Judge Says Barr Misled on How His Justice Dept. Viewed Trump’s Actions

Well in reality, all one had to do was read the report to know that the Dirty Don's Lawyer was lying to protect his client.

Lies are all the NEO-GOP have left.

Vote them out in 22, 24 and 26. Just get them out of government
prevent the democrats from turning our nation into a socialist worker’s paradise. If the democrats succeed in making this a socialist nation you can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye.

Republicans have been using that line since FDR introduced Social Security. Our safety net is not Socialism. Moving to a Socialist model would require a Constitutional change. It's ain't happening.
The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. barr lied. The judge put it more politely but barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.

The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

The judge has read the documents and they don't say what barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

Maybe you could have another Fake Mueller Investigation staffed with Religious DemNazi Zealots who hate Trump and find nothing again, and try to just make shit up again.

Maybe if you were better liars you would get somewhere with your witch hunts. Maybe pay The Russians or Chinese more than $13 Million Dollars and you might get better propaganda produced by them to be propagated by the 666 FBI and Clinton-Obama-Biden Deep State Criminal Crime Family.

I think if you gave someone like Iran $50 Billion maybe they could produce a better Dirty Dossier than say Russia or China. Try that.
This whole discussion is so stupid I makes my head explode.


Nothing more needs to be said.
prevent the democrats from turning our nation into a socialist worker’s paradise. If the democrats succeed in making this a socialist nation you can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye.

Republicans have been using that line since FDR introduced Social Security. Our safety net is not Socialism. Moving to a Socialist model would require a Constitutional change. It's ain't happening.
Well I sure hope you are right but the Democratic Party seems to love socialism today thanks to Bernie Sanders, AOC and the squad. Plus there are some who disagree with you and say it is possible that socialism is in our future.

There are times when change occurs quickly. I remember how surprised I was when the USSR broke apart.

Today Russia isn’t considered to be a communist nation. The CIA World Factbook calls Russia a “semi-presidential federation.”

It seems everyday Russia is becoming more and more like our nation with a corrupted form of representative democracy verging on or actually being a banana republic and we are moving toward a authoritarian communist form of government.

We definitely live in interesting times. In passing that’s not a good thing but a curse.

The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. Barr lied. The judge put it more politely but Barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.
The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

the judge has read the documents and they don't say what Barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

How very sad that the Marxist Democrat Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they keep searching for anything to punish him for having been president and prevent him from running again in 2024 and also seeking to punish anyone who served under him. Very pathetic indeed.
How very sad that the Insane Republican Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they go running to Mar O Lago whenever summoned to bow their heads and pray to him to receive absolution and his blessing lest they receive a mean comment from him or Tucker. Very pathetic indeed.
Ha. I voted for Trump because you're a pro-Marxist Party and you've been insulting everyone who didn't vote for your candidate. That's called an immature poor loser.
Seems your fat, orange, dear leader loves Marxist.

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
"These people are sharp and they are smart".
www.unilad.co.uk › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

If you can be made to believe Joe Biden is a real change, you can be made to believe ANYTHING.

NO tweets.
NO golf.
Daily press conferences are back.
Really? You consider that meaningful change yet no $15 MW, no public option, no Medicare4All, no student debt relief, no changes in big pharma pricing, removing homeless camps but adding $20 billion to the War Department budget, foreign wars continued, Trump’s wall continued, kids in cages continued, appoints a Raytheon board member to run the war department, etc.

He was truthful when he told his wealthy supporters nothing fundamentally changes.
Meaningful change is on the way, with or without republican support.

All Trump did was sign executive orders, that had anything with Obama's name on it.
The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. Barr lied. The judge put it more politely but Barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.

The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

the judge has read the documents and they don't say what Barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

How very sad that the Marxist Democrat Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they keep searching for anything to punish him for having been president and prevent him from running again in 2024 and also seeking to punish anyone who served under him. Very pathetic indeed.
How very sad that the Insane Republican Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they go running to Mar O Lago whenever summoned to bow their heads and pray to him to receive absolution and his blessing lest they receive a mean comment from him or Tucker. Very pathetic indeed.
Ha. I voted for Trump because you're a pro-Marxist Party and you've been insulting everyone who didn't vote for your candidate. That's called an immature poor loser.
Seems your fat, orange, dear leader loves Marxist.

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
"These people are sharp and they are smart".
www.unilad.co.uk › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

If you can be made to believe Joe Biden is a real change, you can be made to believe ANYTHING.

NO tweets.
NO golf.
Daily press conferences are back.
Really? You consider that meaningful change yet no $15 MW, no public option, no Medicare4All, no student debt relief, no changes in big pharma pricing, removing homeless camps but adding $20 billion to the War Department budget, foreign wars continued, Trump’s wall continued, kids in cages continued, appoints a Raytheon board member to run the war department, etc.

He was truthful when he told his wealthy supporters nothing fundamentally changes.
Meaningful change is on the way, with or without republican support.

All Trump did was sign executive orders, that had anything with Obama's name on it.
Dream on.
Already signed the covid bill, not one republican voted for it, now they're back home bragging about how much $$$ THEY brought back home.
SLEAZEBAGS but the gullible, Trump cult will believe them.
Yeah it’s about those republicans and Trump, but Biden gets a pass. Partisans. Ugh!
When did Biden take credit for something Trump did or voted against?
What? Focus! It’s now about Joe and the Ds. Can they just do what they promised?

Trump is gone. I’m guessing your satisfied with that.
Holy fuck, it hasn't been four months yet.

Did Mexico ever send that check?

Hell did we ever get that "big, beautiful health care plan that will be better and cheaper than the ACA?"
So impeach Trump for the third time. Plus prosecute Giuliani and other people who worked in the Trump administration. (Ignore Hunter and any evidence Giuliani has on the Biden crime family.)

That should guarantee the Republicans gain full control of both Houses of Congress after the midterms and Trump or Florida Governor Desantis wins the Presidency in 2020.
But what would this bring down on us Americans? If the people whom you champion should win, how would we, the ordinary people of this nation, benefit? You are championing authoritarianism, not freedom for all Americans.
If either Trump or DeSantis were to become President in 2024 they should be able to prevent the democrats from turning our nation into a socialist worker’s paradise. If the democrats succeed in making this a socialist nation you can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye.
The problem is, unlimited power in the hands of a monarch, a mob, or a central committee always will be prone to rampant abuse and will sacrifice the God-given rights that are the very foundation of a just government.

Not only is freedom sacrificed but, perhaps ironically, so is community as society devolves to seeing the blunt instrument of the state rather than family and civil society as the basis of well-being.

So although socialists, or democratic socialists, or whatever they like to call themselves, continually dance around or dismiss the evidence that so many socialist countries have devolved into dictatorship, the reality is that authoritarianism is a bug in the system, not an outlier.

Your country may survive a mild case of socialism, but a disease is still a disease.


What's a "socialist worker's paradise"?

Define what you claim democrats want, and how it is socialist, please.
Read the links in my post.
in your own words pretty please, what is the "socialist worker's paradise"....?

You said it, you should be able to explain what you meant by your comment....no?
My job is not to educate you. I kindly provided links for you to read and learn from.
The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. barr lied. The judge put it more politely but barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.

The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

The judge has read the documents and they don't say what barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

Let me guess ANOTHER corrupt lib judge--making up shit from the BENCH?
Well in reality, all one had to do was read the report to know that the Dirty Don's Lawyer was lying to protect his client.

Lies are all the NEO-GOP have left.

Vote them out in 22, 24 and 26. Just get them out of government

Yes many of us read that report and knew that Barr was lying through his teeth. While trump went around lying his butt off.

They all need to be voted out of our government but unfortunately that's not going to happen.
the Democratic Party seems to love socialism today thanks to Bernie Sanders, AOC and the squad.

Bernie has always been that way, but the so called squad is less than 1% of the House of Representative and have more power over conservatives thought processes than they do liberals. On the left we get to hear about the New Q Caucus.

there are some who disagree with you and say it is possible that socialism is in our future.

I'm not saying it's impossible, just improbable considering how long it's been a talking point on the right.

we are moving toward a authoritarian communist form of government.

I disagree. We've increased the number of participants in our democratic elections and have nearly a 50/50 tie in government with the tie breaker going to the Dems right now. We are mired in partisan gridlock.
The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. Barr lied. The judge put it more politely but Barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.

The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

the judge has read the documents and they don't say what Barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

How very sad that the Marxist Democrat Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they keep searching for anything to punish him for having been president and prevent him from running again in 2024 and also seeking to punish anyone who served under him. Very pathetic indeed.
How very sad that the Insane Republican Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they go running to Mar O Lago whenever summoned to bow their heads and pray to him to receive absolution and his blessing lest they receive a mean comment from him or Tucker. Very pathetic indeed.
Ha. I voted for Trump because you're a pro-Marxist Party and you've been insulting everyone who didn't vote for your candidate. That's called an immature poor loser.
Seems your fat, orange, dear leader loves Marxist.

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
"These people are sharp and they are smart".
www.unilad.co.uk › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

Must taken English lessons from his own university.

It’s your spelling hahahaha.
Not my spelling or the authors, that the orange, retards, quote.

Wrong. You spelled it just like you pronounce it. Hahahaha
The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. Barr lied. The judge put it more politely but Barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.
The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

the judge has read the documents and they don't say what Barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

How very sad that the Marxist Democrat Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they keep searching for anything to punish him for having been president and prevent him from running again in 2024 and also seeking to punish anyone who served under him. Very pathetic indeed.
How very sad that the Insane Republican Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they go running to Mar O Lago whenever summoned to bow their heads and pray to him to receive absolution and his blessing lest they receive a mean comment from him or Tucker. Very pathetic indeed.
Ha. I voted for Trump because you're a pro-Marxist Party and you've been insulting everyone who didn't vote for your candidate. That's called an immature poor loser.
Seems your fat, orange, dear leader loves Marxist.

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
"These people are sharp and they are smart".
www.unilad.co.uk › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

If you can be made to believe Joe Biden is a real change, you can be made to believe ANYTHING.

NO tweets.
NO golf.
Daily press conferences are back.
Really? You consider that meaningful change yet no $15 MW, no public option, no Medicare4All, no student debt relief, no changes in big pharma pricing, removing homeless camps but adding $20 billion to the War Department budget, foreign wars continued, Trump’s wall continued, kids in cages continued, appoints a Raytheon board member to run the war department, etc.

He was truthful when he told his wealthy supporters nothing fundamentally changes.
Meaningful change is on the way, with or without republican support.

All Trump did was sign executive orders, that had anything with Obama's name on it.
The truth is what a lot of people thought at the time. Barr lied. The judge put it more politely but Barr lied. He lied through his teeth. He lied to the people of our nation, to congress and to a federal judge. Which is a federal crime.

The judge has ordered more documents released. The justice department has until May 17th to appeal but this isn't trump's lap dog justice department anymore so there is a chance that it won't be appealed.

the judge has read the documents and they don't say what Barr claimed to the people, congress and to a federal judge.

The decision to not prosecute trump was made from the beginning. There was never any advice by anyone.

How very sad that the Marxist Democrat Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they keep searching for anything to punish him for having been president and prevent him from running again in 2024 and also seeking to punish anyone who served under him. Very pathetic indeed.
How very sad that the Insane Republican Party is still so obsessed with Trump, even though he is no longer in office, that they go running to Mar O Lago whenever summoned to bow their heads and pray to him to receive absolution and his blessing lest they receive a mean comment from him or Tucker. Very pathetic indeed.
Ha. I voted for Trump because you're a pro-Marxist Party and you've been insulting everyone who didn't vote for your candidate. That's called an immature poor loser.
Seems your fat, orange, dear leader loves Marxist.

October 15 2020
At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
"These people are sharp and they are smart".
www.unilad.co.uk › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

If you can be made to believe Joe Biden is a real change, you can be made to believe ANYTHING.

NO tweets.
NO golf.
Daily press conferences are back.
Really? You consider that meaningful change yet no $15 MW, no public option, no Medicare4All, no student debt relief, no changes in big pharma pricing, removing homeless camps but adding $20 billion to the War Department budget, foreign wars continued, Trump’s wall continued, kids in cages continued, appoints a Raytheon board member to run the war department, etc.

He was truthful when he told his wealthy supporters nothing fundamentally changes.
Meaningful change is on the way, with or without republican support.

All Trump did was sign executive orders, that had anything with Obama's name on it.
Dream on.
Already signed the covid bill, not one republican voted for it, now they're back home bragging about how much $$$ THEY brought back home.
SLEAZEBAGS but the gullible, Trump cult will believe them.
Yeah it’s about those republicans and Trump, but Biden gets a pass. Partisans. Ugh!
When did Biden take credit for something Trump did or voted against?
What? Focus! It’s now about Joe and the Ds. Can they just do what they promised?

Trump is gone. I’m guessing your satisfied with that.
Holy fuck, it hasn't been four months yet.

Did Mexico ever send that check?

Hell did we ever get that "big, beautiful health care plan that will be better and cheaper than the ACA?"
We had it and the Obamunist screwed it all up.
Attacking the Judge will not change the fact of what is in the memos.

Barr "backed into" his "determination". Mueller clearly disagreed with what Barr claimed

He (Barr) had decided he was going to do everything in his power as head of DOJ to help/save Trump and the memos prove it.
Attacking the Judge will not change the fact of what is in the memos.

Barr "backed into" his "determination". Mueller clearly disagreed with what Barr claimed

He (Barr) had decided he was going to do everything in his power as head of DOJ to help/save Trump and the memos prove it.

Thank you.

He also made the choice to lie through his teeth to the people of our nation, to the congress and to a federal judge.

All to cover up the fact that he never consulted with anyone about trump's crimes and made his own decision from the beginning to never prosecute trump for the crimes he has committed. Then when confronted with it, he keeps lying to try to cover the whole thing up.
Attacking the Judge will not change the fact of what is in the memos.

Barr "backed into" his "determination". Mueller clearly disagreed with what Barr claimed

He (Barr) had decided he was going to do everything in his power as head of DOJ to help/save Trump and the memos prove it.
Mad Moscow Mueller did nothing but prove how much of an incompetent, corrupt, paid lackey he is for the CCP-Russia and China owned DemNazi Globalist Marxist Party.
Attacking the Judge will not change the fact of what is in the memos.

Barr "backed into" his "determination". Mueller clearly disagreed with what Barr claimed

He (Barr) had decided he was going to do everything in his power as head of DOJ to help/save Trump and the memos prove it.

Thank you.

He also made the choice to lie through his teeth to the people of our nation, to the congress and to a federal judge.

All to cover up the fact that he never consulted with anyone about trump's crimes and made his own decision from the beginning to never prosecute trump for the crimes he has committed. Then when confronted with it, he keeps lying to try to cover the whole thing up.
Are you talking about James Comey lying to The FISA Court, or Mueller lying to Barr when he tried to erase Page and her cheating lover's cell phones? Maybe you are talking to Hillary lying about her 17 devices she smashed with a sledgehammer, or Comey and Clinton lying to The American people about the 33,000 Government Emails she deleted? Maybe you are talking about Comey and The FBI lying about the emails he and Clinton said they did not exist found on Anthony Weiner's laptop, or Clinton lying about taking money from Putin to do The Uranium 1 deal? Or heck, her lying about Benghazi being used to illegally run weapons to Al Queada and Isis to remove Assad, and then killing Qaddafi and destroying The Benghazi Outpost to cover up their crimes?

Need I go on?
So impeach Trump for the third time. Plus prosecute Giuliani and other people who worked in the Trump administration. (Ignore Hunter and any evidence Giuliani has on the Biden crime family.)

That should guarantee the Republicans gain full control of both Houses of Congress after the midterms and Trump or Florida Governor Desantis wins the Presidency in 2020.
But what would this bring down on us Americans? If the people whom you champion should win, how would we, the ordinary people of this nation, benefit? You are championing authoritarianism, not freedom for all Americans.
If either Trump or DeSantis were to become President in 2024 they should be able to prevent the democrats from turning our nation into a socialist worker’s paradise. If the democrats succeed in making this a socialist nation you can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye.
The problem is, unlimited power in the hands of a monarch, a mob, or a central committee always will be prone to rampant abuse and will sacrifice the God-given rights that are the very foundation of a just government.

Not only is freedom sacrificed but, perhaps ironically, so is community as society devolves to seeing the blunt instrument of the state rather than family and civil society as the basis of well-being.

So although socialists, or democratic socialists, or whatever they like to call themselves, continually dance around or dismiss the evidence that so many socialist countries have devolved into dictatorship, the reality is that authoritarianism is a bug in the system, not an outlier.

Your country may survive a mild case of socialism, but a disease is still a disease.


What's a "socialist worker's paradise"?

In your own words, please Define what you claim democrats want, and how it is socialist.

Notice that these right-wing-nuts can never articulate the policies they espouse, much less defend them. In the last election, the republicans didn't even have a platform. On USMB and other propaganda sites, they just repeat stupid names like, "socialist," "communist," "marxist," etc. because they don't know how to have a civilized debate.
OMG. The libs can't defend Biden's policies, so they post troll threads like this one.
They'd rather discuss/debate a hoax than reality.
We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who voters prefer.
So impeach Trump for the third time. Plus prosecute Giuliani and other people who worked in the Trump administration. (Ignore Hunter and any evidence Giuliani has on the Biden crime family.)

That should guarantee the Republicans gain full control of both Houses of Congress after the midterms and Trump or Florida Governor Desantis wins the Presidency in 2020.
But what would this bring down on us Americans? If the people whom you champion should win, how would we, the ordinary people of this nation, benefit? You are championing authoritarianism, not freedom for all Americans.
If either Trump or DeSantis were to become President in 2024 they should be able to prevent the democrats from turning our nation into a socialist worker’s paradise. If the democrats succeed in making this a socialist nation you can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye.
The problem is, unlimited power in the hands of a monarch, a mob, or a central committee always will be prone to rampant abuse and will sacrifice the God-given rights that are the very foundation of a just government.

Not only is freedom sacrificed but, perhaps ironically, so is community as society devolves to seeing the blunt instrument of the state rather than family and civil society as the basis of well-being.

So although socialists, or democratic socialists, or whatever they like to call themselves, continually dance around or dismiss the evidence that so many socialist countries have devolved into dictatorship, the reality is that authoritarianism is a bug in the system, not an outlier.

Your country may survive a mild case of socialism, but a disease is still a disease.


What's a "socialist worker's paradise"?

In your own words, please Define what you claim democrats want, and how it is socialist.

Notice that these right-wing-nuts can never articulate the policies they espouse, much less defend them. In the last election, the republicans didn't even have a platform. On USMB and other propaganda sites, they just repeat stupid names like, "socialist," "communist," "marxist," etc. because they don't know how to have a civilized debate.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a DemNazi Globalist Marxist doing the Devil's Dirty Work.

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