Judge rules Seattle's tax on the wealthy is illegal; city vows to appeal

You are as dumb as this other fool, 260 million gallons in 19 hours that's 1/5th of the total amount of raw sewage you libs typically spill in an entire year. Why are your liberal cities sewage spilling cesspools? Instead of fixing your crumbling sewage systems and fouling public waterways did you spend the money on Europe wannabe light rail? I think we all know the answer. I haven't even brought up Portland's repeated spilling of raw sewage into the Willamette river which dumps right into the Columbia. Or your filthy pigs downtown who stand on the bridges and urinate into the river.



I posted a link in post #130 you stupid moron. LOST human brain, if found contact DrLove.
You are as dumb as this other fool, 260 million gallons in 19 hours that's 1/5th of the total amount of raw sewage you libs typically spill in an entire year. Why are your liberal cities sewage spilling cesspools? Instead of fixing your crumbling sewage systems and fouling public waterways did you spend the money on Europe wannabe light rail? I think we all know the answer. I haven't even brought up Portland's repeated spilling of raw sewage into the Willamette river which dumps right into the Columbia. Or your filthy pigs downtown who stand on the bridges and urinate into the river.



I posted a link in post #130 you stupid moron. LOST human brain, if found contact DrLove.
Maybe his brain was in the sewage floating in the river!
You are as dumb as this other fool, 260 million gallons in 19 hours that's 1/5th of the total amount of raw sewage you libs typically spill in an entire year. Why are your liberal cities sewage spilling cesspools? Instead of fixing your crumbling sewage systems and fouling public waterways did you spend the money on Europe wannabe light rail? I think we all know the answer. I haven't even brought up Portland's repeated spilling of raw sewage into the Willamette river which dumps right into the Columbia. Or your filthy pigs downtown who stand on the bridges and urinate into the river.



I posted a link in post #130 you stupid moron. LOST human brain, if found contact DrLove.
Maybe his brain was in the sewage floating in the river!

I'd be surprised if this one can operate a toothbrush.
Judge rules Seattle's tax on the wealthy is illegal; city vows to appeal

The tax measure requires residents to pay a 2.25-percent tax if they are a single filer and make more than $250,000 annually or file jointly and make more than $500,000.

The Greedy Democrat Politicians destroy their own tax base by driving the middle class taxpayers and the wealthy taxpayers out of their cities and states. Left Wingers are dumb.
The judge probably makes more than that also.

California has graduated income tax rates.

I guess Seattle should have taxed everybody a little and then they would have gotten away with taxing the rich a lot more.

They (Seattle) did it all wrong.
It's strange that the Seattle government determines that the hard working owners of small businesses that barely manage to gross 250k per year are labeled wealthy. It's no secret that the "occupy Wall Street" movement was based in Seattle and if you extend that concept it seems that the Seattle government is out to cut it's own throat by destroying small businesses to make a socialist point.
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Move to the method infested back woods of south Carolina our Alabama or Kentucky and you pay zero taxes.
Any link to support your claim bud?

Learn to use google it was reported in the local news.

Why in the world I have to google it for you???. It’s your job to prove and provide the link to support your lies. Not me or us.

Didn’t I just asked you to prove to me that $15 MW disaster in Seattle? I’m still waiting.

First we determined you were uninformed, now that you are helpless. :itsok: Here dummy 260 million gallons spilled by liberals, King County warned people to avoid contact with the water and posted warning signs on nearby beach areas. In addition, Kitsap Public Health District issued a no-contact advisory and shellfish harvesting closure for nearby shorelines.

Seattle wastewater plant forced to discharge millions of gallons of sewage
Seriously, when you provide information that is not directly out of your head or not common knowledge, you are required to provide the source of the information. Everybody who went to high school knows that. They teach it in social studies class and in English when you are taught to write research papers. It's called citing sources.

Why we cite sources: "To be a responsible scholar by giving credit to other researchers and acknowledging their ideas. To avoid plagiarism by quoting words and ideas used by other authors. To allow your reader to track down the sources you used by citing them accurately..."

Usually everyone on these discussion forums does it.

LibGuides: Citing sources: Overview

LMAO who are you the forum rule monitor? Look stupid, you came into this topic poorly informed and when it became obvious how poorly informed you are then you demand others do the work of educating you. Are you a liberal? If so that would make sense.
I didn't come into this thread poorly informed. As cons do, you make up your own reality. I'm just trying to help you to understand that if you provide facts in your posts, you are required to back them up with reliable sources--you don't tell the other people to look it up. That's just uneducated.
I didn't come into this thread poorly informed. As cons do, you make up your own reality. I'm just trying to help you to understand that if you provide facts in your posts, you are required to back them up with reliable sources--you don't tell the other people to look it up. That's just uneducated.

Perfect - Leave these idiots fumbling with zippers and such.

YOU won Thread
Several libtards in this thread bragged about how progressive Portland, OR is one of the cleanest most awesome cities in the country. Today its headline news...

Breaking: Companies mull bolting progressive city of Portland amid death threats, rampant crime, homeless defecation on front of stores.

Reality seems to differ from the liberals story.

Breaking: Columbia Sportswear may close Portland office over death threats, public defecation by homeless people. Columbia Sportswear President and CEO Tim Boyle said he is concerned he made a mistake when he opened a headquarters for the company’s Sorel footwear brand downtown, calling the situation "outrageous and unacceptable."

Okay libs explain again how Portland is a shining example of progressive success.

Breaking: A few days ago, one of our employees had to run into traffic when a stranger outside our office followed her and threatened to kill her," he wrote. "On other occasions our employees have arrived at work only to be menaced by individuals camping in the doorway.

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