Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Reconnaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.

You mean the Renaissance? :04:

One of the greatest cities of all time was Constantinople, now Istanbul, and was a very diverse city with people of all kinds of backgrounds and religions.

Thanks for the catch. I did not even notice the spell checker had substituted.
And yes, Constantinople was a foreign occupation of the invading Romans into the Mideast.
Constantine and Justinian were evil dictators of a foreign land that hated them.
It was good for Constantinople to be finally liberated from the evil Romans.
The Roman barbarism, colonialism, imperialism, etc., are indefensible.
Islam didn't exist when the Romans conquered Anatolia, moron. Prior to that, it was Greek. Arab Muslims have no history of being in Anatolia prior to 1400 AD. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe they had any historical claim to the region.

Anatolia was home to Hittites, and many other people, but not Greeks or Romans.
And although it was Muslims who finally drove out the hated invading Greeks and Romans, it was not Arabs either.
It was Turks.
Before the Roman invasion, it was Selucid or Parthian.
Romans most definitely did not belong in what is now Turkey.
And the liberation by Turks most definitely is what the general population wanted.
The Roman tyrants were the worst rulers in all of history.

So in your demented mind crashing jets into the twin towers wasn't a crime

Fuck off and die you shithead
Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Muslims have committed no crimes at all.
Name one if you can.
There are a few crimes like ISIS murdering gays or that Jordanian pilot, but it is pretty obvious ISIS was created by the US, from Sunni atheists, and they know nothing about Islam.

But Christians committed mass murder by the invasion of Iraq itself, deliberately targeting AC and refrigeration power plants in a desert climate. Deliberately murdering over half a million innocents.

So in your demented mind crashing jets into the twin towers wasn't a crime

Fuck off and die you shithead

The US illegally murdered over 10,000 on the Highway of Death in Desert Storm, after negotiating their withdraw under a white flag.
So of course the crashing of jets into the WTC was more than legally justifiable.
The US is and almost always has been in violation of international war crimes laws.
Such as torture at Guantanamo, preventing elections in 1955 Vietnam, subverting the democracy in 1953 Iran, etc.
We essentially assassinated Qaddafi, and illegally have troops in Syria as well.

The claim Saddam had stockpiles of WMD was a deliberate lie, and so was the claim Saddam used chemical weapons on Fallujah. We know now that the Iranians had invaded Fallujah the day before the Iraqi counter attack, and it was the Iranians who has gassed the city. Saddam's forces were mostly Kurdish, so would never have gassed a Kurdish city.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Muslims have committed no crimes at all.
Name one if you can.
There are a few crimes like ISIS murdering gays or that Jordanian pilot, but it is pretty obvious ISIS was created by the US, from Sunni atheists, and they know nothing about Islam.

But Christians committed mass murder by the invasion of Iraq itself, deliberately targeting AC and refrigeration power plants in a desert climate. Deliberately murdering over half a million innocents.

So in your demented mind crashing jets into the twin towers wasn't a crime

Fuck off and die you shithead

The US illegally murdered over 10,000 on the Highway of Death in Desert Storm, after negotiating their withdraw under a white flag.
So of course the crashing of jets into the WTC was more than legally justifiable.
The US is and almost always has been in violation of international war crimes laws.
Such as torture at Guantanamo, preventing elections in 1955 Vietnam, subverting the democracy in 1953 Iran, etc.
We essentially assassinated Qaddafi, and illegally have troops in Syria as well.

The claim Saddam had stockpiles of WMD was a deliberate lie, and so was the claim Saddam used chemical weapons on Fallujah. We know now that the Iranians had invaded Fallujah the day before the Iraqi counter attack, and it was the Iranians who has gassed the city. Saddam's forces were mostly Kurdish, so would never have gassed a Kurdish city.

We know who you are, where you are, and what you are.

You live on a whim

This is your Mom


I'm not an obstacle to anything,
100% wrong. You are an obstacle to moderate muslims trying to reform their religion, and to anyone else trying to do the same. And every time one of them or anyone else dares engage im the criticism that is required in order to reform it, you throw yourself in front of islam like a human shield. And no amount of embarrassing, transparaent attempts by you to personally attack me will alter that fact. Get it together.
And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
See, this is just the sort of idiotic false equivalence i am talking about.

Islam needs a reformation. I am talkmg about that topic and not reformation of Christianity, because one of these two requires more of our attention right now.

Period. And if you are unwilling or unequipped to have that discussion, then you should get out of the way.
That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Renaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.
That's also bullshit, but I don't have the evidence at my fingertips. I'll have to search for it.

I was going to prove you wrong, but I found some that sort of adds to your view.

In stark contrast to the High Middle Ages, when Latin scholars focused almost entirely on studying Greek and Arabic works of natural science, philosophy and mathematics,[25] Renaissance scholars were most interested in recovering and studying Latin and Greek literary, historical, and oratorical texts. Broadly speaking, this began in the 14th century with a Latin phase, when Renaissance scholars such as Petrarch, Coluccio Salutati (1331–1406), Niccolò de' Niccoli(1364–1437) and Poggio Bracciolini (1380–1459) scoured the libraries of Europe in search of works by such Latin authors as Cicero, Lucretius, Livy and Seneca.[26] By the early 15th century, the bulk of the surviving such Latin literature had been recovered; the Greek phase of Renaissance humanism was under way, as Western European scholars turned to recovering ancient Greek literary, historical, oratorical and theological texts.
Renaissance - Wikipedia

While this shows that science at end of the Dark Ages was coming from Arabs, But the link also implies it was the influx of Greek refugees from the fall of Constantinople that was a major factor. And Turks then should not claim that as a plus. However, I don't believe there was an influx of Greek refugees since Constantinople surrendered with a negotiated ending that should not have cause massive refugee flight?
I'm not an obstacle to anything,
100% wrong. You are an obstacle to moderate muslims trying to reform their religion, and to anyone else trying to do the same. And every time one of them or anyone else dares engage im the criticism that is required in order to reform it, you throw yourself in front of islam like a human shield. And no amount of embarrassing, transparaent attempts by you to personally attack me will alter that fact. Get it together.
There are no moderate Muslims and religions are not reformed, they are all about tradition
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Renaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.
That's also bullshit, but I don't have the evidence at my fingertips. I'll have to search for it.

I was going to prove you wrong, but I found some that sort of adds to your view.

In stark contrast to the High Middle Ages, when Latin scholars focused almost entirely on studying Greek and Arabic works of natural science, philosophy and mathematics,[25] Renaissance scholars were most interested in recovering and studying Latin and Greek literary, historical, and oratorical texts. Broadly speaking, this began in the 14th century with a Latin phase, when Renaissance scholars such as Petrarch, Coluccio Salutati (1331–1406), Niccolò de' Niccoli(1364–1437) and Poggio Bracciolini (1380–1459) scoured the libraries of Europe in search of works by such Latin authors as Cicero, Lucretius, Livy and Seneca.[26] By the early 15th century, the bulk of the surviving such Latin literature had been recovered; the Greek phase of Renaissance humanism was under way, as Western European scholars turned to recovering ancient Greek literary, historical, oratorical and theological texts.
Renaissance - Wikipedia

While this shows that science at end of the Dark Ages was coming from Arabs, But the link also implies it was the influx of Greek refugees from the fall of Constantinople that was a major factor. And Turks then should not claim that as a plus. However, I don't believe there was an influx of Greek refugees since Constantinople surrendered with a negotiated ending that should not have cause massive refugee flight?

Well if Wikipedia says so

U R Retarded
I'm not an obstacle to anything,
100% wrong. You are an obstacle to moderate muslims trying to reform their religion, and to anyone else trying to do the same. And every time one of them or anyone else dares engage im the criticism that is required in order to reform it, you throw yourself in front of islam like a human shield. And no amount of embarrassing, transparaent attempts by you to personally attack me will alter that fact. Get it together.

Murdering Muslims, like invading Iraq, the most secular of all Muslim countries, is not helping either.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Renaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.
That's also bullshit, but I don't have the evidence at my fingertips. I'll have to search for it.

I was going to prove you wrong, but I found some that sort of adds to your view.

In stark contrast to the High Middle Ages, when Latin scholars focused almost entirely on studying Greek and Arabic works of natural science, philosophy and mathematics,[25] Renaissance scholars were most interested in recovering and studying Latin and Greek literary, historical, and oratorical texts. Broadly speaking, this began in the 14th century with a Latin phase, when Renaissance scholars such as Petrarch, Coluccio Salutati (1331–1406), Niccolò de' Niccoli(1364–1437) and Poggio Bracciolini (1380–1459) scoured the libraries of Europe in search of works by such Latin authors as Cicero, Lucretius, Livy and Seneca.[26] By the early 15th century, the bulk of the surviving such Latin literature had been recovered; the Greek phase of Renaissance humanism was under way, as Western European scholars turned to recovering ancient Greek literary, historical, oratorical and theological texts.
Renaissance - Wikipedia

While this shows that science at end of the Dark Ages was coming from Arabs, But the link also implies it was the influx of Greek refugees from the fall of Constantinople that was a major factor. And Turks then should not claim that as a plus. However, I don't believe there was an influx of Greek refugees since Constantinople surrendered with a negotiated ending that should not have cause massive refugee flight?
It shows nothing of the sort, dumbass. The influx of knowledge came from Greek and Latin sources. You are truly stupid if you don't understand that when the Turks took over in Constantinople, all the Greek scholars emigrated to places like France and Italy.
I'm not an obstacle to anything,
100% wrong. You are an obstacle to moderate muslims trying to reform their religion, and to anyone else trying to do the same. And every time one of them or anyone else dares engage im the criticism that is required in order to reform it, you throw yourself in front of islam like a human shield. And no amount of embarrassing, transparaent attempts by you to personally attack me will alter that fact. Get it together.

Murdering Muslims, like invading Iraq, the most secular of all Muslim countries, is not helping either.
Muslims cutting off their wives noses doesn't help either

And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
See, this is just the sort of idiotic false equivalence i am talking about.

Islam needs a reformation. I am talkmg about that topic and not reformation of Christianity, because one of these two requires more of our attention right now.

Period. And if you are unwilling or unequipped to have that discussion, then you should get out of the way.

The quote was not about Muslims being urged to kill other religions as the poster claimed, but about what the Quran claims God would do in the after life. Big difference.
And it IS Christianity that requires the big reform NOW, because it is Christianity that is using thermobaric weapons of mass destruction on civilians in the Mideast, like the Highway of Death.
Muslims are not the problem.
They invade no one.
And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
See, this is just the sort of idiotic false equivalence i am talking about.

Islam needs a reformation. I am talkmg about that topic and not reformation of Christianity, because one of these two requires more of our attention right now.

Period. And if you are unwilling or unequipped to have that discussion, then you should get out of the way.

The quote was not about Muslims being urged to kill other religions as the poster claimed, but about what the Quran claims God would do in the after life. Big difference.
And it IS Christianity that requires the big reform NOW, because it is Christianity that is using thermobaric weapons of mass destruction on civilians in the Mideast, like the Highway of Death.
Muslims are not the problem.
They invade no one.
Did your Mother enjoy this
Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Renaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.
That's also bullshit, but I don't have the evidence at my fingertips. I'll have to search for it.

I was going to prove you wrong, but I found some that sort of adds to your view.

In stark contrast to the High Middle Ages, when Latin scholars focused almost entirely on studying Greek and Arabic works of natural science, philosophy and mathematics,[25] Renaissance scholars were most interested in recovering and studying Latin and Greek literary, historical, and oratorical texts. Broadly speaking, this began in the 14th century with a Latin phase, when Renaissance scholars such as Petrarch, Coluccio Salutati (1331–1406), Niccolò de' Niccoli(1364–1437) and Poggio Bracciolini (1380–1459) scoured the libraries of Europe in search of works by such Latin authors as Cicero, Lucretius, Livy and Seneca.[26] By the early 15th century, the bulk of the surviving such Latin literature had been recovered; the Greek phase of Renaissance humanism was under way, as Western European scholars turned to recovering ancient Greek literary, historical, oratorical and theological texts.
Renaissance - Wikipedia

While this shows that science at end of the Dark Ages was coming from Arabs, But the link also implies it was the influx of Greek refugees from the fall of Constantinople that was a major factor. And Turks then should not claim that as a plus. However, I don't believe there was an influx of Greek refugees since Constantinople surrendered with a negotiated ending that should not have cause massive refugee flight?
It shows nothing of the sort, dumbass. The influx of knowledge came from Greek and Latin sources. You are truly stupid if you don't understand that when the Turks took over in Constantinople, all the Greek scholars emigrated to places like France and Italy.

You clearly are not even reading.
I was sort of agreeing with you with that source.
I disagree for other reasons.
But you are not listening.
And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
See, this is just the sort of idiotic false equivalence i am talking about.

Islam needs a reformation. I am talkmg about that topic and not reformation of Christianity, because one of these two requires more of our attention right now.

Period. And if you are unwilling or unequipped to have that discussion, then you should get out of the way.

The quote was not about Muslims being urged to kill other religions as the poster claimed, but about what the Quran claims God would do in the after life. Big difference.
And it IS Christianity that requires the big reform NOW, because it is Christianity that is using thermobaric weapons of mass destruction on civilians in the Mideast, like the Highway of Death.
Muslims are not the problem.
They invade no one.
Did your Mother enjoy this

And that has WHAT do to with Islam?
You want to claim all crimes in the US are due to Christianity?
And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
See, this is just the sort of idiotic false equivalence i am talking about.

Islam needs a reformation. I am talkmg about that topic and not reformation of Christianity, because one of these two requires more of our attention right now.

Period. And if you are unwilling or unequipped to have that discussion, then you should get out of the way.

The quote was not about Muslims being urged to kill other religions as the poster claimed, but about what the Quran claims God would do in the after life. Big difference.
And it IS Christianity that requires the big reform NOW, because it is Christianity that is using thermobaric weapons of mass destruction on civilians in the Mideast, like the Highway of Death.
Muslims are not the problem.
They invade no one.
Did your Mother enjoy this

And that has WHAT do to with Islam?
You want to claim all crimes in the US are due to Christianity?

That is the result of Islam and the Quran, the fact that you are in denial is evident. If you accepted that I was right you would have to hang yourself, so you deny
And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
See, this is just the sort of idiotic false equivalence i am talking about.

Islam needs a reformation. I am talkmg about that topic and not reformation of Christianity, because one of these two requires more of our attention right now.

Period. And if you are unwilling or unequipped to have that discussion, then you should get out of the way.

The quote was not about Muslims being urged to kill other religions as the poster claimed, but about what the Quran claims God would do in the after life. Big difference.
And it IS Christianity that requires the big reform NOW, because it is Christianity that is using thermobaric weapons of mass destruction on civilians in the Mideast, like the Highway of Death.
Muslims are not the problem.
They invade no one.
Did your Mother enjoy this

And that has WHAT do to with Islam?
You want to claim all crimes in the US are due to Christianity?
Islam tells its followers to do things exactly like that. That's what it has to do with Islam.

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