Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Congress’s oversight authority derives from its implied powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules. It is an integral part of the American system of checks and balances.
Translation: We like to make up BS legal wording in order to make people believe it's in the Constitution in order to get our way. ... :cuckoo:

Translation: We don't believe in the Constitution even when it is there.
Er no silly little boy

Have you figured out yet that trumpkin scum hate you?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.
Yeah well just see how far it gets. LOL however this does bring up a good point. I think it's long past time to rein in this run amuck judiciary and make it so that if there is any tug of war between the administration and the judiciary that it must occur at the Supreme Court level and not just any judicial pissant that feels the urge.

So I see you don't support the constitution.

Have you ever read that document?

For you to have your way the constitution needs to be amended.

Good luck with that.
Wrong...Congress is making this an investigation into the President.

Uh yea, it's called oversight.

It certainly is no surprise that an Obama appointee is trying to break the law.

How is he breaking the law?

He can use executive privilege and yes it will be overturned by a higher court.

No he can't because his firm is not a part of the gov't.

When he is out of office that will no longer be the case but then there will no longer be any incentive to investigate. See this us what happens when you spew propaganda for political partisanship.

That's all Republicans are these days.

It will be overturned because the warrant is for an investigation into the president.

Of course it is, who else would they be investigating?

It doesn't matter what the status of the firm is.

Of course it matters.
No..it's not oversight it's political snooping
based on partisan hackery. Why do you think the staff lawyers are trying to rebrand it
as an ethics research motion???? You partisan hack you...because they already know it won't get by executive privilege.
Yes the Obama appointee is trying to
Soft-play congressional intent by rewording
The query and thus injecting himself into the motion improperly .... something that is uniquely common to progressive judicial hacks of the Obama era. His bosses will straighten him out.


You're a Trump Humper and you know he is riding dirty and will be found out.

Wow....what an incredibly weak and Ill informed response. But then again that's what you do.

So...since it is an investigation into the President......DOOFUS......executive privilege is alive and well. See how you step on your own dick when you make unsubstantiated claims?

It doesn't matter what I know or don't... Brainless boobie..... What matters is your rediculous notion that there is no executive privilege right after you admit that it is an investigation into the president.

No matter.....it was far too easy to dispatch your amaturish stupidity.


I need better opponents.


Amazing you RIP off a whole book of bullshit and you think it makes you looks smart.

The DOOFUS is you dumb ass Trump Humpers who misinterpret the law in order to try and cover for your false God.

The accounting firm is not a gov't dept, so how in the hell can he claim Executive privilege, please explain that.

That's how down right stupid those people are.

Executive privilege isn't absolute to everything. It applies to his cabinet and executive advisors. Not a private business. It applies to situations that happened while the person was president. Not while they weren't president.

So these people live in a fantasy land where anything they want or say is true.

They're in for a very rude awakening.
1. It doesn’t HAVE to say it in the constitution. The law is clearly written

2. The job of Congress is oversight. Or do you think that an only be done to Democrats?
This is not "oversight". This is continuation of coup by other means.

The collusion scam didn't work so the left thinks they have the right to go rummaging through Donald Trump's financial dealings to see what dirt they can dredge up. That's bullshit! You can shove your "oversight" up fat Jerry Nadler's immense ass!
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.

Think about that for a few. This means no one in congress can withhold those documents either. I would love to see mad Maxine have to turn over her financial records. Same With Elija Cummings.
Translation: We don't believe in the Constitution even when it is there.
I agree with you.

Democrats and lefty liberals do not believe in the Constitution. ... :cool:

When have you ever taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America?

A fascist does not support or defend the rule of law.
Sure they do; the law is whatever the Leaders says it is, that is their law.

In our system it is the Supreme Court instead.

Big Deal.
1. It doesn’t HAVE to say it in the constitution. The law is clearly written

2. The job of Congress is oversight. Or do you think that an only be done to Democrats?

This is not "oversight". This is continuation of coup by other means.

The collusion scam didn't work so the left thinks they have the right to go rummaging through Donald Trump's financial dealings to see what dirt they can dredge up. That's bullshit! You can shove your "oversight" up fat Jerry Nadler's immense ass!

You Mr. Blair, are not very bright. Two points:
  • Your comments above are nothing more than echoes upon echoes based on the BIG LIES tweeted and spoken by Trump;
  • The Mueller Report was limited in scope. Those of us who look and connect the dots see Trump&Co (along with his supporters, here, in Congress and the AG) the Potemkin Village they have built to protect the president and others of wrongdoing.
Link together the extreme efforts by Trump, et al, their: lies, half-truths, contradictions, flips, flops, red herrings, character assassinations, rumors, innuendos and even puerile rhetoric which no one really believes.
You Mr. Blair, are not very bright.
An ironic ad hom insult the very first thing. ...you started with you strong suit, it looks like. Well done.

Two points:
  • Your comments above are nothing more than echoes upon echoes based on the BIG LIES tweeted and spoken by Trump;
  • Be sure to throw your opinion out there and treat it as if it were absolute fact. Maybe people won't notice how devoid of any justification whatsoever your claim is.

  • The Mueller Report was limited in scope. Those of us who look and connect the dots see Trump&Co (along with his supporters, here, in Congress and the AG) the Potemkin Village they have built to protect the president and others of wrongdoing.
    Captain America Mueller had plenty of time and money to get to the bottom of the collusion scam and frankly he came up very short of the desired end product....a full indictment of Trump and his administration that would result in impeachment and possible prison time for all concerned...your pitiful mewling and rationalizing notwithstanding.
Link together the extreme efforts by Trump, et al, their: lies, half-truths, contradictions, flips, flops, red herrings, character assassinations, rumors, innuendos and even puerile rhetoric which no one really believes.
The bottom line, Mr. Catcher, are raw incontrovertible facts that would give meaning to this coup cooked up by upper level FBI, White House and Intelligence community figures. There simply are none in this would be coup, speaking of Potemkin villages.
Come back when you have something that even remotely
approaches what it is your ilk all claims.
Last edited:
Translation: We don't believe in the Constitution even when it is there.
I agree with you.

Democrats and lefty liberals do not believe in the Constitution. ... :cool:

You don't agree with me. The Constitution gives Congress the power to subpoena Trump's financial records. You only believe in the Constitution when it helps Trump and ignore it when it is convenient for you.
1. It doesn’t HAVE to say it in the constitution. The law is clearly written

2. The job of Congress is oversight. Or do you think that an only be done to Democrats?
This is not "oversight". This is continuation of coup by other means.

The collusion scam didn't work so the left thinks they have the right to go rummaging through Donald Trump's financial dealings to see what dirt they can dredge up. That's bullshit! You can shove your "oversight" up fat Jerry Nadler's immense ass!

You are the ones who are plotting a coup. Taking away the powers of Congress that are enshrined in the Constitution and that includes Trump's financial records. The Benghazi hearings were nothing but a attempt to get Hillary Clinton.
Congress’s oversight authority derives from its implied powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules. It is an integral part of the American system of checks and balances.
Translation: We like to make up BS legal wording in order to make people believe it's in the Constitution in order to get our way. ... :cuckoo:

Translation: We don't believe in the Constitution even when it is there.
Er no silly little boy

Have you figured out yet that trumpkin scum hate you?

Tsk tsk! I guess they hate the Constitution as well.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

About five and a half more years.
Sounds like you believe the fix is in.
You don't agree with me. The Constitution gives Congress the power to subpoena Trump's financial records. You only believe in the Constitution when it helps Trump and ignore it when it is convenient for you.
They can subpoena Pres.Trump all they want.

But there is No law requiring him to turn over his financial records to Congress. ... :cool:
You Mr. Blair, are not very bright.
An ironic ad hom insult the very first thing. ...you started with you strong suit, it looks like. Well done.

Two points:
  • Your comments above are nothing more than echoes upon echoes based on the BIG LIES tweeted and spoken by Trump;
  • Be sure to throw your opinion out there and treat it as if it were absolute fact. Maybe people won't notice how devoid of any justification whatsoever your claim is.

  • The Mueller Report was limited in scope. Those of us who look and connect the dots see Trump&Co (along with his supporters, here, in Congress and the AG) the Potemkin Village they have built to protect the president and others of wrongdoing.
    Captain America Mueller had plenty of time and money to get to the bottom of the collusion scam and frankly he came up very short of the desired end product....a full indictment of Trump and his administration that would result in impeachment and possible prison time for all concerned...your pitiful mewling and rationalizing notwithstanding.
Link together the extreme efforts by Trump, et al, their: lies, half-truths, contradictions, flips, flops, red herrings, character assassinations, rumors, innuendos and even puerile rhetoric which no one really believes.
The bottom line, Mr. Catcher, are raw incontrovertible facts that would give meaning to this coup cooked up by upper level FBI, White House and Intelligence community figures. There simply are none in this would be coup, speaking of Potemkin villages.
Come back when you have something that even remotely
approaches what it is your ilk all claims.

Time will tell if you are correct, not that anything within you response is even close to a rebuttal.

Your head must be somewhere else whenever trump speaks or tweets. Do you really believe trump doesn't lie, mislead the truth with half fact and half fiction and do everything to obstruct justice?

You don't agree with me. The Constitution gives Congress the power to subpoena Trump's financial records. You only believe in the Constitution when it helps Trump and ignore it when it is convenient for you.

They can subpoena Pres.Trump all they want.

But there is No law requiring him to turn over his financial records to Congress. ... :cool:

How well did that defense work for Al Capone?
It's time for a law requiring the release or a law stating no release to put stuff like this to rest. I'm good either way however I don't see the harm in the release in future elections. Want the job let citizens see.

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