Judge rules NC can't make sure only citizens are voting

Voter suppression is a much more prevalent offense than voter fraud
"Voter suppression" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "election integrity."
How can a democratic republic stand once a radical minority of Conservatives decides that their opposition should be denied voting rights?

In America, we favor fairness.
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .

The whole purpose is to weed out people that shouldn't be voting in the first place like illegals.
That's because nobody is being suppressed. How can you say a law that applies to all people only suppresses one side?

Unless you want to make the claim that minorities are too stupid to get an ID (which is what you people really mean) then there is no suppression.
Voter suppression is a much more prevalent offense than voter fraud
"Voter suppression" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "election integrity."
How can a democratic republic stand once a radical minority of Conservatives decides that their opposition should be denied voting rights?

In America, we favor fairness.
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

The idea of the ID IS TO SHOW they are legal voters.
"Voter suppression" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "election integrity."
How can a democratic republic stand once a radical minority of Conservatives decides that their opposition should be denied voting rights?

In America, we favor fairness.
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .

The whole purpose is to weed out people that shouldn't be voting in the first place like illegals.

That doesn’t happen! Illegals don’t vote .
How can a democratic republic stand once a radical minority of Conservatives decides that their opposition should be denied voting rights?

In America, we favor fairness.
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .

The whole purpose is to weed out people that shouldn't be voting in the first place like illegals.

That doesn’t happen! Illegals don’t vote .

Nah, of course they don't.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review
Voter suppression is a much more prevalent offense than voter fraud
"Voter suppression" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "election integrity."
How can a democratic republic stand once a radical minority of Conservatives decides that their opposition should be denied voting rights?

In America, we favor fairness.
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

The idea of the ID IS TO SHOW they are legal voters.

Like a drivers license ? Which non citizens and felons who can’t vote can get.

That’s why people register . To check that . Not the old foggy giving you a ballot .
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .
how so. educate me on how it is suppression.

Because that’s the intent . They know it will effect older people who will most likely be Dem voters.

Here’s a textbook example . Grampa Joe is 80 years old . Hasn’t driven in years so his ID is an expired drivers license. He would be denied the vote even though he’s voted at that poll for 50 years because he doesn’t have a valid ID .
Once Republicans get their voter ID passed, the next step is to make it harder and harder to qualify for an ID. More hoops to jump through and more ways to disqualify an ID

Really? And that happened in what state?
North Dakota

They passed a requirement that IDs cannot have a PO Box for an address

Local reservations did not have paved roads with street names and house numbers. Native Americans relied on PO Boxes to get their mail

Their IDs became unacceptable weeks before the election even though they had been voting for years

Note: An overwhelming majority of Native Americans vote Democratic
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No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .

The whole purpose is to weed out people that shouldn't be voting in the first place like illegals.

That doesn’t happen! Illegals don’t vote .

Nah, of course they don't.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review
Show a single example where they did

Check voter rolls and see how many voters were not citizens
No one is denying voting rights to legal voters, shit for brains.
When a voter shows up without approved ID...

There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .

The whole purpose is to weed out people that shouldn't be voting in the first place like illegals.

That doesn’t happen! Illegals don’t vote .

Nah, of course they don't.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Lol. Bullshit lies from a hack righty site .

Let’s imagine this poll .
Q: “Hello sir. Are you an illegal alien?”
A: “why yes I am, strange person I just met. I admit I am in the country without proper documentation. Who wants to know “
Q “ do you also participate in voting ?”
A: “oh yes. All the time . I love voting . Even though it’s a felony that’d get deported in a hot minute !”

Lol! The above conversation has never ever happened ! Never mind 13%.
There are lots of ways to ID yourself .

What you ID freaks forget to mention is that before people used X Y or Z to ID themselves . These laws say “oh no, you can only use Z”. Even though the old way worked just fine since forever . The whole purpose is to suppress votes .
how so. educate me on how it is suppression.

Because that’s the intent . They know it will effect older people who will most likely be Dem voters.

Here’s a textbook example . Grampa Joe is 80 years old . Hasn’t driven in years so his ID is an expired drivers license. He would be denied the vote even though he’s voted at that poll for 50 years because he doesn’t have a valid ID .
Once Republicans get their voter ID passed, the next step is to make it harder and harder to qualify for an ID. More hoops to jump through and more ways to disqualify an ID

Really? And that happened in what state?
North Dakota

They passed a requirement that IDs cannot have a PO Box for an address

Local reservations did not have paved roads with street names and house numbers. Native Americans relied on PO Boxes to get their mail

Their IDs became unacceptable weeks before the election even though they had been voting for years

Note: An overwhelming majority of Native Americans vote Democratic
I call bs. I can only receive mail at my PO box but still have a "street" address. My street address is some point in the woods, off a mud/snow trail barely wide enough for a small car. If you google my address, the pin drops in the north-central part of my 200 acre property.
Oh, yeah, our Natives vote Republican. (Murkowski, Young, Sullivan)
...Voting should be as easy as drawing a breath. Suppression is the tactic of the minority party because they know that without hinderence, voters will rarely if ever vote for the minority. Insisting on ID means you have something to suppress
Biggest pile of hor$e$hit I've seen in some time...

Voting should require intelligent reflective thought, and an ability to prove that you are a resident of the precinct in question...
The whole point of the NC voter ID law wasn't to verify identification, it was to supress the votes of poor Americans.
Dumb ass I have been poor I could still come up with the 5$ for a damn State ID...stop lying.
Can you understand ‘Poll The ax’?

Why do Conservatives applaud voter suppression?

That's because nobody is being suppressed. How can you say a law that applies to all people only suppresses one side?

Unless you want to make the claim that minorities are too stupid to get an ID (which is what you people really mean) then there is no suppression.
Voter suppression is a much more prevalent offense than voter fraud
Stats? Let us see the stats. How many voters are suppressed vs. how many commit voter fraud.
Purging voter registration rolls due to inactivity is fine if those purged are notified. Eliminating polling places is fine if the population shrinks. But not if the demographics change in favor of the opposition of the party of the leaders of the board of election.

Requiring ID is a means of repressing the vote.

For every bit of anecdote about the roght’s favorite boogeymen, the Latino, there’s a mountain of evidence showing voter repression
how so. educate me on how it is suppression.

Because that’s the intent . They know it will effect older people who will most likely be Dem voters.

Here’s a textbook example . Grampa Joe is 80 years old . Hasn’t driven in years so his ID is an expired drivers license. He would be denied the vote even though he’s voted at that poll for 50 years because he doesn’t have a valid ID .
Once Republicans get their voter ID passed, the next step is to make it harder and harder to qualify for an ID. More hoops to jump through and more ways to disqualify an ID

Really? And that happened in what state?
North Dakota

They passed a requirement that IDs cannot have a PO Box for an address

Local reservations did not have paved roads with street names and house numbers. Native Americans relied on PO Boxes to get their mail

Their IDs became unacceptable weeks before the election even though they had been voting for years

Note: An overwhelming majority of Native Americans vote Democratic
I call bs. I can only receive mail at my PO box but still have a "street" address. My street address is some point in the woods, off a mud/snow trail barely wide enough for a small car. If you google my address, the pin drops in the north-central part of my 200 acre property.
Oh, yeah, our Natives vote Republican. (Murkowski, Young, Sullivan)

These reservations had no proper street addresses and the lawmakers knew it when they set the requirement, and no way of getting addresses assigned to the properties in time to allow legal residents there to vote. If Native Americans don't qualify to vote on the basis of citizenship, then the rest of you have no legal right to vote at all.

All states should have the same voter ID requirements, and those requirements should make it as easy as possible for all legal citizens to vote. You shouldn't have to jump through voter ID hoops like "exact match" because then it becomes easy to have state clerks mispell names in Democratic areas, and double check the Republican names to ensure few if any errors in those districts, which is what one of the states was doing.
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Unfortunately no one has figured out how to suppress stupid from voting.

If we get more voter ID laws we just might be surprised at the amount of fraud. Unfortunately gerrymandering is a problem with both parties. Even when there is no intent to do so the other side will still call it in the hopes that calling it gerrymandering will somehow work in their favor.

So if voter fraud is not a problem why are you so dead set against an ID? If it were cost I would be more on your side. But when cost is zero or minimal the only reason to oppose an ID is that you think there is something to hide.

You are required to have a passport, drivers license, birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, social security number and others. If you think they are all so bad for everyone then campaign for the repeal of all those I have listed and the others.
Voting should be as easy as drawing a breath.

Suppression is the tactic of the minority party because they know that without hinderence, voters will rarely if ever vote for the minority.

Insisting on ID means you have something to suppress
So going by your crazy notion insisting on a drivers license means that there must be something to hide. Requiring a social security number means both parties have something to hide. Requiring a birth certificate means that the hospital has something to hid. See anything wrong your your assumption yet?

You can try and spin crazy any way you want but it just tends to make you look desperate to hide something. There is no reason not to have one and a number of reasons to have one.

Perhaps instead of an ID we should just use a thumb print. Would that make you happier?
No. I don’t agree that the right to vote should be infringed.

What is more precious, a vote or a gun?

How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:
how so. educate me on how it is suppression.

Because that’s the intent . They know it will effect older people who will most likely be Dem voters.

Here’s a textbook example . Grampa Joe is 80 years old . Hasn’t driven in years so his ID is an expired drivers license. He would be denied the vote even though he’s voted at that poll for 50 years because he doesn’t have a valid ID .
Once Republicans get their voter ID passed, the next step is to make it harder and harder to qualify for an ID. More hoops to jump through and more ways to disqualify an ID

Really? And that happened in what state?
North Dakota

They passed a requirement that IDs cannot have a PO Box for an address

Local reservations did not have paved roads with street names and house numbers. Native Americans relied on PO Boxes to get their mail

Their IDs became unacceptable weeks before the election even though they had been voting for years

Note: An overwhelming majority of Native Americans vote Democratic
I call bs. I can only receive mail at my PO box but still have a "street" address. My street address is some point in the woods, off a mud/snow trail barely wide enough for a small car. If you google my address, the pin drops in the north-central part of my 200 acre property.
Oh, yeah, our Natives vote Republican. (Murkowski, Young, Sullivan)

They do not have street addresses on their reservations. They barely have streets

Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places
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Voting should be as easy as drawing a breath.

Suppression is the tactic of the minority party because they know that without hinderence, voters will rarely if ever vote for the minority.

Insisting on ID means you have something to suppress
So going by your crazy notion insisting on a drivers license means that there must be something to hide. Requiring a social security number means both parties have something to hide. Requiring a birth certificate means that the hospital has something to hid. See anything wrong your your assumption yet?

You can try and spin crazy any way you want but it just tends to make you look desperate to hide something. There is no reason not to have one and a number of reasons to have one.

Perhaps instead of an ID we should just use a thumb print. Would that make you happier?
No. I don’t agree that the right to vote should be infringed.

What is more precious, a vote or a gun?

How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:

So the US is now Nazi Germsny
So going by your crazy notion insisting on a drivers license means that there must be something to hide. Requiring a social security number means both parties have something to hide. Requiring a birth certificate means that the hospital has something to hid. See anything wrong your your assumption yet?

You can try and spin crazy any way you want but it just tends to make you look desperate to hide something. There is no reason not to have one and a number of reasons to have one.

Perhaps instead of an ID we should just use a thumb print. Would that make you happier?
No. I don’t agree that the right to vote should be infringed.

What is more precious, a vote or a gun?

How does a thumbprint infringe on your right to vote?
How does a background check infringe on your right to new arms?

It creates a database of who owns guns, just like 1938 Germany.

Any more silly questions? :1peleas:

So the US is now Nazi Germsny

In a way, with the NICS thing, yes!

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