Judge rules controversial Texas abortion law unconstitutional

'abortion' is a medical term

'murder' is a legal term

and none of you are qualified to label abortion as murder except the legislature

killing an unborn child is called murder in dozens of states

education, get one

Then get out your wallet and be the first one in your redneck neighborhood to start supporting the tsunami of unwanted births as, state by state, abortion becomes illegal.

Or you could just STFU.

why would i do that? do you deny that in dozens of states you can be convicted of murder for killing an unborn child? please tell me you're not this stupid.
killing an unborn child is called murder in dozens of states

education, get one

Then get out your wallet and be the first one in your redneck neighborhood to start supporting the tsunami of unwanted births as, state by state, abortion becomes illegal.

Or you could just STFU.

Yurt, correctly notes that education is necessary for the unwashed far right because only states can "label abortion as murder."

Good on Yurt.

i never said that. stop lying.
The Republican Party can continue to lose women voters if they are going to keep up with this asshattery. An abortion is a personal decision, not that of the government.
The Republican Party can continue to lose women voters if they are going to keep up with this asshattery. An abortion is a personal decision, not that of the government.

I'd love all these small gov types to explain why this is an exception but the only thing you will get is a response of feelings "Murder!!!"
The right wing echo chamber might have some credibility if they offered common sense solutions to unwanted pregnancies. That they don't is noteworthy and suggests the death of a fetus is not what motivates them. Why do they oppose:

1. An age-appropriate public school health curriculum which includes comprehensive information about human sexuality, including methods of contraception; the nature and transmission of sexually transmitted disease; family life and family planning, including the cost to raise child to age 18 & beyond; the legal and financial responsibility of males to support their offspring;

2. Free contraceptives to all females of child bearing age without parental knowledge when so requested by a child over the age of 13, and condoms to boys age 13 and above too;

3. Free HPV Vaccine Information For Young Women and free vaccinations.
From the article:

Lawyers for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers brought the lawsuit, arguing that a requirement that doctors have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion clinic would force the closure of a third of the clinics in Texas.

This Is a Favored tactic of Repubs used with Abortion and Voting. Close down all the Clinics and DMV's then say "its easy to get abortion / ID just go get it"

Knowing that they've shut down a bunch of 'em and you have to figure it out.

They aren't stopping women from getting an abortion. They just make it impossible to get to it. Same thing


Judge rules controversial Texas abortion law unconstitutional

Judge rules controversial Texas abortion law unconstitutional - CBS News

Looks like not all Texans are neanderthals.....


The laws that were signed off last summer in Texas closed 37 out of 41 abortion/birth control/STD testing centers in Texas. So do you think that was going to stop people from having sex?

Texas also simultaneously passed a draconian anti-abortion bill that is thankfully temporarily appealed.

If they don't stop this shit in Texas it will become per capita a bigger welfare state than fucking Mississippi!


The laws that were signed off last summer in Texas closed 37 out of 41 abortion/birth control/STD testing centers in Texas. So do you think that was going to stop people from having sex?

Texas also simultaneously passed a draconian anti-abortion bill that is thankfully temporarily appealed.

If they don't stop this shit in Texas it will become per capita a bigger welfare state than fucking Mississippi!


Time to open up places that help people with birth control and std testing. I don't understand why they'd close them.:doubt:

Its called a doctors office you incompetent retards. That's where everyone I know goes to get BC,not some murder factory.
How terribly terribly sad. Hopefully there is appeal to this ruling already in the works. So very tragic.

Actually, what’s terribly, terribly sad so very tragic is the fact that the people and politicians of Texas wasted their time on this pointless, partisan nonsense rather than pursuing viable, substantive solutions to the problem of abortion, leading indeed to the end of the practice.

Texas lawmakers knew full well this measure was un-Constitutional, yet they enacted the law anyway in bad faith, and the measure was invalidated accordingly and correctly.

And the judge’s ruling will be upheld on appeal because Griswold/Roe/Casey is long settled, accepted case law.

Again, if Christian fundamentalists and others on the social right truly wish to see an end to abortion, they’ll stop with the inane, un-Constitutional laws violating citizens’ privacy rights and start at the long, difficult task of bringing about a workable solution.
'abortion' is a medical term

'murder' is a legal term

and none of you are qualified to label abortion as murder except the legislature

killing an unborn child is called murder in dozens of states

education, get one

You might want to research first before exhibiting your ignorance, as you’re confusing criminal law with civil law.
How terribly terribly sad. Hopefully there is appeal to this ruling already in the works. So very tragic.

Maybe so. OR maybe another law that doesn't included the parts that offend the liberals will be proposed. There is certainly no reason to abort after 20 weeks unless the fetus is dead or the mother's health is threatened.

It is ironic to me that Democrats with fight tooth and nail to save the life of a worthless, murdering thug while favoring the killing of a perfectly innocent unborn baby.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

The ruling has nothing to do with ‘offending liberals.’

The law was invalidated because it offended the Constitution.
The appeal is underway. Only logical.

Federal judge rules on Texas abortion law
Houston Chronicle *- 2 hours ago
Federal judge rules on Texas abortion law ... Abbott filed the appeal about an hour after the ruling was made public Monday ... "We' re ready for the next round," said Emily Horne, a legislative associate with Texas Right to Life.

How terribly terribly sad. Hopefully there is appeal to this ruling already in the works. So very tragic.

Actually, what’s terribly, terribly sad so very tragic is the fact that the people and politicians of Texas wasted their time on this pointless, partisan nonsense rather than pursuing viable, substantive solutions to the problem of abortion, leading indeed to the end of the practice.

Texas lawmakers knew full well this measure was un-Constitutional, yet they enacted the law anyway in bad faith, and the measure was invalidated accordingly and correctly.

And the judge’s ruling will be upheld on appeal because Griswold/Roe/Casey is long settled, accepted case law.

Again, if Christian fundamentalists and others on the social right truly wish to see an end to abortion, they’ll stop with the inane, un-Constitutional laws violating citizens’ privacy rights and start at the long, difficult task of bringing about a workable solution.

Saving babies lives is not partisan politics its life or death literally. Some of you mental defects would let a woman murder her baby up until due date. My niece was born at 32 weeks,I have another niece that could be born ANY DAY she is only 25 weeks and docs says she has 75% chance of living if she has to be taken early...you people are disgusting and no better than child rapists and murderers.Takes a real sick person to defend the murder of the unborn,they can't find for themselves so its up to us to defend them.Course I am sure its easy once you wrap your warped brain into thinking oh well its just a bunch of cells its not a human life I am slaughtering. I wish Eric Rudolph had taken more of the sick fucks that slaughter babies out. Violence in the defense of saving the unborn is righteous.
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How terribly terribly sad. Hopefully there is appeal to this ruling already in the works. So very tragic.

Maybe so. OR maybe another law that doesn't included the parts that offend the liberals will be proposed. There is certainly no reason to abort after 20 weeks unless the fetus is dead or the mother's health is threatened.

It is ironic to me that Democrats with fight tooth and nail to save the life of a worthless, murdering thug while favoring the killing of a perfectly innocent unborn baby.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Well, you know, here's the problem. 147 people have been released from Death Row because someone else did what they were accused of.

And Fetuses aren't "babies".

Any woman who is having an abortion after the 20th week is doing so for valid medical reasons. No one waits that long on a pregnancy they didnt' want.

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