Judge orders Price woman to cut off daughter's ponytail in court


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The mother of a 13-year-old girl says she has filed a formal complaint against a juvenile court judge who told her he'd cut her daughter's sentence if she cut off the girl's ponytail in his courtroom.

"She definitely needed to be punished for what had happened," Valerie Bruno told the Deseret News. "But I never dreamt it would be that much of a punishment."

Bruno's daughter, Kaytlen Lopan, was referred to 7th District Juvenile Judge Scott Johansen's court in March for an allegation of assault. Lopan and a friend endeared themselves to a 3-year-old girl at McDonald's in Price and then used scissors to cut several inches of hair from the little girl's head, according to Price police.

"It was beautiful, it was long, it had natural curl, and now it's cut up to here," said the victim's mother, Mindy Moss, gesturing to her jawline.

Lopan blamed the incident on her 11-year-old friend, but the friend told investigators the girls had decided to cut the toddler's hair and didn't have any scissors. They tried to borrow some from McDonald's employees, but when they were turned down, they walked across the street and bought scissors from a dollar store.

"After acquiring the scissors, they returned to McDonald's, where they both took a turn … cutting some of the little girl's hair off the back of her head," Price police officer Robb Radley wrote in his report.

At a May 28 hearing, Lopan entered admissions in the assault case, as well as another case stemming from eight months of phone calls she made to another teen in Colorado that included threats of rape and mutilation, according to an audio recording of the hearing provided to the Deseret News by Bruno.

Johansen called the girl's behavior "egregious." He ordered her to serve 30 days in detention, pay restitution to her victims and serve 276 hours of community service.

Then, he offered Bruno a deal.

"If she was my daughter, I wouldn't want her with the (youth) work crew," the judge said.

"I know, I thought of that," Bruno said.

"I'm going to give you this option: I will cut that by 150 hours if you want to cut her hair right now," Johansen said.

Eye for an eye, hair for hair? Judge orders Price woman to cut off daughter's ponytail in court | Deseret News

An eye for an eye? Frankly, I think what this judge offered was brilliant. The mother had the opportunity to say "no".


hell yeah, that's more than fair.

'specially since if was a trade off for a reduced sentance and not just part of the punishment.
Works for me. If she objected to her kid being punished, she should have bought her up better. Little brat deserved it.
I agree.

Bruno said she wishes now that she hadn't taken Johansen up on his offer of a reduced sentence for her daughter, and that she'd consulted an attorney before taking her daughter into his courtroom.

"I guess I should have went into the courtroom knowing my rights, because I felt very intimidated," she said.

Ummm. Guess what lady? Court rooms can be intimidating. Especially when you are guilty.

Did she think the judge should have offered cookies and juice before or after the group hug? :cuckoo:

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