Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"

I'm not blaming America. I'm blaming xenophobic idiots like you. How do you know I'm not a Christian?

I'm not debating these idiocies with you, moron. You're blaming America and the West.
There are no passages of hate in the Quran.
I would call you a liar, but that would imply that you have a shred of knowledge about anything you are talking about.

"they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures” (98:6). They are “like livestock” (7:179). “Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe” (8:55)."

And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
And by the way, that does not include those who simply have never been shown what Islam is, but only those have and still act in sinful ways.
And it does not include Jews and Christians, who Islam says have a valid path to salvation.
Dead wrong.

It tells Muslims to wage war against the infidel. It says it over and over and over.

The "peace" of Islam means the peace of submission. There is no peace for those who refuse to submit.

Quran (9:14) - "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people." Humiliating and hurting non-believers not only has the blessing of Allah, but it is ordered as a means of carrying out his punishment and even "heals" the hearts of Muslims.

Quran (9:20) - "Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way are of much greater worth in Allah's sight. These are they who are triumphant." The Arabic word interpreted as "striving" in this verse is the same root as "Jihad". The context is obviously holy war.

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." "People of the Book" refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse, they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status. Verse 9:33 tells Muslims that Allah has instructed them to make Islam "superior over all religions." This chapter was one of the final "revelations" from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad's companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths. (See also: Response to Apologists)

Wrong. That is the 9th Surrah, which is titled forgiveness and redemption. It is all about how you should not fight except in defense, and you should make 2 attempts at peace even with those that betray you.
The quotes you put up are AFTER they have broken treaties and attacked you twice.
You clearly have not read or understood the Quran at all.

The jizya is the same taxes that Muslims pay in the Mosque. It is not an additional tax. It is just to support widows and orphans, and Christians and Jews can't pay their due share in the Mosque as everyone else is supposed to.
And tell me one government in the world that does NOT believe that all people have to be "violently subjugated" to written law?

And it is just a lie to claim Islam ever supports expansionism or military conquest.
YOU say "in the next 100 years" but clearly Mohammad was already old when he captured Mecca even.
There was no conquests by Mohammad.
If you had read any history, you would see that around 1100 AD, Asiatics, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks invaded in successive waves.
And it was they who threatened Europe, not Islamic Arabs.
Islam had nothing to do with it, even though the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later adopted Islam.
Jihad is not about self defense. It's about waging offensive war against the infidel. If what you claim is true, then quote the passages that demonstrate it. The ones I quoted don't say anything about self defense. They tell the believers to kill Jews and Christians simply because they don't believe in Allah. They also say to compel non believers to pay the Jizya .

You're obviously totally full of shit.
Why are you trying to speak sense to an imbecile

The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?

That is just a lie.
The Quran is clear that Christians and Jews are "brothers of the book" meaning the 3 Abrahamic religions share the same Old Testament, and are not in conflict.
Everyone is supposed to pay the juzyah because it is the early form of welfare for widows and orphans.
And in fact, the Quran says to kill NO ONE, except in defense when there is no alternative.
There are no passages of hate in the Quran.
I would call you a liar, but that would imply that you have a shred of knowledge about anything you are talking about.

"they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures” (98:6). They are “like livestock” (7:179). “Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe” (8:55)."

And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
And by the way, that does not include those who simply have never been shown what Islam is, but only those have and still act in sinful ways.
And it does not include Jews and Christians, who Islam says have a valid path to salvation.

The Q'uran is exhorting believers to kill non-believers, moron. Who gives a flying fuck what Allah or Muhammad does to his followers?
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
How dare anyone have an opinion about Islamic Radicals.
There are no Islamic radicals there is just islam

There is a sort of Islamic radical.
In order to fight western imperialism and colonialism in the Mideast, the Islamic Brotherhood tried to unify Arabs by using Islam.
That is a worthy cause, but it does end up someone slanting the original intents and purposes of Islam.
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
Wrong. That is the 9th Surrah, which is titled forgiveness and redemption. It is all about how you should not fight except in defense, and you should make 2 attempts at peace even with those that betray you.
The quotes you put up are AFTER they have broken treaties and attacked you twice.
You clearly have not read or understood the Quran at all.

The jizya is the same taxes that Muslims pay in the Mosque. It is not an additional tax. It is just to support widows and orphans, and Christians and Jews can't pay their due share in the Mosque as everyone else is supposed to.
And tell me one government in the world that does NOT believe that all people have to be "violently subjugated" to written law?

And it is just a lie to claim Islam ever supports expansionism or military conquest.
YOU say "in the next 100 years" but clearly Mohammad was already old when he captured Mecca even.
There was no conquests by Mohammad.
If you had read any history, you would see that around 1100 AD, Asiatics, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks invaded in successive waves.
And it was they who threatened Europe, not Islamic Arabs.
Islam had nothing to do with it, even though the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later adopted Islam.
Jihad is not about self defense. It's about waging offensive war against the infidel. If what you claim is true, then quote the passages that demonstrate it. The ones I quoted don't say anything about self defense. They tell the believers to kill Jews and Christians simply because they don't believe in Allah. They also say to compel non believers to pay the Jizya .

You're obviously totally full of shit.
Why are you trying to speak sense to an imbecile

The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?

That is just a lie.
The Quran is clear that Christians and Jews are "brothers of the book" meaning the 3 Abrahamic religions share the same Old Testament, and are not in conflict.
Everyone is supposed to pay the juzyah because it is the early form of welfare for widows and orphans.
And in fact, the Quran says to kill NO ONE, except in defense when there is no alternative.
The Q'uran is clear that non-believers are vermin who are to be killed at every opportunity, and if they aren't killed they are to be forced to pay a tax.

It's hilarious watching the logical contortions you go through to defend this gutter religion.
God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
How dare anyone have an opinion about Islamic Radicals.
There are no Islamic radicals there is just islam

There is a sort of Islamic radical.
In order to fight western imperialism and colonialism in the Mideast, the Islamic Brotherhood tried to unify Arabs by using Islam.
That is a worthy cause, but it does end up someone slanting the original intents and purposes of Islam.
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"

I'm not blaming America. I'm blaming xenophobic idiots like you. How do you know I'm not a Christian?

I'm not debating these idiocies with you, moron. You're blaming America and the West.

No, because as much as you'd like to believe you are indicative of America as a whole, you aren't. Most people in this country aren't as big of hate filled assholes like you are.
Wrong. That is the 9th Surrah, which is titled forgiveness and redemption. It is all about how you should not fight except in defense, and you should make 2 attempts at peace even with those that betray you.
The quotes you put up are AFTER they have broken treaties and attacked you twice.
You clearly have not read or understood the Quran at all.

The jizya is the same taxes that Muslims pay in the Mosque. It is not an additional tax. It is just to support widows and orphans, and Christians and Jews can't pay their due share in the Mosque as everyone else is supposed to.
And tell me one government in the world that does NOT believe that all people have to be "violently subjugated" to written law?

And it is just a lie to claim Islam ever supports expansionism or military conquest.
YOU say "in the next 100 years" but clearly Mohammad was already old when he captured Mecca even.
There was no conquests by Mohammad.
If you had read any history, you would see that around 1100 AD, Asiatics, like the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks invaded in successive waves.
And it was they who threatened Europe, not Islamic Arabs.
Islam had nothing to do with it, even though the Mongols, Moguls, and Turks later adopted Islam.
Jihad is not about self defense. It's about waging offensive war against the infidel. If what you claim is true, then quote the passages that demonstrate it. The ones I quoted don't say anything about self defense. They tell the believers to kill Jews and Christians simply because they don't believe in Allah. They also say to compel non believers to pay the Jizya .

You're obviously totally full of shit.
Why are you trying to speak sense to an imbecile

The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Schitzos create their own rules

It is easy to prove Muslims to not harm Christians or Jews, because the Mideast was under Arab/Muslim rule for over 2000 years, and the Christians and Jews there were prospering fine, while being hired as administrators, viziers.
The Jews only start being harmed by the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions.
The Moslems were the only ones defending the Jews.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"

I'm not blaming America. I'm blaming xenophobic idiots like you. How do you know I'm not a Christian?

I'm not debating these idiocies with you, moron. You're blaming America and the West.

No, because as much as you'd like to believe you are indicative of America as a whole, you aren't. Most people in this country aren't as big of hate filled assholes like you are.

Liberal Dictionary
Truth - hate.

I tend to hate people who want to kill me.
No rational person would then claim that hadiths were actually the basis for Islam.
Except muslims do precisely that. So, instead of whining to the guy who takes them at their word, go whine to them.

And stop with your false horseshit, you are embarrassing yourself.

Except that Christians are far worse, with Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, imperialism, colonialism, slavery, atomic bombs, lying about WMD, invading Iraq, murdering half a million innocent Iraqi civilians, etc.
Wrong. The Crusades were retaliation for Muslims occupying half of Christianity.

You think Muslims didn't practice slavery? Now I know you're positively insane

The Muslims invaded and occupied NOTHING.
They simply finally defeated the occupation by the invading Romans, such as in Constantinople.
Romans did not belong in Anatolia, at all.

Muslims practiced slavery as a means of not needing prisons or POW camps.
They did not do like the plantations in the South of the US did, where there were no rights or means of buying your way out of slavery.
Jihad is not about self defense. It's about waging offensive war against the infidel. If what you claim is true, then quote the passages that demonstrate it. The ones I quoted don't say anything about self defense. They tell the believers to kill Jews and Christians simply because they don't believe in Allah. They also say to compel non believers to pay the Jizya .

You're obviously totally full of shit.
Why are you trying to speak sense to an imbecile

The Quran is very clear in that is says Christianity and Judaism are valid paths to heaven, the same God and goal as Islam.
The Quran says all 3 Abrahamic religions are "Brothers of the same book", referring to the same shared Old Testament.
It also says there must never be compulsion when it comes to religion.

Believers also pay the jizya, but do it voluntarily in the mosque.
The Q'uran tells Moslems to kill Jews and Christians. It also says they have to pay the Jizyah.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Schitzos create their own rules

It is easy to prove Muslims to not harm Christians or Jews, because the Mideast was under Arab/Muslim rule for over 2000 years, and the Christians and Jews there were prospering fine, while being hired as administrators, viziers.
The Jews only start being harmed by the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions.
The Moslems were the only ones defending the Jews.

ROFL! That is so fucking ignorant it's beyond belief. Muslims killed millions of Christians during that period. They constantly raided the South Coast of Europe and took millions of Christians as slaves. Most of those slaves died. Thomas Jefferson sent Marines to destroy the Barbary Pirates who were constantly attacking American vessels and taking those on board captive to become slaves.

I could go on all day about all the atrocities of Islam.

Thanks for showing everyone how your claims are based on total ignorance of history and of Islam.
God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

While I prefer the New Testament to the Quran, the Christians are far worse, not only in ancient times, like Crusades, Inquisitions, and conquistadors, but even now with the WMD lies about Iraq so we could illegally invade and murder about half a million innocent Iraqis.
If you don't like Islamic terrorism, then don't do evil things like murdering half a million innocent people that makes terrorism necessary.
There are no passages of hate in the Quran.
I would call you a liar, but that would imply that you have a shred of knowledge about anything you are talking about.

"they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures” (98:6). They are “like livestock” (7:179). “Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not [ever] believe” (8:55)."

And what religion does not threaten fire and damnation for disbelievers?
And by the way, that does not include those who simply have never been shown what Islam is, but only those have and still act in sinful ways.
And it does not include Jews and Christians, who Islam says have a valid path to salvation.

The Q'uran is exhorting believers to kill non-believers, moron. Who gives a flying fuck what Allah or Muhammad does to his followers?

The Quran is clear to NOT harm disbelievers in any way.
What god then does in the after life, is none of our business.
How dare anyone have an opinion about Islamic Radicals.
There are no Islamic radicals there is just islam

There is a sort of Islamic radical.
In order to fight western imperialism and colonialism in the Mideast, the Islamic Brotherhood tried to unify Arabs by using Islam.
That is a worthy cause, but it does end up someone slanting the original intents and purposes of Islam.
Self-Determination for a Religion Determined to Destroy Us, But NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON

Imperialism is a worthy cause. The fact that the false-flag Right opposes outright colonization gives the Third World savages a critical advantage. Settler pioneering creates class mobility for those excluded in the mother country; that's the real reason the Preppy Republic opposes it.

That is silly because imperialism and colonialism are opposite of the principles of a democratic republic.
The Mideast is not the 3rd world, and is the source of all civilization, as well as mathematics, algebra, calculus, architecture, science, navigation, metal work, etc.
The Middle East is, not Muslims. Furthermore, it was actually the West was the origin of most of what you list.

Islam did come later, but it should also be clear that the European Reconnaissance was due to European contract and enlightenment from the Mideast Muslims. If not for the Mideast Muslims, Europe would still be feudal serfs under robber barons.
Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Are you serious? How many deaths do Christians have on their hands in the last year? Not only is that a stupid comment on the surface, it is a ridiculously stupid comment. The last year is a boil on a gnat's ass in context to history. If your defense of the violence of Christianity is to ask about just the last year, you've lost this argument. Which most knew already that you had.
I'm not aware of anyone who killed in the name of Christianity, moron. Almost 900 people were killed in February by Muslim fanatics in the name of Allah.

Of course you aren't aware, because you wouldn't believe it if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. Are you a Christian? I have no doubt in my mind if you were in the Middle East and had the chance you'd kill a Muslim indiscriminately, while the whole time justifying it in your head that if you didn't kill them first they'd kill you.
No rational person would then claim that hadiths were actually the basis for Islam.
Except muslims do precisely that. So, instead of whining to the guy who takes them at their word, go whine to them.

And stop with your false horseshit, you are embarrassing yourself.

Except that Christians are far worse, with Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, imperialism, colonialism, slavery, atomic bombs, lying about WMD, invading Iraq, murdering half a million innocent Iraqi civilians, etc.
Wrong. The Crusades were retaliation for Muslims occupying half of Christianity.

You think Muslims didn't practice slavery? Now I know you're positively insane

The Muslims invaded and occupied NOTHING.
They simply finally defeated the occupation by the invading Romans, such as in Constantinople.
Romans did not belong in Anatolia, at all.

Muslims practiced slavery as a means of not needing prisons or POW camps.
They did not do like the plantations in the South of the US did, where there were no rights or means of buying your way out of slavery.
Romans did not belong in Anatolia? Romans had been there for 700 years, moron.

Now you're trying to justify slavery? Yeah, they took slaves out of humanitarian concern!

Almost all the colored area in the map below was Christian before the rise of Islam:


You're such a fucking moron.
No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"

I'm not blaming America. I'm blaming xenophobic idiots like you. How do you know I'm not a Christian?

I'm not debating these idiocies with you, moron. You're blaming America and the West.

No, because as much as you'd like to believe you are indicative of America as a whole, you aren't. Most people in this country aren't as big of hate filled assholes like you are.

Liberal Dictionary
Truth - hate.

I tend to hate people who want to kill me.

And you are too damn stupid to understand they would hate you because you hate them.

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