Judge Rules Elections with Broken Machines in 60% of Precincts and No Chain of Custody for Ballots Are Free, Fair and Certifiable

I'm telling you. It's pointless to even talk about it anymore. Our only options are to let it happen or to beat them at their own game.
Recently I had expressed some admiration that good poster Lantern had shown some discipline in reducing his disappointing --but prolific -- use of the f-bomb in many of his sentences, many of his posts. Lately, there seemed to be, in my view, a recognition by him that his avatar was projecting a rather unfortunate image of himself and the causes he advocates. And we hoped that such recognition --and seeming change ---would make him a better poster, one that could maybe be taken seriously.

As we all observed previously, the frequent, regular, and prolific use of the f-bomb was an unequivocal 'tell' about his level of education and about the quality and character of his childhood upbringing. And all of that looked unfortunate, even disadvantaged, I suppose.

So now, this apparent retrogression is doubly unfortunate.
We wish him well and hope that he can find a useful mentor, an admirable role-model. It seems, at least to me, that he cannot change without some mature and capable assistance.
This from an asshole who calls me a groomer and Anti-Semite, then runs like the bitch “he” is when told to produce proof. Of that or ANY of the bullshit you’ve spewed. Proving you are nothing but a troll and a parrot for the Dem party. Ignoring your own side’s much worse behavior shows you to be a hypocrite as well. I’ll guarantee I am more educated than you are. You are again called on to provide proof of your claims. More likely you’ll cry, deny your own words, and run away.
"...who calls me a groomer and Anti-Semite..." (*)

Don't talk the walk.
Walk the walk.
Show us.
Whatcha got?
Or go.

(*)....as long as you brought up such alleged charges, poster lantern, ....well, do YOU think you are either? A 'groomer', or an 'Anti-Semite'?

If you don't....well, why not?
Don't talk the walk.
Walk the walk.
Show us.
Whatcha got?
Or go.

(*)....as long as you brought up such alleged charges, poster lantern, ....well, do YOU think you are either? A 'groomer', or an 'Anti-Semite'?

If you don't....well, why not?
You are a disgusting, lying sack of shit you retard. Calling me a groomer again you asshole. No asshole, I’ve already shown your comments, now YOU better produce proof. Now. Seems you can’t produce proof, so to you pathetically deflect. Show your proof or be deemed a liar yet again. Projection from you, meaning we know what you support......
"I’ve already shown your comments, now YOU better produce proof.."

So, good poster 'lantern'.....you are unable or unwilling to show us just exactly what it is your are referring to?

OK, your choice.
But, mi amigo, it is a 'tell' on you.
Not on my poor avatar.

If you got a beef.....detail it.

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