Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

I would have sat him up and allowed him to remain alive
How would you have put him in the squad car? You get that was the task?

and that Floyd was resisting?
He was in the squad car until they took him out to murder him.
Nope, to be in a car, one’s entire body must be in the car! So factually, he was never actually in the car. He pushed himself through.. the point was to get the doors closed with him sitting. Not sure how you get in a car, but laying down with either one’s feet or head out isn’t how a cop transport a suspects. Now how would you have got him in to transport him? Go
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.
I didn't watch the circus. It wasn't fitting to give homage to a wild-eyed addict to not only illegal drugs but the addiction spread to the destruction of local businesses whose marginal status was brought on by a wave of losses due to theft by counterfeit. I was thoroughly aggravated they brought their lying, cheating and unrepentant thoughtless slobovian to a bed of fake roses.
This was a police muder, not all the shit you choose to believe.
I would have sat him up and allowed him to remain alive
How would you have put him in the squad car? You get that was the task?

and that Floyd was resisting?
He was in the squad car until they took him out to murder him.
Nope, to be in a car, one’s entire body must be in the car! So factually, he was never actually in the car. He pushed himself through.. the point was to get the doors closed with him sitting. Not sure how you get in a car, but laying down with either one’s feet or head out isn’t how a cop transport a suspects. Now how would you have got him in to transport him? Go
Fuck all that, this was a police murder.
I would have sat him up and allowed him to remain alive
How would you have put him in the squad car? You get that was the task?

and that Floyd was resisting?
He was in the squad car until they took him out to murder him.
Nope, to be in a car, one’s entire body must be in the car! So factually, he was never actually in the car. He pushed himself through.. the point was to get the doors closed with him sitting. Not sure how you get in a car, but laying down with either one’s feet or head out isn’t how a cop transport a suspects. Now how would you have got him in to transport him? Go
Fuck all that, this was a police murder.
You will see it wasn’t. It’s ok, you’re easily swayed
Conservatives have videos to become stupid.
Stupid liberals deny what is clearly shown and heard on police body cams.
Video shows the ex-cop and soon to be convict kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for 9:29 until he was very dead.
Video also shows that Chauvin's right knee was on the ground, between Floyd's left arm and his torso and was not on his back. Most of Chauvin's weight was being supported by his own right knee. His left knee was keeping Floyd's head from being raised much (I did see Floyd lift his chin off above the pavement once) and Chauvin was not cutting off Floyd's access to air.

Floyd was dying of a massive lethal overdose of fentanyl that he ingested by himself. Chauvin did not contribute to Floyd's cause of death.
George Floyd tested positive for COVID-19.

And cannabinoids.

And methamphetamine.

And fentanyl.

That's plenty of reasonable doubt, IMO.

The 3 cops piling on, ignoring pleas of being unable breath, etc., is still murder.
There is no doubt at all that neck pressure hold is an illegal choke hold that is never supposed to be used unless you intend to kill the person.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

Kneeling on the neck is taught, but ONLY if the person is a deadly threat.
It is NOT legal to use if the person is not a deadly threat.
It is a hold known to potentially be lethal.
It was illegal to use in this case.
And therefore was intentional murder.

Do NOT EVER use any choke hold unless you intend for the person to likely die.
Same with a taser, which is also considered lethal force, since it will kill sometimes.

This was compounded by the verbal warnings of being unable to breath.
Which then makes any death deliberate murder, regardless of the cause.
Conservatives have videos to become stupid.
Stupid liberals deny what is clearly shown and heard on police body cams.
Video shows the ex-cop and soon to be convict kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for 9:29 until he was very dead.
Video also shows that Chauvin's right knee was on the ground, between Floyd's left arm and his torso and was not on his back. Most of Chauvin's weight was being supported by his own right knee. His left knee was keeping Floyd's head from being raised much (I did see Floyd lift his chin off above the pavement once) and Chauvin was not cutting off Floyd's access to air.

Floyd was dying of a massive lethal overdose of fentanyl that he ingested by himself. Chauvin did not contribute to Floyd's cause of death.

Totally wrong.
What I see in the video shows the carotid artery being crushed, preventing blood to the brain.
No one ever suggested the trachea was the only thing being crushed.
And just having 3 people pile on someone is easily enough to kill them.
Humans are not designed to be on the ground on their backs, and certainly not with weight on them.
People also seem to forget the pavement was over 130 degrees and was scorching him, as well.
Chauvin caused the death no matter what because it was his job to administer first aid, get him to a hospital, etc.
It was Chauvin who prevented anyone from saving Floyd.
And it pretty much also has to be beliberate.
No reasonable person would have done any of the things Chauvin did.
A total monster.
Of course prior criminal history should be considered....just as a lack of a prior history should be considered.

In a criminal court case the jury is not supposed to know the record of the accused, that way they can come to a fair conclusion about the case instead of the persons life. In this instance it's the police record of the supposed victim, and I can't see why it shouldn't be allowed.

I don't mind all the evidence being known, including past similar arrests.

But it would be wrong to enter evidence that was totally irrelevant and intended to just demean the character of the victim, with the intend of making a jury not care that the person died.
That would be like entering evidence of their religion or something irrelevant.
And it is not clear there is any relevancy to a past drug arrest because Floyd did not resist then either.
Of course prior criminal history should be considered....just as a lack of a prior history should be considered.

In a criminal court case the jury is not supposed to know the record of the accused, that way they can come to a fair conclusion about the case instead of the persons life. In this instance it's the police record of the supposed victim, and I can't see why it shouldn't be allowed.

I don't mind all the evidence being known, including past similar arrests.

But it would be wrong to enter evidence that was totally irrelevant and intended to just demean the character of the victim, with the intend of making a jury not care that the person died.
That would be like entering evidence of their religion or something irrelevant.
And it is not clear there is any relevancy to a past drug arrest because Floyd did not resist then either.
Don't resist arrest. Don't be an ass hole. You'll live to pass phony bills another day.

Look at what that bastard did to our country.

I can't wait to watch Minneshithole burn. May every shit hole burn to the fucking ground.
Of course prior criminal history should be considered....just as a lack of a prior history should be considered.

In a criminal court case the jury is not supposed to know the record of the accused, that way they can come to a fair conclusion about the case instead of the persons life. In this instance it's the police record of the supposed victim, and I can't see why it shouldn't be allowed.

I don't mind all the evidence being known, including past similar arrests.

But it would be wrong to enter evidence that was totally irrelevant and intended to just demean the character of the victim, with the intend of making a jury not care that the person died.
That would be like entering evidence of their religion or something irrelevant.
And it is not clear there is any relevancy to a past drug arrest because Floyd did not resist then either.
Don't resist arrest. Don't be an ass hole. You'll live to pass phony bills another day.

Look at what that bastard did to our country.

I can't wait to watch Minneshithole burn. May every shit hole burn to the fucking ground.

I saw no evidence of any attempt to resist arrest.
I have yet to even see any evidence of any actual counterfeit bills?
While I agree one should not resist arrest, no matter what, the person should not be killed by police unless they are armed and resisting both.
Neither appear to have been true.
With due respect, I agree with most of what you have said in this thread. That should be evident in the number of likes I have made of your posts.

My "apples and oranges" assessment was based heavily on the difference between how the leftists view guns and drugs. They seem to want to:
  • decriminalize all drug possession
  • criminalize all gun possession (with exception of their own bodyguards)
I never said dope was a constitutional right.
This is true.

Recreational drugs are those people take for enjoyment and eventually become addicted to.
I stand corrected. I had not researched the accepted definition until just now. My bad.

...care for the topic title to see what one poster is writing about?
Not in this thread.

I never said dope was a constitutional right.
This is also true. I was merely reiterating the difference between the two; guns and drugs. As you said, the leftists assign blame to gun dealers and gun shows. I agree. And I say that they promote the business of drug dealers.
Of course prior criminal history should be considered....just as a lack of a prior history should be considered.

In a criminal court case the jury is not supposed to know the record of the accused, that way they can come to a fair conclusion about the case instead of the persons life. In this instance it's the police record of the supposed victim, and I can't see why it shouldn't be allowed.

I don't mind all the evidence being known, including past similar arrests.

But it would be wrong to enter evidence that was totally irrelevant and intended to just demean the character of the victim, with the intend of making a jury not care that the person died.
That would be like entering evidence of their religion or something irrelevant.
And it is not clear there is any relevancy to a past drug arrest because Floyd did not resist then either.
Don't resist arrest. Don't be an ass hole. You'll live to pass phony bills another day.

Look at what that bastard did to our country.

I can't wait to watch Minneshithole burn. May every shit hole burn to the fucking ground.

I saw no evidence of any attempt to resist arrest.
I have yet to even see any evidence of any actual counterfeit bills?
While I agree one should not resist arrest, no matter what, the person should not be killed by police unless they are armed and resisting both.
Neither appear to have been true.

The fact that Mr. Floyd assumed Room Temperature doesn't automatically mean the Officer Chauvin was the killer.

The officer has a long history of years using the knee to the back of the neck and everyone else was able to take it, including teenagers. Mr. Floyd was a grown man , worked as a bouncer in a rowdy nightclub. There was no reason for Mr. Chauvin to think that he couldn't take it.

In fact he could take it. Floyd died of COVID 19 and fentanyl overdose, two deadly conditions.
Kneeling on the neck is taught, but ONLY if the person is a deadly threat.
It is NOT legal to use if the person is not a deadly threat.
It is a hold known to potentially be lethal.
It was illegal to use in this case.
And therefore was intentional murder.

Do NOT EVER use any choke hold unless you intend for the person to likely die.
Same with a taser, which is also considered lethal force, since it will kill sometimes.

This was compounded by the verbal warnings of being unable to breath.
Which then makes any death deliberate murder, regardless of the cause.

Do you know how many episodes of the show COPS I've watched where the suspect claims they couldn't breathe and they were just fine? If you can't breathe and can still talk, it means you are breathing just fine, but your lungs are not absorbing oxygen. Claiming you can't breathe is a common ploy by criminals hoping the police will reduce their restrictions giving them another opportunity to run.

Police kneel on the head or neck of a suspect if they are out of control. They are in charge of that person once in custody and responsible if they hurt or even kill themselves accidentally. Again, that's what the Baltimore riot was all about. Police didn't properly secure him in the van, and he decided to walk around while the vehicle was moving. One witness in the van stated he was pounding his head into a post on the vehicle. In this case, it was clear to anybody who watched 30 seconds of that video this guy was stoned out of his mind. Police had every reason to believe he could harm or kill himself.

The officer did not use a choke hold, and no, holding somebody's head against the ground is not a fatal move. That's why police are taught to use that maneuver in the academy and it's standard police procedure in many police departments.

If the defense can prove that the kneeling was not the cause of death, then the actual cause of death is the most obvious, and that is him having three times the lethal does of fentanyl in his system, the meth, and his terrible medical problems he obviously didn't care much about.
If the defense can prove that the kneeling was not the cause of death, then the actual cause of death is the most obvious, and that is him having three times the lethal does of fentanyl in his system, the meth, and his terrible medical problems he obviously didn't care much about.

Defense has no obligation to prove anything. Only to introduce reasonable doubt. Since we have a medical report showing he ingested lethal amounts of illegal drugs that COULD have been what killed him. It doesn't have to be proven as such.
George Floyd tested positive for COVID-19.

And cannabinoids.

And methamphetamine.

And fentanyl.

That's plenty of reasonable doubt, IMO.

The 3 cops piling on, ignoring pleas of being unable breath, etc., is still murder.
There is no doubt at all that neck pressure hold is an illegal choke hold that is never supposed to be used unless you intend to kill the person.
Bullshit. There's no evidence that he was choked to death. There are no injuries to neck whatsoever and no petechiae.

There is evidence that he took enough hard drugs to kill. They found it in his blood, jackass. They also found partially dissolved counterfeit Percocet tablets that actually contained meth and fentanyl.

That's reasonable doubt to every person with enough critical thinking skills to think logically.

Officer Thao said it best to the onlookers. "This is why you don't do drugs, kids."

The police tried to help Floyd but it was too late. They asked him what he was on but neither he nor his "friends" would tell them.
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