Judge reaches a decision in Palin vs. New York Times case

Palin was best when she was dating Glenn Rice.



FAKE NEWS...never happened...."a friend" isn't a source, dipshit.
You can choose your attractions and I chose women. That's something we have in common.

I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Bisexuals don't exist based on my explanation you ignore.

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Why do you idiots believe someone can make a choice related to what gender you want to be but not what attraction you have.

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

It's OK. You 2nd classers have to feel good about yourself in one way or another. Whatever makes you feel good. It's about all you have going for you.

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

You could, you just chose not to. Determining something is repulsive is a CHOICE.

No such thing as a bisexual. I've explained it. If you're too fucking stupid to understand, not my problem 2nd class freak lover.
Now you're lying. It's not that I don't understand your definition, it's that I reject it because it conflicts with the real definition and I choose to speak English, not conservatard. And I no more choose to find having sex with another man repulsive as I can choose to have a 200 IQ.

But you can choose to suck another man's cock. That makes you bisexual.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
So you don't actually believe that you could choose to suck a dudes cock and enjoy it, right? You don't choose your attractions, only whether to act upon them. That you insist you chose just tells anyone reading this thread that you are a bisexual (and, yes, they DO exist)

You can choose your attractions and I chose women. That's something we have in common.

I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Bisexuals don't exist based on my explanation you ignore.

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Why do you idiots believe someone can make a choice related to what gender you want to be but not what attraction you have.

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

It's OK. You 2nd classers have to feel good about yourself in one way or another. Whatever makes you feel good. It's about all you have going for you.

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

Poor conflicted "conservative". He is making the same ignorant mistakes in understanding that narrow minded people always make. To him the act of sex defines your identity. He doesn't understand that it's not about sex, but emotion.

It defines whether you're a faggot or not. You chose to be a homo. I chose to be a hetero. There is no in between. Just like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. There is no in between.

If someone finds something repulsive, it involves a choice unless you're arguing that everyone is born with whether or not they find something repulsive as already being determined for them. Are you?
No such thing as a bisexual. I explained it. If you're too stupid to understand that's not my fault.

I don't make up my own definitions. I said one you're using isn't valid because you only have to be with one of your own gender to be a homo no matter how many you've been with of the opposite gender. The term bisexual is nothing more than something used to make the freaks feel better.
Again, your own personal definitions are meaningless. Words already have meaning and you don't get to redefine them. You're certainly free to believe your hallucinations but don't expect anyone else to believe them.

A word that has an invalid meaning isn't valid because you say it is.

You're certainly free to support freaks of nature but don't be shocked is people classify you as the same 2nd class they are.
Words have meaning. Your redefinitions don't. No one is bound by your own personal lexicon.

Not when those meanings are invalid.

According to you, not according to the English language.

According to good old fashioned common sense not some social science excuse for why freaks are anything but freaks.
Personally, I find those of you that considers fags and lesbians anything but 2nd class to be on their level.

You don't speak for nature's laws.

Whether or not they're 2nd class is based on choices they make and if they make one to be attracted to the same sex, they're 2nd class. By the way, it is a choice unless you want to argue that sexual orientation is the only thing for which people have no choice. If some mentally ill retard can believe they're a gender other than the one they were born, in other words make a choice, so is the same for fags and lesbians.

You never answered the question as to how you made your choice. Did you flip a coin? Did you draw a gender out of a hat? Are you equally attracted to both men and women or do you find you're attracted to one more than the other?

I did. You didn't like the answer, freak. I also explained why there is no such thing as a bisexual. You apparently did understand that either.
Dumbfuck... words have meaning and you don't get to make up your own definitions to suit your sick agenda.

Hetrosexual - someone sexually attracted to the opposite gender.

Homosexual - someone sexually attracted to their own gender.

Bisexual - someone sexually attracted to both genders.

No such thing as a bisexual. I explained it. If you're too stupid to understand that's not my fault.

I don't make up my own definitions. I said one you're using isn't valid because you only have to be with one of your own gender to be a homo no matter how many you've been with of the opposite gender. The term bisexual is nothing more than something used to make the freaks feel better.
There most certainly is such a thing as bisexual...

There most certain is not. I've explained it once. Maybe you missed it or choose not to accept reality. A man can be with 1000 women and that doesn't make him a great lover. However, if he's ever with one man, he's a faggot. Why do you ignore the definition of homosexual? It says sexually attracted to someone of your own sex. No parameters as to how many time it has to be or conditions under which it takes place.
I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

You could, you just chose not to. Determining something is repulsive is a CHOICE.

No such thing as a bisexual. I've explained it. If you're too fucking stupid to understand, not my problem 2nd class freak lover.
Now you're lying. It's not that I don't understand your definition, it's that I reject it because it conflicts with the real definition and I choose to speak English, not conservatard. And I no more choose to find having sex with another man repulsive as I can choose to have a 200 IQ.

But you can choose to suck another man's cock. That makes you bisexual.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.
You can choose your attractions and I chose women. That's something we have in common.

I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Bisexuals don't exist based on my explanation you ignore.

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Why do you idiots believe someone can make a choice related to what gender you want to be but not what attraction you have.

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

It's OK. You 2nd classers have to feel good about yourself in one way or another. Whatever makes you feel good. It's about all you have going for you.

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

Poor conflicted "conservative". He is making the same ignorant mistakes in understanding that narrow minded people always make. To him the act of sex defines your identity. He doesn't understand that it's not about sex, but emotion.

It defines whether you're a faggot or not. You chose to be a homo. I chose to be a hetero. There is no in between. Just like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. There is no in between.

If someone finds something repulsive, it involves a choice unless you're arguing that everyone is born with whether or not they find something repulsive as already being determined for them. Are you?
Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.
You can choose your attractions and I chose women. That's something we have in common.

I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Bisexuals don't exist based on my explanation you ignore.

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Why do you idiots believe someone can make a choice related to what gender you want to be but not what attraction you have.

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

It's OK. You 2nd classers have to feel good about yourself in one way or another. Whatever makes you feel good. It's about all you have going for you.

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

Poor conflicted "conservative". He is making the same ignorant mistakes in understanding that narrow minded people always make. To him the act of sex defines your identity. He doesn't understand that it's not about sex, but emotion.

It defines whether you're a faggot or not. You chose to be a homo. I chose to be a hetero. There is no in between. Just like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. There is no in between.

If someone finds something repulsive, it involves a choice unless you're arguing that everyone is born with whether or not they find something repulsive as already being determined for them. Are you?
Nutcase.... being pregnant is a binary condition. Who you sleep with is not. :eusa_doh: Unlike being pregnant, where one either is or isn't, there are 4 possibilities (regarding genders) for people with whom they may engage in sex.
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Again, your own personal definitions are meaningless. Words already have meaning and you don't get to redefine them. You're certainly free to believe your hallucinations but don't expect anyone else to believe them.

A word that has an invalid meaning isn't valid because you say it is.

You're certainly free to support freaks of nature but don't be shocked is people classify you as the same 2nd class they are.
Words have meaning. Your redefinitions don't. No one is bound by your own personal lexicon.

Not when those meanings are invalid.

According to you, not according to the English language.

According to good old fashioned common sense not some social science excuse for why freaks are anything but freaks.
That's ok. To many, you're a freak; so I guess it's all copacetic.
You never answered the question as to how you made your choice. Did you flip a coin? Did you draw a gender out of a hat? Are you equally attracted to both men and women or do you find you're attracted to one more than the other?

I did. You didn't like the answer, freak. I also explained why there is no such thing as a bisexual. You apparently did understand that either.
Dumbfuck... words have meaning and you don't get to make up your own definitions to suit your sick agenda.

Hetrosexual - someone sexually attracted to the opposite gender.

Homosexual - someone sexually attracted to their own gender.

Bisexual - someone sexually attracted to both genders.

No such thing as a bisexual. I explained it. If you're too stupid to understand that's not my fault.

I don't make up my own definitions. I said one you're using isn't valid because you only have to be with one of your own gender to be a homo no matter how many you've been with of the opposite gender. The term bisexual is nothing more than something used to make the freaks feel better.
There most certainly is such a thing as bisexual...

There most certain is not. I've explained it once. Maybe you missed it or choose not to accept reality. A man can be with 1000 women and that doesn't make him a great lover. However, if he's ever with one man, he's a faggot. Why do you ignore the definition of homosexual? It says sexually attracted to someone of your own sex. No parameters as to how many time it has to be or conditions under which it takes place.
Again, for the sake of clarity, that's your definition, not the definition.
I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

You could, you just chose not to. Determining something is repulsive is a CHOICE.

No such thing as a bisexual. I've explained it. If you're too fucking stupid to understand, not my problem 2nd class freak lover.
Now you're lying. It's not that I don't understand your definition, it's that I reject it because it conflicts with the real definition and I choose to speak English, not conservatard. And I no more choose to find having sex with another man repulsive as I can choose to have a 200 IQ.

But you can choose to suck another man's cock. That makes you bisexual.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.

Were you born knowing something was repulsive? Your previous response indicates you believe that you were.

If I choose not to be attracted men and choose to be attracted to women, that means I'm not bisexual. You talk about going by definitions. I don't meet the definition of bisexual. You're arguing definitions based on you not thinking it's a choice. They are two different things.

Did you choose who you married or was that also determined for you when you were born? Funny how those that claim everything else in life is a choice but sexual orientation.
I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

Poor conflicted "conservative". He is making the same ignorant mistakes in understanding that narrow minded people always make. To him the act of sex defines your identity. He doesn't understand that it's not about sex, but emotion.

It defines whether you're a faggot or not. You chose to be a homo. I chose to be a hetero. There is no in between. Just like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. There is no in between.

If someone finds something repulsive, it involves a choice unless you're arguing that everyone is born with whether or not they find something repulsive as already being determined for them. Are you?
Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.

It wasn't a negative. I chose to be heterosexual.
I did not choose to be attracted to women, I just was. You seem to think you could suck a dudes dick or take it up your ass or kiss a guy, passionately and enjoy it. Is that the case for you? It isn't for me but I don't believe orientation is a choice. (Backed up by science)

Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Genetics of Homosexuality

Based on your ignorant opinion. Again science disagrees.

Scientific Study Finds That Bisexuality Really Exists | TIME.com

Because they aren't making a choice either...they are fixing a mistake.

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity - Science in the News

What is clear is your inferiority complex...and your conflictedness about your sexuality.

I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

Poor conflicted "conservative". He is making the same ignorant mistakes in understanding that narrow minded people always make. To him the act of sex defines your identity. He doesn't understand that it's not about sex, but emotion.

It defines whether you're a faggot or not. You chose to be a homo. I chose to be a hetero. There is no in between. Just like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. There is no in between.

If someone finds something repulsive, it involves a choice unless you're arguing that everyone is born with whether or not they find something repulsive as already being determined for them. Are you?
Nutcase.... being pregnant is a binary condition. Who you sleep with is not. :eusa_doh: Unlike being pregnant, where one either is or isn't, there are 4 possibilities (regarding genders) for people with whom they may engage in sex.

If the possibility one chooses is of the same sex, their a homo even if only one time regardless of how many times they sleep with the opposite sex. I'm going by the definition. You, someone that says he follows them, are ignoring it. What makes you smarter than Webster where you can put conditions on whether the definition applies.
A word that has an invalid meaning isn't valid because you say it is.

You're certainly free to support freaks of nature but don't be shocked is people classify you as the same 2nd class they are.
Words have meaning. Your redefinitions don't. No one is bound by your own personal lexicon.

Not when those meanings are invalid.

According to you, not according to the English language.

According to good old fashioned common sense not some social science excuse for why freaks are anything but freaks.
That's ok. To many, you're a freak; so I guess it's all copacetic.

Difference is I've given no one a reason to think that. You have.

I abide by the laws, support my family, contribute to my community, AND am married to someone of the opposite sex. Seems, though, you defining freak by your standards rather than that of the dictionary.
I did. You didn't like the answer, freak. I also explained why there is no such thing as a bisexual. You apparently did understand that either.
Dumbfuck... words have meaning and you don't get to make up your own definitions to suit your sick agenda.

Hetrosexual - someone sexually attracted to the opposite gender.

Homosexual - someone sexually attracted to their own gender.

Bisexual - someone sexually attracted to both genders.

No such thing as a bisexual. I explained it. If you're too stupid to understand that's not my fault.

I don't make up my own definitions. I said one you're using isn't valid because you only have to be with one of your own gender to be a homo no matter how many you've been with of the opposite gender. The term bisexual is nothing more than something used to make the freaks feel better.
There most certainly is such a thing as bisexual...

There most certain is not. I've explained it once. Maybe you missed it or choose not to accept reality. A man can be with 1000 women and that doesn't make him a great lover. However, if he's ever with one man, he's a faggot. Why do you ignore the definition of homosexual? It says sexually attracted to someone of your own sex. No parameters as to how many time it has to be or conditions under which it takes place.
Again, for the sake of clarity, that's your definition, not the definition.

For the sake of clarity, seems your definition of freak not THE definition of freak is what you went by classifying me. Thanks for playing, hypocrite.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

You could, you just chose not to. Determining something is repulsive is a CHOICE.

No such thing as a bisexual. I've explained it. If you're too fucking stupid to understand, not my problem 2nd class freak lover.
Now you're lying. It's not that I don't understand your definition, it's that I reject it because it conflicts with the real definition and I choose to speak English, not conservatard. And I no more choose to find having sex with another man repulsive as I can choose to have a 200 IQ.

But you can choose to suck another man's cock. That makes you bisexual.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.

Were you born knowing something was repulsive? Your previous response indicates you believe that you were.
Nope, just like I wasn't born with teeth either, but I was wired for them to grow. Not everything is fully developed at birth, though the predisposition already exists.

If I choose not to be attracted men and choose to be attracted to women, that means I'm not bisexual. You talk about going by definitions. I don't meet the definition of bisexual. You're arguing definitions based on you not thinking it's a choice. They are two different things.
Of course you're bisexual. It's a choice for you. That means tomorrow, you could choose to suck a cock. I could not because being heterosexual is not a choice I made, I just am. Just like I didn't choose to have teeth, they just grew.

Funny how those that claim everything else in life is a choice but sexual orientation.
Nutcase, I already pointed out not everything else in life is a choice.
Dumbfuck... words have meaning and you don't get to make up your own definitions to suit your sick agenda.

Hetrosexual - someone sexually attracted to the opposite gender.

Homosexual - someone sexually attracted to their own gender.

Bisexual - someone sexually attracted to both genders.

No such thing as a bisexual. I explained it. If you're too stupid to understand that's not my fault.

I don't make up my own definitions. I said one you're using isn't valid because you only have to be with one of your own gender to be a homo no matter how many you've been with of the opposite gender. The term bisexual is nothing more than something used to make the freaks feel better.
There most certainly is such a thing as bisexual...

There most certain is not. I've explained it once. Maybe you missed it or choose not to accept reality. A man can be with 1000 women and that doesn't make him a great lover. However, if he's ever with one man, he's a faggot. Why do you ignore the definition of homosexual? It says sexually attracted to someone of your own sex. No parameters as to how many time it has to be or conditions under which it takes place.
Again, for the sake of clarity, that's your definition, not the definition.

For the sake of clarity, seems your definition of freak not THE definition of freak is what you went by classifying me. Thanks for playing, hypocrite.
I didn't call you a freak. But I will call you illiterate, as you just demonstrated for the forum. :lol:
You could, you just chose not to. Determining something is repulsive is a CHOICE.

No such thing as a bisexual. I've explained it. If you're too fucking stupid to understand, not my problem 2nd class freak lover.
Now you're lying. It's not that I don't understand your definition, it's that I reject it because it conflicts with the real definition and I choose to speak English, not conservatard. And I no more choose to find having sex with another man repulsive as I can choose to have a 200 IQ.

But you can choose to suck another man's cock. That makes you bisexual.

If truly understood it, you'd accept it.

You choose to think faggots were born that way. Next thing you'll tell me is when you were born whether or not you liked the color red had been determined? What clothes you like? What hairstyle you wear?

If you find anything repulsive, it involves a choice. Otherwise, you're admitting you act on the same level as dogs.

Where you get that I personally can choose to do that is beyond me. That I chose not to means I'm heterosexual. While there are those that do choose to do that, I'm not one of them. That's reserved for those that choose to be faggots.
Why on Earth would I choose your made up definitions over that of a dictionary's? You suffer from delusions of grandeur that you know better than Websters. :cuckoo: That alone is enough reason to laugh at you and ignore your conservatard definitions.

As far as where I get that you're bisexual, again, you said it's your choice to be straight. If you're choosing, then you can equally choose to be gay.

Me? I didn't choose to be straight, it's just the way I am. Just like I didn't choose to have two arms, that's just the way I am.

Were you born knowing something was repulsive? Your previous response indicates you believe that you were.
Nope, just like I wasn't born with teeth either, but I was wired for them to grow. Not everything is fully developed at birth, though the predisposition already exists.

If I choose not to be attracted men and choose to be attracted to women, that means I'm not bisexual. You talk about going by definitions. I don't meet the definition of bisexual. You're arguing definitions based on you not thinking it's a choice. They are two different things.
Of course you're bisexual. It's a choice for you. That means tomorrow, you could choose to suck a cock. I could not because being heterosexual is not a choice I made, I just am. Just like I didn't choose to have teeth, they just grew.

Funny how those that claim everything else in life is a choice but sexual orientation.
Nutcase, I already pointed out not everything else in life is a choice.

I chose women just like I chose to service the whore you married. Remember, son, the next time you kiss her, the taste you get will be the residue from the cum I left there last time I let her suck my dick.

Report me like a good little coward. Doing so proves you're not man enough to defend the ****.
No such thing as a bisexual. I explained it. If you're too stupid to understand that's not my fault.

I don't make up my own definitions. I said one you're using isn't valid because you only have to be with one of your own gender to be a homo no matter how many you've been with of the opposite gender. The term bisexual is nothing more than something used to make the freaks feel better.
There most certainly is such a thing as bisexual...

There most certain is not. I've explained it once. Maybe you missed it or choose not to accept reality. A man can be with 1000 women and that doesn't make him a great lover. However, if he's ever with one man, he's a faggot. Why do you ignore the definition of homosexual? It says sexually attracted to someone of your own sex. No parameters as to how many time it has to be or conditions under which it takes place.
Again, for the sake of clarity, that's your definition, not the definition.

For the sake of clarity, seems your definition of freak not THE definition of freak is what you went by classifying me. Thanks for playing, hypocrite.
I didn't call you a freak. But I will call you illiterate, as you just demonstrated for the forum. :lol:

I will call you a coward and an Obama NL. You've proven both.
I don't think I could do either one because I choose not to do them.

Social science that agrees is nothing more than pieces of shit like you that say things to make you feel better.

Fixing a mistake? Bullshit. If that's what you think, you've proven your mental inferiority.

Run along freak. Except in your own circle, you'll always be considered 2nd class. You could help it but your refuse to do so.
Yep, you're bisexual alright. I couldn't have sex with another man, not because I choose not to -- but because I find it so repulsive. I do not choose to find it repulsive, I'm just wired that way. That it's something you simply choose not to do means it's something you could just as easily choose to do. That makes you bisexual.

Poor conflicted "conservative". He is making the same ignorant mistakes in understanding that narrow minded people always make. To him the act of sex defines your identity. He doesn't understand that it's not about sex, but emotion.

It defines whether you're a faggot or not. You chose to be a homo. I chose to be a hetero. There is no in between. Just like being pregnant. You either are or you aren't. There is no in between.

If someone finds something repulsive, it involves a choice unless you're arguing that everyone is born with whether or not they find something repulsive as already being determined for them. Are you?
Nutcase.... being pregnant is a binary condition. Who you sleep with is not. :eusa_doh: Unlike being pregnant, where one either is or isn't, there are 4 possibilities (regarding genders) for people with whom they may engage in sex.

If the possibility one chooses is of the same sex, their a homo even if only one time regardless of how many times they sleep with the opposite sex. I'm going by the definition. You, someone that says he follows them, are ignoring it. What makes you smarter than Webster where you can put conditions on whether the definition applies.
But you're illiterate, as you've already proven.

Watch as i demonstrate again....

The definition of a homosexual is someone sexually attracted to their same gender. So you, in typical brain-dead conservative fashion, takes that to mean if a man sleeps with a 1000 women, he's still gay if he sleeps with even 1 man.

Moron... the definition of heterosexual is someone sexually attracted to the opposite gender. So applying your brain-dead conservative abuse of the English language means if a flaming faggot sleeps with 1000 men, he's straight if he sleeps with just one woman.

So either that makes sense to you, which only serves to verify how rightarded you are, or your whole world of conservatard definitions regarding sexuality comes crumbling down.

And if you have an IQ of at least double digits, it will now dawn on you why there's a third category known as bisexual, applied to those who are attracted to both genders.

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