Judge Rules Elections with Broken Machines in 60% of Precincts and No Chain of Custody for Ballots Are Free, Fair and Certifiable

"Fat troll trying to derail another thread with its stupidity. Fuck off and enjoy burning in hell asshole."
Recently I had expressed some admiration that good poster Lantern had shown some discipline in reducing his disappointing --but prolific -- use of the f-bomb in many of his sentences, many of his posts. Lately, there seemed to be, in my view, a recognition by him that his avatar was projecting a rather unfortunate image of himself and the causes he advocates. And we hoped that such recognition --and seeming change ---would make him a better poster, one that could maybe be taken seriously.

As we all observed previously, the frequent, regular, and prolific use of the f-bomb was an unequivocal 'tell' about his level of education and about the quality and character of his childhood upbringing. And all of that looked unfortunate, even disadvantaged, I suppose.

So now, this apparent retrogression is doubly unfortunate.
We wish him well and hope that he can find a useful mentor, an admirable role-model. It seems, at least to me, that he cannot change without some mature and capable assistance.

Most judges are liberal and will rule in favor of Democrats regardless of the circumstances.
It would be of interest to the board, if poster Blaster could responsibly furnish some vetted and reliable data supporting his assertion.

ps....Blaster, that is a hint.


Election tampering is what keeps Democrats in office.
Good poster Blaster.....check out the hint offered just above. It applies to this assertion too.
So, man up Skippy. Show us what you've got. Give it your best shot.
Total insanity.

gatewaypundit =fake news. The judge ruled according to the facts in the case not the fiction you are trying to palm off. The Republican AG and Governor both certified the election as well as the chief judge.
Kari represents the hopes and dreams of many millions of Americans.

Trump will be missing a golden opportunity if he doesn't come out wit a very strong reaction to the misjustice of Kari's stolen election.

There is perhaps no issue that is more sacred to the political right's politics than this one, at this moment in time.

Kari is as American as apple pie, guns, and motherhood!

Allowing this betrayal of the truth is equivalent to not having a country anymore!

Kari is a right wing Nazi. She wants to make it harder to vote because she knows the higher the turnout, the less of a chance Republicans have to win.
I believe we will find out how long, because Dems have shown no capacity to be honest about the havoc they have wreaked on our country.

It is you Nazi Republicans who are attacking this country. You are the ones attacking the rights of Americans in this country.
Election tampering is what keeps Democrats in office.

Election tampering is what keeps Republicans in power. The only reason they got the House was by gerrymandering and making the right to vote a mockery and useless.
You can now steal an election and the judge will so ok.... just wow... Election integrity just went bye bye for real. Open season on stealing elections.... Thompson is a democrat and an activist.
The right’s war on facts and the truth continues as well.
"Common-sense doesn't need proof."

Ummm, OK. Perhaps. But first........
...but first, 'common sense' need be established.

And, to date, you have not provided the forum with any assurance.....any 'proof'.....that you've got enough common sense to prove your previous assertion about 'most judges'.

No disrespect intended.

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