Judge Pirro

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The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Schitzos create their own rules

It is easy to prove Muslims to not harm Christians or Jews, because the Mideast was under Arab/Muslim rule for over 2000 years, and the Christians and Jews there were prospering fine, while being hired as administrators, viziers.
The Jews only start being harmed by the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions.
The Moslems were the only ones defending the Jews.

ROFL! That is so fucking ignorant it's beyond belief. Muslims killed millions of Christians during that period. They constantly raided the South Coast of Europe and took millions of Christians as slaves. Most of those slaves died. Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to destroy the Barbary Pirates who were constantly attacking American vessels and taking those on board captive to become slaves.

I could go on all day about all the atrocities of Islam.

Thanks for showing everyone how your claims are based on total ignorance of history and of Islam.

That is a totally ignorant and incorrect claim.
First of all, Islam under Arab rule only lasted about 400 years, before being invaded and conquered by successive Asiatic waves, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks.
The Arab Muslims never raided Europe and never tried to expand or invade anyone.
And the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later claimed to adopt Islam, but not when they were invading.

Do you have any extra LSD for sale?

The Siege of Baghdad, which lasted from January 29 until February 10, 1258, entailed the investment, capture, and sack of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, by Ilkhanate Mongol forces and allied troops. The Mongols were under the command of Hulagu Khan (or Hulegu Khan), brother of the khagan Möngke Khan, who had intended to further extend his rule into Mesopotamia but not to directly overthrow the Caliphate. Möngke, however, had instructed Hulagu to attack Baghdad if the Caliph Al-Musta'sim refused Mongol demands for his continued submission to the khagan and the payment of tribute in the form of military support for Mongol forces in Iran.

Hulagu began his campaign in Iran with several offensives against Nizari groups, including the Assassins, who lost their stronghold of Alamut. He then marched on Baghdad, demanding that Al-Musta'sim accede to the terms imposed by Möngke on the Abbasids. Although the Abbasids had failed to prepare for the invasion, the Caliph believed that Baghdad could not fall to invading forces and refused to surrender. Hulagu subsequently besieged the city, which surrendered after 12 days. During the next week, the Mongols sacked Baghdad, committing numerous atrocities and destroying the Abbasids' vast libraries, including the House of Wisdom. The Mongols executed Al-Musta'sim and massacred many residents of the city, which was left greatly depopulated. The siege is considered to mark the end of the Islamic Golden Age, during which the caliphs had extended their rule from the Iberian Peninsula to Sindh, and which was also marked by many cultural achievements

Siege of Baghdad (1258) - Wikipedia

The Mughal Empire (Persian:...‎, translit. Gūrkāniyān;[9] Urdu:..., translit. Mughliyah Saltanat)[10][2] or Mogul Empire[11] was an empire in the Indian subcontinent, founded in 1526. It was established and ruled by the Timurid dynasty, with Turco-Mongol Chagatai roots from Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur,[12][13][14] and with significant Indian Rajput and Persian ancestry through marriage alliances;[15][16] the first two Mughal emperors had both parents from Central Asian ancestry.[17]The dynasty combined Persianate culture[11][18] with local Indian cultural influences[19] visible in its court culture and administrative customs.

Mughal Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottoman Empire (/ˈɒtəmən/; Ottoman Turkish...‎, Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye, literally "The Exalted Ottoman State"; Modern Turkish: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu or Osmanlı Devleti), also historically known in Western Europe as the Turkish Empire[8] or simply Turkey,[9] was a state that controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries. It was founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Oghuz Turkish tribal leader Osman I.[10] After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into Europe, and with the conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into a transcontinental empire. The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the 1453 conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed the Conqueror.[11]

During the 16th and 17th centuries, at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent,[12] the Ottoman Empire was a multinational, multilingual empire controlling most of Southeast Europe, parts of Central Europe, Western Asia, parts of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, North Africa and the Horn of Africa.[13] At the beginning of the 17th century, the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these were later absorbed into the Ottoman Empire, while others were granted various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Cannibal Christians kill and eat two men in Central African Republic – Originalpeople.org
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.
Schitzos create their own rules

It is easy to prove Muslims to not harm Christians or Jews, because the Mideast was under Arab/Muslim rule for over 2000 years, and the Christians and Jews there were prospering fine, while being hired as administrators, viziers.
The Jews only start being harmed by the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions.
The Moslems were the only ones defending the Jews.

ROFL! That is so fucking ignorant it's beyond belief. Muslims killed millions of Christians during that period. They constantly raided the South Coast of Europe and took millions of Christians as slaves. Most of those slaves died. Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to destroy the Barbary Pirates who were constantly attacking American vessels and taking those on board captive to become slaves.

I could go on all day about all the atrocities of Islam.

Thanks for showing everyone how your claims are based on total ignorance of history and of Islam.

That is a totally ignorant and incorrect claim.
First of all, Islam under Arab rule only lasted about 400 years, before being invaded and conquered by successive Asiatic waves, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks.
The Arab Muslims never raided Europe and never tried to expand or invade anyone.
And the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later claimed to adopt Islam, but not when they were invading.

Do you have any extra LSD for sale?

The Siege of Baghdad, which lasted from January 29 until February 10, 1258, entailed the investment, capture, and sack of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, by Ilkhanate Mongol forces and allied troops. The Mongols were under the command of Hulagu Khan (or Hulegu Khan), brother of the khagan Möngke Khan, who had intended to further extend his rule into Mesopotamia but not to directly overthrow the Caliphate. Möngke, however, had instructed Hulagu to attack Baghdad if the Caliph Al-Musta'sim refused Mongol demands for his continued submission to the khagan and the payment of tribute in the form of military support for Mongol forces in Iran.

Hulagu began his campaign in Iran with several offensives against Nizari groups, including the Assassins, who lost their stronghold of Alamut. He then marched on Baghdad, demanding that Al-Musta'sim accede to the terms imposed by Möngke on the Abbasids. Although the Abbasids had failed to prepare for the invasion, the Caliph believed that Baghdad could not fall to invading forces and refused to surrender. Hulagu subsequently besieged the city, which surrendered after 12 days. During the next week, the Mongols sacked Baghdad, committing numerous atrocities and destroying the Abbasids' vast libraries, including the House of Wisdom. The Mongols executed Al-Musta'sim and massacred many residents of the city, which was left greatly depopulated. The siege is considered to mark the end of the Islamic Golden Age, during which the caliphs had extended their rule from the Iberian Peninsula to Sindh, and which was also marked by many cultural achievements

Siege of Baghdad (1258) - Wikipedia

The Mughal Empire (Persian:...‎, translit. Gūrkāniyān;[9] Urdu:..., translit. Mughliyah Saltanat)[10][2] or Mogul Empire[11] was an empire in the Indian subcontinent, founded in 1526. It was established and ruled by the Timurid dynasty, with Turco-Mongol Chagatai roots from Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur,[12][13][14] and with significant Indian Rajput and Persian ancestry through marriage alliances;[15][16] the first two Mughal emperors had both parents from Central Asian ancestry.[17]The dynasty combined Persianate culture[11][18] with local Indian cultural influences[19] visible in its court culture and administrative customs.

Mughal Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottoman Empire (/ˈɒtəmən/; Ottoman Turkish...‎, Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye, literally "The Exalted Ottoman State"; Modern Turkish: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu or Osmanlı Devleti), also historically known in Western Europe as the Turkish Empire[8] or simply Turkey,[9] was a state that controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries. It was founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Oghuz Turkish tribal leader Osman I.[10] After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into Europe, and with the conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into a transcontinental empire. The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the 1453 conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed the Conqueror.[11]

During the 16th and 17th centuries, at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent,[12] the Ottoman Empire was a multinational, multilingual empire controlling most of Southeast Europe, parts of Central Europe, Western Asia, parts of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, North Africa and the Horn of Africa.[13] At the beginning of the 17th century, the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states. Some of these were later absorbed into the Ottoman Empire, while others were granted various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
What does the Mongol siege of Baghdad have to do with Muslims waging war against Christians?
Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Cannibal Christians kill and eat two men in Central African Republic – Originalpeople.org
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
Wrong. That is the 9th Surrah, which is titled forgiveness and redemption. It is all about how you should not fight except in defense, and you should make 2 attempts at peace even with those that betray you.
The quotes you put up are AFTER they have broken treaties and attacked you twice.
You clearly have not read or understood the Quran at all.

The jizya is the same taxes that Muslims pay in the Mosque. It is not an additional tax. It is just to support widows and orphans, and Christians and Jews can't pay their due share in the Mosque as everyone else is supposed to.
And tell me one government in the world that does NOT believe that all people have to be "violently subjugated" to written law?

And it is just a lie to claim Islam ever supports expansionism or military conquest.
YOU say "in the next 100 years" but clearly Mohammad was already old when he captured Mecca even.
There was no conquests by Mohammad.
If you had read any history, you would see that around 1100 AD, Asiatics, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks invaded in successive waves.
And it was they who threatened Europe, not Islamic Arabs.
Islam had nothing to do with it, even though the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later adopted Islam.
Jihad is not about self defense. It's about waging offensive war against the infidel. If what you claim is true, then quote the passages that demonstrate it. The ones I quoted don't say anything about self defense. They tell the believers to kill Jews and Christians simply because they don't believe in Allah. They also say to compel non believers to pay the Jizya .

You're obviously totally full of shit.
Why are you trying to speak sense to an imbecile

The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?

That is just a lie.
The Quran is clear that Christians and Jews are "brothers of the book" meaning the 3 Abrahamic religions share the same Old Testament, and are not in conflict.
Everyone is supposed to pay the juzyah because it is the early form of welfare for widows and orphans.
And in fact, the Quran says to kill NO ONE, except in defense when there is no alternative.
irosie91 is the resident expert on the ME.
Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Funny how you can't actually name a single one of these supposed crimes by Muslims?
But if Muslims were supposed to be so murderous, then why were European Jews so bent on immigration to Palestine, to be safer under Muslim rule than European Christian rule?
There was an initial push for Jewish emigration to Palestine around 1895.
And Palestine was under Muslim rule essentially until the 1949 UN partition created Israel from about half of Palestine.
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
Unfortunately, you are just 100% wrong. No person's belief is against our constitution. The Constitution guarantees the right to believe anything you want, including believing the Constitution is stupid. That's one of the things that makes our godless Constitution so great.
True, but what she, and any other congressperson cannot do, is destroy the Constitution. They swore an oath to uphold and protect it.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Funny how you can't actually name a single one of these supposed crimes by Muslims?
But if Muslims were supposed to be so murderous, then why were European Jews so bent on immigration to Palestine, to be safer under Muslim rule than European Christian rule?
There was an initial push for Jewish emigration to Palestine around 1895.
And Palestine was under Muslim rule essentially until the 1949 UN partition created Israel from about half of Palestine.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Cannibal Christians kill and eat two men in Central African Republic – Originalpeople.org
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.
Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Cannibal Christians kill and eat two men in Central African Republic – Originalpeople.org
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
Right. The Muslims murder people and they defend themselves.
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
Right. The Muslims murder people and they defend themselves.

This coming from the guy the FBI were so worried about, they had to make a house call to.
He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
Right. The Muslims murder people and they defend themselves.

This coming from the guy the FBI were so worried about, they had to make a house call to.
ROFL! You're the master of the cheap shot.
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
Unfortunately, you are just 100% wrong. No person's belief is against our constitution. The Constitution guarantees the right to believe anything you want, including believing the Constitution is stupid. That's one of the things that makes our godless Constitution so great.

I beg to differ .... Sharia stands alone in it's
Category...it is definitely unconstitutional.
Just ask all the gays in Islam....oops that's right you can't.

He is a cannibal for Christ?

Your source says otherwise:

According to The Associated Press, the men were killed by residents of the Sango neighbourhood in revenge for the lynching of a taxi driver from Sango a day earlier.

They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
Right. The Muslims murder people and they defend themselves.

This coming from the guy the FBI were so worried about, they had to make a house call to.

Yea the same FBI that let Clinton sell Uranium to Russia so Putin could laugh

The FBI that says Clinton did not mean to break the law when she did.

The new FBI law, democrats can do no harm

Go shoot your smack retard
They were Christians killing Muslims, by lynching, burning, and cannibalizing them.
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
Right. The Muslims murder people and they defend themselves.

This coming from the guy the FBI were so worried about, they had to make a house call to.

Yea the same FBI that let Clinton sell Uranium to Russia so Putin could laugh

The FBI that says Clinton did not mean to break the law when she did.

The new FBI law, democrats can do no harm

Go shoot your smack retard
Still spouting the uranium myth
It sounds like the Muslims started the killing. They always do. Wherever there are Muslims, there is killing.

Nope, it is fighting that has been going on for some time.
Right. The Muslims murder people and they defend themselves.

This coming from the guy the FBI were so worried about, they had to make a house call to.

Yea the same FBI that let Clinton sell Uranium to Russia so Putin could laugh

The FBI that says Clinton did not mean to break the law when she did.

The new FBI law, democrats can do no harm

Go shoot your smack retard
Still spouting the uranium myth
It's no myth, Putin did this to prove how dumb Obama and Clinton were.

The real myth is that Clinton's emails were deleted, because the nsa, China and Russia all have every one of them. So what is Putin holding over the dems who suddenly will not impeach their arch enemy
Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Muslims have committed no crimes at all.
Name one if you can.
There are a few crimes like ISIS murdering gays or that Jordanian pilot, but it is pretty obvious ISIS was created by the US, from Sunni atheists, and they know nothing about Islam.

But Christians committed mass murder by the invasion of Iraq itself, deliberately targeting AC and refrigeration power plants in a desert climate. Deliberately murdering over half a million innocents.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Muslims have committed no crimes at all.
Name one if you can.
There are a few crimes like ISIS murdering gays or that Jordanian pilot, but it is pretty obvious ISIS was created by the US, from Sunni atheists, and they know nothing about Islam.

But Christians committed mass murder by the invasion of Iraq itself, deliberately targeting AC and refrigeration power plants in a desert climate. Deliberately murdering over half a million innocents.

So in your demented mind crashing jets into the twin towers wasn't a crime

Fuck off and die you shithead
Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Reconnaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.

You mean the Renaissance? :04:

One of the greatest cities of all time was Constantinople, now Istanbul, and was a very diverse city with people of all kinds of backgrounds and religions.

Thanks for the catch. I did not even notice the spell checker had substituted.
And yes, Constantinople was a foreign occupation of the invading Romans into the Mideast.
Constantine and Justinian were evil dictators of a foreign land that hated them.
It was good for Constantinople to be finally liberated from the evil Romans.
The Roman barbarism, colonialism, imperialism, etc., are indefensible.
Islam didn't exist when the Romans conquered Anatolia, moron. Prior to that, it was Greek. Arab Muslims have no history of being in Anatolia prior to 1400 AD. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe they had any historical claim to the region.

Anatolia was home to Hittites, and many other people, but not Greeks or Romans.
And although it was Muslims who finally drove out the hated invading Greeks and Romans, it was not Arabs either.
It was Turks.
Before the Roman invasion, it was Selucid or Parthian.
Romans most definitely did not belong in what is now Turkey.
And the liberation by Turks most definitely is what the general population wanted.
The Roman tyrants were the worst rulers in all of history.

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