Judge Napolitano Speaks His Mind About Trump

Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
The deep state speaks...………………….
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own

Fox News has always been fair and balanced.

As for the judge, the same thing was said during Obama's presidency, that the Dems would be sorry when a Republican is elected after their Congress ceded to much power to Obama's Executive Branch. This is said of every presidency.

The power struggle between the executive and the legislative is as old as the Republic itself. The Judge's comments are okay, and he said the same when the shoe was on the other foot too. This is not even news.
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.
I don't know when it started, this ceding Constitutional powers to a President, but I know Nixon tried it before a more robust guardian Congress shut him down. But I believe the current attempts began with Bush43, and actually by Cheney and a compliant legislature led by Tom Delay. And the Tea Party fits in there somewhere. Add Gonzales and the attempt to intimidate a hospitalized Ashcroft and I think you will see a pre-Obama program.
I guess you like what Trump is doing, so I'm assuming you have no complaints regarding the Trump trend toward monarchy.
Not just me, but millions of US workers like what he has done, and yep what he is doing. No he's not perfect, but neither were any that came before him. We lead through these leaders by our cries for justice and balance, and we saw what kind of leadership came in the past (sad). Time to get the ship from taking on water finally, and hopefully everyone will join in on the efforts. Won't hold my breath though.
Beagle, for those of us who do not know your working status, can you tell us what Trump has done for you? Were you unemployed before Trump, or under paid and he changed that?
Been employed since I was 16 years old.
Trump started adding jobs to the equation during his campaign as I recall immediately. The Democrats like Obama swore or hoped it couldn't be done, but Trump got participation on the big picture that he was promoting and promising from the get go. Then the undermining began immediately by the Democrats, because the last thing the Democrats wanted was to be seen as liars to the American people. Well we all know the rest of the story now don't we ? Been retired now for a while, but I still like working a little just to keep going.
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.
I don't know when it started, this ceding Constitutional powers to a President, but I know Nixon tried it before a more robust guardian Congress shut him down. But I believe the current attempts began with Bush43, and actually by Cheney and a compliant legislature led by Tom Delay. And the Tea Party fits in there somewhere. Add Gonzales and the attempt to intimidate a hospitalized Ashcroft and I think you will see a pre-Obama program.
I guess you like what Trump is doing, so I'm assuming you have no complaints regarding the Trump trend toward monarchy.
Not just me, but millions of US workers like what he has done, and yep what he is doing. No he's not perfect, but neither were any that came before him. We lead through these leaders by our cries for justice and balance, and we saw what kind of leadership came in the past (sad). Time to get the ship from taking on water finally, and hopefully everyone will join in on the efforts. Won't hold my breath though.
Beagle, for those of us who do not know your working status, can you tell us what Trump has done for you? Were you unemployed before Trump, or under paid and he changed that?
Been employed since I was 16 years old.
Trump started adding jobs to the equation during his campaign as I recall immediately. The Democrats like Obama swore or hoped it couldn't be done, but Trump got participation on the big picture that he was promoting and promising from the get go. Then the undermining began immediately by the Democrats, because the last thing the Democrats wanted was to be seen as liars to the American people. Well we all know the rest of the story now don't we ? Been retired now for a while, but I still like working a little just to keep going.
A glimpse into the bizarre Trump universe – utterly delusional and detached from reality.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own

Yes. Napolitano is worth listening to.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
Obama was at least as bad, if not worse. Seven wars without congressional approval is unconstitutional.
Seven wars? List them.

Please get informed.


Add in his coup in Ukraine and Hillary’s in Honduras, and you have a really disgusting mess.

How Hillary Clinton Militarized US Policy in Honduras

It’s unfortunate that so many Americans are uninformed about O’s warmongering.


The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
Obama was at least as bad, if not worse. Seven wars without congressional approval is unconstitutional.
Seven wars? List them.
"Seven wars? List them." Just ask Fox. They told us all about the War on Christmas, War on Christians, War on healthcare providers, ..all wars blamed on Obama.
Then there's the Republican's going ballistic when Obama authorized a 'surge' in Afghanistan. What are the other wars blamed on Obama?
Please get informed.
I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House.
Surely more republicans than just him get this. But cultism does strange things to the mind. .
It sure does. Like still believing Trump colluded with Russia. That shall live forever even though it was proven false.
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.
I don't know when it started, this ceding Constitutional powers to a President, but I know Nixon tried it before a more robust guardian Congress shut him down. But I believe the current attempts began with Bush43, and actually by Cheney and a compliant legislature led by Tom Delay. And the Tea Party fits in there somewhere. Add Gonzales and the attempt to intimidate a hospitalized Ashcroft and I think you will see a pre-Obama program.
I guess you like what Trump is doing, so I'm assuming you have no complaints regarding the Trump trend toward monarchy.
Not just me, but millions of US workers like what he has done, and yep what he is doing. No he's not perfect, but neither were any that came before him. We lead through these leaders by our cries for justice and balance, and we saw what kind of leadership came in the past (sad). Time to get the ship from taking on water finally, and hopefully everyone will join in on the efforts. Won't hold my breath though.
Beagle, for those of us who do not know your working status, can you tell us what Trump has done for you? Were you unemployed before Trump, or under paid and he changed that?
Been employed since I was 16 years old.
Trump started adding jobs to the equation during his campaign as I recall immediately. The Democrats like Obama swore or hoped it couldn't be done, but Trump got participation on the big picture that he was promoting and promising from the get go. Then the undermining began immediately by the Democrats, because the last thing the Democrats wanted was to be seen as liars to the American people. Well we all know the rest of the story now don't we ? Been retired now for a while, but I still like working a little just to keep going.
A glimpse into the bizarre Trump universe – utterly delusional and detached from reality.
And yet still president
The Judge seems like a pretty knowledgeable guy even with a bad haircut but was he born yesterday or is he a garden variety "never-Trumper" establishment guy? Obama was guilty of everything he accuses Trump of doing.
Given trump was supposed to be different, isn't it funny how often he is defended for doing the same things as Obama?
You don't think Trump is different from Obama? Lefties whined for two years about Trump's tax cuts and then they accused him of raising taxes. Trump is dealing with Obama's immigration policies with a hostile congress and media. Obama told Americans that good factory jobs were gone forever and the unemployment rate is at a historic low under Trump. It's hard to get a handle on the Judge's anti-Trump attitude but maybe it stems from being disappointed about an appointment he was counting on.
They are more similar than you think. We constantly hear trump defended by saying Obama did the same.
The Judge seems like a pretty knowledgeable guy even with a bad haircut but was he born yesterday or is he a garden variety "never-Trumper" establishment guy? Obama was guilty of everything he accuses Trump of doing.
Given trump was supposed to be different, isn't it funny how often he is defended for doing the same things as Obama?
And not amazing that Trump is trashed by you for emulating Obama in more useful, America-First ways? :laughing0301:
I wasn’t a big Obama fan either. Nothing trump has done has been useful.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.
When did President Obama ever take funds appropriated for one program and spend it on an unappropriated program? When did President Obama usurp the power of the purse from congress?

When Obama paid unappropriated funds for subsidies to insurance companies for ACA.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Seems like the same old diatribe. And then Jesus H. Buddha, we get local cities and municipalities skirting Federal Immigration laws without the consent or knowledge of the citizenry. If somebody is acceding their power and ignoring the will of the people and doing everything to benefit exploiters of illegal aliens and disenfranchise the American lower class , that perfectly fits Democratic Liberals. Look at every liberally controlled city ( I do mean controlled ) . Liberals are not builders, they don't fix things. They don't build empires, its not in their nature. Just like the parable of the scorpion and the turtle. They only ruin.
Last edited:
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Judge Napolitano wanted Trump to make him Attorney General and Trump refused.
So the judge is a paid critic at Fox.
I wouldn't listen to him.....and Fox doesn't feature him much lately because he's lost his credibility.

That ^^^

We have said the same several times before.

Napolitano has no credibility left at all.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Judge Napolitano wanted Trump to make him Attorney General and Trump refused.
So the judge is a paid critic at Fox.
I wouldn't listen to him.....and Fox doesn't feature him much lately because he's lost his credibility.

That ^^^

We have said the same several times before.

Napolitano has no credibility left at all.
The USAG serves at the pleasure of the POTUS ... a temporary position. Napolitano told friends he would be Trump's next USSC nominee ... a lifetime job as Ruth B Ginsburg has pointedly revealed. Yeah ... Judge Nappy is neither a happy nor credible camper but rather a bitter, hate-filled LOSER.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.
When did President Obama ever take funds appropriated for one program and spend it on an unappropriated program? When did President Obama usurp the power of the purse from congress?

When Obama paid unappropriated funds for subsidies to insurance companies for ACA.
The congress did that. Congress nixed Trump's wall funding, but approved the military budget. Somewhere in the fine print of that constitution Trump swore to uphold and defend is something about the power of the purse strings.
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
Obama was at least as bad, if not worse. Seven wars without congressional approval is unconstitutional.
Seven wars? List them.
"Seven wars? List them." Just ask Fox. They told us all about the War on Christmas, War on Christians, War on healthcare providers, ..all wars blamed on Obama.
Then there's the Republican's going ballistic when Obama authorized a 'surge' in Afghanistan. What are the other wars blamed on Obama?
Please get informed.

Interesting that Trumpists resort to answers like "please get informed" when they have no argument about Trump's divisive conduct.

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