Judge reaches a decision in Palin vs. New York Times case


You poor thing, you reveal I'm getting under your skin. Me, I merely laugh at you.

As far as my wife goes, we've been over this already. You don't know her and can only fantasize about being with her. I don't blame you for that but the reality is that she's way too smart and sassy to ever go near a conservative like you.

She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?

You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?
You two should rent a room...
Nope, just like I wasn't born with teeth either, but I was wired for them to grow. Not everything is fully developed at birth, though the predisposition already exists.

Of course you're bisexual. It's a choice for you. That means tomorrow, you could choose to suck a cock. I could not because being heterosexual is not a choice I made, I just am. Just like I didn't choose to have teeth, they just grew.

Nutcase, I already pointed out not everything else in life is a choice.

I chose women just like I chose to service the whore you married. Remember, son, the next time you kiss her, the taste you get will be the residue from the cum I left there last time I let her suck my dick.

Report me like a good little coward. Doing so proves you're not man enough to defend the ****.

You poor thing, you reveal I'm getting under your skin. Me, I merely laugh at you.

As far as my wife goes, we've been over this already. You don't know her and can only fantasize about being with her. I don't blame you for that but the reality is that she's way too smart and sassy to ever go near a conservative like you.

She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?
Why no answer, brain-dead conservative?

Are you a man of faith?

I have faith in what I said. I also have faith that you feel the need to prove something to me you claimed you've already proven.
Now you're lying. It's not that I don't understand your definition, it's that I reject it because it conflicts with the real definition and I choose to speak English, not conservatard. And I no more choose to find having sex with another man repulsive as I can choose to have a 200 IQ.

But you can choose to suck another man's cock. That makes you bisexual.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.

Were you born knowing something was repulsive? Your previous response indicates you believe that you were.
Nope, just like I wasn't born with teeth either, but I was wired for them to grow. Not everything is fully developed at birth, though the predisposition already exists.

If I choose not to be attracted men and choose to be attracted to women, that means I'm not bisexual. You talk about going by definitions. I don't meet the definition of bisexual. You're arguing definitions based on you not thinking it's a choice. They are two different things.
Of course you're bisexual. It's a choice for you. That means tomorrow, you could choose to suck a cock. I could not because being heterosexual is not a choice I made, I just am. Just like I didn't choose to have teeth, they just grew.

Funny how those that claim everything else in life is a choice but sexual orientation.
Nutcase, I already pointed out not everything else in life is a choice.

Actually, both of you could choose to suck cock. It would not make you gay. You have to ENJOY the sucking, not just being sucked. You also usually want to kiss them, passionately (with lots of tongue). Apparently "conservative" ca do that. Bisexual.

By definition it would make someone a homo. Are you saying you polish your wife's hardwoods or munch her carpet, which ever she chooses to do to her "floors", and not like it?
She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?

You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?
You two should rent a room...

I'm curious as to why someone that says he's proven something to me continues to try and prove something to me. If he has to keep trying, tells me he isn't really sure.

You poor thing, you reveal I'm getting under your skin. Me, I merely laugh at you.

As far as my wife goes, we've been over this already. You don't know her and can only fantasize about being with her. I don't blame you for that but the reality is that she's way too smart and sassy to ever go near a conservative like you.

She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?

You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?

I'm responding to your posts, ya moron. You keep claiming you had sex with my wife, so I keep pointing out that you're delirious since you've already proven you don't know who my wife is. :cuckoo:
I chose women just like I chose to service the whore you married. Remember, son, the next time you kiss her, the taste you get will be the residue from the cum I left there last time I let her suck my dick.

Report me like a good little coward. Doing so proves you're not man enough to defend the ****.

You poor thing, you reveal I'm getting under your skin. Me, I merely laugh at you.

As far as my wife goes, we've been over this already. You don't know her and can only fantasize about being with her. I don't blame you for that but the reality is that she's way too smart and sassy to ever go near a conservative like you.

She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?
Why no answer, brain-dead conservative?

Are you a man of faith?

I have faith in what I said. I also have faith that you feel the need to prove something to me you claimed you've already proven.

You have faith in what you said?


You're an idiot who's full of shit. That you have faith in the bullshit you spout reveals much about you.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.

Were you born knowing something was repulsive? Your previous response indicates you believe that you were.
Nope, just like I wasn't born with teeth either, but I was wired for them to grow. Not everything is fully developed at birth, though the predisposition already exists.

If I choose not to be attracted men and choose to be attracted to women, that means I'm not bisexual. You talk about going by definitions. I don't meet the definition of bisexual. You're arguing definitions based on you not thinking it's a choice. They are two different things.
Of course you're bisexual. It's a choice for you. That means tomorrow, you could choose to suck a cock. I could not because being heterosexual is not a choice I made, I just am. Just like I didn't choose to have teeth, they just grew.

Funny how those that claim everything else in life is a choice but sexual orientation.
Nutcase, I already pointed out not everything else in life is a choice.

Actually, both of you could choose to suck cock. It would not make you gay. You have to ENJOY the sucking, not just being sucked. You also usually want to kiss them, passionately (with lots of tongue). Apparently "conservative" ca do that. Bisexual.

By definition it would make someone a homo. Are you saying you polish your wife's hardwoods or munch her carpet, which ever she chooses to do to her "floors", and not like it?

We've been over this already.

By definition (employing your [il]logic) a gay guy isn't gay if he sleeps with just one woman. That's the batshit crazy logic which swirls around in your head.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?

You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?
You two should rent a room...

I'm curious as to why someone that says he's proven something to me continues to try and prove something to me. If he has to keep trying, tells me he isn't really sure.
For the same reason some idiot keeps claiming to have sex with someone he admitted he doesn't know.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?

You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?
You two should rent a room...

I'm curious as to why someone that says he's proven something to me continues to try and prove something to me. If he has to keep trying, tells me he isn't really sure.
Oh no no no no my friend. I ain't biting.
She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?

You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?

I'm responding to your posts, ya moron. You keep claiming you had sex with my wife, so I keep pointing out that you're delirious since you've already proven you don't know who my wife is. :cuckoo:

Your continued responses prove that you're not really sure. If you were, you wouldn't keep responding about something YOU claim you're absolutely sure you know isn't true.

You poor thing, you reveal I'm getting under your skin. Me, I merely laugh at you.

As far as my wife goes, we've been over this already. You don't know her and can only fantasize about being with her. I don't blame you for that but the reality is that she's way too smart and sassy to ever go near a conservative like you.

She can't be smart. I fucked her brains out and let her suck the sassy out of my dick. You'll taste it next time you kiss her. You can watch next time if you like to see how a real man treats her.
That's quite the imagination you've got there, but as we've firmly established, you have zero knowledge of who my wife is. The sad reality of that is these hallucinations you're dreaming up stem from nowhere but your own mind.

Are you a man of faith?
Why no answer, brain-dead conservative?

Are you a man of faith?

I have faith in what I said. I also have faith that you feel the need to prove something to me you claimed you've already proven.

You have faith in what you said?


You're an idiot who's full of shit. That you have faith in the bullshit you spout reveals much about you.


That you keep responding to something you say you have faith isn't true proves you're not so sure about it.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.

Were you born knowing something was repulsive? Your previous response indicates you believe that you were.
Nope, just like I wasn't born with teeth either, but I was wired for them to grow. Not everything is fully developed at birth, though the predisposition already exists.

If I choose not to be attracted men and choose to be attracted to women, that means I'm not bisexual. You talk about going by definitions. I don't meet the definition of bisexual. You're arguing definitions based on you not thinking it's a choice. They are two different things.
Of course you're bisexual. It's a choice for you. That means tomorrow, you could choose to suck a cock. I could not because being heterosexual is not a choice I made, I just am. Just like I didn't choose to have teeth, they just grew.

Funny how those that claim everything else in life is a choice but sexual orientation.
Nutcase, I already pointed out not everything else in life is a choice.

Actually, both of you could choose to suck cock. It would not make you gay. You have to ENJOY the sucking, not just being sucked. You also usually want to kiss them, passionately (with lots of tongue). Apparently "conservative" ca do that. Bisexual.

By definition it would make someone a homo. Are you saying you polish your wife's hardwoods or munch her carpet, which ever she chooses to do to her "floors", and not like it?

We've been over this already.

By definition (employing your [il]logic) a gay guy isn't gay if he sleeps with just one woman. That's the batshit crazy logic which swirls around in your head.

By definition, if he is ATTRACTED to just one man he's a homo. Read the definition.

Homosexual - being attracted to someone of the same sex.

No mention of numbers or how many times.
You have claimed I have no knowledge of who she is. Reality says otherwise but whatever makes you feel better.

I've already proven you don't know her. And now you prove you're living in a world of dementia where you think your hallucinations are "reality."

And check this out... I know you're trying to get und, but since all you're really doing is making a fool of yourself, all you're actually achieving is entertaining me and getting me to laugh at you.

If, as you say, you've proven what you claim, why do you keep trying to prove it to me? I'm laughing at you because your continued responses to something you say is untrue tells me that you aren't really sure. If you're absolutely sure, why do you think you need to keep saying something?
You two should rent a room...

I'm curious as to why someone that says he's proven something to me continues to try and prove something to me. If he has to keep trying, tells me he isn't really sure.
For the same reason some idiot keeps claiming to have sex with someone he admitted he doesn't know.

I keep addressing your continued claims about something you say didn't happen. You're not sure. I bet she's done it before so you're not sure.
At the time the NYT had some standing as a news source. Now it doesn't much matter as a mouth-piece of the DNC.
You keep peddling that line of bull....like your Orange master tells you to.

You keep ignoring like your Black boy tells you to.

Ignoring what?

That you're a black ass kisser. Pucker up, NL.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.
At the time the NYT had some standing as a news source. Now it doesn't much matter as a mouth-piece of the DNC.
You keep peddling that line of bull....like your Orange master tells you to.

You keep ignoring like your Black boy tells you to.

Ignoring what?

That you're a black ass kisser. Pucker up, NL.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.

Nothing deplorable at all. Thanks for agreeing.
You keep peddling that line of bull....like your Orange master tells you to.

You keep ignoring like your Black boy tells you to.

Ignoring what?

That you're a black ass kisser. Pucker up, NL.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.

Nothing deplorable at all. Thanks for agreeing.

Not if you're a racist it isn't....to most of the world it is. How old are you that you use the term N-word lover?
You keep ignoring like your Black boy tells you to.

Ignoring what?

That you're a black ass kisser. Pucker up, NL.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.

Nothing deplorable at all. Thanks for agreeing.

Not if you're a racist it isn't....to most of the world it is. How old are you that you use the term N-word lover?

I posted NL. How is it that all those of you calling others racist automatically assume that's what it means?

That's right, you're one of those that gets offended at just about anything that isn't what you agree with.
Ignoring what?

That you're a black ass kisser. Pucker up, NL.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.

Nothing deplorable at all. Thanks for agreeing.

Not if you're a racist it isn't....to most of the world it is. How old are you that you use the term N-word lover?

I posted NL. How is it that all those of you calling others racist automatically assume that's what it means?

That's right, you're one of those that gets offended at just about anything that isn't what you agree with.
so, straight talker. what does NL mean?
That you're a black ass kisser. Pucker up, NL.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.

Nothing deplorable at all. Thanks for agreeing.

Not if you're a racist it isn't....to most of the world it is. How old are you that you use the term N-word lover?

I posted NL. How is it that all those of you calling others racist automatically assume that's what it means?

That's right, you're one of those that gets offended at just about anything that isn't what you agree with.
so, straight talker. what does NL mean?

So you admit you were wrong when ASSuming? Too bad for you.
NL, eh?

nothing deplorable to see here. just some good ole common sense straight burping.

Nothing deplorable at all. Thanks for agreeing.

Not if you're a racist it isn't....to most of the world it is. How old are you that you use the term N-word lover?

I posted NL. How is it that all those of you calling others racist automatically assume that's what it means?

That's right, you're one of those that gets offended at just about anything that isn't what you agree with.
so, straight talker. what does NL mean?

So you admit you were wrong when ASSuming? Too bad for you.
que? answer the question. i am very much interested in your contortions.

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