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Judge rules for Kountze cheerleaders in Bible banner suit

I see you're another ingoramous that allows others to do your thinking for you. There is nothing nuetral about the 1st Amendment, it's quite clear, congress shall pass no law establishing a state religion and Congress shall pass no laws prohibiting the free expression of your relligion. Doesn't sound very "neutral" to me.

I see you’re dishonest and post only selective parts of the 1st Amendment. As I identified earlier, the FF’s were very clear about the constitution being neutral regarding religion. Selective parsing is frequently a tactic of those wishing to press an agenda or a particular issue so you’re actions are not terribly surprising. For that matter, they’re typical of those pressing a fundamentalist religious agenda.

It has already been argued and long ago acknowledged that the concept of men's religious beliefs were part and parcel of the founding of the country. However, the wording of the Constitution is clearly meant to encompass numerous beliefs, extant at the time, to cover the general consensus of beliefs. Hence, deistic terms like "Creator" and "Nature's God", "divine Providence" and the quite evident lack of reference to Jesus and Yahweh (despite robust debate to include them). The closest reference is to a "Supreme Judge", but of course that could be Amun Ra, couldn't it?

I'm sorry, the Constitution says nothing about promoting or favoring one religion over another, that is what Court Precedent said, not what the Constitution said, and Thomas Jefferson warned us that we would live under an oligarchy if we allowed the supreme court to be the only arbiters of the Constitution. If they were adverse to "promoting" one relgion over another, then you could maybe explain to me about the funding to pay missionaries and to build churches coming from Congress. How Congress funded and authorized the printing of a Christian bible during the Revolution. Why they had Chrsitian church services in many Public Buildings including the US Capitol on Sundays and, well the list goes on and on, but my point was made with just one of these.

Now you’re beginning to “get it”. “The Constitution says nothing about promoting or favoring one religion over another.” A gold star for you.

What point did you make? Very often, the discussions promoted by fundamentalists goes the way of sidestepping which invariably leads to answers couched in terms of “but, but, but, but what about…” and personally, I find fundamentalists to be the worst offenders at that. They become divorced from reality, dissociated from the thread topic, and what began as a search for understanding degenerates for them into a hopeless, unwinnable promotion of their religious beliefs.

What you should be aware of is that it was The Continental-Confederation Congress that authorized the activities you describe. Once again. The constitution, (you know what the constitution is, correct?), disallows promotion of any one religion.

Note the part of the 1st Amendment you chose not to include in your post demands ”no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

The result of the above is profound in that it extends a simple courtesy to all citizens of the U.S. (as much as it may be revolting to you). However, the result of this by definition means the gov't cannot exalt one religion over another. Keep Christianity in culture, whether or not Christianity is dominant or not, but do not allow the government to assert it or any other religion over the other. The only way to do that is to be neutral on the issue of religion at all. As the country does become more diversified and embraces more religious beliefs (including none) the Constitution is designed to evolve to include those concerns. The Founding Fathers would, I believe, note their legal design has worked quite successfully – even despite conservative Republican disassembly of the separation of church and state under Eisenhower in the 1950's (changing the FF's motto of "E Pluribus Unum" to In God We Trust" and placing "Under God" in the pledge-- both done in the 1950's).

One last morsel of food for thought: How incredibly weak some gods are, that they need to be compelled on all.

They belonged to Christian curches 93% of them, most of them to the most extremely "conservative" Christian churches of that day and made public declarations of that fact and that is historical fact and that fact speaks for itself.

Another historical fact that speaks for itself is that these men who “belonged to Christian curches 93% of them, most of them to the most extremely "conservative" Christian churches of that day”, knew enough about Christianity (and religions), to understand the dangers that religion can present.

Thank god for the Founding Fathers, eh? Their foresight in crafting the Constitution is instrumental in protecting me from being forced to pledge to your gods or anyone else’s gods. Whew, I’m a happy non-believer. I would hate to think of the state of affairs that this nation would be in if fundamentalist Christians had a free hand in government.

The Founding Fathers knew that there was no claim to protect the state from religion as that would be impossible. The men who were elected to govern would have brought their religious beliefs to the legislature-- whatever those beliefs are. The wall of separation most assuredly does protect the plurality of religion, and by design, which is why when the state endorses any religious concepts it must by definition disenfranchise other beliefs. The inclusion of a monotheistic god for instance by definition excludes any polytheistic religious persuasion (a mainstream one like Hinduism for example).
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Bravo. The "wall of separation most assuredly does protect the plurality of religion, and by design," that man be protected from tax-supported religious imposition as well. The FFs had their say, and SCOTUS is the voice of Constitutional law for more than the last 200 years. Finis.
Issues like this will not be settled by judges forever, eventually "We the People" will take this nation back from activist judges that "interpret" the Constitution, not on the intents of the founders, but on thier own Godless and moralless opinions and political beleifs. The intent of the founders was NEVER meant to be a separation keeping religion out of the govt, but rather a separation meant to keep the govt out of our religion. The founders themselves grew up using the bible as a text book, and never said or did anything to stop that. Congress approved the printing of the Christian Bible during the Revolutionary war. Govt buildings, including the US Capitol building, where used for Christian church services when Thomas Jefferson, (remember him?), author of that ole "Wall of Separation" letter you Godless heathens and liberals love to quote, was the VP, and the US Marine Corps Band performed in many of these church services held in the Capitol. The US govt paid for missionaries and for the buidling of churches under the authorazation of Thomas Jefferson. I led with Thomas Jefferson because like I said, the Godless heathens and atheists love to quote his letter when addressing the separation issue, of course twisting it to mean something he never intended it to mean, but we have more proof of the Founder's intent than just the facts about Jefferson. We can look at the Founders themselves and what they believed to tell what their "intent" was in regards to the importance of the Christian faith in their lives, decisions and vision for the new nation they were creating.

Stands to Reason:
The phrase "Founding Fathers" is a proper noun. It refers to a specific group of men, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. There were other important players not in attendance, like Jefferson, whose thinking deeply influenced the shaping of our nation. These 55 Founding Fathers, though, made up the core.

The denominational affiliations of these men were a matter of public record. Among the delegates were 28 Episcopalians, 8 Presbyterians, 7 Congregationalists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Dutch Reformed, 2 Methodists, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 unknown, and only 3 deists--Williamson, Wilson, and Franklin--this at a time when church membership entailed a sworn public confession of biblical faith.[1]

This is a revealing tally. It shows that the members of the Constitutional Convention, the most influential group of men shaping the political foundations of our nation, were almost all Christians, 51 of 55--a full 93%. Indeed, 70% were Calvinists (the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and the Dutch Reformed), considered by some to be the most extreme and dogmatic form of Christianity.

Now only Godless scum, led and influenced by Satan himself, would ever "interpret" the intent of the Founders to be anything other than an intent based upon the core values and morals held by men of God, men who publically, as Govt. officials, the FIRST govt officials, proclaimed their belief in and dedication to, the Christian Lord and Savior. It's obvious that atheists, and for that matter muslims, buddhists, pagans and all other manner of Godless followers of Godless religions, had little or nothing to do with our nation's founding, and the intent of the Founders was never to sepatate the Lord they believed in from the Nation they were founding, but rather to keep the Nation's govt they were leaving behind from interfering with the teachings of the Lord they loved and followed.

These issues run too deep for most Patriots to forever be held in check by Godless courts, led by a tiny, tiny minority of Godless scum. Eventually the Patriots will say enough is enough, this nation was not founded for, nor built by, the Godless scum that now dictates the direction we are heading. Only an idiot, or one led and influenced by the enemy of the faith our Founders held dear, would ever think the founders intended the 14th amendment to mean sodomites and lesbians could be legally recognized as married couples, or that woman can wantonly destroy life in the womb for no reason, or that the intent of the 1st amendment was to deny school kids, or anyone else for that matter, the right to publically proclaim their belief in the Lord ior to tear down Ten Commandment signs on public property or take down Crosses on public land. These things, and the 101 other similar decisions Godless judges have decided over the past few decades, telling us this is their interpretation of the Foudner's intent, while ALL the evidence available contridicts this, will lead to the balkinazation of this nation and secterian warfare eventually. Chief Justice Hughes fired the first shot in 1907 when he informed us peons "We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is," but believe me, that wasn't the last shot to be taken, the last shot to be taken is on the horizon. Jefferson warned us of the despotism we would live under if "We the People" allowed robed whores to be the only arbiters of the Constitution, a job the Founders meant to be held by the people as represented in Congress, and Patriots around this nation are starting to heed Jefferson's warning and are starting to remember the words of the REAL founding document of this Nation, which wasn't the Constitution, but the Declaration of Independence which tells us;

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

The days when of a tiny 2-5% minority, can dictate the morals, values and lives of the 98%, is coming to an end.

Stand to Reason: The Faith of Our Fathers
The founders would have scoffed at Stand To Reason.

Issues like this will not be settled by judges forever, eventually "We the People" will take this nation back from activist judges that "interpret" the Constitution, not on the intents of the founders, but on thier own Godless and moralless opinions and political beleifs. The intent of the founders was NEVER meant to be a separation keeping religion out of the govt, but rather a separation meant to keep the govt out of our religion. The founders themselves grew up using the bible as a text book, and never said or did anything to stop that. Congress approved the printing of the Christian Bible during the Revolutionary war. Govt buildings, including the US Capitol building, where used for Christian church services when Thomas Jefferson, (remember him?), author of that ole "Wall of Separation" letter you Godless heathens and liberals love to quote, was the VP, and the US Marine Corps Band performed in many of these church services held in the Capitol. The US govt paid for missionaries and for the buidling of churches under the authorazation of Thomas Jefferson. I led with Thomas Jefferson because like I said, the Godless heathens and atheists love to quote his letter when addressing the separation issue, of course twisting it to mean something he never intended it to mean, but we have more proof of the Founder's intent than just the facts about Jefferson. We can look at the Founders themselves and what they believed to tell what their "intent" was in regards to the importance of the Christian faith in their lives, decisions and vision for the new nation they were creating.

Stands to Reason:
The phrase "Founding Fathers" is a proper noun. It refers to a specific group of men, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. There were other important players not in attendance, like Jefferson, whose thinking deeply influenced the shaping of our nation. These 55 Founding Fathers, though, made up the core.

The denominational affiliations of these men were a matter of public record. Among the delegates were 28 Episcopalians, 8 Presbyterians, 7 Congregationalists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Dutch Reformed, 2 Methodists, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 unknown, and only 3 deists--Williamson, Wilson, and Franklin--this at a time when church membership entailed a sworn public confession of biblical faith.[1]

This is a revealing tally. It shows that the members of the Constitutional Convention, the most influential group of men shaping the political foundations of our nation, were almost all Christians, 51 of 55--a full 93%. Indeed, 70% were Calvinists (the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and the Dutch Reformed), considered by some to be the most extreme and dogmatic form of Christianity.

Now only Godless scum, led and influenced by Satan himself, would ever "interpret" the intent of the Founders to be anything other than an intent based upon the core values and morals held by men of God, men who publically, as Govt. officials, the FIRST govt officials, proclaimed their belief in and dedication to, the Christian Lord and Savior. It's obvious that atheists, and for that matter muslims, buddhists, pagans and all other manner of Godless followers of Godless religions, had little or nothing to do with our nation's founding, and the intent of the Founders was never to sepatate the Lord they believed in from the Nation they were founding, but rather to keep the Nation's govt they were leaving behind from interfering with the teachings of the Lord they loved and followed.

These issues run too deep for most Patriots to forever be held in check by Godless courts, led by a tiny, tiny minority of Godless scum. Eventually the Patriots will say enough is enough, this nation was not founded for, nor built by, the Godless scum that now dictates the direction we are heading. Only an idiot, or one led and influenced by the enemy of the faith our Founders held dear, would ever think the founders intended the 14th amendment to mean sodomites and lesbians could be legally recognized as married couples, or that woman can wantonly destroy life in the womb for no reason, or that the intent of the 1st amendment was to deny school kids, or anyone else for that matter, the right to publically proclaim their belief in the Lord ior to tear down Ten Commandment signs on public property or take down Crosses on public land. These things, and the 101 other similar decisions Godless judges have decided over the past few decades, telling us this is their interpretation of the Foudner's intent, while ALL the evidence available contridicts this, will lead to the balkinazation of this nation and secterian warfare eventually. Chief Justice Hughes fired the first shot in 1907 when he informed us peons "We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is," but believe me, that wasn't the last shot to be taken, the last shot to be taken is on the horizon. Jefferson warned us of the despotism we would live under if "We the People" allowed robed whores to be the only arbiters of the Constitution, a job the Founders meant to be held by the people as represented in Congress, and Patriots around this nation are starting to heed Jefferson's warning and are starting to remember the words of the REAL founding document of this Nation, which wasn't the Constitution, but the Declaration of Independence which tells us;

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

The days when of a tiny 2-5% minority, can dictate the morals, values and lives of the 98%, is coming to an end.

Stand to Reason: The Faith of Our Fathers
The founders would have scoffed at Stand To Reason.

Issues like this will not be settled by judges forever, eventually "We the People" will take this nation back from activist judges that "interpret" the Constitution, not on the intents of the founders, but on thier own Godless and moralless opinions and political beleifs. The intent of the founders was NEVER meant to be a separation keeping religion out of the govt, but rather a separation meant to keep the govt out of our religion. The founders themselves grew up using the bible as a text book, and never said or did anything to stop that. Congress approved the printing of the Christian Bible during the Revolutionary war. Govt buildings, including the US Capitol building, where used for Christian church services when Thomas Jefferson, (remember him?), author of that ole "Wall of Separation" letter you Godless heathens and liberals love to quote, was the VP, and the US Marine Corps Band performed in many of these church services held in the Capitol. The US govt paid for missionaries and for the buidling of churches under the authorazation of Thomas Jefferson. I led with Thomas Jefferson because like I said, the Godless heathens and atheists love to quote his letter when addressing the separation issue, of course twisting it to mean something he never intended it to mean, but we have more proof of the Founder's intent than just the facts about Jefferson. We can look at the Founders themselves and what they believed to tell what their "intent" was in regards to the importance of the Christian faith in their lives, decisions and vision for the new nation they were creating.

Stands to Reason:
The phrase "Founding Fathers" is a proper noun. It refers to a specific group of men, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. There were other important players not in attendance, like Jefferson, whose thinking deeply influenced the shaping of our nation. These 55 Founding Fathers, though, made up the core.

The denominational affiliations of these men were a matter of public record. Among the delegates were 28 Episcopalians, 8 Presbyterians, 7 Congregationalists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Dutch Reformed, 2 Methodists, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 unknown, and only 3 deists--Williamson, Wilson, and Franklin--this at a time when church membership entailed a sworn public confession of biblical faith.[1]

This is a revealing tally. It shows that the members of the Constitutional Convention, the most influential group of men shaping the political foundations of our nation, were almost all Christians, 51 of 55--a full 93%. Indeed, 70% were Calvinists (the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and the Dutch Reformed), considered by some to be the most extreme and dogmatic form of Christianity.

Now only Godless scum, led and influenced by Satan himself, would ever "interpret" the intent of the Founders to be anything other than an intent based upon the core values and morals held by men of God, men who publically, as Govt. officials, the FIRST govt officials, proclaimed their belief in and dedication to, the Christian Lord and Savior. It's obvious that atheists, and for that matter muslims, buddhists, pagans and all other manner of Godless followers of Godless religions, had little or nothing to do with our nation's founding, and the intent of the Founders was never to sepatate the Lord they believed in from the Nation they were founding, but rather to keep the Nation's govt they were leaving behind from interfering with the teachings of the Lord they loved and followed.

These issues run too deep for most Patriots to forever be held in check by Godless courts, led by a tiny, tiny minority of Godless scum. Eventually the Patriots will say enough is enough, this nation was not founded for, nor built by, the Godless scum that now dictates the direction we are heading. Only an idiot, or one led and influenced by the enemy of the faith our Founders held dear, would ever think the founders intended the 14th amendment to mean sodomites and lesbians could be legally recognized as married couples, or that woman can wantonly destroy life in the womb for no reason, or that the intent of the 1st amendment was to deny school kids, or anyone else for that matter, the right to publically proclaim their belief in the Lord ior to tear down Ten Commandment signs on public property or take down Crosses on public land. These things, and the 101 other similar decisions Godless judges have decided over the past few decades, telling us this is their interpretation of the Foudner's intent, while ALL the evidence available contridicts this, will lead to the balkinazation of this nation and secterian warfare eventually. Chief Justice Hughes fired the first shot in 1907 when he informed us peons "We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is," but believe me, that wasn't the last shot to be taken, the last shot to be taken is on the horizon. Jefferson warned us of the despotism we would live under if "We the People" allowed robed whores to be the only arbiters of the Constitution, a job the Founders meant to be held by the people as represented in Congress, and Patriots around this nation are starting to heed Jefferson's warning and are starting to remember the words of the REAL founding document of this Nation, which wasn't the Constitution, but the Declaration of Independence which tells us;

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

The days when of a tiny 2-5% minority, can dictate the morals, values and lives of the 98%, is coming to an end.

Stand to Reason: The Faith of Our Fathers

And that changes the historical facts how?
Historical facts are such, and your interp is not.

Sorry son, I merely stated the relgiious denominations/beliefs the Founders themselves publically proclaimed, I didn't offer any interpretation of them. Maybe you need to look up the definition of interpret and get back to me.
Nope, you gave your interp of what you want others to think the Founders supposedly thought, and you did it very poorly.
Nope, you gave your interp of what you want others to think the Founders supposedly thought, and you did it very poorly.

Guess you failed to look up the defintion of interpret. You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't get a dumbass to educate themselves. I tried. Now piss off dumbass.
The founders would have scoffed at Stand To Reason.

Issues like this will not be settled by judges forever, eventually "We the People" will take this nation back from activist judges that "interpret" the Constitution, not on the intents of the founders, but on thier own Godless and moralless opinions and political beleifs. The intent of the founders was NEVER meant to be a separation keeping religion out of the govt, but rather a separation meant to keep the govt out of our religion. The founders themselves grew up using the bible as a text book, and never said or did anything to stop that. Congress approved the printing of the Christian Bible during the Revolutionary war. Govt buildings, including the US Capitol building, where used for Christian church services when Thomas Jefferson, (remember him?), author of that ole "Wall of Separation" letter you Godless heathens and liberals love to quote, was the VP, and the US Marine Corps Band performed in many of these church services held in the Capitol. The US govt paid for missionaries and for the buidling of churches under the authorazation of Thomas Jefferson. I led with Thomas Jefferson because like I said, the Godless heathens and atheists love to quote his letter when addressing the separation issue, of course twisting it to mean something he never intended it to mean, but we have more proof of the Founder's intent than just the facts about Jefferson. We can look at the Founders themselves and what they believed to tell what their "intent" was in regards to the importance of the Christian faith in their lives, decisions and vision for the new nation they were creating.

Stands to Reason:
The phrase "Founding Fathers" is a proper noun. It refers to a specific group of men, the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. There were other important players not in attendance, like Jefferson, whose thinking deeply influenced the shaping of our nation. These 55 Founding Fathers, though, made up the core.

The denominational affiliations of these men were a matter of public record. Among the delegates were 28 Episcopalians, 8 Presbyterians, 7 Congregationalists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Dutch Reformed, 2 Methodists, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 unknown, and only 3 deists--Williamson, Wilson, and Franklin--this at a time when church membership entailed a sworn public confession of biblical faith.[1]

This is a revealing tally. It shows that the members of the Constitutional Convention, the most influential group of men shaping the political foundations of our nation, were almost all Christians, 51 of 55--a full 93%. Indeed, 70% were Calvinists (the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and the Dutch Reformed), considered by some to be the most extreme and dogmatic form of Christianity.

Now only Godless scum, led and influenced by Satan himself, would ever "interpret" the intent of the Founders to be anything other than an intent based upon the core values and morals held by men of God, men who publically, as Govt. officials, the FIRST govt officials, proclaimed their belief in and dedication to, the Christian Lord and Savior. It's obvious that atheists, and for that matter muslims, buddhists, pagans and all other manner of Godless followers of Godless religions, had little or nothing to do with our nation's founding, and the intent of the Founders was never to sepatate the Lord they believed in from the Nation they were founding, but rather to keep the Nation's govt they were leaving behind from interfering with the teachings of the Lord they loved and followed.

These issues run too deep for most Patriots to forever be held in check by Godless courts, led by a tiny, tiny minority of Godless scum. Eventually the Patriots will say enough is enough, this nation was not founded for, nor built by, the Godless scum that now dictates the direction we are heading. Only an idiot, or one led and influenced by the enemy of the faith our Founders held dear, would ever think the founders intended the 14th amendment to mean sodomites and lesbians could be legally recognized as married couples, or that woman can wantonly destroy life in the womb for no reason, or that the intent of the 1st amendment was to deny school kids, or anyone else for that matter, the right to publically proclaim their belief in the Lord ior to tear down Ten Commandment signs on public property or take down Crosses on public land. These things, and the 101 other similar decisions Godless judges have decided over the past few decades, telling us this is their interpretation of the Foudner's intent, while ALL the evidence available contridicts this, will lead to the balkinazation of this nation and secterian warfare eventually. Chief Justice Hughes fired the first shot in 1907 when he informed us peons "We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is," but believe me, that wasn't the last shot to be taken, the last shot to be taken is on the horizon. Jefferson warned us of the despotism we would live under if "We the People" allowed robed whores to be the only arbiters of the Constitution, a job the Founders meant to be held by the people as represented in Congress, and Patriots around this nation are starting to heed Jefferson's warning and are starting to remember the words of the REAL founding document of this Nation, which wasn't the Constitution, but the Declaration of Independence which tells us;

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

The days when of a tiny 2-5% minority, can dictate the morals, values and lives of the 98%, is coming to an end.

Stand to Reason: The Faith of Our Fathers
What would you know? Wrong.
I know the Founders were generally classical liberals, and that modern day is in now way classical liberalism. It is merely the flip side of communism, both of which (1) ignore human nature and (2) prey upon the masses. Both libertarianism and communism prove the need for the Rule of Law, not man.

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