Judge Napolitano Speaks His Mind About Trump

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
Obama was at least as bad, if not worse. Seven wars without congressional approval is unconstitutional.
Seven wars? List them.
"Seven wars? List them." Just ask Fox. They told us all about the War on Christmas, War on Christians, War on healthcare providers, ..all wars blamed on Obama.
Then there's the Republican's going ballistic when Obama authorized a 'surge' in Afghanistan. What are the other wars blamed on Obama?
Please get informed.

Interesting that Trumpists resort to answers like "please get informed" when they have no argument about Trump's divisive conduct.
I don’t support Donnie. In your small two party exclusive mind, if one points out Obama’s many faults they must support Donnie. Silly!

Did you fail to see my post #68 above? The facts are there. You just have to have an open mind. Partisans seldom do.
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Judge Nap still shows up regularly on Fox&Friends. Not all of his segmets have anything to do with President Trump and he does manage to explain some legal situations and precedents in a way that's easy to understand.
Just take him for who he is.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
--------------------------------- and I don't think that any companies are leaving 'china' because they don't have to listen to TRUMPS orders to leave 'china' do they BoBob ??

They leave because it is in their financial interest. Nothing to do with Trump. By making those
ridiculous demands, Trump is acting like an autocrat.
Hey nap wanna move to my neighborhood destroyed by these immigrants??
Was it the immigrants that destroyed your neighborhood? I have my doubts.
But of course there is the issue of Democrat Socialist Party destruction of our once fine cities:

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

The Unfortunate Truth of Democratic Urban Governance
Yes, Democrat governance is a huge problem that has been proven over time. Republican governance has it's issues also, but it is way better than Democrat governance when either party is in power.
"Ignores the courts"? Seriously? He has about a 90% track record of being upheld on appeal when Federal District Court judges rule against his actions.
Somehow, winning appeals 90% of the time doesn't strike me as something to brag about? How many time have you been sued?
But I think the poster you responded to meant something else. I think the poster meant Trump ignores laws and subpoenas and directs his staff to do so also. And with support of Barr's tricky twisty wordsmithing and a compliant SCOTUS comfortably pocketed, he gets away with it.
I think we are all going to regret opening that can of worms in the future when the office holder changes. Republican hue and cry over getting back to the Constitution rings real hollow as Trump thumbs his nose at theft of allocated funds, answering subpoenas, emoluments, and making our word of honor (treaties/pacts/agreements) not worth the paper they are written on.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
--------------------------------- and I don't think that any companies are leaving 'china' because they don't have to listen to TRUMPS orders to leave 'china' do they BoBob ??

They leave because it is in their financial interest. Nothing to do with Trump. By making those
ridiculous demands, Trump is acting like an autocrat.
Everything depends on the environment that is created around it.... Either you are in a money making environment or not. If the stream dries up, then you move to where the fish are plenty, and where getting to them is easiest. Hey if something is causing your bait to just get eaten without any fish being caught, and snakes crawling around everywhere, then are you gonna just stay there baiting your hook right on and on or are you gonna move on towards another spot where the fish are plenty, and will take the bait Hook line and sinker for a grand day of fishing ?? China has been stealing our bait for years, and now they got some fat fish while our hooks have been raided.

Gotta move on towards other fishing holes, and that's what free trade is all about. If one Creek dries up or becomes treacherous to deal with, then we go to find another that is right for catching fish again. Can't just sit there watching our bait get stolen while our buckets end up with a few tiny fish for our efforts.
Fox News has always been fair and balanced.

There is nothing funny about that you ignorant stooge. Just watch Shep Smith during the day for your dose of leftwing spin.

Here is what dimwitted idiots like you do not understand: A cable news network is like a newspaper: Its has a news section, an opinion section, sports, and other stuff. While it is true that the Fox "Opinion Section" is conservative, its hard news section is fair and balanced, as it should be.

At CNN and NBC though, their hard news sections are corrupted and biased and dishonest. Thats why they are fake news.

Do you think you can grasp that concept? I can draw a picture for you if you like.
"Ignores the courts"? Seriously? He has about a 90% track record of being upheld on appeal when Federal District Court judges rule against his actions.
Somehow, winning appeals 90% of the time doesn't strike me as something to brag about? How many time have you been sued?
But I think the poster you responded to meant something else. I think the poster meant Trump ignores laws and subpoenas and directs his staff to do so also. And with support of Barr's tricky twisty wordsmithing and a compliant SCOTUS comfortably pocketed, he gets away with it.
I think we are all going to regret opening that can of worms in the future when the office holder changes. Republican hue and cry over getting back to the Constitution rings real hollow as Trump thumbs his nose at theft of allocated funds, answering subpoenas, emoluments, and making our word of honor (treaties/pacts/agreements) not worth the paper they are written on.
Trump is a fixer, and fixing things is a rough and tough business. So many things were whack when Trump finally arrived on the scene, that these things that we see were inevitable. No one is shocked or surprised at his works except for those that were part of the agenda's that had created all the problems. Yes Trump was part of the way things were back in the day along with so many others, because as a businessman he had to make money and build wealth, but as president he knows the detrimental long term effects that had resulted from alot of the thinking back in the day, so he is helping to change all that now, and that's just great.

Someone had to do it, and thank goodness Trump is the one because he doesn't compromise or apologize for his efforts like the weaklings did that were there before.

Trump doesn't attack unless being attacked, and that is another good thing about Trump, because it easily outs his attackers for who they are "anti-American's" heavily ladened with their agenda's over and above the nation's economy, security, Americanism and patriotism.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own

Judge Nap wanted a supreme court nomination, begged Trump to give him one. Trump refused, now Nap is a Trump hater--------------------Duh
From the OP link:

After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers.

Napolitano makes a valid point. However, as the other part of the article points out, these power grabs began under President Wilson. Those who execrated President Obama should be applying the same standard to President Trump.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
Obama's gang started it all, and Trump just took the bull by the horns, and began to apply it for conservatives/republican issues.

If one could do it, then so can another you are right, but Trump is only trying to fix the blunders of so many who came before him.

Payback is tough isn't it ?

Personally I don't agree with the judges opinions alot of times, but they bring him out there like he's the end all know all when he speaks or gives his opinions. Not a fan here.

No, Obama did not start this flaunting of our laws. That is strictly on Trump, who flaunts our equal branches of government and thinks he is an autocrat, as he orders our companies out of China. A joke!
--------------------------------- and I don't think that any companies are leaving 'china' because they don't have to listen to TRUMPS orders to leave 'china' do they BoBob ??

They leave because it is in their financial interest. Nothing to do with Trump. By making those
ridiculous demands, Trump is acting like an autocrat.
-------------------------------------- Call it what you like but my point is that they don't have to leave . They are not required yo leave . TRUMP just puts the bug in their and YOU Lefties ears is all it is and then you have something to talk , whine and cry about BoBOB .
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
He is a cry baby-Trump is getting things done with a do nothing Congress and the might of a totally resistant press.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has boasted about the pattern, promising to be a “Grim Reaper” for progressive policies in the Senate if the GOP hangs onto the chamber in the next Congress.

The House-passed bills that have ended up in the Senate 'graveyard'

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.
Fox News has always been fair and balanced.

There is nothing funny about that you ignorant stooge. Just watch Shep Smith during the day for your dose of leftwing spin.

Here is what dimwitted idiots like you do not understand: A cable news network is like a newspaper: Its has a news section, an opinion section, sports, and other stuff. While it is true that the Fox "Opinion Section" is conservative, its hard news section is fair and balanced, as it should be.

At CNN and NBC though, their hard news sections are corrupted and biased and dishonest. Thats why they are fake news.

Do you think you can grasp that concept? I can draw a picture for you if you like.
Interestingly, AllSides Media - which seems more honest than MediaBias/FactCheck - rates MSNBC and Vox hard-left, and the National Review hard-right. They rate CNN and the NYTimes lean-left, and Fox and the Washington Examiner lean-right. Of the 7 below only my personal go-to source, The Hill, is rated centrist.

The problems - such as Lawrence O'Donnell's recent FUBAR - occur when a political agenda supersedes journalistic integrity and it's become so pervasive the NYTimes in May felt compelled to restrict MSNBC's access to their people.


Fox News


The Hill

Washington Examiner

The New York Times

National Review

Want to see more?

Check out the AllSides Media Bias Chart, or go to our Media Bias Ratings page to see everything.
"Ignores the courts"? Seriously? He has about a 90% track record of being upheld on appeal when Federal District Court judges rule against his actions.
Somehow, winning appeals 90% of the time doesn't strike me as something to brag about? How many time have you been sued?
But I think the poster you responded to meant something else. I think the poster meant Trump ignores laws and subpoenas and directs his staff to do so also. And with support of Barr's tricky twisty wordsmithing and a compliant SCOTUS comfortably pocketed, he gets away with it.
I think we are all going to regret opening that can of worms in the future when the office holder changes. Republican hue and cry over getting back to the Constitution rings real hollow as Trump thumbs his nose at theft of allocated funds, answering subpoenas, emoluments, and making our word of honor (treaties/pacts/agreements) not worth the paper they are written on.
Trump is a fixer, and fixing things is a rough and tough business. So many things were whack when Trump finally arrived on the scene, that these things that we see were inevitable. No one is shocked or surprised at his works except for those that were part of the agenda's that had created all the problems. Yes Trump was part of the way things were back in the day along with so many others, because as a businessman he had to make money and build wealth, but as president he knows the detrimental long term effects that had resulted from alot of the thinking back in the day, so he is helping to change all that now, and that's just great.

Someone had to do it, and thank goodness Trump is the one because he doesn't compromise or apologize for his efforts like the weaklings did that were there before.

Trump doesn't attack unless being attacked, and that is another good thing about Trump, because it easily outs his attackers for who they are "anti-American's" heavily ladened with their agenda's over and above the nation's economy, security, Americanism and patriotism.
I'm lost, beagle. What's 'fixed'?

And thanks for the laugh! The part about how Trump doesn't attack unless being attacked is downright precious.
"Ignores the courts"? Seriously? He has about a 90% track record of being upheld on appeal when Federal District Court judges rule against his actions.
Somehow, winning appeals 90% of the time doesn't strike me as something to brag about? How many time have you been sued?
But I think the poster you responded to meant something else. I think the poster meant Trump ignores laws and subpoenas and directs his staff to do so also. And with support of Barr's tricky twisty wordsmithing and a compliant SCOTUS comfortably pocketed, he gets away with it.
I think we are all going to regret opening that can of worms in the future when the office holder changes. Republican hue and cry over getting back to the Constitution rings real hollow as Trump thumbs his nose at theft of allocated funds, answering subpoenas, emoluments, and making our word of honor (treaties/pacts/agreements) not worth the paper they are written on.
Trump is a fixer, and fixing things is a rough and tough business. So many things were whack when Trump finally arrived on the scene, that these things that we see were inevitable. No one is shocked or surprised at his works except for those that were part of the agenda's that had created all the problems. Yes Trump was part of the way things were back in the day along with so many others, because as a businessman he had to make money and build wealth, but as president he knows the detrimental long term effects that had resulted from alot of the thinking back in the day, so he is helping to change all that now, and that's just great.

Someone had to do it, and thank goodness Trump is the one because he doesn't compromise or apologize for his efforts like the weaklings did that were there before.

Trump doesn't attack unless being attacked, and that is another good thing about Trump, because it easily outs his attackers for who they are "anti-American's" heavily ladened with their agenda's over and above the nation's economy, security, Americanism and patriotism.
I'm lost, beagle. What's 'fixed'?

And thanks for the laugh! The part about how Trump doesn't attack unless being attacked is downright precious.
The economy that the Democrats are attempting in every way they can to ignore or unfix for political purposes, just like what was attempted with the sure fired Russian collusion debacle. I know you know how to read stats, charts and etc concerning the economy under Trump right ?? Theirs a new sherriff in town, and his name is Donald Trump.
Is this guy Napolitano worth listening to?

Is Fox News signaling to another demographic?
Sure sounds like it.

Could be that the Judge is telling it like it is.

"After years of faithless Congresses legally but unconstitutionally ceding power to the presidency, we have arrived where we are today -- a president who spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes, defies courts and changes immigration laws on his own. I have written before that the Republicans who rejoice in this will weep over it when a Democrat is in the White House. No president should have unconstitutional powers."

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Trump violates Constitution – Spends unappropriated funds, raises taxes on own
What Republicans are going to go ballistic over will be a Democratic President using an emergency declaration to bypass Congress

Global Warming is an emergency
Healthcare is an emergency
Neither one is an emergency. A 5-year-old knows that.

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