Judge Roy Moore defies feds: 'Law is very clear'

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
It's stupid to put civil rights up for a popular vote, the people who organized such unconstitutional initiatives had to know they were eventually doomed.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.
Moore is the epitome of an activist judge.
He's actually the opposite of an activist judge, who makes his opinions known rather than follows the letter of the law. That is what judges are supposed to do instead of following what is politically-correct or make popular by a tyrant in the White House.
Moore has repeatedly shown his bias in favor of Christianity. His previous defiance of the federal courts was about his installation of a 2 ton monument of the 10 Commandments in the state supreme courthouse lobby, and his refusal to allow any other displays there.
At the door of the Supreme Court:

Indeed it is. Now tell me this, is that the ONLY display at the SCOTUS?? Or are there many others depicting other faiths and peoples?? That is the point. That there is a religious display is not the point. That Moore allowed only one single religion to be represented and excluded all others is the point.
It's stupid to put civil rights up for a popular vote, the people who organized such unconstitutional initiatives had to know they were eventually doomed.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

And what opportunities are straights lacking that gays have?
It's stupid to put civil rights up for a popular vote, the people who organized such unconstitutional initiatives had to know they were eventually doomed.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

Poor Rabbi...such a stale, stale argument. I didn't work in 1967 and its not working now.

There are only 13 states left that do not have marriage equality, but that ends in June (Just ask Thomas and Scalia, they'll tell you). :lol:

Many gays are marrying people of the opposite gender? Yeah, how many is many? Cite your source. :lol:
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

And what opportunities are straights lacking that gays have?
None. That's my point. There is no discrimination anywhere. Everyone is governed by the same set of rules.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

Poor Rabbi...such a stale, stale argument. I didn't work in 1967 and its not working now.

There are only 13 states left that do not have marriage equality, but that ends in June (Just ask Thomas and Scalia, they'll tell you). :lol:

Many gays are marrying people of the opposite gender? Yeah, how many is many? Cite your source. :lol:
Argument 2. Again.
You are so tiresome.

Do you really think there are no homosexual men married to women? Leonard Bernstein is a great example.
It's stupid to put civil rights up for a popular vote, the people who organized such unconstitutional initiatives had to know they were eventually doomed.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.
View attachment 36700
Conservatives argue using facts and logic.
Libs use cartoons and snark.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.
View attachment 36700
Conservatives argue using facts and logic.
Libs use cartoons and snark.
Your logic is poor on a good day. I can't wait to see your reaction when gay marriage is legalized across the country later this year.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.
View attachment 36700
Conservatives argue using facts and logic.
Libs use cartoons and snark.

So Vigilante is a liberal? Who knew?
I don't need to dispute anything. Marriage is the joining of two people.
That isn't in the Constitution. States have always defined who could get married. There's no reason three or more couldn't marry if we are going to let marriage be defined as people want. Gay marriage activists are hypocritical to reject traditional marriage while staking their claim to the aspects of traditional marriage they want.

Change the Constitution to include sexual orientations of individuals to be protected like race, religion or gender and you'll at least have an honest argument.
Oh yeah? States have always defined who could marry? Like with interracial marriage right? :cuckoo:
Yep, they did. Try to keep up. Homosexuality isn't a race though so it can't be overturned that way. If all men are being treated the same you can't say they aren't equal. :afro:

This claim that all things are equal because gays and straights are allowed to marry someone of the opposite gender is simply ridiculous.

Gays are wired to love someone of the same gender. Whether you want to acknowledge that or not does not change the truth. And gays want to marry for the same reason straights do. And that is to commit their life to the one they love. The state has no reason not to recognize it.
Baker v. Nelson made marriage an issue for the states. If the SCOTUS overrules their own ruling in favor of homosexual marriage and claims there is a federal right to marriage, the game is over. The pushback from folks like the Duggars, the Duck Dynasty, F. Graham and tens of millions of other individuals and groups will be enormous. There never has been a right to marriage.

No, there has never been a federal right to marriage.

But the 14th amendment guarantees equal protection. So in order to stop gay marriage, the only thing you have left is to stop all marriage? Ready to do that?
it's funny, # 14 gets thrown about alot in the birther arena too. doesn't connect there either.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

And what opportunities are straights lacking that gays have?
None. That's my point. There is no discrimination anywhere. Everyone is governed by the same set of rules.

By that reasoning, they were governed by the same set of rules when interracial marriage could be outlawed state by state.

btw, how can everyone be governed by the same set of rules if same sex couples in one state can get married, but in another they can't?
"Judge Roy Moore defies feds: 'Law is very clear'"

The law is very clear that Moore is wrong:

  • “8. The interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment enunciated by this Court in the Brown case is the supreme law of the land, and Art. VI of the Constitution makes it of binding effect on the States "any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." P. 18.

  • 9. No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his solemn oath to support it. P. 18.”
FindLaw Cases and Codes
Moore is a West Point graduate and holds a JD from U.Alabama. He's been a judge since 1992.
Which law school did you go to?

So Obama is always right because he went to law school?
Ignorance isn't exclusive to the deep south. It's just more prevalent.

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
It's stupid to put civil rights up for a popular vote, the people who organized such unconstitutional initiatives had to know they were eventually doomed.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

A man can marry a woman but a woman can't. How is that the same opportunity?
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

And what opportunities are straights lacking that gays have?
None. That's my point. There is no discrimination anywhere. Everyone is governed by the same set of rules.

By that reasoning, they were governed by the same set of rules when interracial marriage could be outlawed state by state.

btw, how can everyone be governed by the same set of rules if same sex couples in one state can get married, but in another they can't?
Interracial bans were unConstitutional because men were treated differently depending on their race. Sexual preference isn't covered.
Moore is the epitome of an activist judge.
He's actually the opposite of an activist judge, who makes his opinions known rather than follows the letter of the law. That is what judges are supposed to do instead of following what is politically-correct or make popular by a tyrant in the White House.
Moore has repeatedly shown his bias in favor of Christianity. His previous defiance of the federal courts was about his installation of a 2 ton monument of the 10 Commandments in the state supreme courthouse lobby, and his refusal to allow any other displays there.
At the door of the Supreme Court:

Gee who was it the other day who told us that Jesus and the new testament replaced the old testament?

Ahem the number of people who voted to ban gay marriage in California is greater than the entire population of Alabama. Further, in California 70% of blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage. So if the left or gay community has some issue with Alabama on gay marriage I think they need to speak to their own Democratic party base down there. KABOOM!!
It's stupid to put civil rights up for a popular vote, the people who organized such unconstitutional initiatives had to know they were eventually doomed.
Marriage isn't a civil right.
Incorrect, it certainly is a civil right, along with equal protection of the law.
No one is being denied equal protection.
Gays have the same opportunities to marry that straight people do.
Straight people lack the same opportunities to marry that gay people do.

A man can marry a woman but a woman can't. How is that the same opportunity?
Men can use the men's restroom on government property but they can't use the ladies room. How is that the same opportunity? This isn't rocket science.
What opportunities to marry are gays afforded that straights are not?
Any homosexual is free to marry someone of the opposite gender.
And many of them are, btw.

And what opportunities are straights lacking that gays have?
None. That's my point. There is no discrimination anywhere. Everyone is governed by the same set of rules.

By that reasoning, they were governed by the same set of rules when interracial marriage could be outlawed state by state.

btw, how can everyone be governed by the same set of rules if same sex couples in one state can get married, but in another they can't?
Interracial bans were unConstitutional because men were treated differently depending on their race. Sexual preference isn't covered.

Men weren't treated differently. Any man could marry any woman of his own race. That was non-discriminatory according to Rabbi.

According to Rabbi, racism should be allowed in state marriage laws.

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