him for it.
he also stole a pack of cigarettes from the store. And the store called.
I'm not arguing against his being arrested. According to MN law, the penalty determines whether use or possession of counterfeit currency is a misdemeanor or a felony. I'm not clear on that issue when federal law is being applied. However, MN LEO do not enforce federal laws.

Had Floyd the good sense to comply with the officer's commands, he might have lived long enough to have his stomach pumped, stay alive and depending on the court findings, be acquitted for lack of intent as the prosecutor might not have been able to prove intent.

So we should judge a person innocent or guilty based on the sorrow witnesses express?
Prosecutors and defense attorneys alike use emotional witnesses to evoke emotions in the minds of jurors.
I'm not arguing against his being arrested. According to MN law, the penalty determines whether use or possession of counterfeit currency is a misdemeanor or a felony. I'm not clear on that issue when federal law is being applied. However, MN LEO do not enforce federal laws.
well he hit the jackpot, passed an illegal bill and then walked out without paying for a pack of cigarettes. Two crimes.
I disagree, I found it funny that his attempt to make himself a victim rather than the criminal he was putting many peoples lives at risk.
He was a victim of the illegal drug dealers, though he did put other's lives at risk.
He is responsible for putting himself in that state of mind, ...
His illegal drug dealers enabled him.

I contend that the people most responsible for George Floyd's death and the deaths of countless others are the drug dealers, most of whom do not use the products they push onto addicted users.

Morries Lester Hall (one of Floyd's go-to guys) is the one in the red hat, red pants...the front seat passenger in the Mercedes Floyd was sitting in when the police first confronted him.

Chauvin should be acquitted and the illegal drug dealers put to death.

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From the currently running court video (police body cam) , at least 3 things are evident:

Floyd was yelling "I can't breath" repeatedly BEFORE HE WAS PUT IN THE CAR.

He was yelling "I can't breathe" as he was exiting the other side of the car BEFORE HE LAID ON THE GROUND.

The "urine" identified by the know-it-all, off-duty firefighter bimbo was condensate water dripping out of the police car exhaust.
Where do conservatives go to become as stupid as you.
Watch the videos, stupid.
Conservatives have videos to become stupid.

Seems right
From the currently running court video (police body cam) , at least 3 things are evident:

Floyd was yelling "I can't breath" repeatedly BEFORE HE WAS PUT IN THE CAR.

He was yelling "I can't breathe" as he was exiting the other side of the car BEFORE HE LAID ON THE GROUND.

The "urine" identified by the know-it-all, off-duty firefighter bimbo was condensate water dripping out of the police car exhaust.
Where do conservatives go to become as stupid as you.
Watch the videos, stupid.
Conservatives have videos to become stupid.

Seems right
explain what you would have done differently? I'm still waiting. Let's see your genius.
His illegal drug dealers enabled him.

I contend that the people most responsible for George Floyd's death and the deaths of countless others are the drug dealers, most of whom do not use the products they push onto addicted users.

Morries Lester Hall (one of Floyd's go-to guys) is the one in the red hat, red pants...the front seat passenger in the Mercedes Floyd was sitting in when the police first confronted him.

Chauvin should be acquitted and the illegal drug dealers put to death.

I couldn't disagree more here. Recreational narcotics are available to all of us, but only those who are careless and irresponsible seek those narcotics. It's the same argument the left uses to try and take our firearms away. If not for the gun sellers and guns in our society, people would not kill each other. I've been a gun owner for 40 years, and have not so much ever pulled my gun on anybody.
well he hit the jackpot, passed an illegal bill and then walked out without paying for a pack of cigarettes. Two crimes.

I had to run to the drug store, so I was listening to evil right-wing radio on the way. The host of the show stated that Floyd had a tab there, and the store offered to put the cigarettes on his tab. Floyd not in the right state of mind refused, and took the cigarettes anyway.
I couldn't disagree more here. Recreational narcotics are available to all of us, but only those who are careless and irresponsible seek those narcotics.
I doubt that fentanyl is considered a recreational drug. Do you deny that illegal drug pushers entice their "clients" to buy the drugs even though they know the users are addicted and may OD on it or get spaced out and commit crimes?

It's the same argument the left uses to try and take our firearms away. If not for the gun sellers and guns in our society, people would not kill each other.
Apples and Oranges!

I've been a gun owner for 40 years, and have not so much ever pulled my gun on anybody.
I've been a gun owner for 66 years, and also have never pulled any gun on anybody. I've pulled many triggers while pointing at thousands of doves, ducks, geese, rabbits and human silhouette paper targets, but thankfully have never needed to point any weapon at a human being. I do practice for the occasion.


Aside from advertising the legal sales of guns to the public, I know of no gun dealer that entices people to buy weapons, certainly not illegal weapons such as fully automatic firearms.

All of my firearms were either legally purchased by me or gifted to me by my gun-owning father.

Possession and use of guns are constitutionally protected rights. Possession and use of illegally obtained drugs are not.

Like I said, apples and oranges.
The racists are hoping this killer gets away will killing a black man. They best hope that doesn't happen.

We hope he doesn't get away if he actually killed him. But given the fact the loser had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his body, it's likely he would have dropped dead no matter what the cops did.
That's a lie and you will be shown that it is. The facct is that the racist white cop with 19 civil rights complaints against his ass he got away with, committed murder. What happened was what was likely. The punk ass racist cop kept getting excused for breaking the motherfucking law until he committed murder.
did you watch the video play of the cops camera video. What were the cops supposed to do? please enlighten me.

Hey, why didn't Floyd just give the pack of cigarettes to the store clerks when they asked?

He said "you'll only get them back from my cold dead hands." And the clerk said "ok, whatever works."
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The racists are hoping this killer gets away will killing a black man. They best hope that doesn't happen.

We hope he doesn't get away if he actually killed him. But given the fact the loser had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his body, it's likely he would have dropped dead no matter what the cops did.
That's a lie and you will be shown that it is. The facct is that the racist white cop with 19 civil rights complaints against his ass he got away with, committed murder. What happened was what was likely. The punk ass racist cop kept getting excused for breaking the motherfucking law until he committed murder.
did you watch the video play of the cops camera video. What were the cops supposed to do? please enlighten me.

Hey, why didn't Floyd just give the pack of cigarettes to the store clerks when they asked?

They did. He said "you'll only get them back from my cold dead hands." And the clerk said "ok, whatever works."
I doubt they got them back.
I doubt that fentanyl is considered a recreational drug. Do you deny that illegal drug pushers entice their "clients" to buy the drugs even though they know the users are addicted and may OD on it or get spaced out and commit crimes?

Recreational drugs are those people take for enjoyment and eventually become addicted to. The seller of those narcotics only sell users what they want. They seldom solicit people to use them. It's way too risky.

Apples and Oranges!

Nope. Go to any of our gun discussions on USMB. In fact we have one going on right now, care for the topic title to see what one poster is writing about?

Aside from advertising the legal sales of guns to the public, I know of no gun dealer that entices people to buy weapons, certainly not illegal weapons such as fully automatic firearms.

All of my firearms were either legally purchased by me or gifted to me by my gun-owning father.

Possession and use of guns are constitutionally protected rights. Possession and use of illegally obtained drugs are not.

Like I said, apples and oranges.

I never said dope was a constitutional right. I never said gun sellers entice buyers. What I said is that leftists blame gun stores and gun shows for all the guns we have in our possession and the gun crimes.
From the currently running court video (police body cam) , at least 3 things are evident:

Floyd was yelling "I can't breath" repeatedly BEFORE HE WAS PUT IN THE CAR.

He was yelling "I can't breathe" as he was exiting the other side of the car BEFORE HE LAID ON THE GROUND.

The "urine" identified by the know-it-all, off-duty firefighter bimbo was condensate water dripping out of the police car exhaust.
Where do conservatives go to become as stupid as you.
Watch the videos, stupid.
Conservatives have videos to become stupid.

Seems right
explain what you would have done differently? I'm still waiting. Let's see your genius.
I would have sat him up and allowed him to remain alive.

Are all conservatives now going to murder drunk drivers by kneeling on their necks for 9:29 because they have committed a crime.
well he hit the jackpot, passed an illegal bill and then walked out without paying for a pack of cigarettes. Two crimes.

I had to run to the drug store, so I was listening to evil right-wing radio on the way. The host of the show stated that Floyd had a tab there, and the store offered to put the cigarettes on his tab. Floyd not in the right state of mind refused, and took the cigarettes anyway.
Must not have been opioid abuser and dead loser limbaugh then who lost his hearing to an illegal drug addiction.

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