Judge Orders Mueller To Turn Over Exculpatory Evidence, Federal Corruption

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
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What happened to all the lieberals defending the corruption in Obama's DOJ and FBI?

The more we dig the more corruption we find. Libtardos better call for an end before Mueller brings down the house over his own ears.
Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.
Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.

It's not fake news the judge was reassigned.

It's not fake news Strzok was the one who interviewed Flynn, "insurance policy".

It's not fake news Mueller withheld information from the Flynn legal team.

It's not fake news Yates was the one who pushed for charges obtained by incomplete FISA applications.

Wha'ts fake is your fake outrage.
Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.

We've known for quite some time liberals live in a different world consisting of fake news and narratives.
Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.

We've known for quite some time liberals live in a different world consisting of fake news and narratives.

The lieberals aren't getting away with their fake outrage anymore. We know Obama was involved. We know Lynch was involved. We know Comey was involved. We know Strzok was involved. We know his slut girlfriend was involved. We know Ohr was involved. We know McCabe was involved. We know Ohr's wife was working for Fusion GPS.

It's going to get ugly for all these crooks and Grassley is going to make sure.
The funny thing is that Trump wasn't really interested in going after Clinton. If the Democrats had just accepted the results of the election and moved on, we probably would not be hearing about any of this. They should have left well enough alone. Now their corruption is being exposed and THEY'RE the ones causing it. LMAO
Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.

We've known for quite some time liberals live in a different world consisting of fake news and narratives.

The lieberals aren't getting away with their fake outrage anymore. We know Obama was involved. We know Lynch was involved. We know Comey was involved. We know Strzok was involved. We know his slut girlfriend was involved. We know Ohr was involved. We know McCabe was involved. We know Ohr's wife was working for Fusion GPS.

It's going to get ugly for all these crooks and Grassley is going to make sure.

That may be true, unfortunately we also know today, tomorrow, next week they'll just make up some new fake shit to be outraged over.
Hopefully this finding will hurt the Ds badly in the mid-terms because they came up with the BS Steele dossier

I saw somewhere today a Democrat congressman was asking Mueller's findings not be released until after the midterm elections. Even the Democrats can't deny the stink anymore.
Great find.

You better start counting. Your peeops are in trouble, no matter how hard you try and pretend they are not.

If you are really a patriot, then you better start asking WHY the evidence is making your side look like fools, and not ours. You are the ones who demanded it, and aren't you happy now!
The funny thing is that Trump wasn't really interested in going after Clinton. If the Democrats had just accepted the results of the election and moved on, we probably would not be hearing about any of this. They should have left well enough alone. Now their corruption is being exposed and THEY'RE the ones causing it. LMAO

It really is going to be the poetic justice karma of the century. Lock her up.
Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.

We've known for quite some time liberals live in a different world consisting of fake news and narratives.

The lieberals aren't getting away with their fake outrage anymore. We know Obama was involved. We know Lynch was involved. We know Comey was involved. We know Strzok was involved. We know his slut girlfriend was involved. We know Ohr was involved. We know McCabe was involved. We know Ohr's wife was working for Fusion GPS.

It's going to get ugly for all these crooks and Grassley is going to make sure.

That may be true, unfortunately we also know today, tomorrow, next week they'll just make up some new fake shit to be outraged over.

The effectiveness of the next piece of crap is dependent on how badly this mess hurts the MSM.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

The funny thing is that Trump wasn't really interested in going after Clinton. If the Democrats had just accepted the results of the election and moved on, we probably would not be hearing about any of this. They should have left well enough alone. Now their corruption is being exposed and THEY'RE the ones causing it. LMAO

It is all going to collapse, legally!

We are fighting a losing battle arguing with the left. Why should we debate/argue ANYTHING that will collapse in the next 2 to 4 weeks? We are just wasting our breath!

We/Us/They are on the verge of being shown how Washington actually works. Instead of everyone skimming over it, spinning it, and regurgitating TAKES on it, look it over. Democrats are good people, with horseshit ideas, but they are NOT fools!

If you can join your hands together for 15 minutes, you will change how Washington works, and that is what they fear most!

Once real Democrats and REAL conservatives realize they have been played, Trump may not get more popular, but CONGRESS has a much more likely scenario, of getting their butts thrown out!
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators

You are confusing Mueller with Donald Trump and his campaign.

It's ok, snowflake. We know you can't deny the obvious any more.

Clintoon paid for foreign interference in our elections in direct violation of campaign finance laws.

The real funny thing is, Mueller's indictment validates the crimes committed by Obama's corrupt DOJ and FBI as they are guilty of breaking the same laws he's charging the Russians with.
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