Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

There won't be an acquittal. If you or the judge believes his previous record is relevant that's fine. Normal people do not. Murder is murder.

No. Murder is not murder. Murder is when you intentionally kill somebody.

And that is why a second and third degree charge. Just because it wasn't premeditated doesn't mean it wasn't murder.
All three autopsies clearly stated "murder by asphyxiation" - But you'll spin until you fall down.
If a person has been arrested 100 times...and this is 101, that is relevant information to me about the likelihood the crime was committed.

A 75 year old man arrested for assault who has never had so much as a traffic ticket in his life is less likely to commit and assault than a 29 year old who has already been arrested 35 times. To me it is totally relevant.

It's questionable whether it's relevant or not. I mean, nobody is questioning whether Floyd was guilty of a crime, nor is anybody questioning the dangerous narcotics he loaded into his system. Passing counterfeit money is a federal offense, and they have the phony bill as evidence. So even if his record were allowed in the trial, I can't see that it would make a difference one way or another.

In this particular case, it may not matter. I dont see why people should freak out that the jury will be informed of his prior record.
Floyd’s prior record is irrelevant to the actions the cop is accused of.

The judge didnt think so.
How so?

Maybe you should go back and read the original post. Then click on the link to the article and read it.
One thing we know for sure, justice in America is very uneven. If Chauvin were extremely wealthy, he likely gets off scot free.

Floyd’s criminal record shouldn’t impact this case. His drug use that day should. If it can be proven he died from a drug overdose rather than suffocation by the thug cop, the cop could get off or a 3rd degree murder verdict.

Folks on both sides have some serious bias.
I was just listening to the prosecutor's opening statements.

That cop is screwed. No doubt about it, in my view.

And deservedly so. There was absolutely no justification for how that went down.
If a person has been arrested 100 times...and this is 101, that is relevant information to me about the likelihood the crime was committed.

A 75 year old man arrested for assault who has never had so much as a traffic ticket in his life is less likely to commit and assault than a 29 year old who has already been arrested 35 times. To me it is totally relevant.

It's questionable whether it's relevant or not. I mean, nobody is questioning whether Floyd was guilty of a crime, nor is anybody questioning the dangerous narcotics he loaded into his system. Passing counterfeit money is a federal offense, and they have the phony bill as evidence. So even if his record were allowed in the trial, I can't see that it would make a difference one way or another.

In this particular case, it may not matter. I dont see why people should freak out that the jury will be informed of his prior record.
Floyd’s prior record is irrelevant to the actions the cop is accused of.

The judge didnt think so.
How so?

Maybe you should go back and read the original post. Then click on the link to the article and read it.
The original article is an opinion piece.

I found it interesting how the opinion writer thought that the judge's rulings were in error. . . however, if you asked that same writer about all those Judicial rulings that went against question of Constitutional Law, and the court cases that the Trump admin brought? I am sure he would say those were all ruled correctly. :dunno:

Interesting that. . .

Even the very title of that WaPo piece is hilarious. . . . .

Opinion: This new ruling could let the suspect in George Floyd’s killing go free

Letting a "suspect," go free? What the hell ever happened to, "innocent," till proven guilty? It seems this writer believes that they can try folks in the press, screw the judges, the lawyers and the jury. . . this opinion writer seems to already know the facts and guilt of the situation, eh?
Agreed. Much of the MSM has already rendered their verdict. The reporting by the MSM is clearly biased. Should an a acquittal happen, the dupes who consume MSM reporting are going to be very unhappy.
If a person has been arrested 100 times...and this is 101, that is relevant information to me about the likelihood the crime was committed.

A 75 year old man arrested for assault who has never had so much as a traffic ticket in his life is less likely to commit and assault than a 29 year old who has already been arrested 35 times. To me it is totally relevant.

It's questionable whether it's relevant or not. I mean, nobody is questioning whether Floyd was guilty of a crime, nor is anybody questioning the dangerous narcotics he loaded into his system. Passing counterfeit money is a federal offense, and they have the phony bill as evidence. So even if his record were allowed in the trial, I can't see that it would make a difference one way or another.

In this particular case, it may not matter. I dont see why people should freak out that the jury will be informed of his prior record.
Floyd’s prior record is irrelevant to the actions the cop is accused of.

The judge didnt think so.
How so?

Maybe you should go back and read the original post. Then click on the link to the article and read it.
The original article is an opinion piece.

I found it interesting how the opinion writer thought that the judge's rulings were in error. . . however, if you asked that same writer about all those Judicial rulings that went against question of Constitutional Law, and the court cases that the Trump admin brought? I am sure he would say those were all ruled correctly. :dunno:

Interesting that. . .

Even the very title of that WaPo piece is hilarious. . . . .

Opinion: This new ruling could let the suspect in George Floyd’s killing go free

Letting a "suspect," go free? What the hell ever happened to, "innocent," till proven guilty? It seems this writer believes that they can try folks in the press, screw the judges, the lawyers and the jury. . . this opinion writer seems to already know the facts and guilt of the situation, eh?
Agreed. Much of the MSM has already rendered their verdict. The reporting by the MSM is clearly biased. Should an a acquittal happen, the dupes who consume MSM reporting are going to be very unhappy.

That's an understatement. . . they are setting them up to be enraged again.
If you think that means a guilty verdict is in, you need to think again.
I feel strongly about this case.

If this cop isn't guilty, then no cop was ever guilty of anything and it's a total free for all on taking black lives.

They're showing the video of Mr. Floyd's final minutes now in the trial.

It's clear what took place here.
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Using standard police procedure is not killing somebody on purpose.

Government, by design, is force. Force, by definition, is antithetical to proper human relations as well as non-aggression principles. It is anti-moral.

If we're to follow your model, the Nazis who led human beings to the gas chamber at the barrel of a government gun were innocent because they were just following procedure.

In fact, I'm reminded that a few years ago we exchanged keystrokes over your contention that Individual rights were granted at the arbitrary discretion of the federal government.

Do you still believe that to be the case?
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I was just listening to the prosecutor's opening statements.

That cop is screwed. No doubt about it, in my view.

And deservedly so. There was absolutely no justification for how that went down.
Maybe you should wait to hear the defense attorney before rendering yo
If a person has been arrested 100 times...and this is 101, that is relevant information to me about the likelihood the crime was committed.

A 75 year old man arrested for assault who has never had so much as a traffic ticket in his life is less likely to commit and assault than a 29 year old who has already been arrested 35 times. To me it is totally relevant.

It's questionable whether it's relevant or not. I mean, nobody is questioning whether Floyd was guilty of a crime, nor is anybody questioning the dangerous narcotics he loaded into his system. Passing counterfeit money is a federal offense, and they have the phony bill as evidence. So even if his record were allowed in the trial, I can't see that it would make a difference one way or another.

In this particular case, it may not matter. I dont see why people should freak out that the jury will be informed of his prior record.
Floyd’s prior record is irrelevant to the actions the cop is accused of.

The judge didnt think so.
How so?

Maybe you should go back and read the original post. Then click on the link to the article and read it.
The original article is an opinion piece.

I found it interesting how the opinion writer thought that the judge's rulings were in error. . . however, if you asked that same writer about all those Judicial rulings that went against question of Constitutional Law, and the court cases that the Trump admin brought? I am sure he would say those were all ruled correctly. :dunno:

Interesting that. . .

Even the very title of that WaPo piece is hilarious. . . . .

Opinion: This new ruling could let the suspect in George Floyd’s killing go free

Letting a "suspect," go free? What the hell ever happened to, "innocent," till proven guilty? It seems this writer believes that they can try folks in the press, screw the judges, the lawyers and the jury. . . this opinion writer seems to already know the facts and guilt of the situation, eh?
Agreed. Much of the MSM has already rendered their verdict. The reporting by the MSM is clearly biased. Should an a acquittal happen, the dupes who consume MSM reporting are going to be very unhappy.

That's an understatement. . . they are setting them up to be enraged again.
Yes. Lol. All hell will break loose.
If you think that means a guilty verdict is in, you need to think again.
I feel strongly about this case.

If this cop isn't guilty, then no cop was ever guilty of anything and it's a total free for all on taking black lives.

They're showing the video of Mr. Floyd's final minutes now in the trial.

It's clear what took place here.
As you well know, cops have been getting away with murder forever. So, it won’t surprise me should he get acquitted.
I feel strongly about this case.

If this cop isn't guilty, then no cop was ever guilty of anything and it's a total free for all on taking black lives.

They're showing the video of Mr. Floyd's final minutes now in the trial.

It's clear what took place here.

If there wasn't anything wrong with the guy you "might" have a point. But the truth of the matter is he had a deadly amount of fentanyl in is system at the time. This is a procedure used by police thousands of times a year. Why did this loser die from it? :eusa_shhh:
If you think that means a guilty verdict is in, you need to think again.
I feel strongly about this case.

If this cop isn't guilty, then no cop was ever guilty of anything and it's a total free for all on taking black lives.

They're showing the video of Mr. Floyd's final minutes now in the trial.

It's clear what took place here.

I'm not gonna hang around here long, I lack the desire, to be perfectly honest, but I have a feeling that by the time this thread runs its course we'll be able to comfortably conclude by the terms of controversy relative to comparison that, oh, the Nazis were just following procedure when they sent fellow human beings to the gas chamber by the power vested upon them by protocol and a government gun, so surely it must have been perfectly acceptable that we render them innocent of their deeds.

Or something along those lines.

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