Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

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What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
How many Muslims have you sat down with and actually talked to about their religion?
Where? In the US, or in Pakistan or Mauritania? Be clear. If you are going to point at the moderate, assimilated muslims in the US as some sort of "typical example" of Muslims worldwide, that would not be very honest of you. 1 billion muslims worldwide....3.5 million in the US. And the ones here are better precisely because of the secular, reformed society we have. So you can't use the benefit of this is a cudgel against people who point out that our society is better than any fundamentalist Muslim society in the world. That would be absurd.

Why not take your own advice? Head on over to mauritania or indonesia and sit down with some Muslims and critique their faith. I volunteer to hold all your stuff.

Muslims in the U.S. read the same book as they do in other countries. There are also Muslims that fight side by side of American troops in the Middle East.
A "moderate" Muslim is simply one who doesn't believe most of the crap that's in their holy book. The problem is that a large proportion of Muslims aren't moderate. They believe in stoning women who aren't virgins on their wedding night.

Oh you have a degree in religion? Please feel free to show me your research that backs your assertion on that. Once again, no, not all Muslims believe in stoning women.
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.

Interestingly enough, that is one of the reasons Canada doesn't have as many problems with Muslim immigrants. They have actual programs to help them assimilate into the community, teach them the language and laws, and they also help them find employment to become productive citizens of that country.

Here? We drop them wherever, and don't do anything to help them assimilate. We just tell them to blend in, and bitch about when they don't.
You are fucking delusional.

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense, since the audience was obviously not under attack at the time. From the Hadith, we know that this verse was narrated at a time that Muhammad was actually trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot. (See also: Response to Apologists)

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah'). (See also: Response to Apologists)

Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward." The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, who were led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. This is the theological basis for today's suicide bombers. (See also: Response to Apologists)

Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"

It goes on and on

You are delusional. There are parts of the Bible that talk about killing for the will of God. You are cherrypicking from the book and missing the message. How many Muslims have you sat down with and actually talked to about their religion? You are the cyst on the skin of society that happens when you use the internet to decide how a group of people live their lives.

Yeah, there's some ugly stuff in the Old Testament. The New Testament is what Christianity is all about, however. Another thing is that Jesus never had anyone assassinated, never committed genocide, never enslaved anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never tortured anyone, never had sex with underage girls.

Muhammad did all those things.

God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.

Interestingly enough, that is one of the reasons Canada doesn't have as many problems with Muslim immigrants. They have actual programs to help them assimilate into the community, teach them the language and laws, and they also help them find employment to become productive citizens of that country.

Here? We drop them wherever, and don't do anything to help them assimilate. We just tell them to blend in, and bitch about when they don't.

You have a link for this? Pretty sure the UK and France have similar welcoming cultures yet they suffer from Islamic attacks.
I love the Judge......

She tells it like it is...….

We need to support her and we need more like her......
Pirro....Pirro...isn't that a foreign name?

I'm not sure if Pirro is a foreign name you bigot....

But I am sure her family didn't sneak in...…...

Actually, Pirro is an Italian name with Greek roots.

Pirro - Wikipedia

As an Italian name, it is derived either from the aforementioned Greek name or from a variant of the name "Pierro" (from Peter). Pirro or DiPirro originates from the name "di Pirro" or "DiPirro" meaning "of Pirro" or "family of Pirro".

Thanks, but I am thinking most of us already knew she was Italian...……….

I was just "messin" with the bigot......
"Islam is not rigid in that the Quran, (not Koran), says that newer revelations replace older ones, unlike the Bible." So that is how Islam manages to maintain it's 7th Century charm. It is not rigid. Got it.

I said in comparison with the Old Testament, which says everything is to be taken literally and infallible.
The Quran pretty much says to use common sense, and almost always finishes with the statement that God is merciful, or something like that to help you understand the positive spin you are supposed to put on each verse.
It it not like the Old Testament where mostly you are just supposed to fear.
That's why they made the New Testament.

While what I read in the New Testament sounds pretty good in general, at the same time, it was also the New Testament that was used to justify Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, burning heritics/witches, slavery, shooting abortion doctors, etc. Even invading Iraq; we would never have done that kind of murder to a European country. So there seems to be something very wrong with how westerners interpret or follow the New Testament as well. What we do is much worse than what Muslims do.
Lol can I cut off your nose for demeaning Jesus, hold still now, fool

Woman with nose cut off - Bing images

First of all, Islam does not at all support or allow mutilation or harming anyone except in defense..
Second is that Christians do kill those who say anything bad about Jesus, even though there is no harm done by being critical of Jesus.
However, those attacking Mohammad are not just being critical, but deliberately attempting to incite hate speech against all Muslims with the intent of whipping up murders. So that is a crime that has to be punished.
So the gays that Muslims toss off of rooftops are a threat and the tossers are just defending themselves. Got it.
You are delusional. There are parts of the Bible that talk about killing for the will of God. You are cherrypicking from the book and missing the message. How many Muslims have you sat down with and actually talked to about their religion? You are the cyst on the skin of society that happens when you use the internet to decide how a group of people live their lives.

Yeah, there's some ugly stuff in the Old Testament. The New Testament is what Christianity is all about, however. Another thing is that Jesus never had anyone assassinated, never committed genocide, never enslaved anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never tortured anyone, never had sex with underage girls.

Muhammad did all those things.

God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"
Yeah, there's some ugly stuff in the Old Testament. The New Testament is what Christianity is all about, however. Another thing is that Jesus never had anyone assassinated, never committed genocide, never enslaved anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never tortured anyone, never had sex with underage girls.

Muhammad did all those things.

God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.
I really don't give a shit whether you accept it or not. Your attempts to equate Christianity with Islam are absurd, and you know it
God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.
I really don't give a shit whether you accept it or not. Your attempts to equate Christianity with Islam are absurd, and you know

If anyone uses the "click to expand" button on our conversation, they would see it was YOU who was trying to equate Christianity to Islam by saying that Jesus was the Christian equivalent of Mohammed.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.
I really don't give a shit whether you accept it or not. Your attempts to equate Christianity with Islam are absurd, and you know

If anyone uses the "click to expand" button on our conversation, they would see it was YOU who was trying to equate Christianity to Islam by saying that Jesus was the Christian equivalent of Mohammed.
Your trying to define the Old Testament as all of Christianity, which is thoroughly dishonest. Jesus and Muhammad are the main figures in each religion, and the latter is a loathsome pig, and you know it.

No one needs a degree in theology to know that.

You're just another amoral apologist for a death cult.
Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.
I really don't give a shit whether you accept it or not. Your attempts to equate Christianity with Islam are absurd, and you know

If anyone uses the "click to expand" button on our conversation, they would see it was YOU who was trying to equate Christianity to Islam by saying that Jesus was the Christian equivalent of Mohammed.
Your trying to define the Old Testament as all of Christianity, which is thoroughly dishonest. Jesus and Muhammad are the main figures in each religion, and the latter is a loathsome pig, and you know it.

No one needs a degree in theology to know that.

You're just another amoral apologist for a death cult.

Again, use the "click to expand" button, and you will see it was Lewdog who was using the OT to define all of Christianity, not me.

And, it was YOU who said that Jesus and Mohammed were equals. They weren't, because Jesus was of divine birth and Mohammed was just a man.
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.
I really don't give a shit whether you accept it or not. Your attempts to equate Christianity with Islam are absurd, and you know

If anyone uses the "click to expand" button on our conversation, they would see it was YOU who was trying to equate Christianity to Islam by saying that Jesus was the Christian equivalent of Mohammed.
Your trying to define the Old Testament as all of Christianity, which is thoroughly dishonest. Jesus and Muhammad are the main figures in each religion, and the latter is a loathsome pig, and you know it.

No one needs a degree in theology to know that.

You're just another amoral apologist for a death cult.

Again, use the "click to expand" button, and you will see it was Lewdog who was using the OT to define all of Christianity, not me.

And, it was YOU who said that Jesus and Mohammed were equals. They weren't, because Jesus was of divine birth and Mohammed was just a man.
Lewdog is on your side of the issue, moron.

I'm not going to debate your other idiotic point with you. It's a detail that doesn't matter. You're one of those morons who claims an analogy isn't valid because it isn't exact.
I said in comparison with the Old Testament, which says everything is to be taken literally and infallible.
The Quran pretty much says to use common sense, and almost always finishes with the statement that God is merciful, or something like that to help you understand the positive spin you are supposed to put on each verse.
It it not like the Old Testament where mostly you are just supposed to fear.
That's why they made the New Testament.

While what I read in the New Testament sounds pretty good in general, at the same time, it was also the New Testament that was used to justify Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, burning heritics/witches, slavery, shooting abortion doctors, etc. Even invading Iraq; we would never have done that kind of murder to a European country. So there seems to be something very wrong with how westerners interpret or follow the New Testament as well. What we do is much worse than what Muslims do.
Lol can I cut off your nose for demeaning Jesus, hold still now, fool

Woman with nose cut off - Bing images

First of all, Islam does not at all support or allow mutilation or harming anyone except in defense..
Second is that Christians do kill those who say anything bad about Jesus, even though there is no harm done by being critical of Jesus.
However, those attacking Mohammad are not just being critical, but deliberately attempting to incite hate speech against all Muslims with the intent of whipping up murders. So that is a crime that has to be punished.
So the gays that Muslims toss off of rooftops are a threat and the tossers are just defending themselves. Got it.
YOu are welcome to show anyone defending those throwing gays off of rooftops. But of course, we know you were just lying....that's what CRCs do.
You are delusional. There are parts of the Bible that talk about killing for the will of God. You are cherrypicking from the book and missing the message. How many Muslims have you sat down with and actually talked to about their religion? You are the cyst on the skin of society that happens when you use the internet to decide how a group of people live their lives.

Yeah, there's some ugly stuff in the Old Testament. The New Testament is what Christianity is all about, however. Another thing is that Jesus never had anyone assassinated, never committed genocide, never enslaved anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never tortured anyone, never had sex with underage girls.

Muhammad did all those things.

God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
That's why they made the New Testament.

While what I read in the New Testament sounds pretty good in general, at the same time, it was also the New Testament that was used to justify Crusades, Inquisitions, Conquistadors, burning heritics/witches, slavery, shooting abortion doctors, etc. Even invading Iraq; we would never have done that kind of murder to a European country. So there seems to be something very wrong with how westerners interpret or follow the New Testament as well. What we do is much worse than what Muslims do.
Lol can I cut off your nose for demeaning Jesus, hold still now, fool

Woman with nose cut off - Bing images

First of all, Islam does not at all support or allow mutilation or harming anyone except in defense..
Second is that Christians do kill those who say anything bad about Jesus, even though there is no harm done by being critical of Jesus.
However, those attacking Mohammad are not just being critical, but deliberately attempting to incite hate speech against all Muslims with the intent of whipping up murders. So that is a crime that has to be punished.
So the gays that Muslims toss off of rooftops are a threat and the tossers are just defending themselves. Got it.
YOu are welcome to show anyone defending those throwing gays off of rooftops. But of course, we know you were just lying....that's what CRCs do.
You defend their religion, and their religion is their justification for doing it.
What's that supposed to mean?
I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that.

No, Radical Islamist do. I'm not an obstacle to anything, people like you who are xenophobes are. You are the kind of person that makes Muslims who don't have anything against the West, turn radical because of how much hate you spread. Would you expect someone that you hate and talk so badly about to be friendly towards you? You get what you give.
ROFL! Blaming American again. The idea that Muslims will behave if only we are nice to them and respect their vile religion is the purest form of idiocy. Are turds like you nice to Christians? No, you treat them like shit. Christians are persecuted all over the world, especially by Muslim barbarians. Does anyone go running into a restaurant with guns blazing and shout "Glory to Christ!"

I'm not blaming America. I'm blaming xenophobic idiots like you. How do you know I'm not a Christian?
Yeah, there's some ugly stuff in the Old Testament. The New Testament is what Christianity is all about, however. Another thing is that Jesus never had anyone assassinated, never committed genocide, never enslaved anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never tortured anyone, never had sex with underage girls.

Muhammad did all those things.

God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

Really? Where in your research on Islam has it said that Mohammed was the Islamic equivalent of Jesus? In the Bible, it talks about Jesus being of divine birth. I don't know of anything like that in the Koran. Mohammed was a human that God supposedly talked to like He did with Moses. Nothing in the Koran says that Mohammed was of divine birth. If you have a link stating as much, post it.

Yes, and he was given the gift of ascending into heaven, which is the rock that Muslims worship at.
Yeah, there's some ugly stuff in the Old Testament. The New Testament is what Christianity is all about, however. Another thing is that Jesus never had anyone assassinated, never committed genocide, never enslaved anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never tortured anyone, never had sex with underage girls.

Muhammad did all those things.

God totally destroyed 2 cities full of people, and in the Bible killed everyone on Earth except for just a handful that were on Noah's ark. In the Bible it also talks about how Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him to get pregnant.

So that Bible you like so much isn't exactly devoid of the same shit you are spewing about the Quoran.
That's the old testament. Did Jesus ever wipe out entire cities? No, but Muhammad did.

Oh Jesus is more important than God? :abgg2q.jpg:
According to Christian doctrine, Jesus is God, moron. Furthermore, he's the Christian equivalent of Muhammad.

God killed all the people of Sodom and Gamorrah, and killed everyone on Earth except those on Noah's Ark. You know... the religion you don't think is violent and is forgiving. NO OTHER religion can boast that.
Don't bother spouting the Old Testament at me. Few Christians put an stock in that. They regard these stories as myths. The Old Testament and the New Testament are totally different books. The Q'uran has no New Testament. It's totally the work of Iron age barbarians.

Only douchebags claim that Christianity is no better than Islam. How many murders does Christianity have on its hand for the last year? Islamic terrorists killed 883 people just in the month of February

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