Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

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According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate for February is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.
Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

That is silly. Not only were the Crusades, Inquisitions, and conquistadors killing in the name of Christianity, but how many heretics and witches did the European Christians burn to death?

But we don't have to go that far back.
Do you think we would have lied about WMD and killed over half a million Iraqis if they had also been Christian?

Muslims never kill anyone in the name of Allah, but to free their countries from foreign invader occupations.
If you don't like terrorism, then don't do things that deserve terrorism.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"

I'm not blaming America. I'm blaming xenophobic idiots like you. How do you know I'm not a Christian?

I'm not debating these idiocies with you, moron. You're blaming America and the West.

No, because as much as you'd like to believe you are indicative of America as a whole, you aren't. Most people in this country aren't as big of hate filled assholes like you are.

Liberal Dictionary
Truth - hate.

I tend to hate people who want to kill me.

And you are too damn stupid to understand they would hate you because you hate them.
They already hate me, and they don't even know I exist. Muslims hate Christians. That's what their holy book tells them to do. That's what a good Muslim does.
God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
There are no Islamic radicals there is just islam

There is a sort of Islamic radical.
In order to fight western imperialism and colonialism in the Mideast, the Islamic Brotherhood tried to unify Arabs by using Islam.
That is a worthy cause, but it does end up someone slanting the original intents and purposes of Islam.
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.
Why are you trying to speak sense to an imbecile

The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Schitzos create their own rules

It is easy to prove Muslims to not harm Christians or Jews, because the Mideast was under Arab/Muslim rule for over 2000 years, and the Christians and Jews there were prospering fine, while being hired as administrators, viziers.
The Jews only start being harmed by the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions.
The Moslems were the only ones defending the Jews.

ROFL! That is so fucking ignorant it's beyond belief. Muslims killed millions of Christians during that period. They constantly raided the South Coast of Europe and took millions of Christians as slaves. Most of those slaves died. Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to destroy the Barbary Pirates who were constantly attacking American vessels and taking those on board captive to become slaves.

I could go on all day about all the atrocities of Islam.

Thanks for showing everyone how your claims are based on total ignorance of history and of Islam.

That is a totally ignorant and incorrect claim.
First of all, Islam under Arab rule only lasted about 400 years, before being invaded and conquered by successive Asiatic waves, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks.
The Arab Muslims never raided Europe and never tried to expand or invade anyone.
And the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later claimed to adopt Islam, but not when they were invading.
God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate for February is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians have been murdering Muslims for being Muslim for centuries.
That was what the Crusades and Inquisitions were about.
But clearly the west has been invading, taking over, and murdering Muslims even more lately, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.
There is a sort of Islamic radical.
In order to fight western imperialism and colonialism in the Mideast, the Islamic Brotherhood tried to unify Arabs by using Islam.
That is a worthy cause, but it does end up someone slanting the original intents and purposes of Islam.
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Renaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.
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Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate for February is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians have been murdering Muslims for being Muslim for centuries.
That was what the Crusades and Inquisitions were about.
But clearly the west has been invading, taking over, and murdering Muslims even more lately, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.
The inquisition had nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, dumbass. It was mostly directed at Jews and Christians.

Christians spent about 200 years trying to retake the Holy Land. Muslim empires have been laying siege to Christian countries for 1400 years. They have killed hundreds of millions of Christians.

Anyone who believes that Islam is some kind of benign religion is an ignorant foo.
Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Muslims never killed any Christians or Jews, as they are forbidden to do so by the Quran.
The Arab Muslims never invaded anywhere.
There were invasions, but that was Mongols, Moguls, and Turks, long after Mohammad was dead, and his caliphate defeated.

If you look at who murdered Jews, it was the Christian Crusaders.
Massacres During the Crusades - The first well documented riots or pogroms took place during the Crusades. Though violence was forbidden officially by the various popes, the bands of knights who set out on the crusades were essentially lawless marauders. Rather than protecting the Eastern Christians, which was one of the official goals of the Crusades, they often as not destroyed and plundered their communities. The conquest of Jerusalem itself was accompanied by a horrific pogrom, in which all the Jews who were not expelled were murdered.

Not surprisingly, the Crusaders turned on the Jews closest to hand. The first Crusade began in 1095. Guibert of Nogent (1053-1124) reported that the Crusaders of Rouen said: "we desire to combat the enemies of God in the East; but we have under our eyes the Jews, a race more inimical to God than all the others... The crusaders in Rouen and elsewhere in Lorraine massacred Jews who refused baptism. This was not the first instance of forced conversions. German Jews largely ignored warnings of their French coreligionists. The crusaders, egged on by preachers like Peter the Hermit and others, began to murder and pillage throughout the Rhine valley. In Speyer, "only" 10 Jews were reportedly murdered, thanks to the intervention of Bishop John. At Wurms, the majority of the Jews were killed, despite the protection and shelter granted them by Bishop Adalbert. Several hundred were massacred at Mainz with the approval of Achbishop Ruthard, and some committed suicide. In Koln (Cologne) Jews were hidden by order of Archbishop Adalbert, but they were soon discovered and murdered. In Ratisbon, the entire Jewish community was forcibly baptized in the Danube, to the accompaniment of a massacre. The massacres spread to Treves, Neuss, and Prague and many other other towns in Germany and Bohemia. In Jerusalem, Godfrey de Bouillon found all all the Jews conveniently assembled in a synagogue. He burnt it down and burned the Jews to death.
It is estimated that upwards of 10,000 Jews were murdered in Europe during the first Crusade, constituting a third to a quarter of the Jewish population. (Flannery, Edward, The Anguish of the Jews, Paulist Press, 2004 pp 93-94). This is likely to be an underestimate, since genetic studies indicate a "bottleneck" in the Jewish population of Europe at this time.

In Wurms, the massacre was preceded by a concocted blood libel:
Crusades - Massacres of Jews

The Muslims are well known for defending and hiring Jews as administrators, known as Viziers.
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Reconnaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.

You mean the Renaissance? :04:

One of the greatest cities of all time was Constantinople, now Istanbul, and was a very diverse city with people of all kinds of backgrounds and religions.
Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate for February is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians have been murdering Muslims for being Muslim for centuries.
That was what the Crusades and Inquisitions were about.
But clearly the west has been invading, taking over, and murdering Muslims even more lately, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.
The inquisition had nothing to do with Islam or Muslims, dumbass. It was mostly directed at Jews and Christians.

Christians spent about 200 years trying to retake the Holy Land. Muslim empires have been laying siege to Christian countries for 1400 years. They have killed hundreds of millions of Christians.

Anyone who believes that Islam is some kind of benign religion is an ignorant foo.

Wrong. The Inquisitions were due to the Christians defeating the Muslim Moors in Spain.
The point of the Inquisitions were to root out those who had supported the Muslims, like the Jews.

There was NEVER any siege of Christians by Arab Muslims except to remove Christian invaders occupying Mideast lands, like the Romans in Constantinople.
What Mongols, Moguls, and Turks did later after they defeated the Arab Muslims, is not relevant.
The Mongols invaded around 1100 AD or so.

And Christians never had any claim to the Mideast, but were never harmed by Muslims in the Mideast either.
That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Reconnaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.

You mean the Renaissance? :04:

One of the greatest cities of all time was Constantinople, now Istanbul, and was a very diverse city with people of all kinds of backgrounds and religions.

Thanks for the catch. I did not even notice the spell checker had substituted.
And yes, Constantinople was a foreign occupation of the invading Romans into the Mideast.
Constantine and Justinian were evil dictators of a foreign land that hated them.
It was good for Constantinople to be finally liberated from the evil Romans.
The Roman barbarism, colonialism, imperialism, etc., are indefensible.
The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Schitzos create their own rules

It is easy to prove Muslims to not harm Christians or Jews, because the Mideast was under Arab/Muslim rule for over 2000 years, and the Christians and Jews there were prospering fine, while being hired as administrators, viziers.
The Jews only start being harmed by the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions.
The Moslems were the only ones defending the Jews.

ROFL! That is so fucking ignorant it's beyond belief. Muslims killed millions of Christians during that period. They constantly raided the South Coast of Europe and took millions of Christians as slaves. Most of those slaves died. Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to destroy the Barbary Pirates who were constantly attacking American vessels and taking those on board captive to become slaves.

I could go on all day about all the atrocities of Islam.

Thanks for showing everyone how your claims are based on total ignorance of history and of Islam.

That is a totally ignorant and incorrect claim.
First of all, Islam under Arab rule only lasted about 400 years, before being invaded and conquered by successive Asiatic waves, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks.
The Arab Muslims never raided Europe and never tried to expand or invade anyone.
And the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later claimed to adopt Islam, but not when they were invading.

Do you have any extra LSD for sale?
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Reconnaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.

You mean the Renaissance? :04:

One of the greatest cities of all time was Constantinople, now Istanbul, and was a very diverse city with people of all kinds of backgrounds and religions.

Thanks for the catch. I did not even notice the spell checker had substituted.
And yes, Constantinople was a foreign occupation of the invading Romans into the Mideast.
Constantine and Justinian were evil dictators of a foreign land that hated them.
It was good for Constantinople to be finally liberated from the evil Romans.
The Roman barbarism, colonialism, imperialism, etc., are indefensible.
Islam didn't exist when the Romans conquered Anatolia, moron. Prior to that, it was Greek. Arab Muslims have no history of being in Anatolia prior to 1400 AD. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe they had any historical claim to the region.
Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
"I'm not aware" means no one has produced any evidence of anyone killing Muslims for the sake of Christ. That means the comparative murder rate is 900-0.

I have no doubt in my mind that you're a a brain dead moron who would put people in prison for criticizing Islam if you had a chance.

Wrong. Christians in Africa have not only been killing homosexuals, but also have killed people of other religions by setting them on fire and eating them. And you continue to use this "last year" as a crutch. How many people did Christians kill during the Crusades? When they came to North America? Indians during the Western Expansion in the U.S. This can go on and on.
ROFL! You have evidence to support this claim?

How many Christians did Muslims kill when they conquered the Middle East and North Africa? Far more by many orders of magnitude than the number Muslims killed during the Crusades. The Muslims killed millions of Christians and Jews every year from the day Muhammad started his cult. They also took millions of Christians as slaves. Many of these slaves were castrated, a procedure that kills 2/3 of the people it's applied to.

The history if Islam is a history of mass slaughter, genocide, slavery, rape, murder and torture.

The crimes you attribute to Christianity are really nothing more than the artifacts of the age in which they occurred. Human life was cheap in those days.

Christians can be substituted in all the places you said Muslims. I love how you try to diminish the atrocities committed by Christians in the past.

Want something more current? Feel free to read:

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad
Wrong, turd. Christians have committed nothing like the horrific crimes of Muslims.

Cannibal Christians kill and eat two men in Central African Republic – Originalpeople.org
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
That's also a lie.

If not for Crusaders bringing back civilization from the Mideast, then where do you think the Renaissance came from?
Before that, Europe was all feudalism, with serfs and dictators, without even any concept of sanitation. And Christianity was no help, as they were burning witches and heretics at the stake.
That's also bullshit, but I don't have the evidence at my fingertips. I'll have to search for it.

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