Judge Judy destroys liberal.

Judge Judy Destroys Mother Of Five Video Break.com

Gotta love Judge Judy. If only all our Judges had her common sense.

Judge Judy? What is that? A television show? My, my....try reading a book or magazine and I guarantee you'll post about more interesting things.
Who the fuck are you to decide what others may do with their time?
Liberals..Just cannot mind their own fucking business.
Yes, everyone should live their lives the way YOU say they should.
Go play in traffic.
Judge Judy Destroys Mother Of Five Video Break.com

Gotta love Judge Judy. If only all our Judges had her common sense.

Judge Judy? What is that? A television show? My, my....try reading a book or magazine and I guarantee you'll post about more interesting things.

I read for or five books a week. And I dont watch TV other than football and the news.

So what's the 5 books you read this week? Quick, Sarah, I'm recording this.

I found "Judge Judy" wedged in their with game shows and soap operas.

Hey dumbass!! If you'll notice that clip came from the internet.

Answer the question. Name the books you read this week, "Sarah".
I forgot to add the New York Times to my list. I get the Fri-Sun edition.

Where's your list?
The New York Times....All the news that the liberal editors see fit to print.
Hilarious that you attempt to play grammar cop not 5 posts after you wrote THIS

I found "Judge Judy" wedged in their with game shows and soap operas.

Either the sentence is grammatically incorrect, OR you used their where you should have used there.

And HearWeGoAgain STILL hasn't listed the 5 books he's red this weak.

You got me....I haven't "red" any books lately.

Finally, you admit the trooth. You don't reed. You just watch Judge Judy on t.v.

Love it...now she's trying to pretend her spelling error was on purpose.
Weak sauce there Gertrude...

Name the other four books you read in the last week. Diversion doesn't become you.
name the five books you read this week, I see a book, a newspaper and some leftist rag mags
So what's the 5 books you read this week? Quick, Sarah, I'm recording this.

I found "Judge Judy" wedged in their with game shows and soap operas.

Hey dumbass!! If you'll notice that clip came from the internet.

I almost missed this one. It's spelled "four". Hilarious. But politicians like Louie Gohmert love you.

You seem to have a typo of your own there dipshit.
And if you must know I'm currently reading Lost in Shangri-la by Micthell Zuckoff.
True story about a plane crash during world war two on the island of New Guinea.

Read that one already. It gets slow in the middle, so you should be able to keep up just phine. So name the other four.

This one ought to warm your leftist heart.
I've been a subscriber to National Geographic(and a donor) for over forty years.
And I of course read Guns and Ammo to offset Nat Geo.
I've read all of of Stephen Kings stuff and all of Ayn Rands. About the only thing I haven't read is the Bible because I haven't gotten around to it.
Seriously though,what is your fascination with what I read?
tea poootie was in a "gotcha moment"...Childish reaction typical of liberals when they believe after trying for months, finally have a chance at getting the upper hand.
Or the 1962 Mets Syndrome. After weeks of trying, they finally won a game.
The Plaintiff is a teacher....obviously SHE is the liberal while the defendant is the Red State whiner.

This is fun!

I'd love to see Judy's take on your Naval Aviation career, Commander.

Allegedly Judy was no different as a real judge in Manhattan Family Court than she is on her show.
Hey dumbass!! If you'll notice that clip came from the internet.

I almost missed this one. It's spelled "four". Hilarious. But politicians like Louie Gohmert love you.

You seem to have a typo of your own there dipshit.
And if you must know I'm currently reading Lost in Shangri-la by Micthell Zuckoff.
True story about a plane crash during world war two on the island of New Guinea.

Read that one already. It gets slow in the middle, so you should be able to keep up just phine. So name the other four.

This one ought to warm your leftist heart.
I've been a subscriber to National Geographic(and a donor) for over forty years.
And I of course read Guns and Ammo to offset Nat Geo.
I've read all of of Stephen Kings stuff and all of Ayn Rands. About the only thing I haven't read is the Bible because I haven't gotten around to it.
Seriously though,what is your fascination with what I read?
tea poootie was in a "gotcha moment"...Childish reaction typical of liberals when they believe after trying for months, finally have a chance at getting the upper hand.
Or the 1962 Mets Syndrome. After weeks of trying, they finally won a game.

Read her like a book......:eusa_clap:
She has 5 kids so she must be a Democrat. Because Republicans are too old and too fat to have kids?

Come on. Look at her. White. Too many kids. Lazy. Uneducated. Feeling entitled. Sounds like most of the GOP base. The women with two kids and the BMW who teaches sounds more like a liberal and a democrat.

Just sayin'
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No one really knows what political leanings the Plaintiff or the Defendant hold. Foolish arguments; entirely based off assumptions, can be made about both women but the truth of the matter is that we do not know. Why turn this into an us vs. them type squabble. Just sit back and watch Judge Judy destroy fools.

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