Judge Jeannie... Fear monger

and its good to have her on Telly as she pretty much just spreads the news Gentlemen !! She reaches a much bigger audience than most , probably ALL message boards !!
and its good to have her on Telly as she pretty much just spreads the news Gentlemen !! She reaches a much bigger audience than most , probably ALL message boards !!
I watch Fox for comedy and Comedy Central for news!
She's simply speaking the TRUTH which scares hell out of Leftists like you.

truth hell ... this country has the strongest military in the world and your Muslim brothers (ISIS) aren't even making the news anymore.

Yellow-Back RW's are the scared little bitches, no one else.
and its good to have her on Telly as she pretty much just spreads the news Gentlemen !! She reaches a much bigger audience than most , probably ALL message boards !!
I watch Fox for comedy and Comedy Central for news!

That's obvious.
Hi, billy. I figgered that'd bring you out of the woodwork. BTW...it's true!

That I do not doubt. It may surprise you to learn I watch more MSNBC and CNN than I do FOX. And read Huffington even.

One knows what one's allies will say. Better to study the enemy than waste time nodding affirmatively at one's friends. :laugh:
I agree , I watch them ALL , but its good if Jeanine is preaching to the choir , doesn't hurt anything imo Billy !!
Jeannie is the most famous transgender commentator on TV with a regular show, but if she/he had tried to play a full female, would have been one of the weirdest looking and ugliest.
I've never heard of Judge Jeannie. Is she Kim Kardashian's hairdresser, or something?
I've never heard of Judge Jeannie. Is she Kim Kardashian's hairdresser, or something?

poor lady is the quintessential fire-breathing Fox fear/freak show mouthpiece.
Jeannie is the most famous transgender commentator on TV with a regular show, but if she/he had tried to play a full female, would have been one of the weirdest looking and ugliest.

Do you ever post anything of substance or is this some failed comedy bit on your part?

like that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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